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>Date: October 20th. 2017
>Time: 9:00 AM
>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex

>As he flips a coin up into the air, Aiden looks around the room, his gaze aimlessly drifting from one bookcase to the next. His mind is a flurry of interspersed and interconnected thoughts, all sporadic and parallel to each other in time.

{"You're not feeling confident, are you? Despite everything you've done."}

{"Failure. Complete and utter failure. No recourse for your mistakes."}

{"Murderer. Attempted or not, you know what you are."}

{"Come on. Do it. Let it all go, and let us out!"}

>Catching the coin with one hand, Aiden looks at his clenched fist - seeing the muscle strain in his wrist. As he opens his hand, the coin is completely gone - atomized into nothingness as dust slowly flutters out of his palm, carried by the air of the room.

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>Faust continues wearing down Hifumi's elemental barrier with the strength and speed of his strikes - laughing hysterically all the while.

"What's the matter, bitch? Getting second thoughts? Good. It's the fear that excites me the most!"

>As the maniac continues laughing, a blur of black mass continues to consolidate around Hifumi - pushing her barrier closer and closer towards its breaking point.

>However, Asami then takes her chance - teleporting into a mass of black smoke and flames, and appearing off to the side - instantly striking Faust in the back while mid-flight, causing him to spiral towards the ground.

"What the fuck?!?!"

>Quickly moving to his feet, Faust turns his attention towards Asami - his eyes blood red behind his skull mask.

"Change of plans. I'm caving your head in first, you Japanese cun-"

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>As Faust's body then disappears, she turns to see the arrival of Mosaic and Paladin - both surprised by the outcome of the situation.

"….Hello, Mosaic."

>Asami says in a clearly annoyed tone of voice. Crossing her arms, she then states:

"I assume you are here to inform us of our parting intruders."

>She says, nodding to the burning shadows where Faust and Hollow once were.

>Looking at Paladin for a moment, he then turns back to Asami, stating:

"….That's correct, Asami. Where's your older brother? He's the one they were after."

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>As the rest of his family stands back up, Kagemusha reiterates the question:

"Were you looking for me, just to warn me about them?"

>Kagemusha says, gesturing a hand to the black shadow flames where Faust and Hollow once were.

"No. It's about who sent them. It's Ouranos."

>Raising an eyebrow, Kagemusha then says:

"I thought he would've been too scared to return. Ever since I sent him running in fear, with his proverbial tail between his legs."

>Paladin looks at Mosaic before turning back to Kagemusha - with an urgent tone in his voice.

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>Silent for a moment, Mosaic then scoffs loudly as he realizes what he's doing.

"You know, don't you?"

>Kagemusha feigns ignorance, as he speaks with an amused tone of voice.

"Oh? What have you divined with your grand wisdom?"

>Pointing a thumb back behind him at Asami, Mosaic states:

"They're still in the dark, but you figured it out. Using one of those magic techniques of yours."

>Now silent himself for a moment, Kagemusha then leans back in his chair and laughs - before stating:

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>Mosaic then turns back to Kagemusha, pointing a finger at him as he states:

"I'm warning you once, Tasogare. Back off, or you'll see just how much power I'm holding back."

>Raising his hand up in the air, Kagemusha then brings his hands together, interlocking his gloved fingers as he leans forward.

"There is no need for hostility, Mr. Grayson. I mean you no harm. I could not act against you even if I wished to - as per the terms of the binding magic."

>Still annoyed, Mosaic then asks Kagemusha:

"So what exactly do you want from me, so that I can guarantee that you don't become a pain in the ass."

>Thinking for a moment, Kagemusha then asks:

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>Date: October 16th, 2017
>Time: 8:00 AM
>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential Sector

"You know we're going to be late, right?"

"I'm moving as quickly as I can, Phoebe. Give me a moment."

>Rustling and moving items can be heard from behind a door, as Phoebe stands in the hallway. Arms crossed, she looks completely unimpressed with the situation, as her brother slowly opens the door.

"You're twenty two and you still can't properly prepare for an event?"

>Aiden scowls lightly at his sister as he places his sunglasses on - hiding his blue eyes. Now reaching into his jacket pocket, he picks out his phone and begins looking through it as he walks.

"You know, I don't have to go to this event, right?"
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>Still looking stunned, Silas slowly walks over to Magister, taking note of his identical appearance to his son Aiden. Carefully examining the young man once more, Silas then says with a shocked voice:

"….A-Aiden? Is that you, son?"

>Sighing, Magister nods as he then takes off the sunglasses once more - revealing his ruby red eyes.

"….Yes, father. It's me. You won't entirely believe the explanation I present to you, but-"

"Alternate universe counterpart?"

>Raising an eyebrow, Magister then says:

"It seems that my alternate self has informed you of my existence then?"

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"Hopefully I'm not overly encumbering in this hug!"

>Jonah says as he quickly speeds out of the house - a trail of lightning following behind him as he quickly hugs his brother, alongside his sister and his father.

"I agree with Phoebe, naturally. We're a family, Aiden - and families care about each other, through highs and lows."

>Two more people walk out of the house, slowly joining the hug as well.

"Hey, don't think that your big sis isn't there for you. Alright Aiden?"

>Kira says as she hugs him tightly along with the others.

"Don't forget about me either. Big bro's always here to help."

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>Aiden then notices Magister adjusting his stance away from them all. He then lets out a loud sigh, before closing his eyes and opening them again - with a smile on his face.

>Surprised, Aiden then looks at Magister, stating:

"….I've never seen you smile like that before. Ever…."

>Giving an amused scoff, Magister replies:

"Am I not allowed to show happiness of any kind towards my own family? Especially towards my counterpart?"

>Shaking his head, Aiden then says:

"….This is what you were trying to make me realize, isn't it?"

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>In that moment, a bright flash of light appears in the backyard - as everyone turns around to view the phenomenon.

>A large portal then appears, as two figures slowly jump through it, conversing with each other.

"I told you, he's somewhere here. I used the Compass of Calliope to find his last appearance-"

>Turning to face the people off in the distance, the young man and the young woman then immediately widen their eyes. The young woman, with bright blonde hair in a ponytail, waves excitedly.

"Hey, Aiden! Where were you?!?!"

>The woman then quickly rushes over to him, as the man with brown hair sighs and slowly walks over.

"Not so loud, Persephone. Unbelievable…."

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>As the rest of Aiden's family goes back inside the house, Aiden remains with Stella outside, sitting on the patio couch together.

"….Well, I don't know what to say, honestly."

>Aiden looks at Stella with an intrigued look on her face.

"About my family, or my family's counterparts?"

>Stella then gives a soft laugh as she replies:

"Both, I guess. They're all so…lively. Caring towards each other. I honestly do envy that about you, Aiden. I'd give anything to have a family that happy."

>Thinking for a moment, Aiden then looks up at the sky and says:

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>Derbyshire, 1998

“Dad! Dad! Watch this!”

>A young girl bursts into a small office space, the dimensions of which betray its former nature as a box room.

>Seeing the girl, the man in the room pulls away from the desk that he’s sitting at, moving some papers under some others to hide them away, and turns to face the girl.

“Sounds important. . .”

>Grinning, the girl holds up a toy sword in the air.

“Bew. . . bew. . . look out evildo. . . evildo. . . vill. . . bad guys! Super slash!”

>The girl dramatically brings the toy sword down and slashes with it, stopping as it hits the frame of the door, nicking off some of the white paint on it.

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>After a few seconds, Yvonne’s breathing calms down as she notices that the strike hasn’t connected with her. Instead, the creature looms over her, completely frozen. A cursory glance over at the window shows the rain outside is frozen in place as well.

“Well well well, this is a terrible fate you’ve gotten yourself into. . .”

>A youthful looking white-haired man steps around the creature, measuring it up and down, and then leans down, offering a hand out for Yvonne to take.

“I’m afraid you’ve not got much time before you have to make a choice, so we’d like to take a chance to make it as educated as possible. . . as neither option is good for you.”

>Yvonne meekly takes the man’s hand, and he pulls her out from under the creature.

“W-What do you mean, we? And what choice?”

>To answer the first question, an eye “burns” itself into reality, its very construction making it look unreal as it glows with a white light that seems unlike any white found on Earth. With its gaze piercing through Yvonne, a distorted voice comes from the eye.

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“A sword?”

>The eye “burns” itself into a new position.

“The Sword, the fall of knights, Madness to fight Madness, Darkness to end Darkness.”

“. . .and you want me to take it? Why can’t you?”

“It’s bound to your bloodline, possessing the sword and using it to fight Those Who Serve the Dark Tapestry is your ancient duty. As it was in my day, and as it was in your father’s day.”

“Valiant, he was, the great Dane, but he too fell, as all knights do, Madness gives what it takes.”

>Yvonne takes a moment to think through what was said, then turns to the eye.

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“. . .what?

>The man pulls away slightly from Yvonne, giving her space to move.

“Should you realise your duty, you represent a great threat to her, and. . .”

>Ignoring the man, Yvonne moves beyond him, stopping just in front of the sword, and reaches out towards it, stopping just before grabbing it.

“Death, or duty, that’s the only choice placed before you, and I’m sorry for that, really.”

“If I take it, I can get my revenge on her?”

>The white-haired man seems startled at the question. Then nods.

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>Yvonne reaches the end of the hall, stopping in front of a door. Still seething, she looks down at the handle for a moment, then she lifts her sword up and slashes it across the door, leaving a crimson scar along the wood.

>The scar pulses for a few moments, and then the door shatters into a rain of splinters, granting Yvonne a cover as she bursts into the room, bee-lining straight for the centre of it where Morfyddstands calmly.

>Before Yvonne’s sword can reach the woman, she finds her path interrupted by the maid doll, with a dull thunk of metal hitting wood echoing through the wall as it puts a hand in the way of the sword, blocking it with enough strength to cause Yvonne to struggle against it.

>Still calm, Morfydd straightens out her clothes, turning as a flash of lightning lights up the room from outside, the light causing her to be briefly silhouetted - albeit with a pair of horns on the top of her head. Once the light dies down, Morfydd turns to speak to Yvonne, who still struggles against the maid.

“Oh, Yvonne. . . it looks like I should vet who I hire more, I can’t have someone with anger issues like this managing my collection. . .”

“Well I don’t work for people who try to kill me!”

>Yvonne manages to cut through the maid’s arm, and then kicks it away as she steps forward, causing it to fly out of the building.

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>November 1st, 2017

>Several hours later, Yvonne groans as she wakes up in an impact crater created by her landing on a hill overlooking the manor.

>Standing up in her now un-transformed form, she looks over at her sword and stares at it for a few moments, then picks it up once again, checking the weight of it.

>Pointing it at the manor, she stays in place with it for a few moments, then sighs, bringing it down.

“Next time, in Sanctuary. . .”


>Morfydd walks into a darkened room, stretching out her arms and letting out a sigh of relief as a dark shadow washes over her, changing her form to another with a set of horns on her head.

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>Date: October 10th, 2017
>Time: 12:30 PM
>Location: Sanctuary City

>Hovering in the skies above the city, a pair of figures stand, seemingly on nothingness - gazing down at the metropolitan expanse below them. One of the figures, a woman dressed in ornate robes and wraps, looks down at her hand. As she caresses her palm softly, she then whispers something, barely audible to her partner.

"You're attempting the ritual here, Concordia? Why?"

>The woman, Concordia, then looks up at the man hovering before her - her eyes narrowing as she gives an amused expression on her face.

"Why else? The energy requirements for the spell are immense. If I am to free myself from this wretched entity, I will need a large enough energy source to supplement my magic. Besides…"

>Looking back down at the large expanse of the city below, she then says:

"Who better to aid in my ascension than the largest concentrated population of Meta-Humans in this country?"
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>Location: Downtown - Sanctuary City
>Time: 12:35 PM

>As Concordia and Ba'al continue hovering in the air, they begin moving along with the growth of the supernatural vegetation that is rapidly growing throughout Downtown Sanctuary City. As cars, busses and other vehicles are quickly overrun by the supernatural vines and moss - the two Sorcerers look over their work in satisfaction.

"Once enough Meta-Humans are absorbed into the mass, the transmogrification spell can catabolize their essence. It will provide us with the power we need to undo the binding spell that he placed on us."

>Concordia speaks, as Ba'al looks on aimlessly. Seeing countless Meta-Human civilians being swallowed up and consumed by the magic vegetation. Absent-mindedly, he says:

"Will this be enough, Concordia? We are lacking the time and the luxury of second chances. If we do not act soon, our master will discover our plot."

>Concordia sighs as she waves a dismissive hand at her partner, stating:

"All that matters is that we have achieved our goal. The power to free ourselves from his grasp…."
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>As the magical purifier droplets fall to the ground, they splash against the magical vegetation and moss - causing it to rapidly wither and disintegrate. Soon, all of the Meta-Human civilians trapped by the magical plants and vines are soon freed - as the overcast weather still pours down from above.

"Would you mind telling me why you decided to harvest the lives of humans here? Or do I have to force an answer out of the two of you?"

>Concordia immediately casts an incantation, creating a powerful dimensional barrier between herself and Mosaic - as Ba'al is left out of the spell's protection.

"Concordia you witch! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!"

>Concordia gives a soft laugh as she says:

"Apologies, my friend. But I must ensure that at least one of us is freed from the master's grasp."

>Before Ba'al can make a move to attack Concordia, Mosaic performs a hand gesture to cast a spell. The resulting spell is a series of bright mist particles, which quickly swirl around Ba'al - causing him to pass out soon after.

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>Mosaic continues hovering in the air, staring down the mysterious sorceress as he replies:

"I've learned not to trust the word of strangers. Especially after they've shown their intentions."

>Concordia sighs as she then holds her hands out, appearing to surrender.

"By all means, assume hostility with my actions, insofar as you have no other choice. But you do have a choice, no?"

>Smiling, Concordia begins hovering over towards Mosaic, attempting to work her charm.

"I seek only freedom from the oppressive entity that constrains me. In order to save my life from an untimely death, I chose to make a pact with an otherworldly God. A being of immense power."

>Looking over at the city below, Concordia speaks once more.

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>Concordia then looks at Mosaic, an amused look on her face as she speaks.

"Well, find yourself in a moment of desperation and plead to your God in that very same moment. You will find his acknowledgement all the more vindicating."

>Mosaic is silent for a moment before he then states:

"I already know what that feels like. Much like you, I had a choice - and I almost made the wrong choice."

>Looking down at his gloved hand, he continues speaking:

"I almost took the life of another person out of anger - and it was only by divine intervention that he survived, and became an even greater monster because of it."

>Concordia considers the words for a moment, before she then slowly hovers closer to Mosaic. As she does this, she begins placing her hands on his arm - looking at him through his mask.

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>Location: The Axiom - Nexus of Magic
>Time: Indeterminate

>As the Babylon Disc containing Concordia and now Ba'al, sits on the table before them - Mosaic crosses his arms as he speaks to Doctor.

"What are you going to do with them?"

>Doctor then looks at Mosaic, stating:

"We'll send them to the Bazaar's representative tribunal. Though they're more of a provisional mage government that handles trade affairs, they have been known to handle attempted incursions on other dimensions."

>Gesturing to the Babylon Disc on the table, Doctor then says:

"They'll likely be tried and sentenced - stripped of their magical casting abilities with artifact implants."
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>Location: Sanctuary City - Abandoned Movie Theater
>Time: 6:00 PM

>As Phantom continues remaining crouched on the floor - he ensures that Oneiros is crouched on alongside him.

"Don't make too much noise. If it really is Synapse - then he's tracking your movements via echolocation."

>Oneiros remains entirely silent, only slightly nodding before he then whispers:

["How are we gonna get out of here? You said he can track us, so if we move - we're screwed."]

>Phantom shakes his head slowly, as he quickly jettisons a shuriken disc from his wrist bracelet.

["Can you create a mass illusion? It doesn't have to be perfect - just good enough."]

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>Phantom and Mirage then appear, fully visible. Both of them are in a dashing position - ready to blitz forward as need be.

"More Champion clones? I thought they were all destroyed?"

>Squinting behind his helmet lenses for a moment, Phantom looks a bit more closely at the man. Noticing the differences in his build.

"Much sleeker and thinner frame. Clear and coherent sentences too. Huh, you must be the upgraded model."

>Not saying a word, the Centurion clone then fires off bursts of energy from his eyes - at a speed comparable to that of his armored opponents. As that catches them by surprise - they dodge out of the way, while Hildebrandt then mutters to himself.

"I need to get out of here!"

>As he quickly turns and begins to run out of the base - the Centurion clone rushes forward, beginning to punch at Phantom and Mirage.

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>Panicked, Hildebrandt then quickly turns to look at the damaged wall - before looking back at the armored vigilantes.

"No, not you damned vigilantes again!"

>Now starting to run away, he feels a strong force grab him by the back of his jacket's collar. Pulling him up, he's then turned to see the helmet lenses of Mirage looking back at him.

"Where do you think you're going? We're not done with you yet."

>Hildebrandt then attempts to blast Mirage with a burst of psionic energy - only for Mirage to look bored and uninterested in the result.

"That's the best you can do? Oh right, you don't know that the armor helps against that."

>Tossing Hildebrandt to the ground, Mirage then leans down and punches him in the face - knocking him out.


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>Meanwhile, Phantom is still fighting against the upgraded Centurion clone - trading blows with it at a surprising rate. As they continue exchanging fists, Phantom webs the Centurion clone's face - surprising him for an extra second.


>In that split second, Phantom then performs an overhead flip kick - slamming the Centurion clone into the ground. As this occurs, Centurion slowly rises up to his feet - now coughing up a bit of blood.

"Pieces of shit-"

>Before he can react, he's then punched in the face by Mirage, who then knocks the Centurion clone over to Phantom. Taking full advantage of the situation, Phantom then hits the Centurion clone with a spinning roundhouse kick to the face - blasting him up into the air.


>Mirage nods and then jumps into the air, placing her hands on the sides of her armor's shoulder cannons as they fire up powerful particle beam attacks.

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>Date: October 9th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - MRD Precinct
>Time: 5:00 PM

>As Johnny Hildebrandt is kept in a power dampening cell - Valkyrie watches over the figure from the monitoring room. Arms crossed, she then thinks to herself:

{"How was he captured so quickly? How did anyone even know where to look for him? We were only able to interrogate Stone and learn that Hildebrandt was behind the attacks but…"}

>Clearly bothered by something, Valkyrie then sighs as she turns to Mirage, stating:

"You're right, Jennifer. Something isn't adding up."

>Mirage then assumes a thinking position as she says:

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>After finishing the remote server uplink - Mirage then takes the nano chip out of the slot and places it back in her suit's biomass. Looking around to make sure that no one is present, she then presses in the front of her suit's belt buckle - changing its appearance to reveal that it's the beetle device.

>In an instant, a blue light envelops her and Mirage appears in her new armor. Then, moving at relativistic speeds - Mirage is instantly out of the MRD Precinct and already nearing the entrance to the Prism Base.

>Location: Prism Base
>Time: 5:05 PM

"Here. Did the job as requested."

>Mirage then takes the nanochip out of her armor's utility belt and hands it over to Phantom - who looks at it carefully.

"Thanks. We'll send you instructions on what to do next in a few days. Your armor's got an encrypted comms link, so we'll notify you when anything comes up."

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>Date: October 8th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - The Prism
>Time: 5:30 PM

"Careful, you don't want to lose your focus."

>Aiden continues coaching Damian as he continues fighting against the Omnikron android. The combat android continues firing off bursts of particle beams from its arm cannon - continuing to pile on pressure.

"I'm trying! But it's not easy outmaneuvering a supercomputer!"

>Damian then jumps up into the air, onto a metal railing above the combat arena of the base. The waters below contrast with the shiny metallic silver of the platform.

["Am I providing a sufficient level of challenge during this combat encounter, Mister Desmond?"]

>Omnikron asks this question to Damian with a monotone, but still inquisitive tone of voice.

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>Location: Astral Mindscape
>Time: N/A

>As 'Johnny' is plunged deep into the psionic space created by Aiden's raw psionic power - he realizes that his physical body has been separated from normal space and time. Having been removed from the universe and placed into another plane of existence entirely, he quickly scrambles to his feet.

"You think you're being funny, dipshit?! Huh?! You think this is some game?!"

>A disembodied voice from within the larger mindscape then retorts.

"Your entire existence is a game, one whose sole purpose is now to convince me to spare you."

>Before 'Johnny' can react, he's then bombarded by psionic attacks from various figures inside of the mindscape.

"So you're the new fresh meat? Delicious. I can't wait to rip you apart with my bare hands."
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>After an indeterminate amount of time - potentially eons within a mindscape, Aiden then descends down from above. As he lands on the mindscape, his alter states all stand to the side - allowing him to walk towards the bloodied and beaten form of 'Johnny'.

"No. Please….Stay away from me!"

>Aiden continues walking forward, his eyes glowing red as his anger continues to boil over.

"I wonder how many people you've said that exact statement to? Especially women."

>Reaching down and grabbing 'Johnny' by the neck, Aiden then slowly picks him up and says:

"I told you. I would make you suffer for the rest of eternity. Your nightmare's just starting."

>Taking his other hand Aiden then rips 'Johnny' apart, splitting Chase from the psionic monster that had fully possessed him - Dyskrasia. After doing so, Aiden dispels Chase from his mindscape - leaving Dyskrasia alone, surrounded by hostiles.

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>Aiden then pulls Dyskrasia in close as he stares the psionic creature down. While doing so, he then says:

"You've got centuries' worth of knowledge, correct? If not millennia. All the minds you've invaded and possessed - and all of the people whose lives you've ruined."

>Holding out his other hand as it begins to glow red, Aiden's voice remains hostile and full of pure hatred as he speaks with venom in his words.

"You will give everything to me, and then whatever's left of you will live the rest of your pitiful fucking existence in a rotting psionic jail cell."

>Before Dyskrasia can protest, Aiden's core power then activates. For the first time in his life, the anger and sheer hatred in his emotions turns his mimicry into raw absorption. Right before his very eyes, Dykrasia's form is rapidly breaking apart beyond repair - as his psionic power and knowledge is absorbed into Aiden.

>The screams of pain emanating from the psionic monster go unnoticed by Aiden and the thousands of alter states around him.

>Then in a massive burst of blue light - Dyskrasia is then entirely destroyed.


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>In that exact instance, a figure in a regal armored form stands in the place of where Aiden was. Once the blue light has disappeared, the alter states are made aware of the newcomer's presence.

"So who the hell are you supposed to be?"

>The armored figure slowly turns his head towards Ethan, craning his head to the side slightly as he responds.

"You know the answer to that, as do I. That is my function within this psionic mindscape - to know."

>The armored figure then bows, stating:

"I am his capacity to know. You may ordain me as Gnosis, for I am the central edifice of his knowledge."

>Crossing his arms behind his back, the new alter state then says:

"I am his state of mind, when the full power of our psionic potential is accessed - as is the case now."


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>Location: Grayson Manor
>Time: 6:01 PM

>Miranda slowly opens her eyes as she sees an armored figure standing before her. While her vision is still hazy, she can barely make out the silhouette of the man. Weakly, she then utters:

"A-Aiden? Is that you?"

>As her vision clears up, she sees the armored figure cross his arms behind his back as he leans down to speak to her.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Though experiencing a rare moment of psionic reintegration."

>Still trying to get her bearings, she then notices the unconscious body of Chase.

"Is he…"
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>Date: October 7th, 2017
>Location: Io - Moon of Jupiter
>Time: 10:30 AM [Relative to East Coast North America, Earth]

"You're sure that the signal came from here?"

>Looking around at the vast expanse of geographical fissures before them, Mechanicus then turns back as he continues speaking:

"Because if so, I'm not sure why I didn't detect this sooner."

>Kneeling down beside a large geological formation on the Jovian moon, Mosaic continues examining the soil with his Quantum Tuner device. The advanced multi-tool device beeps twice as it produces a holographic image in front of him.

"Positive. The signal was encrypted with qubits - and the Capsule only picked it up after I was finishing up some tuning with the transceiver nodes the other day. Once I did that, the TTC did the rest - decryption and all."

>Standing back up - Mosaic looks at the holographic projection; a large monolithic structure of unknown origin is present in the ground, deep beneath Io.

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>After an hour, Aiden finishes the presentation given by Dana - as the research personnel all leave the room.

>Once they've all left, Dana remains alone in the meeting room with Aiden - who asks the pertinent question.

"What is it, Ms. Desmond?"

>Noticing that Aiden has seemingly read her mind, Dana then sighs. Looking around to ensure that the meeting room is entirely noise sealed - she then speaks up.

"I saw the footage of the man in that black and red armor. Was that Damian?"

>Surprised by her perception, Aiden nods his head slowly as he crosses his arms.

"It wasn't my intention to have him get involved. He decided that on his own."

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>Dana then changes the subject, seeing her chance to push further with her statements.

"I understand that you, Josh and Mariah are under a lot of pressure with your…..alternative circumstances. Because of that, I know that it's difficult for you to always consider the direction of the company-"

>Immediately recognizing what she's doing, Aiden cuts her off by saying:

"You've already been picked as the replacement seat on the board of directors."

>Stunned, Dana then stammers a reply:

"I-I didn't mean to presume! It's j-just, I figured that with my decades of experience handling immunosuppressant research and gene therapy-"

>Aiden sighs as he says:

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>As Aiden leaves the room a few seconds later - he then sees Damian waiting for him outside of the meeting room.

"Well, my mom seemed pretty happy walking out of that board room…."

>Aiden raises an eyebrow as Damian holds up his hands - waving them.

"No not like that! Sorry! Bad wording!"

>Rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses, Aiden then sighs.

"She's been appointed as the replacement on the board of directors. She'll still serve as the interim director of the Biotechnology Research Division until we find a suitable replacement for her though."

>As Aiden and Damian start walking down the hallway of the research wing, Damian then responds with:

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>Once they reach the outside of the Archeon Complex, Aiden then says to Damian:

"So, how's it feel to be stronger now?"

>Raising an eyebrow, Damian then says:

"Not sure what you mean. I'm still me, right?"

>Aiden raises an eyebrow behind his sunglasses as he responds.

"Of course. Your anatomy hasn't changed, Damian. You're still human."

>Taking off his sunglasses for a moment, Aiden casually flicks his finger as they instantly become pristine in appearance.

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>A few minutes later, Stella walks outside of the Archeon Complex - towards the car where Aiden and Damian are waiting.

"It wouldn't have killed you to wait a few minutes, Aiden."

>Aiden nods as he points his thumb sideways at Damian standing beside him.

"I was just talking with Damian for a bit. I'm gonna get him some food, then drop him off back at Sanctuary City University's campus. Then we can go home."

>Stella gives a quick nod as she looks at Damian, smiling at him.

"Hey, I saw what you did on the news today. Good work."

>Damian looks somewhat red in the face as he nervously says:

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>Date: October 6th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City

>In a dark alleyway, a lone shadow drops down from a fire escape and looks around for a moment, before unclipping a spray can from their belt, and starts spraying something onto the wall.

>After a few moments of spraying, the figure stops, nods to themself, and puts the can back on their belt, taking out another one and shaking it. The figure brings it up to ready to spray, only to be interrupted by a voice coming from the end of the alleyway.

“Hey! You can’t be doing that!”

>A light shines down the alleyway, revealing some of the figure’s details - a young woman with pink hair in street fashion, her look finished by a horned cap.

>Keeping the can in her hand, the woman brings her hands up to indicate a surrender.

“Sorry about that. . .”

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>In the side room, both the bulky creature and the “shark” pick themselves up from the ground, shaking off debris. Having been more prepared for the collision, the woman strikes first, charging towards the creature again and grabbing onto it, using the leverage to get an angle to bite into it, her teeth piercing through flesh and sinew.

>With a screech of pain, the creature grabs onto the woman and pulls her off, its flesh tearing off in the process of her being removed. Having firmly taken hold of her, the creature swings her around, letting go at the last moment and sending her flying through a wall.

>Off to the side, the small woman brings her hammer back down, taking a more defensive stance as the shadows surge towards her. Keeping both hands on her hammer, she carefully bides her time, waiting until the shadow is just in range of the hammer, and brings it down suddenly, still somehow managing to hit the creature and shocking it once again.

>Howling, the creature retreats, reforming into its solid form once again. Looking over the small woman, the creature looks her over with its blank eyes, evaluating her with an inhuman intelligence. Coming to a conclusion of some kind, the creature “dives” down, merging in with the shadows of the room, and starts silently making its way to the woman. . .

>Shaking herself off from the throw, the shark woman looks over at the brute creature, then stomps on the ground, causing both the room she’s in and the creature itself to shake.

>As the creature regains its balance, it turns to find the woman is no longer there, having fallen through the floor, and it begins to walk over to the hole created by her descent.

>Just before it reaches the hole, the woman bursts through from below it, grabbing it by the legs and pulling it halfway through the floor.

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>In the centre of the room, the lizard-like spits out a fireball in the direction of the man and the computer terminal, the ball of flame being stopped by a wall of water that suddenly appears.

“You, keep looking for those files, we’re not leaving here without stopping that project.”

>Tilting its head, the creature charges forward at Theia, leaping in the air to attack her from above, only to have its path changed as a pillar of water slams into it from the side, sending it tumbling into several desks.

>Reaching out to it, Theia attempts the same trick from earlier, only to find no response.

“No blood, that’s odd. . .”
>With one of her hands transformed into a bulky claw, Valeria jumps and swipes at the smaller creature, narrowly missing it as it jumps itself, ending up on the ceiling, where it chatters in a way that almost sounds like laughing.

>Transforming her other hand, Valeria looks up at the creature.

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>Recovering from its fall, the lizard-like creature turns to face Theia, screeching at her in a primal fashion, and then sets itself alight again.

>With another screech, the flames build up, and it spits out another fireball, this time repeating the action.

>Sighing, Theia brings up another wall of water, blocking the projectiles, and lowers it again, stopping briefly as she notices something in the remnants of the projectiles.

“Napalm. . .”

>With a tired chuckle, Theia snaps her finger, and the flames on the creature’s back begin to move under her control.

“Let’s see how well you can manage those flames when they’re cooking you from the inside.”

>Beckoning towards the flames, Theia causes them to fly forward before “pushing” them back, sending them right into the creature’s mouth.

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>As the two parts of the last creatures tumble to the ground, Trepan coughs again, and assesses the situation.

“Well, we have more of those. . .”

>Trepan’s body stiffens up as Theia holds a hand out and starts approaching him.

“I’m going to have so much fun tearing every secret I can from you before making this world a better place without your presence. . .”

>Theia takes several more steps towards Trepan, stopping just before him as she feels something change, and looks down at her hand.

>As Theia looks confused, Trepan lets out a sigh of relief and awkwardly scrambles back closer towards the portal, pulling himself up as straight as he can.

“C-consider yourselves blessed. . . for He has decided to grace you with his presence tonight. . .”

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>Silence hangs over the room for a few moments, and then the man, Anomaly, speaks up, his voice oddly calming.

“You have fought well, but I cannot allow you to disrupt my plans any further.”

>Anomaly casually walks past Theia and to the man at the computer, placing a hand on his shoulder. Pausing for a moment as he looks him over, noticing something.

“You. . . I will bring you no harm, but I must insist you leave.”

>The man disappears as Anomaly removes his hand.

>Turning back to Theia, Anomaly walks over to her again, waving his hand as he does and reversing all of the damage to the room, leaving it in a perfect state - as if no one had even been in since it was sealed.

“There will be no records of what happened here tonight, none besides us will know. . .”

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>Date: October 3rd, 2017
>Location: Hidden Base
>Time: 8:00 AM

>A faint haze of bright light fills the periphery of a man's vision - as he slowly sharpens his vision. He can feel his head throbbing somewhat, as his eyes shoot open.

"Gyah! What the fuck…."

>Looking around, the man first notices the sterile aesthetic of a laboratory room that he finds himself stuck in. Confused, he then looks to the side - finding his arms and legs bound in energy fields. The fields, likely electromagnetic in nature, are firmly binding the metal in his armor to the table that he's stretched across.

>Then, the man hears a voice trailing off in the distance. A mechanical, seemingly dead voice - lacking in a traditional human cadence or tone. The voice gets louder and more clear as heavy metallic footsteps start to occur.

"I loved learning about the stories you humans would tell yourselves. The little fables and aesops you constructed for yourselves - to more properly facilitate a clear and concise understanding of the world around you."

>The figure, revealed to be Eidolus, then walks into the large laboratory room. Admiring the complex machinery surrounding him, he then turns to look at his test specimen - bound to the table.

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>Hyperia then looks at Andromeda, stating:

"What? I never told you that Stel? Oh he used to be crazy about her. It was years ago, when he first met her - but I could hear his heartbeat. He had Systole and Diastole readings that were damn near close to a heart attack! It was so adorable….."

>Feeling amused at her story, Hyperia continues speaking:

"After he first met her, he'd daydream about her for weeks. He even mentioned her in his sleep! I've heard it so many times from the other room over."

>Mosaic immediately stammers:

"You told me that you weren't doing that!"

>Hyperia turns to face Mosaic, stating:

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>Eidolus thinks for a moment, as he then holds out his hands.

"A moment, please. This will take some creativity."

>In that instant, Eidolus's large red cape then expands and spontaneously wraps around him. After a few moments, his cape then pulls back - disappearing into the clothing of the newly appeared figure before them.

"Would this suffice?"

>A man with white hair, striking blue eyes and a conventional outfit - now stands before them. His hood covers part of his white hair, as he now speaks with a completely human tone of voice.

>Looking him up and down, Hyperia then whistles:

"Yeah, he's hot. I'd say it's a good disguise."

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>Location: The Spire
>Time: 5:35 PM

"That should be everything then. We appreciate your cooperation."

>Laying on the bed inside of his cell, Instigator continues staring at the ceiling as he yawns.

"Don't mention it, lady. I'm just doin' what's asked of me, honestly."

>Looking somewhat resigned, Valkyrie then nods as she turns to leave the cells.

>Back up at the main floor of the Spire, Valkyrie walks by the MRD troopers stationed in different spots - as she makes her way up the floors.

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>Chase then looks at Valkyrie, then back at the pod. After a few moments, he then says:

"Alright. Get her out of there. We've ran enough tests. Then I'll make my decision."

>Valkyrie nods as she uses telekinesis to remotely deactivate the manual switches for the incubation pod.

>After a few more seconds, the pod's main door slowly opens up. Once the suspension water has drained, Mirage slowly lands on the ground of the pod - now slowly walking out of it.

"Well, that was fun."

>Mirage says as she removes the breathing apparatus from her face - now revealing her natural blue skin and yellow eyes. As she adjusts her red hair, she then says:

"Have you made a decision yet, Director?"

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>Location: Prism Base - Sanctuary City
>Time: 6:00 PM

"….Well at the very least, they're pretty predictable."

>Phoebe says, as she leans on the side of Aiden's chair. As Aiden rests a finger on his cheek, he then looks at the footage from the MRD laboratory on the large screen - eyeing it more carefully. Analyzing the feed, he types on the keyboard, seemingly writing customized software code to send to the nanite swarm.

"No argument from me there. I figured that they would've captured Destroyer, while we were preoccupied with Harbinger."

>Eidolus sighs, rubbing his eyelids as he still maintains his human form.

"I apologize once again Aiden. To you as well Phoebe. I had gravely underestimated the cunning of these MRD figures."

>Curious, Eidolus then asks:

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