/simu/ - Simulacrum

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 No.1727[View All]

>Date: April 28th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex
>Time: 8:00 AM

>As Aiden continues looking over his papers, doing his usual examination of company reports, he hears a knock on the door.

"Come in."

>Looking up, he sees as his secretary, Stella, walks into the room. Jubilant and full of energy, Stella quickly walks over to Aiden, carrying a set of folders in her hands.

"….And here's your schedule for the next week!"

>Stella says, cheerfully as she places the large stack of folders on Aiden's desk.

"You're very busy, Thaumaturge!"

>Closing her eyes and giving Aiden a warm smile, Stella radiates a positive energy from her body.

"…..Thank you."

>As Aiden looks on at the stack of papers, he speaks in a somewhat resigned tone of voice. Sighing, he then looks at the papers as he picks up one of the folders. Opening it, he then says:

"…..Is this an update on the bio-electricity conversion circuitry?"

>Nodding, Stella says:

"I'm not sure what any of that means, but that's what the subject says, yes. It's directly from the Biotechnology Division."

>Giving an understanding look, Aiden then closes the folder shut with one hand as he looks over at Stella again.


>Finding his gaze fixating on her chest for a few seconds, Aiden watches as Stella then scoffs and lightly smacks him on the cheek.

>Wincing, Aiden then sighs as he says:

"Deserved that. Sorry."
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>Mosaic scoffs and looks at Crepido for a moment. Looking at her up and down, he then curses himself as he turns red behind his helmet.

"….If you insist, Sorceress Supreme."

>Magicka looks at Ceridwen for a moment, staring daggers at her. Gripping her staff tightly, she then says to Stephanie:

"…..Teach me everything that you possibly can - and that I'm allowed to learn. I lost my brother, my mother and my father."

>Gritting her teeth, she angrily grabs the staff even more so.

"I lost everyone I ever knew and cared for. So I refuse to let her define who I am!"

>Looking Crepido dead in the eyes with righteous fury in her own eyes - Magicka then shouts:

"Teach me everything!."

>Then looking away, she says:

"But I don't want to see her face again. At least until I'm skilled enough to retaliate to her sheer disrespect of my family."

>Mosaic then looks at Crepido for a moment and states:

"…..I'll admit, I almost lost it there. You know what happened to me just now? With the Aura and everything I mean."

>His arms are crossed as he waits for Crepido to reply.

>Surprised, Stella turns to Ceri and says, quietly:

"…..I already renounced the Thaumian ways, and you heard me. I accept your apology - but why do you hate me so much?"

>Magicka begins tearing up, her face contorting into one of anger and frustration as she shouts.


>Magicka then starts bawling - putting her hands to her face as she fails to control her emotions.

>Silent, Mosaic then walks over to her and wraps his arm around her - leaning her in tightly. As he does so, he looks down at her - before looking up at Ceri.


>Despite the circumstances, Mosaic doesn't display visible anger - more disgust and disbelief.


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>Once Mosaic has finished Stephanie also leans over to give Stella a hug, patting her on the back as she does so. After a few moments she pulls away.

"Listen everyone."

>Stephanie takes a step back next to Ceri, and puts her hand on her shoulder.

"I know you're all angry at Ceri. And what she said was uncalled for. But please, don't hold it against her. Ceri has been isolated her entire life, and only just recently stepped foot outside of her family's home for the first time. She hasn't learned to be… tactful, yet."

>She removes her hand from Ceri's shoulder.

"And while just saying sorry isn't enough to right a wrong, she did end up apologizing anyway. Despite winning."

>Stephanie looks at Stella once more.

"Stella. You still don't have to be around Ceri if you don't want to. But please don't hold this against her. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone."


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>Mosaic moves his head from side to side ever so slightly before he speaks.

"I'll admit. I was focused more on making a statement than actually doing any teaching. Ceri just rubbed me the wrong way, and I'm not going to lie."

>He then points at her with his arm still at his side.

"I'm still sour on her - but I get it."

>Magicka stops crying slowly as she wipes tears from her eyes.

"…..I just want to be left alone with the Thaumaturge when this is all done."

>Mosaic looks at Magicka for a moment, surprised. Magicka continues speaking:

"……But I forgive her. I hate her for what she said. Because it hurts. But I still forgive her nonetheless."

>Magicka then looks at her Tabula staff in her hand. Staring at it - the last remnant of her life as a Thaumian.


>She then slams it into the ground - shattering the crystal and destroying it. After a few more seconds, she then says:

"…..I'm not a Thaumian anymore. I'm just a sorceress."

>Magicka then hugs Mosaic tightly - squeezing him with all of her strength as tears begin streaming down her face again.

"….And I don't want you to go, Aiden. Please…..Don't leave me……Not yet……"

>Silent, Mosaic then says:

"….That's the first time you've said….."

>Magicka nods, stating:

"As I said….I'm not a Thaumian anymore."

>Mosaic then hugs Magicka back again - as he turns to look at Stephanie, saying:

"….I'll stick with Isaac for my training. Stella says she'll stick with you - so I'm putting her care in your hands."


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>Stephanie holds her hand out, causing the shattered and broken staff to start moving in reverse - repairing itself before flying into her hand. She walks towards Stella, and holds it out for her to take.

"Stella. I never said you had to abandon your culture and everything you know. Even if you've decided you no longer are going to practice Thaumaturgy, that doesn't mean you have to turn into a different person. You are and always will be a Thaumian."

>She looks at Mosaic.

"And Aiden."

>Stephanie pauses and lets out a pained sigh.

"I'm not going to enforce it. It's up to you. But you did accept a bet with Ceri for your ring."

>Stephanie looks pained at mentioning this, having only mentioned it because she knew Ceri would've brought it up anyway.


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>Mosaic looks at Crepido for a moment before saying:

"What this? You'd have to ask the Oreo over there. He's the one who enchanted it for me."

>Mosaic nods at Magister, who scoffs and states:

"After all the effort I took to craft it for you? The very idea is insulting."

>Turning towards Ceri, he then says:

"Ceridwen Prydwen. If you wish to have a Thaumaturgic artifact equivalent in power to that of the Thaumaturgy Ring, then say as much. After your display of skill against my counterpart, I will grant you such an artifact - in the shape and function of your choice."

>Arms still crossed behind his cloak, he then reaffirms his statement:

"….However I am Sorcerer Supreme, as much as your new master is Sorceress Supreme now. That ring was constructed solely for Aiden - and is connected to his very soul. If you desire such an artifact, I will construct it for you - at this very moment if you prefer."

>Magister's cloak then flutters in the wind as he concludes by saying:

"If even that will not suffice, name a suggestion and I will grant it - within reason, girl."


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>Stephanie lets out a shrug.

"Well, you heard him Ceri. Ask for what you want."


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>Ceri looks at Magister for a moment, then sighs.

"Forget it, I don't want to deal with people who treat me like that. . ."

>Ceri turns around, flicking her cloak over her shoulders.

"I'll be in the library, Stephanie, reading."

>Ceri walks away, disappearing after a moment as she reaches one of the boundaries of the arena.


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>Watching as the girl leaves, Magister rubs his eyelids with his gloved hands, stating:

"Obstinate - the lot of you."

>Turning towards Mosaic, Magister then says:

"You. Control your anger, before you manifest more of our shared…..essence."

>Confused, Mosaic says:

"Shared essence? What are you talking about?"

>Magister rolls his eyes behind his vantablack spectacles - stating:

"You will learn the meaning of that soon enough. Regardless, control yourself. Your emotional outbursts are emblematic of your still unchanged mindset. As Crepido informed you - brute force is unbecoming of a sorcerer. I expect better from myself - so do not disappoint me again."

>Muttering, Mosaic crosses his arms as he says:

"….Fine. Whatever."

>Turning his attention towards Magicka, he then takes off his sunglasses and remotely lowers his cloak - revealing his full face.

"Stella Aeterna Bray. Do not be dissuaded by mere statements or epithets. You have survived this long on your own strength of will. Refrain from a defeated mindset in the future. I sense great potential in you, sorceress. Do not squander it."

>Magicka looks up at Magister - now finally seeing the resemblance to Mosaic as she does so. Smiling, she then says:

"Yes sir. I promise."


>Turning back towards Crepido and Doctor, Magister then states:

"If you are still confident in your recruits - then understand that this very moment is the most formative moment of their developmental paths."

>His spectacles are still in his gloved hand as he speaks to both of his fellow Sorcerers Supreme.


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>Letting out what feels like her millionth sigh for the day, Stephanie slumps her shoulders. She watches as Ceri disappears.

"What a day…"

>She closes her eyes and breathes in deeply, trying to relax herself. Suddenly she straightens up - turning around. Stephanie can now be seen with a visibly upset face. Her eyes stare daggers at Mosaic in particular.


>Stephanie marches towards him.

"You were right to be upset by Ceri's comments. But you do not get to treat her with contempt like that."

>She now stands in front of Aiden, jabbing her index finger into his chest.

"And you do not get to threaten to murder her. Do you understand me? I've held my tongue for too long, out of respect for Isaac - and even Orion. But if you don't get your anger in check and keep treating my people poorly? You won't like the outcome."

>Stephanie slowly pulls her finger away from Mosaic's chest.

"I'll let it slide this time. But if I hear about another outburst like this? You. Are. Done."

>She then suddenly turns to face Magister.

"And you. I've heard that you have some bad habits yourself. I would recommend you fix those. Otherwise the other me might not be pleased."

>She stares him down for a few moments, before finally relaxing again.

"You all can stay if you want. I'm sure Isaac will appreciate talking to you. I'm going to go find something to relax with."

>She turns to look at Stella one last time.

"We'll talk about training another time. Okay?"

>Stephanie then turns and walks away, disappearing much like Ceri did earlier.


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>Scoffing, Magister then places his spectacles back on his face, stating:

"Just as charming as ever."

>Doctor looks at Magister, somewhat annoyed as he says:

"This entire situation got out of hand, again. Ugh."

>Thinking for a moment, Doctor then looks at Aiden and states:

"We should probably start by working on that. She's very blunt, but Stephanie's correct. You still do have a lot of anger in you Aiden. I know it's not easy to just remove that - but we're going to have to work on that."

>Sighing, Mosaic shakes his head as he states:

"It doesn't matter what I do. People end up disliking me anyways. No matter where I go, or what I get myself into. The outcome's the exact same."

>Confused, Doctor then looks at Mosaic more carefully as he says:

"Aiden what are you saying?"

>Mosaic then says:

"I'm saying I need to leave - this whole place. At least for now."

>Magister then looks at Doctor for a moment, before saying:

"If you won't do it, then I will."

>Shaking his head, Doctor then sighs.

"If you insist. I'll get him."

>Doctor then disappears for a moment, as Magister turns to stand before Mosaic.


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>Mosaic remains confused as he looks at Magister, questioning him:

"…..What are you doing? Where's Isaac going?"

>Magister reveals one hand from underneath his cloak as he then says:

"Getting the one person who can relate to you in this moment - and giving you an assignment that you can both handle together."

>Silent for a moment, Mosaic then groans loudly as he states:

"….Are you kidding me? Him? Seriously. After all of this?! You're bringing him?"

>Magister nods, slowly, stating:

"Of course. This all started because of your decision to use him to set an example. Look where that got you. And me, to a lesser extent."

>Magicka looks at Mosaic for a moment, saying:

"What is he talking about, Aiden?"

>Sighing once more, Mosaic then explains:

"Isaac's going to get the last skeleton in my closet…."

>Doctor then reappears through a portal - with a figure still waiting to move through it.

"….In the hopes that I finally dust them off."

>A figure in bright white armor then slowly walks through the portal - dusting himself off. After looking around, he then sees Mosaic standing before him and says:

"….Hey. It's been a while, right? Ha ha….."

>Paladin rubs the back of his neck as Mosaic crosses his arms again.

"………..Hello, Jack."


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>Paladin looks around, before stating:

"The Sorcerer Supreme filled me in on what happened. No specifics - just the basics, and…."

>Looking away, he then says:

"….I'm sorry, Aiden. I know I'm the last person you'd want to see but-"

>Aiden holds up his hand, telling Paladin to stop speaking.

"It's fine. I've burned all my bridges anyways."

>Looking over at Magicka, Mosaic then interlocks her fingers into his, as he says:

"….Except one."

>Now looking back at Paladin, he then continues:

"Besides, you're only in this situation because of me - like everyone else."

>Releasing his hand from Magicka's own, he then turns to Doctor and says:

"So what rehab job did you want us to do?"

>Doctor gives a sheepish shrug as he says:

"Well I don't know if you'd want it or-"

"What's the job?"

"…..Just cleaning out some spirits in a nearby dimension. Pacify them - without killing them."

>Paladin nods and makes a gesture with his hands in response.

"Seems simple enough. Aiden and I can do that."

>Nodding in response, Doctor says:

"Good. I'll go find Stephanie and Ceri. Talk to them-"

>Mosaic holds out his hand - waving it towards Doctor.

"No. I made my bed, so I lay in it. Part of being an adult is taking responsibility right?"

>Sighing, Doctor says:

"I suppose so, yes. If that's what you believe is best."


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>Looking at Magicka for a moment, Mosaic places his hands on her shoulders and says:

"…..I'll be gone for a bit, Stella. Just finish up what you were doing - and tell everyone that I called for an early end of the work day. If anybody asks, tell them to take it up with me."

>Magicka nods slowly and then smiles.

"Go make up for your mistakes then, Aiden."

>Magicka gives the side of his helmet a kiss as she then turns towards Doctor.

"Alright. I'll escort you out of here."

>Turning towards Mosaic, Doctor then elaborates:

"Jack has the specifics, and he's already been briefed."

>Magister looks at Mosaic and Paladin, exclaiming:

"I'll supervise you both - see if you really can work together as a team."

>Doctor then leaves with Magicka - as Magister escorts Paladin and Mosaic through another portal…..


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>Time: Roughly 2 Hours Later.
>Location: The Axiom - Nexus of Magic

>Inside of a large living space - situated in the Axiom's general quarters, Mosaic slowly walks into the area from a nearby door. As he does so, he walks around slowly - moving past flying scrolls and carpets, and moving towards a figure sitting in the center of the room.

>As he approaches the figure, he then removes his helmet - shaking his head and letting his naturally black hair flow cleanly. His bright blue eyes are accentuated with small red outlines - signifying his growing connection to his true self - unbeknownst to him.

>Now looking down at the woman sitting before him, Aiden closes his eyes as he then opens them as he begins to speak:

"….I'm sorry for my actions, and my transgressions. I don't have any excuses, and I don't deserve any pity. I'm also starting to realize that I just….."

>Aiden stops speaking for a moment, looking away. He then speaks, as he still looks on - aimlessly at a bookshelf in the distance.

"…..I'm just angry at myself. I feel like a failure. I know I shouldn't think that way - but it's been there in the back of my head ever since I was a kid. I just felt….worthless without something to fight."

>Looking back at the woman sitting before him, he then says:

"….So I am sorry, Stephanie. As much as I didn't want to admit it - I was just afraid of not being seen as strong."


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>Stephanie sits comfortably on a couch, reading something while she sips on what appears to be hot chocolate. She continues to look at her reading material, rather than Aiden.

"You know, Aiden. I should throw you out of here for having the audacity to even speak to me right now."

>She takes another sip of her drink, before placing it down on the table next to the arm of the couch. The page of the book turns itself.

"You think just apologizing will make it better? You threatened to kill a child Aiden. Because she upset Stella. That is… not good."

>Finally her eyes turn up to look at Aiden. She stares daggers into him.

"And you know what else? You belittle and insult my brother. Constantly. You come into my home and threaten my apprentice. And while your counterpart is the one who spoke up about it, I know you also doubted my judgement. Why? Is it because I'm a woman? Do I just seem incompetent? What is it about me that you all find so… weak?"


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>Stephanie suddenly closes her book, and places it on the table next to her drink. She stands up from her seat, eyes still locked onto Aiden. She gives him some time to think about her words, before suddenly starting to speak again.

"And above all that. Want to know what annoys me the absolute most? You have a god damn inflated ego. Even when you're trying to be nice, you can't help but add little jabs here, and passive agressive comments there. I'm frankly surprised Orion hasn't laid his hands on you yet. Hell, I almost wanted to do it."

>She continues to glare at Aiden, now crossing her arms. Her tone lowers, and she speaks more quietly.

"Why should I accept your apology? So you've always had a problem. Big deal. Not all of us have had the luxury of being angry for anger's sake."

"So tell me. Why should I accept your apology? What gives you the right to be forgiven? Are you going to do something about it? Or are these all just empty words?"


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>Aiden looks Stephanie directly in the eyes and says:

"…..Because the last thing I want to do before I off myself is at least do something good for a change."

>He's then silent for another moment as he says:

"Getting angry and getting defensive - even after everything you've said, defeats the point."

>Holding his hands out, he then continues:

"So kill me. Just destroy me and get it over with. Have Orion beat me to death. I don't care anymore. I've never been able to do the right thing - and I've never been able to live up to everyone's expectations of me."

>Aiden then looks at Stephanie, tearing up as he speaks.

"Sure, Phoebe will hate you and Orion if you do it - but I'll have deserved it too."

>Still not looking away, he then says:

"…..So just kill me. Or do something that gets rid of me once and for all. I'm done."


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>Without a word Stephanie points her finger at Aiden. A blue light begins to rapidly emanate from her finger tip - generating enough heat to melt just about anything it makes contact with.

>The light then leaves her finger tip, flying towards Aiden…

>Only to stop just in front of him, fading away as quickly as it appeared.

"I've killed enough people in my life Aiden. I'm not going to add another to the count if I don't have to."

>The floor shifts as a seat suddenly is moved right behind him. He's then pulled into sitting in it by an invisible force.

"Get that bullshit out of your head and stop trying to take the easy way out. You messed up. Do something about it."

>Stephanie sits down opposite to Aiden, and extends her palms to where he can see.

"You think these hands are clean? You think I've not done anything horrible with them? Wrong."


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>She clenches her fists, and then opens them back up - showing her palms suddenly covered in smears of blood.

"When I lived under the foot of my biological father, he forced us to do horrendous things. Nearly every day. We'd get stuck in a lab for hours on end, starving while he pricked and prodded us, and then made us perform all these tests, sometimes even making us fight each other."

>She looks down at her palms.

"And when we weren't doing that? He'd send us out on missions. Steal this. Destroy that. Kill this person. We had no choice. We couldn't see a way out. And because of it, my hands are stained with the blood of several people. Some innocent. Some not."

>She clenches her fists again, now slowly becoming more visibly emotional.

"And then our mom came back. She came back and got us out of there. But he found us. Killed her. And dragged us back kicking and screaming."

>She goes silent for a moment, wiping her eyes with a conjured tissue.

"It still weighs on me almost every moment of every day. I constantly wonder why I even deserve to be here. To even… be allowed to lick the dirtiest floors of the Axiom. Let alone be it's master."

>She goes silent, closing her eyes. More tears form, and then get wiped away. After a few moments of silence, Stephanie begins to speak again.


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"…I want to see my mother again. It pains me that I can't. All the time I think about just… joining her. But then I think about my brother. And Isaac. And my job."

"And I realize that I don't want to be away from them either. And how I'd only be hurting the world by taking myself out of it. So instead I just try and do better. To make up for what I've done. And to make those I care about proud."

>She goes silent again, looking at the floor. Before Aiden can say anything, she looks at him.

"You want things better, right? I can tell you're serious. So here's my advice. Be. Better. Life is hard, even if you're some Meta-Human that can do seemingly anything. So face it. And stop trying to take the easy way out."

>Stephanie goes silent for the final time, and leans back in her seat - trying to get more comfortable. Now finished, she waits to let Aiden respond.


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>Aiden looks on in complete shock as he learns Stephanie's backstory. Taking a step back, he then says to himself:

"….Orion never told me….."

>Feeling himself tearing up as his empathy begins to manifest, he then says out loud:

"All this time….and he never…..told me……"

>Closing his eyes for a moment, Aiden then regains his composure. Opening his eyes, he then turns towards Stephanie and says:

"……The black hole was a mirage, by the way. It was an energy sphere but…."

>Looking away, he then continues:

"It was the same as the energy blast. I couldn't do it."

>Silent for another moment, Aiden then says to Stephanie:

"…..Stephanie, I feel like I've just been putting myself on the wrong side of the track this whole time. I need to apologize to Ceridwen."

>Now looking back at Stephanie, he then continues speaking:

"Also, I have one request - as insane as that sounds."

>Feeling his face flush red from his emotions, his sense of shame and his ultimate feelings for the woman, he then says:

"…..Can you be my mentor? I know Isaac already is - but……I need help."


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>Stephanie stares at Aiden. Her face remains stoic, as she seems to have no reaction at all.

>Calmly, she asks Aiden:

"And why me? What is it you think I can provide that Isaac can't?"


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>Aiden looks at her as his expression shifts slowly. His sorrowful expression is replaced with one of dejection and sadness - but measured sadness.

"Honesty. Isaac is too good of a person compared to me - and he only sees the best in me, along with everyone else."

>Not breaking his gaze, Aiden stares Stephanie down as he speaks:

"I know I'm not going to be as good of a person as him. That path's already gone for me."

>Aiden takes a deep breath, still training his gaze on Stephanie - as he continues.

But that doesn't mean I still can't be the best person that could possibly be. That doesn't mean I can't be better."

>Still staring at Stephanie with newfound conviction in his eyes - Aiden then finishes by stating:

"Or not. You don't have to. I'll do it myself if I have to. But I don't feel pity for myself anymore."

>Aiden then steps back and crosses his arms - though no longer tense nor agitated like before.

"I'm going to be a better person - not for myself, but for Stella."

>He then finally looks away, as his cheeks turn red.


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>Stephanie stares at Aiden, her expression remains the same. Several moments of silence pass, before Stephanie finally shifts slightly in her seat.

"Apologize to Ceri. And apologize to Orion. Then and only then will I consider it."

>She continues to stare at Aiden, studying him.

"Do you understand?"


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>Aiden looks at Stephanie dead in the eye - demonstrating no fear towards her whatsoever.

"Yeah, I do."

>Silent for a moment, he then says:

"I'm not doing this for you either. I meant what I said before. You're the only one who can be fully honest with me. That's it - and that's the only reason why I'm asking you. I don't expect you to like me or even tolerate me. Just be honest with me."

>Crossing his arms, he then states:

"I owe Orion a lot. He's helped me save a lot of people over the past year and a half, and I don't regret taking him in when he needed a place to stay, and a job. Hell, he's one of the best things that ever happened to me."

>Closing his eyes, Aiden then remains quiet for another moment, before opening his eyes.

"So I'm doing this for him. Because I'm his friend, and I'm damned sure going to be there for him."

>He then says one more thing that just crossed his mind:

"I can see why I'm such a pain in the ass though - meeting myself in Magister."

>Putting two fingers up to his head, he then says:

"If you have nothing else to say - I'm going to go see Orion first."

>Aiden then disappears from the Axiom instantaneously.


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>Once Aiden leaves instantaneously, a disembodied voice then says:

"I suppose you'll berate me next for my candor."

>Magister then appears - or was seemingly always there. His spectacles are off from his face and held in one of his gloved hands. His piercing blood red eyes stare at Stephanie - as his black and white hair remains perfectly brushed. He presses himself against a wall with one leg crossed - his arms crossed as well.

"I'll admit, I was too hard on you - possibly projecting."

>Still looking at her for a moment, he then says:

"I should probably be the one to teach him though, if I'm being honest. I've already been through this - and he needs to know that there's more to life than just the fight. The proving ground, so to speak."

>Still leaning against the wall - he then maintains his gaze on Stephanie, before stating:

"Isaac never told me the full story about you either. About what you went through."


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>Stephanie leans back in her seat, reaching for her mug. She takes a drink of it, before setting it back down.

"Are you surprised? From what I understand I nearly went through similar events in your neck of the woods."

>Her eyes shift to the side, trained directly on Magister.

"So. What are you still doing here? Come to apologize too? Or is it something else you want?"


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>Smiling, in a rare show of emotion, Magister then looks down at his spectacles as he begins to clean them.

"Something like that."

>As he cleans the spectacles, he then changes his expression to that of a neutral tone of voice.

"I nearly beat Jack Blackburn to death in my universe - because he did far, far worse things."

>Still cleaning his spectacles, he continues speaking.

"I almost killed him - and there was only one person who stopped me. Who pulled me back from the brink - and told me to let go of my anger."

>Blowing away the remaining specs of dust from his spectacles - he then says:

"It was you."

>Now looking back at Stephanie, Magister then states:

"You were my anchor. The one keeping me held together. I was just another rebellious punk and wannabe tough guy - before I met you."

>Looking up at the ceiling, he then says:

"…..Both of you. Since I met the Stephanie you're more familiar with during the early stages of my training - nearly a decade ago."

>Still staring at the ceiling of the Axiom, Magister continues:

"Lisa can say that she did the "real" work of making me a man - and maybe she did. But I never felt anything with her. I felt nothing for her."

>He takes a moment to pause - staring at the alternate universe counterpart of his wife with a solemn expression, before continuing.

"But I felt everything in the world for you. I stopped getting into fights because of you. I started mending my familial relationships because of you. Hell, I even changed my outlook on life because of you."

>Making a finger pointing gesture to the side of the area, he then further elaborates:

"And he's going through that same inflection point - right now. He's only changing because of the woman he's starting to fall in love with - as well as the other woman who has his heart."

>Magister then kicks himself up from the wall and begins walking over to Stephanie - while still speaking.

"Like a man after my own heart - he's starting to remember what it means to be human. He lost that a long time ago, but now he's starting to find it again."

>As he then takes a seat across the table from Stephanie, he sits down and leans backward himself. While doing so, he then concludes by stating:

"We're not perfect. We make mistakes. Sometimes horrible ones at that. But it's never a question of how many times we're knocked down, isn't it?"

>Putting his spectacles back on, he then finalizes his oration by saying:

"Only a question of how many times we're willing to pick ourselves back up."

>Looking at Stephanie one more time - his gaze piercing through his spectacles with a glare that he can feel.

"I fell in love with you the moment you chose to pull me out of the abyss. I can never repay you enough for that - but that's why I married you."

>Magister then takes out his Tome of Thoth, and begins reading through it casually - as the room falls to silence once again.


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>Stephanie stares at Magister.

"No offense but it sounds like I didn't pull you far enough out. You owe my apprentice an apology as well for acting patronizing towards her."

>Stephanie yet again takes a sip of her drink, before placing it back down. She crosses her legs.

"And your speech was lovely and all, but I don't know why you made it. You think I couldn't figure out what you thought just because you usually avoid me? You married not one. But two of my counterparts. Two."

>She continues to stare at Magister.

"So what is it you want, Aiden? Are you just here to chat, or is it something else?"


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>Magister looks at Stephanie from behind his tome as he then says:

"Easy. I'm going to ask you a very simple question."

>Lowering his tome, he then states:

"How much longer are you going to be driven by your anger, and your sense of victimization?"

>Making a slight gesture with his gloved hand, he elaborates:

"It's as you said to Mosaic. Life is hard, and sometimes unforgiving. Showing more anger and hostility towards those who are aware of their flaws, solves nothing."

>After a moment, he then says:

"As for the other versions of you? It was their request, not mine."


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>Stephanie rests her head against her hand, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"Do I sound like I've been throwing a fit or something? Because all I've done is sit here and give my opinion."

>She continues to stare at Magister, looking somewhat tired.

"If you're worried that I'm going to keep being grumpy, then give me a day. It's not exactly easy to just change your emotions on a dime. And I'm not using a spell to force it."

>She continues to stare at Magister.


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>Silent for one more moment, Magister then says:

"I can admit something. I don't know I know this, and I don't know why I feel this - but I don't feel as if I'm the man that I used to be."

>Waving a hand in a self-dismissal gesture, he explains:

"Not in terms of my past. But rather…metaphysically. I feel as though I'm just…..different. Almost as if I used to be better."

>Silent, he then sighs and states:

"….I'm going to go get Aiden. I'll be his teacher, as I doubt either Ceridwen nor Orion are in the mood to see him. Now, if ever."

>Standing up, he then looks at Stephanie once more - his eyes hidden behind his spectacles as he states:

"…..I am sorry for not being a better person. For not being a better man. I speak for both versions of me when I say that. But now I know what he and I have to do."

>Magister then dissipates his tome with a gesture and then disappears instantaneously.


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>Location: Dematerialization Space
>Time: ???

>In the abstract higher dimensional plane of existence that Mosaic and Magister both use for their Instantaneous Transmission - Aiden stands in the middle of the infinite expanse of space.


>Without a thought, he's prepared to then reappear in the real world - as the Dematerialization Space can interact with the physical 3D space of the universe, intersecting it at any point.

>However, before he can move towards Orion's location, Magister then appears beside him - stating:

"Wait. I'm going to take you on a detour first."

>Surprised by Magister's arrival - but also irritated, he then asks:

"….Where are we going?"

>Magister looks towards a different direction in the infinite expanse, as he states:

"Somewhere you need to see, for perspective."

>The two of them then disappear into nothingness - leaving the zone.


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>Date: January 20th, 2016
>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential District
>Time: 10:00 PM

>A figure in a dark suit, cape and sophisticated cowl glides through the air. The cold breeze of the air presses against the figure's suit as they glide across air currents. Situated against the backdrop of Sanctuary City, the capital city of Meta-Humanity, bright lights from large metropolitan skyscrapers remain in the distance.

*{"Reports of a psychic Meta-Human. He seems stronger than most."}*

>The figure then lands on a nearby rooftop - gracefully gliding as he comes to a standstill at the edge of a high-rise mansion. Overlooking the neighborhood, he focuses his lenses on a series of force bursts across the street. Recognizing the description of the psychic Meta-Human, he then says to himself:

"Well what do you know? He's exactly what the reports said. Powerful."

>The figure then jumps into the air, extending his cape again as the nanomesh material begins to glide - carrying him forward once again.


>On a nearby rooftop, Aiden and Magister are looking onward - seeing the figure of Mosaic as he glides over to the altercation he's detected. Bewildered, Aiden then says:

"….Did you just…"

>Nodding, Magister then places a hand on Aiden's shoulder, stating:

"I think it's something we both needed to see."

>The two figures then look on - before disappearing.


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>Eventually, Aiden and Magister observe Mosaic's first interaction with Orion from a rooftop in the distance. As Mosaic speaks to Orion, Aiden immediately and instinctively remembers the first few words he said to him - saying them in unison with his past counterpart.

"Don't worry. I'm not asking you to trust me, but I do want to help you out. Where that goes from there, is up to you."

>At the same time, Mosaic says to Orion:

"Don't worry. I'm not asking you to trust me, but I do want to help you out. Where that goes from there, is up to you."


>A few minutes after defeating Vulcan, Aiden then overhears the next sentences he said to Orion - hearing them clear as day:

["Come work with me, and I'll get you a better place, a good job where you don't have to do much - and cover to help you improve your powers."]

>On the verge of tears, Aiden then buries his face in his hand - sobbing. After a few moments, Magister then places his hand on his shoulder, stating:

"I don't mean to twist the knife further in - as my universe's version of Orion is my second best friend. I now see the difference. The reason why you have so much more trouble than me."

>As Aiden continues sobbing into his hand, Magister speaks:

"You really were alone from the start. I'm sorry for that, Aiden."

>Eventually, Aiden stops sobbing and wipes away the tears in his eyes. He then looks behind him at Magister and quizzically asks:

"….My Instantaneous Transmission ability can send me through time?"

>Nodding, Magister states:

"What you acquired from Sun was a powerful magical technique. It grants you access to a trans-temporal extra-dimensional plane of existence; similar to the Axiom in terms of interactivity. It's an all encompassing plane that exists outside of conventional time and space."

>Adjusting his position, Magister says:

"You've been using it instinctively to move through space, like Sun has. However, it can also be utilized to move through time - by essentially bypassing the space-time continuum altogether. Someone you may or may not know - may have such an encounter with fate - which reveals this ability to them as well."

>Raising an eyebrow, Aiden asks:

"What do you mean?"

>Shaking his head, Magister replies:

"You'll know the meaning soon enough. Besides, I already told Stephanie this….but I will be the one to train you."


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>Aiden looks genuinely surprised by that statement. He then stammers a response:

"W-What about my apology to Ceridwen? To Orion?"

>Magister shakes his head.

"I am afraid that your first impression towards Ceridwen was not ideal - for obvious reasons. Whatever the circumstances that led to your enraged state - you nearly killed her."

>Aiden looks away in shame as he then says:

"So why even bother with me? I'm not worth it."

>Magister places his hands on Aiden's shoulder as he then snaps back - with actual emotion and determination in his voice:

"Because you are not a failure Aiden! That is not who you are! It does not matter if you burn every single bridge that you have built! It does not matter if you make mistakes that you will live to regret for the rest of your days!"

>Looking his counterpart directly in his eyes, Magister then removes his spectacles so that Aiden can take a look at his Sorcerer Supreme counterpart - staring into his blood red eyes.

"You are who you choose to be. Nothing more, and nothing less. Do you choose to be a self-defeating failure who wants to let the pain of life consume him?"

>Aiden closes his eyes as Magister continues speaking:

"Or do you want to become a hero? Someone who is proud to look in the mirror and see himself every single morning? Someone who, in acknowledgment of his mistakes - still chooses to be better?"

>Opening his eyes, Aiden then states:

"….I am who I choose to be, and I choose to be a better person. I choose to be a person worth being."

>With one final deep breath, Aiden then says to his Sorcerer Supreme counterpart:

"….I choose to be a hero. No more pity. No more self doubts. No more second guessing. I will be better, for everyone's sake - and for my own."

>Smiling, Magister then steps back and then puts his spectacles back on his face. Gesturing to Aiden, he then says:

"Then let's go see your friend Orion. Your conviction has convinced me - you're ready."

>Gesturing to Aiden, Magister watches as Aiden places a hand on his shoulder; at that moment, they both disappear - leaving the scene altogether without a sound.


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>Date: April 28th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential District
>Time: 6:00 PM

>Standing in front of the door to Orion's residence, Aiden watches as Mosaic puts his sunglasses away. As he watches - he then witnesses Magister snap his fingers - causing his appearance to change in a bright flash of light.

"What the-"

>As Magister's appearance changes, he now has fully black hair - identical to Aiden's, but with a different hairstyle. His Sorcerer Supreme robes are switched with a fancy black luxury jacket, black pants and black shoes. His piercing blood red eyes remain, as he says:

"So that he understands the situation - and the severity of it too."

>Magister then gestures to Aiden to knock on the door.

"Go on then. Let him know that you're here."

>Aiden then hesitates slightly, before closing his eyes and sighing. Opening his eyes again, he then presses the doorbell - waiting for Orion to answer.


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>A few moments later the front door opens.


>Orion stops, standing in the doorway. His eyes shift between both Aidens, confused.

"Er… what…? Aiden? Did your brother change his hair…?"


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>Aiden looks at Orion with a sorrowful expression as he then says:

"…I have something that I need to say."


>After 20 minutes explaining the situation and introducing Magister to Orion, Aiden then stops speaking for a moment, before stating:

"There's not much else to say. I'm not happy with who I've been - and that's why I asked Magister to be my teacher. He's been through this in his universe."

>Magister, who has returned to his standard appearance as Sorcerer Supreme, then speaks to Orion, stating:

"Aiden's predicament is obvious. Emotional instability. Self-doubt and self-deprecation. Lack of impulse control. Mood swings. Impaired social relationships."

>Looking at Orion, he then states:

"Aiden has Borderline Personality Disorder. He has all the symptoms, and all he's missing is a complete diagnosis. I'm taking him to our cousin Miranda for that."

>Aiden remains silent as Magister then says:

"I didn't get treatment until I started my Sorcerer Supreme training a decade ago. If there's anything else you have to say, now would be the best time. If not, I'll escort him to Miranda's manor."

>Magister then waits for Orion to speak, as Aiden looks off to the side in his chair, completely silent like before.


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>Orion stares at Magister.

"Yeah… I don't really have anything profound to say. I've always had anger problems but it sounds like Aiden has it worse."

>Orion blinks.

"If your cousin is the right person to go to, then I guess it would be best for you to do that."


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>Nodding, Magister then says to Orion:

"Thank you for being patient with my counterpart, Orion. If it helps, you're my best friend in my universe. As surprising as that sounds."

>Looking at Aiden, he continues speaking:

"Maybe that's the core difference."

>He then nods at Aiden who nods back at him slowly. Still having a solemn expression on his face, he then says:

"…..We'll be off then."

>Aiden and Magister then disappear instantaneously.


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>Location: Grayson Manor - Rhode Island
>Time: 7:30 PM

>In Miranda's main therapy room inside of her large manor, she goes over the diagnosis sheet one more time.

"Consistent aggravation patterns. Distorted self-image. Pervasive mood swings. Sense of worthlessness. General insecurity. Comorbiddities with Narcissistic Personality Disorder including grandiosity and inflated sense of self."

>As she looks on at Aiden while sitting in her chair, her eyes narrow - showing genuine concern for her cousin's well being. During that same time, Aiden's eyes give a blank stare back at her - demonstrating no emotion whatsoever.

"…..Other symptoms include suicidal ideation."

>Aiden flashes back to his attempted death sentence request towards Stephanie. He then looks away, pained and hurt as well.


>Sighing, Miranda closes her eyes for a brief moment, then opens them again.

"You have BPD, Aiden. Magister is correct."

>Silent, Magister then looks at Aiden and states:

"I am truly sorry that I didn't catch on earlier. I assumed the circumstances weren't as bad for you, as they were for me. I'm…..I'm sorry, Aiden."

>Magister then hangs his head in shame - a rare demonstration of weakness and emotional vulnerability.

>Miranda then looks at Magister and says:

"It's not your fault, Magister. I've seen the signs from Aiden as well - and the responsibility falls on me for not signaling the alarm earlier."

>Miranda then writes a note on her clipboard paper before standing up. She then walks over to Aiden and removes the paper - handing it to him.

"It's a note for added psychiatric evaluation. Go see your primary care physician. They'll recognize my signature."


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>Aiden takes the paper from Miranda, and looks at it for a moment.


>Miranda then speaks to Aiden, saying:

"Given the chronic nature of your condition, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy may not be enough. You might require-"

>Aiden interjects, finishing Miranda's sentence.

"Anti-depressants and SSRIs, in addition to Anticonvulsants - potentially Anxiolytics."

>Surprised, Miranda gives a look of unexpected shock as Aiden looks at her to say:

"I'm a physician. Not licensed yet since I stopped to go run Archeon. But I know what I'm talking about, Miranda."

>Sighing, Miranda then says:

"We can start with the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy then."

>Handing Aiden a notebook and a pen, she then says:

"Let's start then. Psychodynamic principles. Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviors. They all influence each other in a cycle."

>Aiden immediately understands Miranda's point and responds:

"I keep thinking about how stressed I am, and how unfair it feels - that everyone else is happy. Not a care in the world. I constantly think about the grudges I hold towards people."

>Miranda then nods, stating:

"Go on."

>Aiden responds, saying:

"It makes me feel angry obviously. I get angry the more that I think about it - and the thoughts get worse."

>Miranda then says:


>Silent for a moment, Aiden then replies:

"Those feelings of anger spiral out of control and make me either say statements or do actions that lead to harm towards others - usually emotional."

>Nodding, Miranda then says:

"So we attack the thoughts. I'll do mostly external therapy through your own referential ideas and beliefs. If we need to do more work, then I'll use telepathy to guide you."

>Aiden nods in return, as he states:

"…..Thank you, Miranda."

>Miranda then nods and smiles warmly at her cousin, stating:

"That's what family's for, Aiden. Remember that wherever you are."

>Magister looks on, smiling underneath his cloak as he thinks to himself:

{"Gradual steps. There's always progress to be made - one step at a time. A lesson for me as well."}

>Magister then watches as Miranda further coaches Aiden through the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


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>Date: May 1st, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex
>Time: 8:00 AM.

>Aiden continues doing his work at his desk - with a set of bottles now stationed beside him. Looking at them for a moment, Aiden then catches their names:


>As he averts his gaze from the medications, he then watches as the door to his office opens.

>Looking up at the figure entering the room, he then says:

"Phoebe, I didn't call for you to fly over. Did something happen-"

>Before he can even react, Phoebe dashes over to her triplet brother with superhuman speed - and then hugs him tightly at his desk. Papers go flying all over the room as Phoebe then breaks into tears.

"Idiot! Why didn't you tell me?!"

>Looking somewhat ashamed, Aiden then averts his eyes and looks at the wall. Silent, he then states:

"I wasn't in a good place. I'm sorry."

>Still crying, Phoebe then removes herself from her hug and stands back - wiping the tears from her eyes.

"All this time…..I was just…..I was………"

>Phoebe continues crying as Aiden gestures to her - a concerned look on his face.

"It wasn't your fault, Phoebe. I just didn't go looking for help. I should've - a long time ago."

>Aiden then looks down, as he hears another person entering the room. Noticing his triplet brother Jonah arrive, he then says:

"It's alright Jonah, you don't have to-"

>A burst of electricity then appears across the room as Jonah moves to hug his brother just as tightly. Aiden feels the wind get knocked out of his body as Jonah says:

"I should've been there for you as well. I am sorry, Aiden. Truly. I am sorry."

>Silent for a moment, Aiden then gives Jonah a weak smile as he says:

"It wasn't your fault either, Jonah. I just ignored the signs for too long - and it almost cost me."

>Jonah then relinquishes his hug and stands back alongside Phoebe - as they begin talking to Aiden.


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>Time: 5:00 PM.

>As Aiden finishes up work for the day, he goes to fix the papers on his desk - as he hears another knock on the door.

"Who could that be?"

>Turning around, he then says:

"You can come in. It's fine."

>As the door opens, Aiden is surprised to see Stella walk through the door. As she remotely closes the door behind her with a gesture - she locks it shut, demonstrating her magical telekinesis.

>Silent, Aiden then states:

"Hey Stella. Sorry I've been away for a few days. It's just-"

>Stella then walks forward, grabbing Aiden by his jacket - and pulls him in for a deep kiss.


>Surprised, Aiden watches as Stella then stands back and says:

"I know. Isaac told me everything. Your condition, your situation."

>Aiden looks away, saying:

"Then you know I'm a bit of a mess - as a person that is-"

"I don't care."

>Silent, Aiden then tells Stella:

"…..But….You've seen how I am. How I act. The issues I have. I'm not a great person, like I said to you before-"

>Stella then lightly smacks Aiden on the chin - saying:

"That isn't you talking, Aiden. It's your doubt. Your pain."

>Stunned, Aiden then slowly touches the slap mark on his face - feeling it burning with strength.


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>Slowly reacting, Aiden then turns to Stella and says:

"I'm sorry. I just-"

>Stella lightly smacks him again, now shouting:

"Stop apologizing to me Aiden! You are human! You make mistakes! Just like me and just like everyone else!"

>Stella's eyes tear up slightly as she continues speaking:

"I'm tired of seeing you….hurt yourself so much. You're suffering for no reason, and I can't stand it anymore!"

>Surprised, Aiden doesn't feel the bruise mark on his face anymore, and instead says:

"…You're tired of…..seeing me…..hurt?"

>Stella nods quickly, her tears now falling to the floor.

"I don't care what anyone thinks of you! You have your mistakes, but you're trying! That's all that counts! You're trying to be better!"

>Aiden then looks off to the side, thinking:

"I appreciate the support. I just wish I wasn't such a screwup. I messed up with my family. With my friends. With Hi-"

>Aiden stops himself from saying the last word, as Stella looks at him with determination in her eyes.

"…..Hiyuki isn't here, Aiden! I am! She doesn't care about you! She doesn't know you like I do!"

>Stella places both of her hands on Aiden's cheeks - seeing him tearing up a bit himself.

"And if she did care, it wouldn't take you hitting rock bottom for her to show it. Yet she's not even here, standing in front of you. I am though."

>Aiden doesn't look away from Stella, as she then whispers in a pained, but emotional voice in his ear.

["So why don't you embrace what you do have?"]

>Without another word, Aiden then places his hands on Stella and gives her a deep kiss - for longer than the prior one.


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>Aiden then rests his forehead against Stella's for a long moment - his eyes remaining closed.

>Silent, he then says:

"You're putting a lot of faith into me."

>With her eyes closed, Stella gives an amused scoff - retorting:

"You're the first man I met who actually stood up for what was right. You didn't hesitate to help me in my time of need."

>Opening her eyes, Stella then gives Aiden a playful laugh as she smiles, stating:

"Why should I need a reason to put faith in you? You're the only man I care about."

>Feeling himself blush heavily, Aiden then looks away, stating:

"I feel like I'm in a dream. Not sure if this is real."

>As Stella slowly turns Aiden's head back to face him with her finger, she then states:

"It's as real as my heartbeat."

>Stella then takes Aiden's right hand and places it on the left side of her chest - right next to her side. Aiden can then feel her heartbeat as she says:

"You're mine, Aiden. And I won't let anyone else take you from me. They had their chances."

>Seeing Aiden's weary expression, Stella then looks at him carefully, before saying:

"Hmmph. Alright then. A year."

>Tapping Aiden on the bridge of his nose, Stella says:

"If Hiyuki Hoyokazi or any other woman can make a good enough impression on you within a year? I'll call off the relationship."

>Stella then leans in to Aiden, narrowing her eyes with a smug and amused expression on her face.

"If not? We're making it official with rings on the anniversary date of this wager."

>Aiden then feels his face flush red as he says:

"…So are we an item now or…."

>Sighing, Stella flicks him on the nose, stating:

"…..Yes you buffoon. At least until one of the other women in your life can convince me otherwise. I'll give them that courtesy. But like I said a few days ago Aiden."

>Stella leans in and whispers into Aiden's ear.

["I think Hiyuki will disappoint you. She won't be what you expect - and when she does fall short of expectations - then I'll make you mine, forever."]

>Stella then gives Aiden a warm smile - eyes closed as she places her hand to her mouth for a giggle.


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>Opening her eyes, she then turns around and waves to Aiden, stating:

"I'll see you at home later today, honey~."

>Giving him a wink, Stella unlocks the door and leaves the room - leaving Aiden with a realization.

{"She's not talking about the Archeon Complex. She means my actual home back in the Residential District. Oh."}

>Feeling his face blush uncontrollably, Aiden then looks down at his hand intently.


>Reminiscing over his life up to this point, as all of his past memories flow over his head with vivid detail - he then says:

"You are who you choose to be."

>Aiden makes a hand gesture and then levitates the medication containers into the air before him. With another gesture, he casts a magic spell which compartmentalizes them into a single small capsule. Taking the capsule and placing it into his jacket pocket - he then looks at the door before him, with renewed conviction.

"I choose to be better - no matter what."

>Smiling for the first time in days, Aiden then leaves the office - and makes his way to his car outside.


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>Location: Archeon Complex - Garage
>Time: 5:10 PM

>Aiden finds Stella leaning against his car - waiting for him to arrive. Sighing, he then says:

"We're really serious about this then?"

>Rolling her eyes with an amused expression, Stella then walks over to Aiden and gives him another deep kiss. She then looks at the car Aiden drives, taking note of its black color and red accents, before laughing.

"Phoebe's right. You are compensating for something!"

>Now rolling his eyes in return, Aiden gives a playful scoff before getting inside of the driver's seat. Looking at Stella as she enters the passenger side - he then waits until she's shut the door before he does so as well.

"Wouldn't you need to come back and get all of your belongings before you move in-"

>Silent for a moment, he then realizes:


>Stella winks at Aiden and says:

"Jonah helped me too. They're both very quick at transporting items~."

>Stella says, in a playful tone of voice. Sighing, Aiden smiles at Stella again before saying:

"Fair enough. Let's go home then."

>Aiden starts the car then waits a moment - he then backs up out of the garage parking as he and Stella drive to their home.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential District - Grayson Residence
>Time: 7:00 PM

>Aiden walks into the kitchen to see Stella already cooking a meal. As she uses magic to remotely animate various cooking utensils, pots and pans - she then looks up to see Aiden. Smiling, she says:

"I'm almost done with the steak. What would you prefer?"

>Aiden thinks for a moment, before saying:

"Medium rare please. Thank you."

>Nodding, Stella smiles at Aiden as she then picks up one of the floating salt shakers - seasoning the meat as it finishes cooking.

"I already cancelled your lower priority meetings for the rest of the month. They were all extraneous. Business consultations. Partnership suggestions. The usual."

>Aiden thinks for a moment before Stella says:

"Relax. Your meeting with Queen Hoyokazi herself will come in a few weeks. I didn't touch that one."

>Shaking his head, Aiden says:

"….That doesn't matter. It's just business - nothing actually personal. I'm not really concerned myself."

>Aiden then comes up beside Stella, helping her by chopping some vegetables.

"Oh, and Phoebe's coming over tomorrow to help me shop for more clothes."

>Nodding, Aiden then says:

"Isaac's going to come up with something for you."

>Stella turns her head to face Aiden, interested in details:

"Official papers or magic?"

>Aiden responds:


>Smiling, Stella then gives Aiden a kiss on the cheek before she then whispers in his ear:

["I'll show you my gratitude once it's time to sleep."]

>Now going back to happily humming away as she finishes preparing the steak - Aiden finishes chopping the vegetables as he looks at the skyline beyond their windows for a moment. Feeling happiness and genuine content for the first time in a long while, he then thinks to himself:

{"Happiness. I really feel happy for once. Thanks, everybody. I'll make you proud - I promise."}

>Aiden then continues spending the rest of the night with his girlfriend, without a care in the world.

[The End]

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