/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Location: Dreamville Wild West Zone, Dreamville, Florida
>Date: August 26th, 2017
>Time: 12:37am

>In the main Wild West area, Madeleine returns to the spot where she left Orion, only to find him not there. Looking from side to side, she puts a hand on her hip.

"Not like him to just disappear like that. . ."

>Madeleine closes her eyes and starts to reach out, only to be interrupted as someone taps her on the shoulder.

"Everything alright, miss?"

>Madeleine opens her eyes again, being greeted by a androgynous looking person, their clothing looking at home at another section of the park. On their back, an acoustic guitar is hitched.

"O-oh, yes, I'm just wondering where my partner is, he was here a moment ago when I left, but he's gone now."

"Ah, someone missing, it's a common story. . ."

>The stranger does an exagerrated thinking pose, tapping their chin rhythmically.

"Well, I suppose it would be best if you checked with security, they've got a station over there, maybe they've seen your boyfriend."

>The stranger points across the plaza, indicating to a sheriff's office.

"Oh, thanks, I'll try there then. . ."

>Madeleine starts to head off.

"Not a problem, I hope your story here has a happy end."

>Madeleine turns around, only to find the stranger has gone, likely having disappeared into the crowd, and shrugs it off, heading to the Sheriff's Office.

>Location: Sheriff's Office Dreamville Wild West Zone, Dreamville, Florida
>Date: August 26th, 2017
>Time: 12:37am

>As Orion stands in front of the unconscious body, a man steps into the office.

"Well well well, what we got here. . ."

>Pulling at his belt for a second, as if to replicate an Old West lawman from a movie, the man steps sideways cautiously.

"Looks like someone got into a bit of an altercation with our park chief here, and took out some of his rage on her. . ."

>The man slowly reaches down for a weapon of some kind on his belt, unclipping the holster.

"Now, is that someone gonna come in nicely, or am I gonna need to bring down the law on him. . ."

>The man starts reaching for his weapon, almost begging for Orion to take the second option.

>As the man reaches for his weapon, a voice whispers into Orion's ear.

"Hey, you should duck."


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>Orion looks annoyed.

"Those are bullshit accusations. I just found her like this."

>Before anything else can happen, Orion hears the voice in his ear. He mumbles.

"What? Who?"

>Despite his suspicion, Orion follows the voice's instruction, ducking.


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"I'll explain in a moment."

>As Orion ducks, an oversized sword, the size making it act more like a bludgeoning weapon, flies over his head at a surprising speed, hitting the man and sending him flying for a second before he disappears. After the weapon has connected, it flies back at the same speed as a chain pulls it, heading back over Orion's head at the same speed and ending up in the hand of a woman.

"Sorry about that, our friend there is a the kind of person to shoot first and ask questions later."

>The woman lets the sword rest on the ground for a moment, still keeping one hand on it as she offers out a hand for Orion to shake.

"I'm called Martha, by the way."


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>Orion narrows his eyes at the stranger. He looks down at her hand, then back at her. He gives her hand a firm but uneasy shake.

"Yeah, cool hi. What the hell is going on here!? I get teleported without warning, accused of attempted murder, then have someone whisper in my ear to tell me to dodge a giant slab of metal."


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>Martha looks Orion up and down.

"Oh, Aurora must have sent you here."

>As the handshake finishes, Martha pulls the sword up, slinging it across her back.

"That was to meet me, as for the attempted murder. . ."

>Martha looks over at the body, and then at Orion.

"That was likely a trap meant for me, sorry. Mr Delaware, that's the man, likely figured he'd use it against you when I wasn't there, likely to try and get information out of you. . ."

>Martha looks back at the body again, narrowing her eyes.

"Although if was him, he's getting a lot more confident, that's his boss. . ."

>Walking away from Orion, Martha knocks against a wall, and grins.

"Ok, more answers later, first we need to get out of here."

>Martha gives the wall another knock and a section of it falls away, leading into apparent nothingness.

"After you. . ."

>Martha looks back at Orion again, looking him up and down as she takes in some of his details for the first time.

"Huh. . . well, after you anyway. It's perfectly safe, I swear."


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>Orion eyes the opening of the wall. He then turns to look at Martha.

"Fine. But if this is some weird elaborate trick, I'll make both of you regret it."

>He turns and then steps through the hole in the wall.


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"No trick, I promise."

>Martha follows Orion through the door, stepping into an empty void of magenta that stretches on endlessly.

>Once she's fully through, Martha takes the sword from her back and slices the door, causing it to close.

"Right, we're safer here, Dreamville staff can't make their way out into Dreamspace. . ."

>Martha puts the sword back on her back and turns to Orion.

"Now, I'll trade a question for a question. So. . ."

>Martha looks Orion up and down again.

"Are you related to someone called Ken Thompson?"


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>Orion slumps, looking annoyed. He lets out a groan.

"Technically. Yes." As much as I hate it. Why do you care?"

>Orion looks around at the void, watching as wispy colors flow about.


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"Well that handles my worries, and answers my next question, so I'll give you some information free of 'charge'."

>Martha slumps herself, clearly understanding Orion's annoyance.

"My full name is Martha Alexandra Moore, my father is. . . was Senator Richard Moore, yes, the man who attempted a coup to create a theocratic dictatorship with the aim of killing all Meta-Humans. He currently styles himself as 'The Witchfinder General', if you were wondering how he's doing."

>Martha gives Orion a tired smile.

"He tried to court Ken Thompson over to his side a while back, unsuccessfully, but I have a good memory, and you bear a resemblance to him. So I wanted to make sure you weren't in league with him."

"Now, I think I already know the answer to this, but did Aurora explain why she approached you properly?"


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"She told me psionic Meta-Humans were going missing and that she wanted help finding them. After that she just sent me away without warning."

>Orion grumbles, annoyed.

"And sorry about your dad. Lotta shitty ones in the world it seems."


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"So it seems."

>Martha sighs, and something shifts in the distance.

"Ah, we best walk and talk, we don't want to encounter any of the things that like to lurk around here - people dream some fucked up stuff."

>Looking around, Martha licks her finger and holds it up, picking a direction and setting off in it.


>Location: Sheriff's Office Dreamville Wild West Zone, Dreamville, Florida

>Madeleine carefully knocks on the door of the sheriff's office, opening slowly as it shifts slightly from her action.

"Hello. . ?"

>Within the office, the man who attempted to arrest Orion earlier looks up from a chair, giving Madeleine a smile.

"Ah, hello guest, how can I help you?"

>Madeleine gives the man a smile back.

"I'm looking for someone, a blond man, he's my partner and he's gone missing."

>The man thinks for a moment, then nods.

"Ah, I think I know who you're talking about. If you'd like to take a seat, ma'am, I'm afraid I've got some bad news about your partner. . ."


>Location: Somewhere in the Dreamscape

"So, first of all, she didn't lie to you, although she wasn't exactly clear, so let me apologise for that."

>Martha does the same trick as earlier, licking her finger.

"The man you saw back there is called Lincoln Washington Delaware, and I suspect that he was a member of my father's inner circle until a few months back, when they had a falling out, after which he ended up here. It was around that time that psionic visitors started disappearing. The issue is, I have no idea where they've been disappearing to, all I can assume is that he's doing something to them, as Delaware seems to have gained psionic power from. . . somewhere."

>Martha looks at Orion.

"Are you with me so far?"


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>Orion "walks" along with Martha in the dreamspace.

"I am. Have you not had anyone come by that was strong enough to rip the information from his head? Because I can do it."


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"Some of the missing guests have been telepathic, although I don't know how successful they were - or how successful you'll be if you try."

>Martha continues to walk through the void.

"I've tried moving him with my telekinesis, and even getting him to move even an inch felt like trying to shift a skyscraper. I wouldn't know what it's like trying to break into his mind."


>Location: Sheriff's Office Dreamville Wild West Zone, Dreamville, Florida

". . .and that's the long and short of it, ma'am."

>Madeleine sits opposite Lincoln Delaware, having taken in his story.

"I see. . . well, I suppose if he was caught unaware, my partner could have been kidnapped like that. . ."

>Madeleine thinks for a moment, scratching her head as she realises something is missing.

"Do you mind if I stay alongside you while you look into this matter, Mr Delaware? I promise I won't get in the way, it's just I might be able to provide some insight into any clues my partner left behind."

>Lincoln thinks for a moment, taking in Madeleine, then shrugs.

"Well, as long as you promise not to cause any trouble, I don't see why not."

>Madeleine nods, closing her eyes for a moment.

"Of course. . ."


>Location: Somewhere in the Dreamscape

"Besides that, I'd rather not face him until we've got some idea of where the missing people are, or else he could do something to them before we get their location. Which is why. . ."

>Martha knocks on an invisible wall, causing another door to open.

". . .I want to start here."


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>Orion looks a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, you're right. Better safe than sorry."

>Orion steps through the door.


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>Martha follows Orion through the door and the pair end up in a cobbled alleyway.

>As Martha knocks the wall to make the door disappear again, a loud roar punctuates the air and a serpentine creature flies overhead, letting out a puff of fire that it dramatically flies through.

"Guess that means, welcome to Cameland."

>The alleyway opens up into a medieval fantasy style courtyard, with various stalls selling souvenir weapons, armour, and other stereotypically "medieval" items.

"The building we're after is the knights' headquarters, it's another security station, like the sheriff's office. They're all linked to Delaware's office in the central headquarters, so. . ."


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>Orion feels his stomach flutter with excitement for a moment, as they enter the "medieval" section of the park. He clears his throat, and attempts to hide his interest.

{"It's so cool. Look at that guy selling armor over there."}

>His mind races.

{"Does the park have aa Japanese inspired section as well? I gotta see that too."}

"What does it look like?"

>Orion tries to look and sound as emotionless as possible. He scans the area for any sorts of signs pointing towards security.


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"I'm not entirely sure, this is one of the only sections I've not been to yet. But going by the other ones, it should be unmarked, I'm guessing it'll have some kind of watchtower or something. . ."


>Location: Foundersville USA, Dreamville, Florida.

>Across the park, Madeleine and Lincoln arrive in a US-themed section. In the sky, red, white, and blue fireworks explode in patriotic patterns.

>Heading forward, Lincoln starts leading Madeleine towards a mock Statue of Liberty.

"Excuse me, Mr Delaware, but I hope you don't mind me asking. What are we doing here exactly?"

"Ah, y'see, ma'am, the Wild West station might be compromised, so I'm heading to the security station here, gonna use that to head to my office."

>Madeleine's ear twitches as something registers mentally.

"Ah, I see, lead the way then. . ."


>Location: Cameland, Dreamville, Florida.

>Martha does another scan of the area, having moved from her initial spot, then looks to Orion.

"Any luck?"


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"Yeah. That might be it."

>Orion points to a large stone tower in the distance, with some security officers dressed as medieval guards positioned on and in front of it.

"Come on."

>Orion immediately heads towards the building.


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>As the pair get closer, one of the knights in front of it raises a hand to indicate for them to stop.

"Halt, citizens, the hall of the knights is currently closed to the citizenry on the orders of the king, although you are welcome to enjoy the many other delights of the king's realm."

>Martha looks at Orion, and then at the guards.

"Oh, sorry, we didn't realise. . ."


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>Before the guard can do anything, Orion reaches for the sword at his side, stealing it. He then immediately drives it into the man's leg, impaling it.

>As the man screams Orion turns to look at Martha.

"It's just a dream, he'll be fine. Right?"

>Orion yanks the sword out of the man's leg and then bashes him over the head with the pommel.


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>The other knight at the door goes for his sword.

"Guards! Guards!"

>The man pulls out his sword and swings at Martha, who reacts by taking her own weapon from her back and parrying the attack, after which the guard flies backwars, smashing through the doors of the building.

"Well, from experience, they'll have a nasty headache, but nothing permanent."

>Martha starts to head through the door as the guards behind it start to react to the situation.


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"Oh. Good."

>Orion immediately throws the sword towards one of the guards. It flies towards the man, straight as an arrow before landing perfectly within his helmet's eye slits - going straight through his head.

>As the man's "corpse" vanishes, Orion wills the sword back to his hand, and then turns to slash at the nearest guard next to him within the door.


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>The guard somehow manages to dodge Orion's strike, and arrogantly holds his arms out wide.

"You missed, idiot! Bet you don't even know how to fight!"

>Meanwhile, Martha reattaches the chain to her sword, and throws it out like a javelin, impaling a guard on the other end of the room against one of the walls.

>With a good grip on the chain, Martha jumps forward, letting it pull her towards the man and the wall at high speed.

>Once she's halfway towards the wall, Martha pulls on the chain, causing the sword to fly back into her hand, and spins mid-air, cutting a nearby guard into two and landing as he disappears.


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"Pft. I was going slow on purpose to see if any of them actually had any idea of what they were doing."

>Despite the relatively small size of the one handed sword, Orion manages to cleave cleanly through the guard's arm. He then twists the handle, flipping it into a reverse grip - jamming the blade through a tiny slit between the guard's helmet and his shoulders.

>Afterwards Orion pulls the sword from the guard's body, giving it twirling flick to wipe off the blood.

"It's basically the same as using a knife."

>Orion then notices the final guard on the other side of the room. He points his palm towards him, causing the man to be lifted into the air, and then violently slammed into a wall on the other side of the room, "killing" him.

"There. All done."

>Orion tosses the sword to the ground.


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"First time I've ever heard someone say that a sword's just like using a knife. . ."

>Martha puts her sword away, and looks around at the results of the pair's work.

"Well, if they didn't know we were here before, they probably do now. . ."

>Looking around again, Martha starts heading towards a door at the end of the room.

"So we best make this quick."


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"Well it's one handed so it's basically just a longer knife. Maybe if it were longer there would be more of a difference."

>Orion then makes a short hop, clearing the distance between himself and Martha. Once he lands next to her, he follows towards the door.


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"It's also balanced for slashing, not for stabbing, you just weren't using it right."

>Martha's tone seems weirdly insistent on winning the point.

"Still. . ."

>Martha looks around the room, finding nothing out of the ordinary.

". . .I was hoping for more than just a regular office. Can't sense anything though. Hang on. . ."

>Martha hums a tune under her breath, and the other woman from earlier, Aurora, appears in the room in a cloud of feathers, this time dressed in more showy attire. Looking over at Orion, she gives him a small wave.

"Hello again."


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>Orion looks annoyed, not showing his entheusiasm at meeting Aurora previously. He stares at her for a moment before giving his reply.

"You could've said something before sending me off, instead of just doing it."

>Orion crosses his arms, still somewhat annoyed. His focus shifts briefly, as his thoughts go to Madeleine.

{"Maddie, can you hear me? Sorry I just vanished on you. But I have an explanation, here."}

>Orion begins sending Madeleine copies of his recent memories, being sure to dull the violence somewhat, not entirely knowing how she would react to it even in a dream.


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>Orion receives a strained sounding reply back.

{"Received. Currently trying to break into that guy's head, very difficult, will distract."}

>Meanwhile, the two women talk between themselves.

"You're more in tune with these things than I am, can you sense anything?"

"Hmmm. . ."

>Aurora hums, her tone resonating with the surroundings.

"There's something here, it'll take a few moments though."

"Well I think we bought you those."

>Martha looks over to Orion.

"Aurora thinks she's found something, you ok to wake a few seconds?"


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>Relieved to hear Madeleine's reply, Orion looks considerably less grumpy now.

"Yeah, sure. What do you need me to do?"


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>In the background, Aurora begins humming a song, singing some lyrics below her breath.

"Oh, no, guess we can keep an eye out for any trouble I guess. . ."

>Martha awkwardly stands still for a few moments, clearly not used to this kind of down time.

"So, your partner, what's. . . she?. . . sorry if that's a wrong assumption. . . like?"


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>Orion stares at Martha for a moment. The air next to him wobbles and bends as he conjures up an image of Madeleine.

"Well, her name is Madeleine and she looks like this. She's a telepath, and she's smart. And caring… and… has really silly tastes in anime…"

>Orion looks down at his feet, almost embarrassed.

"…And patient. And she has this amazing smile and… she's the best thing I've ever had and I don't deserve her at all…"

>Orion continues to stare at his feet, lost in his thoughts. Suddenly, he snaps back, clearing his throat.

>He looks at Martha, then quickly turns his head away.

"Yeah, err. She's pretty cool. She has bad tastes in entertainment but it's whatever. Nobody can be perfect I guess."

>The image of Madeleine disappears and Orion clears his throat again, putting on a bit of a "tough guy" exterior to deflect what he had just done.

"Yeah so how long's this going to take? I wanna find the person responsible and teach them a lesson."


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>Martha seems almost relieved when she hears "her name", and listens to Orion's response intently.

"Well, she's pretty, and she sounds like a great person, and what we're doing will make sure she's not threatened either. . ."

>Behind Martha, "space" tears itself open, creating a doorway.

"Ah. . ."

>From behind the doorway, Aurora peers around.

"I managed to open it, but it won't stay around long and. . ."

>Aurora stumbles a little, causing Martha to step towards her in concern before stopping as Aurora puts a hand up to indicate that she doesn't need the help.

". . .I need a break, this was tiring, like trying to sing against a choir, I'll be alright though."

>Martha gives Aurora a look of concern, then sighs and shrugs, looking back to Orion.

"Once more unto the breach then?"


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"Alright. Let's go then."

>Orion heads towards the breach, stopping just before entering. He turns and gives Aurora a little half wave, and then jumps into the doorway.


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>Location: Foundersville USA, Dreamville, Florida.

>Across the park, Madeleine looks over at the quaint slice of Americana that is Foundersville from the observation deck of the replica Statue of Liberty. As she leans on the railing, the chief of security continues to probe her with various questions.

". . .and you say your partner is a psion?"

>Clearly distracted with her other task, Madeleine only gives short answers.

"Yeah. That's right."

>The rounds of questions continue for a few more moments, until Madeleine manages to get a breakthrough, receiving a few flashes of thoughts and memories briefly before the connection is suddenly snapped shut.

"You're fucking insane. . ."
>Location: ???

>The breach opens up in a chaotic space, what appears to have once been an office, albeit now with various pieces of furniture and decor floating about, the room itself being an odd map of the floor curving up to create walls and ceilings instead.

>As Orion and Martha step through, their presence is noticed by an individual, covered from head to toe so no details on them are really visible as they stand on a "ceiling".

>With the breach closing behind the pair, the stranger turns around to face the pair.

"Newcomers, I suppose you have questions."


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>Orion looks up at the stranger.

"The hell is this place? What's this got to do with the park?"


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>The stranger points to a table and chairs and moves their hand casually to point to in front of Orion and Martha, causing the set to fly down right in front of the pair, correcting midway through to be the right way up.

>Seeing this, Martha shifts slightly, reaching for her sword.

"Answer his questions, before things have to get violent."

>The Stranger holds their hands out, indicating they mean no harm as they move closer to the pair.

"You're still in the dream. I believe this is what you would call the 'securty office', it has simply had some remodeling in recent days."

>The Stranger stops right in front of the table, flicking their hand to pull out a chair and sitting down.

"Please, take a seat."


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>Orion stares at the stranger, remaining standing. He studies their appearance.

"It sounds like you're not from around here. Either that or things aren't typically as mundane as a security office"


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>The Stranger puts their hand over the table, and a glass bottle appears, containing a dark liquid. Putting their other hand over it, they twist the cap off, and drink some.

"I am from 'here', approximately. But not the here you're thinking of."

>Martha interrupts.

"A dream creature then?"

"Maybe, maybe not, but here is comfortable. The other one that now has purple eyes is the one that brought me to here. To help him with what he wants."

>The Stranger looks down at the drink and then offers it out.

"Want some? Also you should sit, it's more comfortable."


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>Orion looks annoyed.

"So you're like that screaming tree. Something from the Astral Plane that for whatever reason gives people power."

>Orion looks at the drink before looking back at the Stranger.



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"Tree? What is a tree? Also I gave no power, he took power, from the screaming ones, the ones who burn like the fire in the night. I just told him of the ways of gods and monsters."

>The Stranger takes the drink back for a second, smells it, and then hands it back.

"That one told me about it, it is 'cola', it is delicious. It is car-bon-ated."

>Martha scoffs.

"Stop speaking in riddles and say something clear."

>The Stranger looks at Martha, confusion apparent from it despite its masked face.

"No riddles? What is a riddle, also he smells of Sorcerer, he should know of gods and their workings."


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"We're not talking about me here, we're talking about you. Never mind my… apparent smell."

"Who are the screaming ones? The kidnapped psions? Has he killed them for their power?"


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"Killed? Perhaps, perhaps not. What is killed? But he took their fire, used it to burn himself."

"That explains the new powers."

"Yes, he was small before, now he burns brighter than the lights above the dreamland."

>Martha rolls her eyes.

"I said to give straight answers."

"I am as straight as can be. His fire will forge his god of the New World, his Lady of Liberty. . . "

>The Stranger pauses for a moment, clearly thinking for a term.

"His 'Columbia'."


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>Orion looks incredibly annoyed and grumbles.

"Oh for god's sake…"

"Read a fucking dictionary."

>A dictionary suddenly appears on the table in front of the Stranger.

"And a thesaurus."

>So too does a thesaurus appear.

"Fuck it, just read everything."

>Now a relatively outdated looking 1990s style computer set up appears as well.

"But before that, where is he? Tell me so I can deal with him."


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>The Stranger looks at the books for a moment, and then picks one up, their head unhinging for a second before swallowing it into a void.

"I do not like reading, it has a bad taste."

>The Stranger moves the other book away.

"He is at the Lady of Liberty, where he has built his Congress."

>Martha thinks for a second.

"He's at Foundersville."

>Location: Foundersville USA, Dreamville, Florida.

>The chief of security scoffs at Madeleine's accusation, his cordial mask dropping the second it becomes clear.

"Insane, a royalist like you wouldn't appreciate my vision. I'm building the America the Founding Fathers dreamed of."

>The man holds out his hand, causing Madeleine to fly towards it, her neck ending up on his palm as he lifts her up by it.

"E Pluribus Unum, a concept your people could never understand. You lack the vision granted to us patriots."

>The man casually throws Madeleine off to the side.

"I was considering giving you the opportunity to take part in this, but I suppose the ones I have will have to do. Like the Continental Congress of old, 60 delegates will work, 60 delegates to reshape America - and make it great again!"

>On the ground, Madeleine closes her eyes for a second.

>Location: ???

>Orion receives a message from Madeleine.

{"That guy is insane, spouting something about making America great, I need you here now before he tries anything."}

>The message also contains some "coordinates"


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{"I'll be in a moment. Do whatever you can to stay on his good side."}

>Orion looks at Martha, visibly much more agitated.

"He's a dead man walking."

>Orion drops his previous restraint, causing the "room" to rumble violently as he suddenly takes off, leaving a cracked and shattering "floor" where he last stood.

>Not even a moment later he arrives in Foundersville, apparently having been able to fly there. His feet make contact with the ground, skidding and kicking up dust as he slides along, placing himself between Madeleine and the man.

"There you are, you son of a bitch."

>He looks over at Madeleine, gritting his teeth. Orion quickly helps her up to her feet.

"Has he hurt you?"


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>Madeleine smiles at the sight of Orion's arrival, dusting herself off a little.

"Nothing that'll get me when I'm awake, I th-"

>Madeleine is rudely interrupted by the man.

"Why sacrifice yourself for her? You're American, you're better!"

>The man starts to go into a fighting pose and then stops.

"No matter, she's awake now. And she can give you her gift, even if you don't deserve it. . ."

>The man waves his hand, and the railings around the area disintegrate, revealing a "sun" over the horizon, which rises and begins the bathe the park with an intense light, the intensity of it increasing more and more until it reaches a peak so high that nothing is visible. . .


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>Somewhere in the British Countryside

>Madeleine wakes up in her bed, blinking as she nurses her head before looking around, confused.

>Before she has the chance to say anything, she's interrupted by a knock on the door, and finds herself joined by a blonde woman with similar physical features to her, who gives her a warm smile.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. It's a big day for you. . ."

"Wha. . ."

>Madeleine groggily blinks, and then a load of memories suddenly spring up in her head as she notices a sketch hanging in the hallway.

"Oh. . . you're right!"

>Madeleine bursts up.

"I can't just be lying down here, there's so much to do!"

>The blonde woman laughs.

"Yes, that's right. But before anything, I've got something to say to my daughter. . ."

>The woman gives Madeleine a tight hug.

"I love you, ■■■■■. . ."

[To be concluded]

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