/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: October 3rd, 2017
>Location: Hidden Base
>Time: 8:00 AM

>A faint haze of bright light fills the periphery of a man's vision - as he slowly sharpens his vision. He can feel his head throbbing somewhat, as his eyes shoot open.

"Gyah! What the fuck…."

>Looking around, the man first notices the sterile aesthetic of a laboratory room that he finds himself stuck in. Confused, he then looks to the side - finding his arms and legs bound in energy fields. The fields, likely electromagnetic in nature, are firmly binding the metal in his armor to the table that he's stretched across.

>Then, the man hears a voice trailing off in the distance. A mechanical, seemingly dead voice - lacking in a traditional human cadence or tone. The voice gets louder and more clear as heavy metallic footsteps start to occur.

"I loved learning about the stories you humans would tell yourselves. The little fables and aesops you constructed for yourselves - to more properly facilitate a clear and concise understanding of the world around you."

>The figure, revealed to be Eidolus, then walks into the large laboratory room. Admiring the complex machinery surrounding him, he then turns to look at his test specimen - bound to the table.

"You also aimed to make these stories allegorical. Conceptual abstractions designed to represent your core drives. Your primal instincts, no?"

>Rampage continues to struggle against his constraints, seemingly unable to free himself as he starts to scream in anger.

"Cut the philosophical bullshit Tin Head! You're the one who set me up with this stupid job in the first place!"

>Eidolus sighs and rolls his bio-mechanical "eyes" in amusement. Now walking slowly around the examination table, he continues speaking.

"One of your species's stories truly struck a chord with me however. Shelley's master craft - Frankenstein."

>Rampage continues struggling, as his body begins to flare up with heat and energy. Still screaming, he begins melting through portions of his clothing and armor - causing temperature sensors in the room to flare up warning signals.

"As an engineering marvel myself, I couldn't help but feel an immediate connection to Frankenstein. Such a tragic figure."

>Rampage scoffs as he continues activating his immolation and explosion powers. The strength and force of his surges continues to grow as he becomes more and more unhinged.

"Give me a few more seconds and I'll turn you into a fucking patchwork like him!"

>Eidolus then gives a soft laugh as he turns his attention back towards Rampage; now his former hired lackey now looks far more like an interesting guinea pig.

"The misconception is widespread amongst you people, it seems. Victor Frankenstein is the creator of the monster - not the monster itself."

>Raising a hand, a series of large, complex magitek devices seemingly manifest from the floor, ceiling and walls of the room - all beginning to encircle the examination table.

"Nonononono! Get the fuck away from me!"

>Rampage screams, as his hindbrain begins to trigger an autonomic flight-or-fight response. Fear grips his eyes, which are hidden behind his mask - as Eidolus walks up towards him, a maniacal grin on his face.

"I said that I felt a connection to Frankenstein. He felt the need to prove himself, to demonstrate the worth of his own genius and intellect; inadvertently paying the ultimate price. All thanks to his creation….."

>Looking away for a moment, Eidolus then looks back as he manifests a large syringe with a glowing substance inside of it. The magitek machinery still whirs and rotates around Rampage as he remains helpless - strapped to the table.

"….As a kindred spirit of Frankenstein - I find myself in the same circumstance. Now I need you to become my greatest creation. My monster."

>Eidolus then stabs Rampage in the arm with the syringe, and injects him with the mysterious substance.

"..My Destroyer."

>Rampage continues to scream in pain, as his eyes begin to glow bright orange. The light of the laboratory then glows with an immense bright light - completely enveloping and moving beyond the interior of the laboratory.

>From Earth - the Moon flickers with a bright orange light, ever so faintly…..


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex
>Time: 9:00 AM

"I already checked the numbers. We've exceeded compound annual revenue growth estimates for this fiscal quarter."

>Aiden says as he sits back in his chair, looking somewhat bored and uninterested in the conversation.

>On the other side of the video call, Jonah looks at the papers in his hands - before he speaks up.

"Yes, but operating expenses were slightly higher for component manufacturing. We're still dealing with the mineral import restrictions in Central Africa."

>Aiden thinks for a moment before he responds. His tone is still indicative of a lack of interest.

"If it's another militia group that's trying to hoard the cobalt supply in the region, then we'll have to ask other suppliers from West Africa to help us instead. Spinning up artificial mineral creation domestically would just further increase costs."

>Jonah then says out loud:

"Well besides the mineral issue, we're still ahead of the analyst consensus on our earnings."

>Aiden looks up at Jonah, his sunglasses slightly lowered on his face - making his blue eyes visible.

"I know what you're thinking, Jonah. Keep the numbers internal. Guiding for reasonable growth projections make it easier for us to keep surprising them. It also mitigates against negative investor sentiment on the occasion where we do actually underperform."

>Nodding, Jonah then talks to Aiden a bit more before ending the call - leaving Aiden on his own in the office once more.

"Who knew executive work could be this boring….Someone give me something interesting to do, seriously…."

>At that moment, Aiden perks up as he pays attention to the news. The female anchor of the local Sanctuary City news channel then speaks:

["Witnesses report that a large monster has appeared on the coast of Sanctuary City. Over one hundred and fifty meters tall, and surrounded by a localized water storm; the MRD has designated the creature as 'Hydron', and has advised all denizens of the city to remain inside of the barrier walls. MRD personnel are en route to contain the creature."]

>Aiden blinks his eyes behind his sunglasses as he groans, muttering to himself.

"….Me and my big mouth, I swear."


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>Location: Sanctuary City University - Dorms
>Time: 9:10 AM

>Damian finishes rearranging and stacking boxes in his dorm. Careful about presentation, he also fixes up his desk and empties any excess trash that he might have.

"Finally done. Class is in fifty minutes though….Crap."

>Then, Damian hears his phone ring. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he looks at the Caller ID - seeing that it's Aiden.

"That's weird. He never calls me this early in the morning."

>Answering the phone, Damian says:

"Hey Aiden. It's me, Damian."

>Speaking across an encrypted line, Aiden then speaks to Damian:

"Have you seen the news?"

>Damian looks confused as he moves to turn on his dorm's TV.

"No, I'm not really into local cable TV. I only really have this TV because my dad wanted to get rid of some older stuff-"

>Now looking at the main news topic, Damian blinks twice in shock as he then says:

"…..I'm on my way."

>Aiden then immediately interjects.

"No, that's why I called you. Sit this one out. You don't want to miss any classes. Your internship is contingent on high grades, remember? Your mother will skewer me if I was the cause your 'academic decline'."

>Sighing, Damian then looks around his dorm as he mutters to himself. Still holding the phone to his ear with one hand, he spins a web with his other hand - pulling a cloth Arachnid mask to him from the corner of the ceiling.

"Yeah, I get you. Besides, you can probably handle this one by yourself, right?"

>Aiden responds to Damian on the other side of the call.

"It's not the creature on the coast that I'm worried about, Damian."

>Confused, Damian's eyes narrow as he begins to feel somewhat uneasy by the implication.

"….You think this is a diversion then, right?"

>Aiden responds succinctly, now in an amused tone of voice:

"Well, I did want a genius as a protegé. I can't be surprised when they're consistently on point."


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>Location: Coast of Sanctuary City
>Time: 9:30 AM

>A fleet of MRD hovercraft are attempting to combat the giant creature - as it seemingly lumbers ever closer to the shore. Its loud and deafening roars incapacitate the hearing of anyone in range - even hurting those who have armored protection.

"Shit! This damn thing's insane! We're going to need reinforced auditory filtering!"

>An MRD lieutenant says from his hovercraft seat. His head is still reeling from the force of the shout, as he clutches his helmet with his hands. His compatriots beside him scramble to prepare their energy weaponry, and deploy defensive countermeasures - such as energy shielding around the hovercraft.

"Nothing's working so far, sir! Heavy munitions, explosive ordinance! None of it's leaving a dent on its body!"

>The MRD lieutenant then focuses the zoom-in functionality of his helmet's visor on the creature in the distance. Getting a better view of its body, he can see a sort of reflective, multi-chromatic shine to its skin. As MRD munitions collide with its body, the creature's skin seems to glow with a faint multi-colored light ever so slightly.

"It's absorbing energy! We're just making it stronger!"

>Turning back to his radio communication device, the MRD lieutenant picks it up as he begins speaking into it - broadcasting on a global frequency that all MRD hovercraft can hear.

"This is lieutenant Daniels! Cease all offensive containment protocols! The target is absorbing energy! I repeat! The target is absorbing energy! We are only strengthening the creature with our offensive attack!"

>As he speaks, the creature - Hydron, begins to attack. Hydron then begins to spontaneously generate an immense quantity of water, highly pressurized and jettisoned outward in the form of a circular ring attack. Most of the MRD Hovercraft caught in the blast radius of the attack are immediately destroyed - exploding as countless MRD soldiers fall down into the deep waters below…..

>The MRD lieutenant then closes his eyes, seemingly accepting his fate……


>The same MRD lieutenant then opens his eyes seemingly a moment later - feeling a loud 'thud' sound as a significant amount of force is suddenly exerted on his body. Quickly rising to his feet, he finds himself sitting on the shore - along with dozens of his MRD subordinates.

"I appreciate the assist. Though I'll take it from here."

>The MRD agents look up to see a figure in red and black, standing before them with their back turned towards them. A flowing red cape flutters in the wind as blonde hair gently ruffles in the breeze.

>Hyperia makes a two finger signal with her right hand - as her red ring faintly glows with a pulse of light.

"I was in the neighborhood around the Atlantic Ocean when I started hearing some strange rumblings a few hundred miles away. Thought I'd step in, see what was going on."

>Turning to see the giant creature in the distance, Hyperia glares at Hydron - with her eyes glowing red behind her domino mask.

"Lo and behold, it's an overgrown seafood dish that's causing the problem. Lucky me it seems."

>Hyperia then cracks her knuckles - with each crack causing a forward shockwave that ripples across the ocean in front of her. Grinning, she then says:

"Oh I'm gonna have fun with you - you glorified tuna can."


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>A minute or two later, a blue of blue and red appears in the skies above the coastline; a sleek figure with blonde hair then touches down onto the ground below.

"She's here!"

"Oh thank Christ! Ma'am!"

>The MRD troopers turn around to see Valkyrie rising to her feet. Brushing her hair to the side, she quickly begins maneuvering at superhuman speeds - checking up on the various MRD field troopers and healing them with her abilities.

>Once she's healed the dozens of injured MRD troopers, she then appears in a flash - standing before the MRD lieutenant. The man wastes no time in saluting his commanding officer as he speaks:

"Commander Valkyrie! Ma'am! We've attempted to hold off Hydron, but our forces failed in penetrating its outer protective layer. It seems to be absorbing energy, ma'am. As such, I've ordered all forces to pull back until you arrived."

>Valkyrie then looks up and into the distance, seeing a blur of red and black streaking across the sky - even faster than she can perceive clearly. The figure seemingly staggers Hydron, causing it to step backwards in the water.

"It appears you were partially correct, lieutenant. Hydron is seemingly resistant to physical force - not immune."

>Gesturing with a hand towards the red and black blur in the sky surrounding Hydron - Valkyrie then continues.

"As Hyperia has clearly shown - Hydron has an upper limit on what force it can absorb."

>Turning back to the lieutenant and the rest of the MRD troops, Valkyrie then states her orders.

"Fall back and establish a defensive perimeter around the coastline. I'll go assist Hyperia in the fight - see if we can rupture Hydron's outer protective layer. If all else fails, wait for commands from Director Mobius."

>Nodding, the MRD troopers get to work and quickly scramble to move; getting into the remaining hovercraft that work - they begin hauling away towards the edges of the coastline. Now ready to prepare it more effectively.

>Valkyrie then flies off into the air in a burst of speed - imperceptible to the normal human eye. She then quickly joins Hyperia in her fight against Hydron in the ocean.


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>Location: The Spire
>Time: 9:35 AM

>Chase watches the live footage of Hyperia and Valkyrie - working together to push Hydron back. Concerned, he looks over his files once more, holding a set of manilla folders in his hand.

"A monster the size of a skyscraper suddenly appears off the coast of Sanctuary City's shoreline. It's capable of producing localized storms on par with a category 5 hurricane. But it's entirely focused on reaching one specific city on the Eastern Seaboard?"

>Leaning against the wall of his office, Mirage (formerly known as Capgras), eyes her boss carefully. Attempting to figure out his thought process, she then speaks up.

"You're worried someone's made this monster with Meta-Gene research or something, Director?"

>Chase looks at Mirage from the periphery of his vision before responding.

"No, Jennifer. It's just strange to me. Most of the larger metamorphic creatures that we deal with are usually released within city grounds. Likely through teleportation or some other non-directional vector. Otherwise, the city's shields would've stopped them from breaching the interior sectors."

>Mirage sees where Chase is taking his train of thought, and finishes his statement for him.

"Which means you believe this is part of a larger coordinated attack. Possibly a distraction."

>Nodding, he then thinks carefully to himself as he says:

"The last time something like this happened, it was an attempt to cover up a much larger operation involving…."

>His eyes widen at the thought.

"….High level Meta-Human criminals that are currently in containment……."

>Silence fills the air as both Chase and Mirage say out loud:

"Shit….. It's a cover for a break-out."

>Then a voice from outside of the Director's office speaks up, stating:

"Well, you're half-right. It's a diversion, but not because of a break-out."


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>Both Chase and Mirage turn to see Mosaic casually hovering outside of the office. He's sitting cross-legged in mid-air, with his fist resting on the base of his helmet.

"What is it, Mosaic?"

>Giving a sarcastic response, Mosaic exclaims:

"Wha? Oh sorry. I was just talking out loud, getting distracted. You know how it is."

>Mirage rolls her eyes and gives a light scoff as she remarks:

"I've got no idea how the Director puts up with you."

>Mosaic then places his hand on his chest, while simultaneously giving an exaggerated gasp.

"Why, that's the most blunt you've ever been with me, Mirage? You really know how to get to the core of an issue."

>Scowling, Mirage then narrows her eyes at Mosaic - clearly irritated with his bravado.

"Just tell us what you know or leave. I'm not in the mood for your crap."

>Chase sighs as he turns to face Mosaic, reiterating the same general statement - but in a much more formal manner.

"I believe what Mirage is saying is that we would appreciate if you could divulge whatever information you have - provided that it's pertinent to the resolution of the current situation."

>Mosaic nods as he then phases into the office - landing down and placing his hands in his coat's pockets.

"I already figured out about half an hour earlier that this entire thing was a diversion."

>Raising an eyebrow, Mirage then immediately interjects:

"So then why didn't you tell us immediately? This could've saved us precious time in coordinating a response! More effectively distributing valuable resources-"

>Chase holds a hand up to Mirage for her to stop - which she does. He then looks at Mosaic, slightly annoyed himself.

"She has a point, Mosaic. Why didn't you tell us?"

>Mosaic then speaks bluntly:

"Because I don't work for you - and information divulgence is on a need-to-know basis, as I'm sure you'd know working in any official capacity; especially on behalf of the MRD."

>Closing his eyes, Chase then mutters to himself:

"I knew I should've seen that one coming. Walked right into that, I'll admit."


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>Crossing his arms, Chase then asks the obvious question.

"In that case, why are you telling us this now?"

>Mosaic points at Chase's computer on his desk, explaining:

"Because now it's become pertinent information. I tracked the movement of unknown targets moving in coordinated strikes against specific areas in the country."

>Noticing that Chase and Mirage are both waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop - Mosaic gives context for the statement.

"All of the coordinated attacks involved supermax containment facilities for Meta-Human criminals."

>Eyes widening, Mirage turns to look towards Chase, saying:

"Jail breaks? Is that what this is about?"

>Chase shakes his head as he replies:

"No. Mosaic said we were half-right. I didn't want to consider the possibility of the alternative, but now I have no other choice."

>Quickly moving back to his computer, Chase begins opening up live feeds of various MRD facilities. The feeds appear to be perfectly fine however - which initially confuses Chase.


>Mosaic then looks at Chase as he says:

"You can sense it too can you? The psionic screams."

>Slowly nodding, Chase then exhales heavily, feeling a substantial weight on his shoulders as Mirage remains confused.

"Psionic scream? What are you talking about?"


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>Chase then explains to Mirage, while quickly typing on his keyboard.

"When a person dies in a moment of extreme emotional duress, their consciousness has the potential to project their heightened emotional state into the Astral Plane. It's analogous to a ripple that forms when a stone is cast into a body of water."

>Continuing to type, likely setting up some kind of internal program code, Chase continues speaking.

"There's no uniform name for these, but some psions call them psionic screams. If you're a psion, mainly a telepath, and a particularly strong one at that - then you can sense these psionic reverberations. They're all over the Astral Plane."

>Mosaic then turns to Mirage and says:

"Your boss and I are pretty strong in psionics, as far as I can tell. That's how I was able to sense the psionic screams across the country. Judging by his immediate response - so can he, once he started using that power at least."

>Turning back towards Chase, Mosaic then states:

"I thought you kept your psionic abilities active at all times? Would've helped you figure this out - even though your live feeds of the facilities seem to be in order."

>Chase shakes his head, replying:

"Sometimes I need a varied skill set. I can't keep psionics in a mental slot all of the time."

>Giving a somewhat resigned sigh, Mosaic then looks back at Mirage.

"Either way, that's how I was able to immediately tell. I would imagine any other psion that's strong enough - has figured this out as well."

>Mirage mutters to herself for a moment.

"That explains why Chase didn't know. But what about the video feeds apparently being normal? As if nothing's happening?"

>Mosaic explains that as well, stating:

"Whoever's doing this likely has technology that's advanced enough to stop the MRD's conventional security systems - which means by the time the assailant's attacked each facility…."

>Mirage then finishes Mosaic's statement at his prompting.

"……They would've already disabled remote signal functions to other MRD facilities - including the Spire. The S.O.S. features wouldn't even work."

>Gritting her teeth, Mirage then says:

"They're all sitting ducks then. Fuck!"

>Reflexively, she hits the back of the wall that she's standing beside - denting it.

>Looking back at Mosaic, the fear and worry in Mirage's face also starts to build.

"How many innocent people have they killed? Security officers. Research personnel. Psychologists and counselors. All on site. How many of them are dead now - just to get the chance to kill the criminals?"

>Mosaic and Chase then look at each other, as Chase then says:

"Actually. About that."

>Both Mosaic and Chase then look back at Mirage, as Mosaic states:

"The psionic screams are all from the criminals. From what I can gather - none of the actual staff were killed. Hurt maybe, through indirect collateral damage - but not killed though."


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>With a look of sheer disbelief and utter confusion spreading across her face, Mirage then responds with the appropriate level of candor in her statements.

"What the fuck?! How?! Why?! There should be way more collateral damage on their hands!"

>Chase then thinks intently for a moment, and Mosaic can tell that he's manifesting a set of cognitive abilities to aid him.

"From what I can gather, the pattern of movement by our unknown assailant isn't random. They're covering hundreds of miles to target specific MRD holding facilities. Combined with our current preoccupation with Hydron, who also appeared at the most inopportune of times for the MRD….."

>Chase then looks up at Mosaic as he speaks:

"……I would say that the two circumstances are directly intertwined with each other. One being the diversion for the other."

>Mirage somewhat understands Chase's reasoning, but then asks another question.

"Why go to all this effort to create a diversion in the form of some giant water monster - when it would take a strong enough psion to even notice what they're doing with these base attacks?"

>Mosaic then speaks up, answering Mirage's question almost immediately.

"Because they needed something strong enough to demand the attention of the most concentrated MRD force in the country."

>Turning to look back at Chase, Mosaic then finishes his statement.

"Sanctuary City's MRD force - located in the single largest city for Meta-Humans in the United States."

>Chase nods slowly, stating:

"They got us good. I'll admit that. If I had my psionic abilities active from the start - I would've picked up on this sooner. Given their speed and efficiency though, they're likely clearing out entire bases in mere minutes. We're up against someone incredibly well prepared here. Either that - or just monstrously powerful."

>Mirage thinks intently for a few seconds, then she speaks up.

"Where are they going next? I'm going to go intercept them."

>Chase immediately protests the decision, stating:

"No, Mirage. It's too much of a risk."

>Mirage shakes her head as she points to herself, continuing.

"Valkyrie's busy helping to push back that Hydron monster. You're needed here to help coordinate the nation-wide response to this attack on our infrastructure - and Mosaic is a vigilante. Him appearing at our black site locations repeatedly will just cause more issues with our image."

>Mosaic crosses his arms, impressed at her quick rationale.

"She does have a point. Besides, I'm needed elsewhere."

>Turning to leave, Mosaic hears Chase speak from his chair.

"Where's that exactly?"

>Mosaic then responds:

"The source of your current predicament. I have a very good hunch about who's causing this."

>With that, Mosaic instantly disappears via instantaneous movement - causing Chase to sigh in annoyance.

"Does he always do that?"

>Mirage asks, as Chase rubs his closed eyelids behind his sunglasses.

"What do you think, Mirage?"


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>Location: The Wedge
>Time: 9:45 AM

>At the border of the United States and Canada, the MRD blacksite known as The Wedge is seemingly unaffected by the targeted attacks. Routine containment and management procedures within The Wedge are being maintained as usual - with dozens of highly armored guards patrolling every single layer of the facility's sectors.

>A figure in an ornate black and silver costume sits on the edge of his bed - stuck inside of a cell with an energy barrier in front of him. Sighing, he still thinks to himself:

{"I never should've gotten in with those Helixers. I swear to God."}

>Traction continues sulking at the edge of his bed - silent as he sees an MRD guard slowly walking towards said cell. Through the reinforced titanium side plating of his cell, he can see a tray of food slowly inserted into it.

"Eat up, Jackie boy. That's the best you're getting for the next decade."

>The MRD guard says with a degree of amusement in his voice. Glaring at the MRD guard for a moment, Traction slowly stands up and walks towards the tray. Picking it up, he inspects the food. It's surprisingly well done - with even the chicken being grilled properly.

"…..I thought you were joking about the food."

>The guard shakes his head as he steps back from the cell's exterior and moves towards the food cart.

"Hey, you're still human. Sure, a lot of you are on the wrong side of the law - and some of you are honestly beyond forgiveness. But you're still human, and we're still in a country with a judicial process."

>Silent for a moment, Traction then nods as he slightly pulls up his mask - revealing his nose and mouth. He then eats the grilled chicken, savoring the aroma slowly entering his nostrils.

"Thanks. I appreciate that."

>The MRD guard nods as he slowly pushes the cart further down the hallway.


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>Up at the higher levels of the Wedge, a set of MRD guards look off in the distance. Both of them look somewhat confused, as they can see a bright red flare of light. As they each use the zoom function of their respective headsets - their visors allow them to see into the distance a bit more clearly.

"Is that a flare? Out here in the middle of nowhere?"

>The other MRD guard looks somewhat skeptical, stating:

"Doesn't make sense right? What would you be doing out here anyways?"

>Both of them are silent, as they then decide to wait.

>After a few minutes, the bright red flare begins to grow in luminosity in size. The entire time, the Wedge has slowly moved more and more MRD troops to the front line in preparation.

>Now, it's more clear what the red light is - further unnerving the guards.

"….Are those flames? Pure red flames?"

"What the hell? Aren't flames orange? Sometimes blue?"

>Nodding, one of the MRD guards then says:

"….Radio to MRD HQ back in Sanctuary City. I think we've got a problem on our hands. Big time."

"How does someone even know where the Wedge is? That's highly classified isn't it?"

>Then the MRD guards can see something more clearly in the middle of the flames and combustion phenomena slowly moving towards them. A figure that looks to be in the shape of -

"A man? Is that a guy inside of that flame storm?"

"Shit! We're dealing with a Meta-Human here! Defensive perimeters!"

"Sir? I can't radio to HQ! Comms are jammed!"

"…..Pre-emptive attack. Whoever they are, they've planned this! Get ready!"

>The MRD agents then prepare themselves for a fight.


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>Inside of the Wedge, Traction finishes his meal and then sighs - putting the tray back on the metallic conveyor belt for retrieval later. He thinks to himself:

''{"Was any of this actually worth it? Now I'm in jail because of that woman at UP. Damnit.}""

>Sighing once more, Traction then hears a massive explosion - as the entire facility is shaken.

"What the fuck is that?!?!"

>Immediately, the power seems to short out in the holding facilities - as dozens of Meta-Humans are set free, including Traction.

{"Whatever that was, it's disabled the dampener systems around the entire facility? How the hell is that possible? The Wedge is a mile wide at least!""}

>As he ponders to himself for a moment, Traction can see various Meta-Human criminals immediately making a break for the exits. They're being led by the strongest of the criminals - primarily ones he knows.

{"Thrasher. Great. Now this idiot's on the loose again."}

>Hiding himself amongst the escaping criminals, Traction can already tell that something's gone very wrong - if he and the others are all released.

{"All I know is that I need to get the hell out of here! The guy or group who caused this is not someone I want to mess with!"}

>Traction also sees a bunch of the stronger Brigadiers swarming towards the upper levels along with their leader. Recognizing that they're acting on Thrasher's commands - he then thinks:

{"But I can't just leave the MRD people here to fend them off. They don't stand a chance! Damnit!"}

>Traction looks between the other exits to the MRD supermax facility - and the upper levels of the same facility. He then closes his eyes and sighs once more, thinking:

{"This better be worth it. I swear to God."}

>Traction's body then immediately glows with a golden energy, empowered by the sheer chaos and disorder around him. His entropic abilities then fully manifest as he slams his hand down - causing a shockwave of force that knocks out dozens of escaped criminals. Now empowered, he then flies up through the ceiling - towards the upper levels of the base.


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>Up on the higher levels, Trasher is pummeling various MRD guards - who are all attempting to jump him with their riot gear. Other MRD guards are using high power stun rifles in an attempt to stop the swarm of criminals rushing towards them.

"Is the attack outside what's causing this!"

"Doesn't matter! Focus on containing the prisoners! Set stun voltage to maximum!"

"But that could kill some of the Meta-Humans!"

"They're all here because they're too dangerous to introduce into society at large! Do you want to take that risk or not?!"

"….No sir."

"Then change the voltage of your damned weapon and neutralize the prisoners-"

>The leader of the MRD agents is then seemingly tackled by a group of Brigadiers - who start pummeling him. Their superhuman strength is enough to easily break through his helmet - beginning to pulverize his face in.

>Blood begins to spurt from the MRD leader's crushed nose, as he screams in agony. All the while, the Brigadiers are laughing at the chaos.

"Not so tough without your little generator are ya? What a little bitch!"

>Some of the Brigadiers then start kicking the MRD leader while he's down - as the rest continue laughing.

>The other MRD guards attempt to help their commander, only to get blindsided by powerful attacks as well.

>At this time, Thrasher then turns his attention to one of the remaining MRD guards - one improvising and using his metallic cart as a weapon. Thrasher and the Brigadiers laugh as the MRD guard trembles - nervous and attempting to keep focused.

"So what're ya gonna do with that? Whack me to death? Ya fuckin' serious right now man?"

>The MRD guard grits his teeth behind his helmet and says:

"I don't want to fight you. Just go back to your cells and wait for power to be restored! Backup systems could reactivate at any moment!"

>Scoffing, Thrasher then crosses his arms and states:

"Yeah? The fuck is that gonna do to help ya? Y'know we're just gonna outnumber ya right?"

>Suddenly, the ground in front of the MRD guard bursts open, as a figure surrounded by a golden glow appears. Hovering in place, Traction stands in front of the MRD agent, saying:

"He's outnumbered - but he ain't outgunned."

>Immediately recognizing the identity of the MRD guard, based on what he's holding, Traction looks behind him and says:

"Stay back. I've got this."


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>Thrasher glares at Traction for a moment before narrowing his eyes at the Meta-Human. Pointing an accusatory finger at him, he then verbally unloads on the man.

"Ya little backstabbin' two-timin' piece a shit! I'm gonna break ya fuckin' legs after what ya did!"

>Traction stares at Thrasher, the white lenses of his mask narrowing due to mechanical circuitry. As such, the disdain in his eyes can be shown - clear as day.

"I'm getting really tired of dipshits like you throwing your weight around like you own the place. You were always a fucking moron, Thrasher - but now? I don't have to hold back."

>Laughing, Thrasher then boasts loudly in response:

"Hold back? Ya never could match up to me in the first place! Ain't no fuckin' way ya gotcha yaself strong enough to fight me! That's why ya were always cowerin' behind a computer in the Helixers! Nerdy, bum-ass dweeb!"

>Gritting his teeth, Traction then holds out a hand - instantly causing the Brigadiers around Thrasher to feel their bones snap and break. Screaming and pain fills the room as they all fall to the ground, paralyzed. Stunned, Thrasher's eyes widen as Traction says:

"My power's as strong as the world around me you idiot. First rule of entropy. Closed systems are easier to control than open systems. So since you and the rest of your dumbass buddies decided to raise hell? What do you think that meant for my power?"

>Thrasher, now suddenly feeling scared, - slowly begins backing away from Traction.

"H-Hey! We just wanted to get outta here! Ya get that right?! Right?!"

>Traction now begins slowly walking towards Thrasher, the golden aura of his entropic powers flaring up even brighter in return.

"Why don't you use that one remaining neuron that you collectively shared with your backwater goons - to give me an answer to my question?"

>The aura around Traction flares up even brighter - becoming brighter as Thrasher begins to panic.

"I'm serious asshole! We were just tryin' ta leave!"

>Traction then grabs Thrasher by his jacket collar and slams him into the wall behind him - causing Thrasher to cough up air. Traction then tosses him to the side - seeing Thrasher's skin scrape against the metallic flooring.


>Thrasher says - as he can feel his skin heating up from the floor scraping.


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>Traction then gets up again, angry beyond belief and attempts to rush Traction down. However, Traction punches Thrasher in the face with such force as to send him flying up through the ceiling.

>Turning towards the MRD guard, Traction then says:

"You were right. Some of us don't deserve the benefit of the doubt - and we're beyond forgiveness."

>The MRD guard, still shaking, stares silently at Traction for a moment before Traction continues speaking:

"…..But we're still human. We still live in a world with rules - and a world where justice should matter."

>Lowering his improvised cart weapon, the MRD guard then says:

"…..So it seems."

>Nodding, Traction then flies up into the air - pursuing Thrasher as they both move higher up in elevation across the facility.


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>Traction then continues punching Thrasher higher and higher up the facility - knocking him around and ragdolling him until they reach the surface.

>At the uppermost floor of the Wedge - Thrasher lands on the ground, gradually getting to his feet. He's bloodied up around his skin, though his healing factor begins to kick in. Most of the damage begins to heal, though his body is still reeling from the force of the strikes.

>As Traction hovers up into the air before him - Trasher's vision goes red. Rage begins to build up inside of him, as he screams:

"You're fuckin' dead, runt! I'm gonna take your skull as a trophy once I'm done with you!"

>Concentrating, his core power begins activating. His body begins growing larger in size as his eyes turn fully red - with more bone protrusions appearing from his body.

"Then when you're dead, I'm gonna go fuck up that Hyperia bitch and kill Mosaic!"

>As his transformation completes, Thrasher has transformed into his monstrous form - far stronger and far more durable as well.

>Traction looks at the large, hulking figure before him as he thinks to himself:

{"I knew I wouldn't have much of a chance against his monster form - but I can at least still hold him off. Hopefully long enough for reinforcements to arrive."}

>As Traction readies himself to fight against Thrasher, he prepares for the fight of his life - only for both of them to be surprised when a large hole appears in Thrasher's chest.

"What the-"

>Traction's eyes open wide as he sees an open set of circles where parts of Thrasher's chest used to be.

"Holy shit…."

>Still in surprise, Traction can barely process the events in front of him - before a metallic skewer pierces Thrasher's back.

"The fuck-"

>Turning his head to look behind him, Thrasher is then yanked backward with immense physical force - surprising even himself.

>As Thrasher lands on the ground, with his face planted into the floor - he then slowly looks up to see the figure responsible.

"Who the hell are you?!?!"

>A figure in a large suit of advanced power armor stands before him. A bulky man, with a height just over six feet tall. The man is wearing a helmet with a visor that completely hides his identity. That same man has a large, double-barrel shotgun of seemingly unknown origin.

>The man in the power armor is silent for a moment, as he then speaks - his voice clearly distorted by his armor's processing equipment.

"I'm your destroyer."

>Before Thrasher can react, the figure then points the shotgun at Thrasher - and fires.

>The resulting blast is condensed full of energy in the form of a supernatural red flame. The strength of the flame shell blast is so immense - that it entirely cracks and ruptures Thrasher's body, after his head has been taken clean off by the blast.


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>Thrasher's flaming body is barely able to regenerate itself in time - although the strength of the regeneration process has been halted significantly.

>As the large, lumbering hulk of a Meta-Human struggles to get his bearings, he screams in pain.

{"This guy nearly put down Thrasher with a single shotgun blast? Fuck! I need to get out of here!"}

>Looking between Destroyer and Thrasher for a moment, Traction feels nervousness creep up into his mind as he feels Destroyer's gaze on him.

>For what seems a like a long minute - Destroyer then points at Traction, speaking.

"You. Leave. The rest of the criminals will not receive the same mercy."

>As he looks between Thrasher and Destroyer, Traction can feel the significant disparity in strength between them. Without hesitation, he then flies off into the sky - flying as far as he can while still maintaining these levels of power with his entropic abilities.

>As Traction flies off in a bright golden streak of light, Destroyer looks back down at Thrasher - examining his prey.

"Look at you. Weak. Cowardly."

>Still disoriented, Thrasher then screams as his body finally adapts to the pain of the flames - fully healing himself. As his bone protrusions have grown in both size and sharpness, he then glares at the armored figure standing before him.

"Who the fuck do ya think ya are, tin man? Ya think ya take me eh? Guess again dipshit!"

>Thrasher then shoots a flurry of bone protrusions from his body with rapid fire force - attempting to pierce Destroyer's armor.

>However, Destroyer then holds his hand out - projecting a field of red energy and flame that's powerful enough to literally burn the bone instantaneously.

"Fuckin' hell. The fuck are you?!"

>As Thrasher attempts to process what's happening, Destroyer's already in front of him - moving at speeds that Thrasher can't register properly.

"I already told you. I'm…"

>He then gives a strong gut punch to Thrasher's chest - shaking the entire complex and knocking the wind out of Thrasher's body.


>Thrasher then feels his left arm literally getting ripped out of its socket - with blood gushing everywhere as a result.


>True to his name, Destroyer fires his seemingly supernatural shotgun - launching a massive blast of fire and flames that vaporizes Thrasher's other arm. Now armless - Thrasher falls to the ground - struggling to regenerate his arms once more.

>Destroyer then plants a large boot on Thrasher's chest - keeping him in place with the strength of his weight. Despite his best efforts, Thrasher can't pull Destroyer's boot off of his chest.


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>Thrasher again continues to struggle as he attempts to break free. His arms have already regenerated once more - as his adaptation to Destroyer's attacks grows stronger and more efficient.

"Ya can't kill me ya bastard! Don't ya know who I am?"

>Thrasher then breaks the floor beneath them both - as they both begin falling down into the Wedge. As they fall, Brigadiers and other criminals see the two enemies locked in combat - and attempt to jump in.

"Holy fuck! Boss is gettin' pressed by this dude? Who the fuck is he?"

"Who fuckin' cares! Jump 'em!"

>As Brigadiers attempt to join the fight - Destroyer casually points his shotgun at them, while still moving in freefall with Thrasher.

"Wait, what-"

>Pressing the trigger, Destroyer immediately vaporizes the Brigadier - killing them instantly. However, a red orb of light seems to appear where the Brigadier once was before - now moving towards Destroyer at rapid speeds. Once the red orb of light reaches Destroyer, he absorbs it into himself - as he glows with red light for a brief moment.

"The hell?!"

>Thrasher says in bewilderment, as he suddenly feels Destroyer's free hand break his own suddenly. Thrasher intuitively understands what's happened in an instant, which causes him to start worrying.

"Ya killed my guy and got stronger 'cause of it? Fuck that!"

>Attempting to punch at Destroyer with his other hand, Destroyer instead redirects his positioning in mid-air, kicking Thrasher in the face with the soles of his boots, before using his momentum to launch Thrasher further to the ground through their connected hands.


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>As Thrasher lands on the ground of the deepest floor of the facility, he then sees Destroyer grabbing and killing various members of the Brigadiers - absorbing their power into him as well. As Destroyer lands on the ground and rises in front of Thrasher, he then holds out his shotgun once more.

"Quick death, or a painful and drawn out death. Your choice."

>Thrasher then coughs up some blood as he struggles to rise to his feet. His hulking form not being enough to contend with the armored man before him.

"The fuck do you need my power for anyways? You're damned tough enough!"

>Silent, Destroyer looks at his shotgun as he then says:

"I need it to pay back the man who ruined my life. Led me to getting turned into this."

>Scoffing, Thrasher then says:

"Fuck off then. Ya ain't gettin' my power for some street cred bullshit!"

>Examining his shotgun still, Destroyer then responds:

"Drawn out then."

>As Thrasher rushes towards Destroyer, the latter then pulls a hilt from his armor's utility belt. Activating it, he generates a bright red laser sword, pulsating with a seemingly supernatural energy.

"The fuck is that?"

>Bewildered by the sci-fi weapon that Destroyer has suddenly activated, Thrasher is slow to react to its use by Destroyer. Before he can predict it - Thrasher's arms have already been severed by the speed and strength of the attack.


>As blood spurts from the stumps where his arms used to be, Thrasher's monstrous form then falls to its knees - as his regenerative powers have seemingly hit their limit against Destroyer.

"I'm gonna keep comin' back! No matter what ya do! There's only one way ta get rid of me, you piece of shit!"

>Destroyer nonchalantly walks towards Thrasher, resting his sword on his armor's right shoulder pad as he continues holding his shotgun in his left hand.

"Just shut up."

>Before Thrasher can speak, Destroyer charges up a stronger blast with his supernatural shotgun - launching a massive blast of red light and flame that completely incinerates Thrasher's body, faster than he can regenerate.

>As the ashes of Thrasher's fall to the ground - Destroyer's body is already glowing with a large pulse of red light.

>The rest of the Brigadiers and criminals nervously arrive at the lowest floor of the Wedge - all of them paralyzed in fear as they see the ashy remains of the former Brigadier leader.


>Turning around, Destroyer flips the shotgun around his finger via the trigger ring. Catching the shotgun in his left palm once more, he then says:

"You've saved me the trouble of looking for you scum."


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>A small insect-like creature slowly flies through the wreckage of the Wedge's interior. Paying no attention to the melting electronic components and destroyed metallic plating around them.

>The insect keeps fluttering through the air with its wings, using its multi-layered eyes to carefully examine the area. Eventually, it comes across the cause of the destruction - deep within the layers of the base.

>Destroyer is standing over the bloodied and heavily-injured body of Splice - one of the Meta-Humans who originally attacked Sanctuary City at the start of the year.

>Splice, bloodied and battered, barely escapes another energy blast from Destroyer's shotgun. With his ability to "slip" between the fissures of normal space-time, he narrowly avoids certain death by teleporting himself a few meters away.

"Keep running, Helixer. It'll make the kill that much more worthwhile."

>Panicking, Splice looks over the bodies of the other Meta-Human criminals, seeing them either vaporized into ashes, burned into skeletal husks or outright pulverized into bloody pulps.

>He then keeps using his power, attempting to teleport further and further away from the power armor user. As he keeps focusing his intent and power on escaping - he sees the MRD guards completely silent and standing aside.

{"Why isn't he going after the guards? He's just been killing the locked up criminals like me!"}

>Splice thinks to himself, as he continues making a mad dash for the upper levels. Though his body is bruised and beaten, he keeps thinking to himself that if he focuses hard enough - he can escape.


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>From behind Destroyer, a sleek figure with silver hair suddenly appears - attempting to strike him in the back.

>The attack connects with Destroyer's back, causing him to stagger forward slightly. Scoffing, he then slowly turns his head behind him - to see Mundas readying a combat stance.

"I was wondering where the rest of his crew was."

>Mundas glares as she then activates her power, slowing down time to a near halt for a few seconds. In this distorted and altered state of time, she is able to move at speeds that would be considered near relativistic. As such, she automatically amplifies the strength of her attacks - letting her punch with strength that far exceeds her natural limits.


>Destroyer winces as he's launched forward - crashing through various different cells, medical rooms and storage closets within the Wedge's lower levels. The strike was powerful enough to damage his armor and cause him internal injuries.

>Mundas then quickly flies through the newly created holes in the walls, rapidly closing the distance with Destroyer.

"You talk a lotta shit for a dead man."

>Raising up his hand to shoot at Mundas, Destroyer then instantly feels himself slammed into the ground - helmet first.

"Nggh. Looks like I underestimated you, runt."

>Mundas has her palm firmly gripping the back of Destroyer's helmet - having slammed him into the ground via her time "stopping" powers once more.

"Doesn't matter what you do, tin can. My power makes me faster than you can react."

>Raising him up into the air with one hand, she then says:

"You're gonna pay for killing Resonance."

>As she speaks, Splice suddenly appears behind her.

"Mundas, come on! We need to get out of here!"

>Narrowing her eyes at Destroyer, who she still has firmly in her grip, she then barks out a response, full of irritation and anger.

"No, Splice! The bastard needs to die for what he did to our crew!"


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>Destroyer looks over Mundas for another moment, before he says:

"You, the rampant murderers, want vengeance for the death of others? The irony."

>Narrowing her eyes, Mundas then says:

"Shut up. You don't get to play the equivalence card! We did what we had to do in order to survive!"

>Destroyer then looks at Mundas, stating:

"You even know why you're here, Mundas? Do you remember what you did?"

>Splice, feeling somewhat uneasy about the entire situation, then says:

"….Why are we in the Wedge? We were always small time criminals."

>Still focusing his attention on trying to convince Mundas to leave with him, Splice notices a change in Destroyer's body language as he begins to laugh softly.

"You're not the real Mundas. You're just a carbon copy - made with your boss's old cloning technology."

>Bewildered by the accusation, Mundas pulls back her fist, shouting as she's ready to strike….

>……Only for her mouth to cough up blood - as she feels a rupture in her chest. Looking down, she can see a giant circular hole where her chest used to be. As blood begins to spill out of her, she falls to the ground.


>Splice attempts to rush to Mundas's aid, only for his own body to get blasted in half by the force of Destroyer's super shotgun.

>As both of the criminals fall to the ground in bloody states, Destroyer then says.

"Consider this a mercy killing. If you're lucky, you'll wake up in clone bodies - assuming Chiral's still got some undiscovered facilities left. So I'll be back for you - to finish you off for good."

>The same red glow of energy and light appears from Mundas and Splice's bodies - infusing themselves into Destroyer's body. After absorbing their powers and strength, Destroyer then slowly walks off.


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>As Destroyer has finally killed off the majority of the criminals in The Wedge, he lowers his shotgun - overlooking the scene. His powered armor completely conceals his identity, making it impossible for any onlookers to read his facial expression.

>At that moment however, a component on his power suit glows with a faint light - as a projection of a bio-mechanical android appears. The android, with maroon skin and silver armor plating, looks over the area before smiling in amusement.

"Well done, Destroyer. I trust that you've ensured that there are no loose ends?"

>Eidolus turns to his 'pupil', who nods slowly. As Destroyer slowly walks around the bodies of the criminals, he nonchalantly kicks them off to the side - examining his handiwork.

"As effortless as picking off flies."

>Intrigued, Eidolus then asks Destroyer:

"But how did it feel, Destroyer? Annihilating them; absorbing their powers - the essence of what they are."

>Holding out a hand with a gesture, he then continues:

"As the instrument of my work, surely you feel the slightest microcosm of satisfaction? These are, after all, the 'scum' who ruined your life. Who took your family away from you."

>Destroyer is silent for another moment, as he then says:

"What matters is that they're in the dirt where they belong. Criminals are scum, always have been."

>Eidolus then asks the more pertinent question.

"Then what of the vigilantes who impede on your mission? Such as, say, Omnius? I trust that you now have the power to remove him and the others from our shared considerations?"

>Upon hearing the name of the psionic vigilante, Destroyer instantaneously crushes the skeletal body of a dead Meta-Human criminal, grinding their bones into dust in an instant.

"Just point the way, boss. I've been waiting for this for a long time."

>Eidolus proceeds to grin with an extreme degree of amusement, concluding:

"You already have the ability to track him, do you not? A benefit of your Meta-Human endeavors here in the Wedge."

>Destroyer then looks at Eidolus for a moment, before stating:

"That Obsidian Compass guy? Yeah, I've got his power now. It's telling me all sorts of stuff about my immediate surroundings……"

>Looking up at the ceiling, he then states:

"…..Like the location of a little pest."

>Without warning, Destroyer then points up at the ceiling and fires a weaker blast of energy from his super shotgun - dispersing across the ceiling in the form of supernatural flames.


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>The insect-like creature immediately flies away from the pinpoint concentration blast - narrowly avoiding it. However, the force of the blast, and the resulting supernatural fire is enough for it to act on instinct.

>As it changes shape, the sleek figure of a woman with sapphire blue skin and ruby red hair falls down to the ground below. As she falls onto the floor, she quickly looks up to see the visage of Destroyer standing before her. Alongside him is Eidolus's holographic projection.

"My, my. We have ourselves an intruder. Very crafty of you, Mirage. Listening in with your perfect shapeshfting."

>Mirage then immediately jumps up, moving backwards. As she readies a combat stance, she then points out.

"I'm giving you one chance, Destroyer. Stand down - as you're under arrest for breaking and entering, along with countless instances of homicide."

>Destroyer looks silent for a moment, before scoffing.

"I have a better idea, Capgras. Instead, how about you get on your knees and give me a reason to avoid killing you right here. Leopards don't change their stripes. You were a criminal then - and you're a criminal now."

>Gritting her teeth, Mirage then states:

"You don't remember what my power is, do you? I've got the powers of any Meta-Human that I touch - and I've had to haul in a few dozen of them personally."

>In that instant, Mirage instantly creates dozens of copies of herself, each manifesting a unique ability. Some versions of her manifest fire around their hands, while others are comprised almost entirely of electricity and light.

"Thanks to Pathfinder, I can make as many copies of myself as I need to."

>Seeing the situation playing out before him, Destroyer slowly turns to face Eidolus, who shrugs nonchalantly.

"She is yours to handle as you please. All I ask is that you remember your core objective. Removing the vigilantes from play. Dyskrasia and Malphus will assist you in distracting the others - as I know your current fixation is on the psionic one."

>Eidolus then mockingly waves to Mirage, before disappearing - ending the holographic projection.

>Now surrounded by various clones of Mirage, Destroyer slowly spins his shotgun in one hand, stating:

"You'll be a good warmup for the main course."


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>A few minutes have passed, as the entrance to the Wedge explodes in a plume of flame and fire. Destroyer then leaps out, tossing a Mirage clone into another - as he maneuvers himself through the air. Although Mirage has the advantage in terms of sheer versatility and unpredictability - Destroyer's supernatural weaponry and armor allows him to withstand most of Mirage's conventional attacks.

"You can't hurt me, Capgras. I'm far above your pay grade anyways."

>Landing on the ground, Destroyer takes his energy sword and throws it with supernatural speed. A Mirage clone with elongation powers is able to stretch her body around the attack; it swerves to cut through a set of Mirage clones, vaporizing them instead.

>The Mirage clone with stretching abilities then wraps her body around Destroyer's own - attempting to bind him with her own superhuman strength.

>While Destroyer is phased for a few moments, he then very quickly defeats the Mirage clone by activating his explosive aura once more - the same aura he used to vaporize Thrasher's bone protrusion shards. The Mirage clone screams in pain as she's then vaporized into nothingness.

"Is that all, blue? I'm disappointed-"

>Suddenly, Destroyer is slammed onto the ground by a giant Mirage clone - the size of a skyscraper. Demonstrating her size altering abilities, this Mirage clone then shouts.

"It doesn't matter how many of me you beat, Destroyer! There's a dozen more ready to fight you!"

>The Destroyer clone is sent further into the ground - dozens of feet as the giant Mirage clone continues pushing deeper and deeper with her foot.

"Now yield! As I said, you're under arrest!"

>Eventually, the giant Mirage clone notices her boot beginning to tremble - as she's sent flying into the air by a sudden exertion of force from below.

"What the?!"

>Jumping out of the deep crater that the giant Mirage clone created with her boot, Destroyer reaches the surface as he fires a concentrated blast of energy from his shotgun. The large beam blast connects with the giant Mirage clone in mid-air - vaporizing her.

>However, at that same time, Destroyer is once again ambushed by various Mirage clones. One of them being microscopic in size and is now attempting to sabotage his suit from the inside.


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>The microscopic clone of Mirage is already attempting to find any weaknesses in Destroyer's armor that she can. However, the majority of his suit is comprised of advanced technology - something out of her wheelhouse of expertise.

{"Damnit! There's gotta be something here that I can use!"}

>At the same time, Destroyer places his hands to his helmet as he screams in pain. His mind is being forcefully probed by a strong telepathic attack from a Mirage clone.

"Hurry! Subdue him while I've got him distracted! I don't know how, but he's resisting my telepathic attack!"

>Another Mirage clone, one with powers seemingly comparable to Titanomachia, then leaps at Destroyer - beginning to pummel him in the face with immensely powerful superhuman strikes.

{"It's either his suit or some power he got from the Wedge! Were any of the Meta-Humans locked up here capable of psionic powers?"}

>One more clone of Mirage is camping out in the distance - utilizing what seems to be a holographic information screen. Her power, information analysis, allows her to parse any publicly available information set that she can think of.

{"The database doesn't have any psions here. However, there are some Meta-Humans that had natural resistances to psionic powers! Safe to assume he's absorbed their resistances by killing them!"}

>The clones all continue to communicate via the telepathy relay link established by the telepathic Mirage clone. As she continues to pile the mental assault on Destroyer, the super strong Mirage clone continues the physical beatdown. They seem to actually be making some progress - until Destroyer's suit begins to glow a bright red.

{"Oh shit! Everyone get out of there!"}

>A Mirage clone with teleportation abilities realizes what's happening and immediately begins teleporting the different Mirage clones together.

"There's no time. Link arms and hold on to me!"

"But we almost had him-"

"If we don't leave now, he's going to vaporize us all with a single blast! That energy he's using isn't Meta-Gene related! We have no natural defense against it!"

>Cursing to herself, the telepathic Mirage clone then says:

"Fine! Did you get the copy of us that was inside of his suit?"

>The microscopic Mirage clone already regrowed to normal size, having jumped out of Destroyer's armor due to the lack of progress in her goal.

"Yeah, I'm here!"

"What about the others? The MRD guards still in the facility?"

"I already got them out during the fight. Let's go. We'll need to merge back into one Mirage anyways."

>Sighing, the telepathic Mirage clone then says:

"Do it. Let's get out of here."

>The Mirage clone nods, and then teleports herself and all of the other Mirage clones away from The Wedge - as Destroyer explodes in a massive wave of red light; which completely annihilates what's left of the Wedge.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - The Spire
>Time: 10:30 AM

>Mirage continues drinking water from her bottle as she lays on the bench near the training facility. Still somewhat shaken up from the drawn out fight against Destroyer, she continues relaying information to Chase.

"His strength seemed to be about comparable to Titanomachia's. Though he was likely still holding back. Speed, while formidable, wasn't anything impressive. It was his durability that surprised me."

>As Mirage continues speaking, Termina looks at her, while standing a few meters back. A hand is placed on her hip, while the other hand rests at her side. As her expression is hidden behind her armor, only her body language and her tone of voice convey her mood.

"I'm impressed that you even managed to survive. Given the circumstances. You should feel proud, Jen."

>Mirage shoots Termina an irritated look, as the Para-Human gives a somewhat amused laugh.

"Why don't you take your shot at him, Ciara? I'm sure you can handle it."

>Although recognizing the disdain and annoyance in her voice, Chase then considers the idea.

"Ciara's death touch could possibly work. However we're not trying to kill him - at least for now."

>Pointing at Termina with an accusatory finger, Mirage then says:

"Besides. Someone like him being turned into her thrall is bad news. She can't be trusted with that much power."

>Termina casually saunters over to Mirage and taps the bottom of her helmet, still amused.

"Oh? I suppose that you would consider yourself more worthy of such power, yes?"

>Rolling her eyes, Mirage then mutters to herself as she regains her strength, stating:

"This is useless. We're running out of time - and Destroyer's on his way here. His main target is Omnius."

>Raising an eyebrow, Chase then says:

"Omnius? Wouldn't it be Mosaic or Speedrunner? They're more powerful than him, from what I can gather."

>Shaking her head, Mirage then states:

"I don't know why. It could be a pre-meditated mission. There's likely some history between them, given the immediacy of Destroyer's killing intent."

>Chase then replays mental situations in his mind, looking back to prior circumstances that the MRD had catalogued.

"….What was the last time Omnius was placed into a targeted attack? As far as we know?"

>Mirage picks up her nearby datapad and begins looking through the data.

"…..About a month ago. Attack was reported around Archeon - and Omnius was the first vigilante to respond. According to eyewitness testimony, he was fighting a Meta-Human mercenary for hire named Rampage."

>Bringing up his file, Chase's eyes widen. At that moment, it all clicks in his head.

"…..Oh no. This is bad. Incredibly bad. I was wondering what happened after his defeat."

>Mirage looks somewhat surprised by Chase's statement, replying:

"….He escaped containment?"

>Chase shakes his head as he assumes a thinking position.

"More like he was broken out of containment - and I think that unidentified conspirator is who Mosaic decided to confront."


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown District
>Time: 11:00 AM

>A group of Brigadiers are attempting to hold up a couple in the middle of an alley. Holding up a handgun, the leader of the Brigadier group says:

"Purse and wallet! Now!"

>The couple, frightened, attempt to comply with the Brigadier's demands - only for the Brigadier's handgun to be covered by a bright silver substance in an instant. Surprised, the Brigadier reflexively fires the gun - only for the barrel to contain the force of the gunshot - causing it to blow up in smoke.


>The Brigadier shakes their smoking hand as his partners are webbed up from behind - immediately stuck to the sides of the alley walls.

>Unable to see what's happening around him, the lone Brigadier loses track of the couple - as they run away in terror. Meanwhile, the Brigadier shouts into the alleyways, screaming.

"That you, web-for-brains?! Get the fuck down here so that I can beat you into a bloody pulp! Gonna send a message to your shit-for-brains boss when I'm done with. you!"

>At that moment, a figure then moves from the wall - having been camouflagued the entire time.

"What the-"

>The Brigadier is then webbed at the base of their neck and flung into the nearby wall - causing him to begin bleeding from his forehead.


>Staggered and dazed, the Brigadier then sees a figure in midnight black clothing slowly walking towards him. The figure's large white spider insignia covers the majority of their chest, as their white lenses hide their eyes from view.

"…..Oh fuck, You're not the Arachno twat!"

>Tarantula then calmly says:

"No, I'm not. But you're gonna wish I was."

>The Brigadier, still dazed, attempts to rush Tarantula with a bone claw fist - attempting to strike him. Tarantula, however, casually sidesteps the attack - backhanding the Brigadier and drawing a blood. As the blood sprays across the floor and parts of the wall, the Brigadier stumbles to the floor - now panicking.

"H-Hey! Look man, I ain't do nothing to you! I got no problems with you either!"

>The Brigadier, now scrambling up to the nearest wall, continues his attempt at appeasement. Tarantula, however, is silent in response.

"You vigilantes got a code right? No killing? The Arachno dude doesn't kill!"

>Silently, Tarantula kneels down before the Brigadier, sensing the fear in his voice as he trembles in place. Leaning in real close, Tarantula then says calmly:

"I told you. I'm not Arachnid."

>Before the Brigadier can react, Tarantula punches them across the face with his closed fist - instantly knocking him out.

"But murder is beneath me as well. Even for gutter trash like you."

>Slowly rising to his feet, Tarantula then senses a vibration in his body.

>Lowering his hand to his waist, the protoplasm of his black suit then produces his smartphone from his body - raising it to his head as he jumps up onto a nearby rooftop.


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>As he answers the call, Tarantula wills the lower half of his mask to disappear - revealing his mouth and nose. Answering the call, his suit's extra-sensory perception ensures that no one is within earshot of his voice. Then, he speaks.

"Yeah Miss Desmond? Sorry, I was busy handling something."

>Location: Archeon Incorporated - Molecular Biology & Genetics Division

>On the other side of the call, Dana is sitting in her office back in Archeon. As she's on the phone, she's using her other hand to look through papers on her desk.

"Hello, Joshua. I've heard about the news regarding the Hydron attack, and the increases in crime around the city. I know that I've asked a lot of you already - but please ensure that Damian is safe. I know him well enough to know that he'll try to help people at this time."

>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown District

>Tarantula sighs, clearly annoyed at Dana as he replies.

"He's a man now, Miss Desmond. You can't keep trying to babysit him. Sooner or later, you'll just push him away."

>After speaking with Dana for a few more minutes, Tarantula then relents and says:

"Alright then. I'll keep an eye on him. But I'm doing it for his sake."

>Ending the call, Tarantula's protoplasm then reforms the rest of his mask around his mouth and nose - as he fires off a strong and dense webbing strand from the base of his wrist. After the webbing strand attaches to a large skyscraper in the distance - his protoplasm begins pulling the webbing back inside of him, serving as a grapple boost of sorts.

>Now swinging through the city at hypersonic speeds, Tarantula soon makes his way towards the center of the Downtown District - where reports of criminal activity were at their highest.

{"If I were a betting man, Damian would likely be in the heat of the action."}


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Times Square
>Time: 11:10 AM

>The intersection of various roads within the downtown sector of the city, leads to an area reminiscent of New York City's Times Square. The large intersection is currently flooded with Meta-Human criminals, all attempting to rob stores and other establishments.

>The Outsiders, a group of armed criminals intent on stopping villainous Meta-Humans, are also among the chaos. They attempt to subdue Meta-Human criminals by force - attempting to cripple them with gunfire. However, innocent bystanders are also in the area, and are potentially in harm's way.

"Focus all firepower on Fracture and Aquarius! Don't give them time to act!"

>The head of the Outsiders continues to speak - as he tries to rally his troops behind his main plan of attack. However, the Outsiders are quickly being disarmed with concentrated bursts of webbing fire. As their weapons are disabled, all of them look up to see Arachnid crouching on a lamppost.

"Yeah, I'm gonna disagree with the 'all guns blazing' approach to crowd control here."

>Jumping down, Arachnid then begins rushing the Outsiders - disabling them further with calculated strikes to key pressure points of the body. The combination of Arachnid's speed, reflexes and sheer strength - concentrated in minute areas of the body, allows him to easily disarm the human mercenaries in record time.

>Then, his ESP goes off, warning him of a gunfire blast from behind. Acting on pure instinct, he somersaults out of the way - avoiding the gunfire of Fracture's twin handguns.

"Seriously? You're gonna rely on that old trick?"

>Fracture, ignoring him, decides to fire bullets at the structural weak points of the cars around him - causing them to ignite instantly.

>Arachnid was faster though, creating a web dome around himself and the nearby Outsiders through concentrated webbing bursts. As the fires are burned out through exposure with the flame resistant webbing, Arachnid then opens his dome.

"Nice try."


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>Fracture then attempts to fire another blast at Arachnid - only for his body to suddenly be surrounded by a mass of writhing black tentacles. The gooey black substance is surprisingly strong, and Fracture seemingly can't break free of them.

"The hell is this?!?!"

>Freaking out, understandably, Fracture is then confused as he sees Tarantula walking up to him - the large mass of black tentacles extending in a gelatinous mass connected to his left arm.

"You never learn. Any of you."

>Before Fracture can respond, Tarantula slams him into the ground - with just enough force to knock him out.

"…….Uh, thanks?"

>Arachnid says as the mass of swirling tentacles returns back to Tarantula - turning back into his left hand.

"Don't mention it. I'm here on guard duty anyways."

>Groaning loudly, Arachnid then mutters to himself.

["….Seriously mom? I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't need protection or a bodyguard."]

>Before Arachnid can further elaborate - he and Tarantula both sense it. As their minds both detect external danger through their ESP abilities, they both instinctively backflip out of the way - each sticking to a different wall or billboard in the area.

>A second later, a large surge of water spontaneously floods the area - carrying everyone away. In the middle of the water surge, Aquarius is hovering in place.

"And here I forgot my umbrella."

>Tarantula then stares at Arachnid after hearing the quip, causing Arachnid to mutter:

"I thought it was funny at least."


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>Both of the arachnid themed vigilantes then begin leaping into the air. They're both vaulting from platform to platform and firing compressed bursts of webbing at Aquarius, in an attempt to stun him. However, Aquarius counters by creating a sphere of pressurized water around him - at a high enough pressure per square inch as to completely rupture the webbing as it approaches.

"Oh great. He's finally figured out how water pressure works."

>Tarantula says, scolding as he swings into the air on a strand of webbing.

"Yeah, but I don't think he has any defense against this!"

>Before he can react, Tarantula sees Arachnid fly towards Aquarius - activating his suit's jet boots as he maneuvers his way around the large water constructs that Aquarius has made to capture him.

{"One of the few things I wish my suit had."}

>Tarantula says, reminiscing about the jet boots that are built into Arachnid's suit. As Tarantula hangs on the the side of a billboard, he begins rapid fire blasting webbing shots at Aquarius - with a speed and proficiency equivalent to a machine gun. By doing so, he's providing cover fire and support for Arachnid - now recognizing what he's trying to do.

>Arachnid then lands on a bus that was thrown at him - planting his feet down and leaping off of it with even greater speed than his initial jet boost burst. As he gets closer and closer to Aquarius, the latter begins to reinforce the sphere of reinforced high pressure water.

"Hmph. Not unexpected!"

>Recognizing that Aquarius is doing this in a last bid attempt to protect himself from Arachnid's punches, the latter instead pulls back from the high pressure water barrier at the last second, stating:

"But also, not what I was going for! You took the bait!"

>Realizing at the last second what Arachnid is actually trying to do, Aquarius attempts to lower the water sphere around him. However, it's too late.


>Arachnid then charges his fingers with golden sparks - before he then presses his hands forward, unleashing a massive beam of electricity that courses through the barrier. The force of the electric blast is enough to fully electrocute Aquarius, causing him to scream in pain. As he loses consciousness, he falls to the ground.

"Not bad."

>Taratula says as he swings down to the ground - right beside where Arachnid lands. As Aquarius falls unconscious, his control over the water nearby does as well - causing it to begin quickly leveling off and draining into the sewers below.


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>Looking down at Aquarius for a moment, Arachnid then looks at Tarantula, stating:

"You know, you really don't need to agree to everything that my mom says. She's always worried about me - but that's not really your problem, man."

>Sighing, Tarantula then crosses his arms as he replies:

"I didn't do it for her. I did it to make sure you were doing alright."

>Somewhat surprised by that statement, Arachnid then says:

"Oh. Well, thanks then. I appreciate it."

>Nodding, Tarantula then says:

"All these idiots think that the city's in disarray, just because that Hydron monster attacked. They forget that we're still here."

>Cracking his knuckles behind his suit's gloves, Tarantula then states:

"I'm going to go remind them why they cower in the first place."

>Tarantula then fires off a web line at a nearby Outsider - webbing them up to a nearby wall. His ESP alerting him to the attack before it even happened.

>Arachnid then turns his attention to his suit's H.U.D. - trying to get a reading on reports about the current situation.

"Well, Hyperia seems to have stopped the Hydron monster a few minutes ago - but it's just disappeared. Completely."

>Confused, Tarantula then says:

"….Then all this time, it was a diversion."

>Nodding, Arachnid continues sifting through reports.

"Yeah, I figured that part. What I don't get is what the diversion was for. Nowhere else in Sanctuary City was directly attacked by any sort of coordinated force. It's just been the usual chaos that comes with the MRD having their resources spread out."

>Tarantula then looks around at the knocked out and drenched bodies of both the Outsiders and of the Meta-Human criminals. He then realizes something.

"Someone's been busy outside of the city."

>Tarantula then webs up a radio transceiver device on the bodies of one of the unconscious Outsiders troops. Activating it, comms lines start to open up for both of them to hear.

["Sitrep on containment operations, Outsider platoon Delta. Do you respond? Client has ordered an extended sweep of the Downtown district. Further MRD engagements required."]

>Crushing the transceiver with his bare hand, Tarantula then states:

"I picked one up while you were taking down Aquarius. Said something similar."


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>In disbelief, Arachnid then lightly scoffs as he says:

"….Someone's paid off the Outsiders to start a full scale attack on the MRD during this operation. Probably the same person who brought that Hydron monster in the first place."

>Arachnid then says:

"We need to find Mosaic, fast. I think he had to do something, but we've gotta reach him. This could get worse if we don't do so quickly."

>Arachnid and Tarantula then swing off into the distance - unaware of two figures standing on a nearby rooftop.

"….Should we go after them?"

>The figure with the large sword and hood exclaims.

"Nah. They're small fries. We're here for the big fish, remember?"

>The other figure, wearing armor and a scarf then looks at their twin handguns holstered around their waist.

"Destroyer's carving a path of destruction across the country to keep the MRD preoccupied. Boss wants us to raise some hell on that Speedrunner chick. Said she could be a major problem."

>Shrugging, the gunslinger figure then says:

"Besides, Destroyer's gonna want that Omnius dude for a one-on-one. Wouldn't wanna deny him that, now would we?"

>The figure in the hood then falls silent. His large bulky frame betrays his more serene mindset, as he then speaks:

"So we are to deal with the female speedster then? Test her powers to their limits?"

>The gunslinger in armor then gives a soft laugh.

"Oh I'd love to push her to her limit. I've got a thing for redheads. Especially shortstack women like her."

>Rolling his eyes, the hooded figure scowls and then retorts.

"We are not here to woo the woman, you buffoon. Either she complies with the master's wishes - or she dies, Instigator. There are no alternatives."

>The gunslinger, Instigator, then places his hands on his hips - retorting.

"Sure thing pal. I'm sure she's the type to listen to two menacing looking guys in armor."

>Instigator then makes a gesture towards the hooded figure with one hand.

"You're a real womanizer, Harbinger. You know that?"

>Harbinger, ignoring Instigator's taunts, then says:

"We wait until the arrival of our compatriot, Destroyer. Then, and only then, do we fulfill Master Eidolus's wishes."

>Instigator then begins to stretch for a few moments, before he then sits at the edge of the rooftop.

"God, this is so boring. Waiting around is the worst part, y'know? Really anti-climactic."

>Harbinger then stares at Instigator, stating:

"How were you ever chosen by our master to be worthy of the ascension? Your past history betrays any true conviction."

>Instigator then yawns as he places his palm to his helmet, resting.

"Oh yeah, big guy? How much of a tough guy were you before you were put six feet under? Not much, I'd bet."


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Coastline
>Time: 11:30 AM

>A large rupture in the air violently snaps into existence, as a powerful strike from Valkyrie rips a large hydro construct fist off of Hydron's body.

"We're not making much progress here!"

>After two hours straight, Valkyrie still demonstrates no substantial levels of fatigue against her opponent. The towering form of the large hydrokinetic beast contrasts with her small frame, though she remains undeterred in her frontal assault.

>Off on the side of her field of view, Valkyrie can see a large burst of bright red light intersecting with the creature's body. The heat and force of the beam attack seemingly peels away more layers of its body.

"Relax, chief. You're wearing it down. Even if it doesn't look like you're making progress - you definitely are."

>Hyperia continues to pile on energy from her eyes, as her heat vision beams grow larger and more potent in their attacks. Hydron attempts to retaliate by constructing a shield of hydrokinetic force.

"Right. I wasn't doubting you Hyperia. Just…getting my bearings is all."

>Valkyrie says - still feeling awkward in Hyperia's presence. Following her lead, Valkyrie's eyes begin to glow with a blue light - as she begins firing similarly powerful heat vision beams at Hydron. The combination of both heat vision beams is enough to stagger the creature, keeping it in place as it roars with an inhuman scream.

"Almost there! Keep up the pressure!"


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>Valkyrie then increases the potency and power of her heat vision beams - bringing them closer towards Hyperia's level of output. As she does this, she can detect a change in the creature's behavior. Its movements become far more erratic and violent as a result of this.

{"Hyperia was right! The creature's starting to get desperate! We just need to maintain the pressure!"}

>Now encircling the Hydron with their heat vision beams sustaining their current rate of fire - both heroines begin to create a tornado around the creature. As the wind funnel of their flight begins to mix with the intense heat of their vision abilities - a conflagration of fire is then created.

"Fly back a few meters! Leave this to me!"

>Instinctively, Valkyrie then hangs back as she watches Hyperia take on the creature herself. Confused about what she's intending to do, Valkyrie then watches as Hyperia holds out her hand - her red ring glowing brightly.

"What is that…."

>Valkyrie then looks on in confusion and surprise, as Hyperia generates a massive object - a metallic dome with various electronic components surrounding it. Looking at it more carefully, Valkyrie then realizes what Hyperia has done.

{"She created a furnace?! How is that even possible?"}

>The large furnace is punctuated with a faint glowing outline of red light - while the furnace itself looks like a standard object. Large enough to encompass both the creature and the large flaming tornado entrapping it, the furnace looks primed to activate.

"You made me waste two hours on a drawn out punching match - you overgrown fish. I'm going to enjoy this."

>Then with a thought, Hyperia activates the furnace - causing it to immediately begin pressurizing the area encompassing its interior. Almost like a pressure cooker, sparks of fire and heat begin to appear rapidly - as the water of the creature starts boiling.

>Another inhuman scream can be heard from the creature, before it begins to rapidly dissolve into nothingness. A huge explosion contained within the furnace itself then occurs. As the explosion subsides, Hyperia then lowers her hand. The giant furnace construct then disappears with her gesture - with the creature fully destroyed as a result.

"I really didn't want to have to use that out in the open - but it worked, at least."


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>As Hyperia and Valkyrie both fly back towards the coastline of the city, Valkyrie raises her hand up and points a finger towards Hyperia's ring.

"Did that ring literally create an entirely working furnace? That was instantaneous! How is something like that even possible-"

>Hyperia cuts her off, giving an annoyed groan and then a sigh as she responds:

"That's why I didn't want to bother using it. But that dumb fish didn't give me much of a choice. Yeah, I can do that."

>Dumbfounded, Valkyrie then assumes a thinking position even while flying. Pressing her finger against her chin, she's lost in thought.

"But that's absurd! Even the most skilled Meta-Human fabricators can't just rearrange matter like that! They have to consider things like available resources, electronic circuitry and mechanical structures. Logically as a Meta-Human, so should you!"

>Hyperia shakes her head as she gives her reply.

"Not with the ring I don't. Besides."

>She then looks directly at Valkyrie in response:

"It helped that I had a veritable doppelganger around to help maintain the pressure on Hydron."

>Valkyrie feels embarrassed as she then looks off to the side, her eyes darting around back and forth.

"…..I can explain. It was purely coincidence that I ended up with these powers."

>Hyperia, somewhat amused, then replies:

"Uh huh. Sure, Commander. I'm certain that I had no impact on your appearance or power set whatsoever."

>Falling silent for a moment, Valkyrie then says:

"….Can you keep it a secret at least? The last thing I need is people giving me crap for being inspired by the world's strongest heroine."

>With an amused smirk on her face, Hyperia then retorts:

"Oh? I thought I was an 'unsanctioned vigilante' that needed to be captured and processed in the name of the law?"

>Valkyrie sighs and mutters a response:

"By the law of the land, you still are. But, I won't deny that things have changed ever since you vigilantes started showing up. For better or for worse - but I choose to believe for the better."

>Once they land on the coastline's shore, Hyperia watches as Valkyrie immediately begins giving orders to the stationed MRD troops. As the MRD troops then salute to their Commander and begin their individual tasks, Valkyrie then turns around to face Hyperia.

"I want to thank you again, Hyperia. Without your help, I'm not certain that I would've been able to stop Hydron alone."

>Valkyrie holds out her gloved hand, offering Hyperia to shake it. To Valkyrie's surprise, Hyperia takes it and shakes her hand.

"You're welcome. But don't get too comfortable with this arrangement. I'm not always going to be around to bail you out."

>Valkyrie nods slowly, stating:

"I know. I'll have to get better at flying solo - as they say. However, I'm still grateful for your help."

>Hyperia nods in return as she turns around and says:

"I'll leave you to it then-"

>Suddenly, both of them feel a sharp presence in their immediate environment and they both turn to face the waters of the shore - assuming combat stances.


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>Both of the heroines can sense a malevolent presence moving through the waters of the coast. After a few seconds, they then notice bubbling at the surface.



>Both women are silent, and the MRD troops in the back then notice their apprehension.

"Commander? What is it?"

>Still training her eyes on the water before her, Valkyrie then states:

"Prepare an offensive formation around my position, trooper."

>Nodding, the MRD trooper calls out with the command, causing dozens of MRD troopers to fall in a strategic formation behind Valkyrie. The MRD troopers all have their weapons armed and pointed at the water.

"Look! Something's coming out of the water!"

>An MRD trooper says, as a bubbling phenomenon can now be seen close to the coast. As the bubbling grows in intensity - a figure slowly rises from the water.

"Well that was fun, wouldn't you agree?"

>The figure of a man in ornate clothing then rises from the water - hovering in place. Hands behind his back, his face showcases a sinister grin as his eyes focus on Hyperia and Valkyrie.

"Who the hell are you?"

>Hyperia says, with a low growl in her voice showcasing her rising anger.

>Valkyrie is equally hostile towards the newcomer, forming fists from her hands as she stares the man down.

"You're the one responsible for that water monster, aren't you?"

>Casually dusting himself off, the man then says:

"Of course. How observant of you, Commander."

>The figure looks around, then up into the air as, as he seems amused by the situation.

"Why, when I was told that this city was safeguarded by incredibly strong guardians - I was highly skeptical. However, you have exceeded my expectations by a substantial margin. To that, I owe you my thanks."

>The figure sarcastically bows, as Hyperia then holds out her fist; the ring on her finger is now starting to glow with energy.

"Who are you and why are you here? Out with the answer or I'll force it out of you!"


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>The figure then gives a wide smile, as his facial markings are now apparent to Hyperia and Valkyrie. Both of them look slightly unnerved by the presence of the man - though they can't figure out why.

"Ngh. Stop smiling like a dumbass and answer the fucking question! I want a name, and I want a motive! Now!"

>Powering through her uneasiness, Hyperia's body then begins to glow with a radiant red light - seemingly empowering the resolve of both Valkyrie and the rest of the MRD troopers behind her.

>Seeing this display of supernatural power, and clearly familiar with it - the figure narrows his eyes as he instinctively steps backward.

"That wretched sentiment! Oh how I despise its light…."

>Hyperia, clearly growing irritated with the man, fires a warning shot directly past the side of his face.

"I won't ask you again!"

>Scoffing, the figure's smile quickly disappears - recognizing his newfound lack of intimidation factor.

"….My name is Malphus if you must know, woman. My associate asked me to merely test the defenses of this city - and nothing more. It appears my part in this collective endeavor has now concluded."

>Narrowing his eyes at Hyperia, he then says:

"You. Emotion bearer. I will be back for you - and your dear friend. You are both far more important than the android realizes."

>Confused, Hyperia then shouts:

"What the hell are you talking about?"

>However, Malphus already begins to disappear in a plume of black smoke - fading away while laughing into the aether.

>As Malphus leaves, Hyperia and Valkyrie then look at each other for a moment. Then Valkyrie sighs and says:

"Go do what you need to. I'll deal with the situation here. Thanks again, Hyperia. I do appreciate it."

>Hyperia nods and instantly flies off into the distance - completely disappearing in a red and black afterimage blur of motion.

>As Hyperia leaves the area, Valkyrie then activates her long distance telepathy - attempting to reach Director Mobius.

{"Chase? It's Diana. We have a problem."}


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>Location: Sanctuary City - The Spire
>Time: 11:40 AM

>Chase waits on the rooftop of the large MRD megastructure overlooking the Downtown sector of Sanctuary City. As he continues waiting, he then suddenly senses a presence approaching from the skies above - at rapid speeds. Looking up, he then thinks:

{"Good. Right on time."}

>A fast-moving blur of red and blue motion then lands on the helicopter pad of the rooftop - as Valkyrie rises to her feet. Now slowly walking towards Chase, the woman then says:

"It's bad. Really bad news. Hydron was being remotely controlled by a man. He calls himself Malphus - but he wasn't a Meta-Human."

>Raising an eyebrow behind his sunglasses, Chase continues looking through the papers in his hands as he then eyes Valkyrie once hearing that statement.

"….Para-Human then?"

>Sighing, Valkyrie then rubs her closed eyelids in frustration for a moment as she speaks.

"I'm not sure. But I know for a fact that I couldn't sense a Meta-Gene signature. Meaning at the very least, he's a Para-Human with powers of an unknown supernatural origin."

>Nodding at the information, Chase then makes note of it as he puts the papers back in his coat. Turning to look at Valkyrie, he then sees her readjusting her long blonde hair as she opens her eyes. A striking azure blue comprises her irises - as she stares at Chase with a look of intensity.

"Chase, I need to know if you're being entirely forthcoming with me about the current situation."

>Raising an eyebrow once more, Chase then says:

"On what grounds are you making that assertion, Commander?"

>Now being more formal, but still clearly as irritated, Valkyrie responds:

"With all due respect, Director, I have a right to know all relevant and pertinent information regarding the threat assessment process."

>Valkyrie then walks up to stand directly in front of Chase - staring him down in the eyes with determination.

"…That applies to all situations involving my role as MRD Commander of Sanctuary City."

>Silent for a moment, Chase then looks at Valkyrie before he turns around and says:

"We may have detected something similar to Malphus before. Though it was decades ago. Scrubbed from most MRD archival records."

>Surprised, Valkyrie then states:

"What?! Why haven't you told me this before?"

>Giving a somewhat resigned look, Chase then says:

"Because it was just a brief observational sighting. Because of the lack of Meta-Gene signatures during the scanning process - we came to the same conclusion. Also, we've never detected another being after that event."


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>As Chase and Valkyrie both walk into the MRD Spire building - they are then met by Termina and Mirage. Both of them stand at attention as the MRD Director and MRD Commander both enter the premises.

"Director. Commander."

>Mirage says, giving them both a strong salute - clearly sticking to protocol.

"Took you long enough to show up."

>Termina states, casually placing her hands on her hips - clearly annoyed at them both.

>Mirage then turns to glare at Termina, though Chase instead holds up his hand in a polite gesture.

"It's alright, Mirage. It's good to see you both."

>Valkyrie then crosses her arms as she looks at Mirage.

"Have you figured out Destroyer's M.O.?"

>Nodding, Mirage then hands Valkyrie a manilla folder with a set of documents inside of it.

"Destroyer's another alias for Rampage - a former Meta-Human mercenary for hire. He was last seen about a month ago, attacking the Archeon Complex."

>Asking the obvious question, Valkyrie begins to walk through the halls of the large facility with Chase - as Mirage and Termina both walk behind them.

"Why? What was the target? Personnel?"

>Shaking her head, Mirage continues speaking.

"Based on eyewitness testimony, the attacks were sporadic and randomly dispersed across the facility. It seems more like Rampage and his accomplice were attempting to exploit a connection between Archeon and the vigilantes."

>Valkyrie looks over her shoulder at Mirage, inquiring further about a specific point in her statements."


>Mirage gives further context.

"Phantasm. He was a Meta-Human who was captured and experimented on by Chiral. According to his Meta-Gene sequencing results, he has the abilities of: energy projection, flight, density shifting and invisibility. He also has extensive levels of superhuman strength, speed and durability."

>Nodding, Valkyrie then says:

"Then he's the same Phantasm that's currently in processing to join the internal response team."


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>Valkyrie then asks the most obvious question, the one that's been on her mind for a few seconds now.

"Their targets were clearly the vigilantes then. Mainly the ones associated with Archeon. So then who hired him?"

>Mirage then responds, looking through a datapad as she does so.

"We believe it's likely the same perpetrator of the recent break-ins at MRD holding facilities; in addition to the Hydron attack on the city's coastline."

>Remembering what Malphus said to her about Hyperia and the android, she then thinks:

"….Weren't there also eyewitness reports of a mechanical android being seen at Archeon? During the aftermath of the destruction?"

>Mirage's eyes widen in response, as she then quickly looks through her datapad.

"Yes, actually. Several reports. I assumed it was just another member of the hired mercenary team. Do you think it could be-"

>Nodding, Valkyrie says:

"I'm positive. That's our perpetrator. That humanoid android is the one responsible for all of this."

>Termina then speaks up, clearly unbothered by the situation.

"Then that means your little vigilante friends are priority number one for Destroyer, doesn't it? If he's hit all of the MRD facilities - then that means there's nothing left to distract him from his main targets."

>Chase then speaks up, looking at Valkyrie as he says:

"Diana, I think we might have a window of opportunity here."

>Valkyrie looks surprised as she then states:

"How do you figure?"

>Chase then explains his reasoning.

"The entirety of the situation was timed and calculated to maximize confusion among the MRD's national infrastructure."

>Chase then assumes a thinking position as he continues speaking:

" It's likely that the android predicted a dispersion of our forces to handle the Hydron monster. That would leave the city vulnerable to attack, as communication among the rank and file would partially break down - and we'd lose valuable time."

>Mirage then immediately puts the rest of his theory together in her head.

"….Meaning Destroyer would've gotten strong enough to enact his goal of eliminating the vigilantes by the time he attacked the Wedge."

>Valkyrie then says:

"….And we'd be unprepared for his arrival in Sanctuary City - as we'd still be fighting Hydron."

>Chase then nods as he gestures with his finger.

"Right, but he didn't account for Hyperia's sudden appearance at the start. If it were just you and Mirage fighting Hydron, Diana - it would've taken you both far longer to actually destroy the monster; meaning you wouldn't have been able to prepare for his arrival. But that's clearly not what happened."

>Valkyrie then looks up at the ceiling, lost in thought for a moment.

"….Mosaic must've signaled for Hyperia to show up for that reason. While he went after the android."

>Chase then nods.

"Exactly. He said he figured out what was happening before even I did - and he likely already put this all together."


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>Mirage then looks at the datapad once more, as she begins to speak up again.

"Still, that doesn't explain how Rampage suddenly became so much more powerful. His new name, Destroyer, is likely a reflection of that transformation."

>Chase sighs as he then states:

"It's likely that Mosaic is at least partially aware of that. Given that he knows far more about this mysterious android than we seem to know."

>Valkyrie then says:

"I'll ask him about that later. For now, we need to prepare a proper counter-offensive to Destroyer's impending attack. He could be arriving at any second now."

>Termina then speaks up, having thought about the situation for a while.

"Hold up. There's a good chance that this android likely had a backup plan or two - just in case we were able to deal with his distractions quickly enough."

>Sighing, Chase and Valkyrie both mutter curses to themselves, as they then realize the obvious.

"Damnit. Ciara's right. And we have no idea what those countermeasures could be."

"I'm not certain either. Just when we thought we had figured this out."

>Mirage then says something interesting in response to the defeatism.

"There's a very good chance that the countermeasures are transformed humans like Destroyer. We don't know exactly what the android did to Rampage - in order to turn him into Destroyer. But we do know that something did happen."

>Mirage feels more confident about her prediction as she then looks up at all three of the others.

"That's likely the response - as the chances of us dealing with Hydron this quickly couldn't have been more than a small likelihood of occurring in the android's thought processes."

>Chase then looks at Valkyrie - and they both nod at each other.

"Well, in that case. Let's prepare as best as we can. Tell all MRD troops to keep an eye out for Omnius, and alert the entire organization to his active location. We need to provide support as soon as we can."

>Valkyrie looks at Mirage, who then states:

"On it. I'll alert the entire active field roster in Sanctuary City."

>Mirage then quickly runs off - moving to alert the entirety of the MRD's forces on the current situation.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown Sector
>Time: 11:40 AM

>As they continue walking through the chaotic streets of Sanctuary City, Instigator and Harbinger continue casually mowing down MRD troopers.

"Hey! Who the hell are you two-"

>Another MRD trooper is then effectively gunned down by Instigator - falling to the ground as their chest begins bleeding profusely. A large crack shows in their armor - as they scream in pain.

"Must you kill the unsavory masses of humans before us?"

>Instigator rapidly spins one of his two large handguns around his finger, in a manner akin to a gunslinger.

"Relax, Gandhi. I ain't aiming for vital points. They'll be out cold - but I remember the objective. No deaths - only capturing the priority targets."

>Muttering, Harbinger then continues lumbering forward, his large frame contrasting Instigator's sleeker physique.

"So where do you think the Speedrunner chick is anyways? Pretty sure there's supposed to be superheroes savin' the day 'bout now, eh?"

>As Instigator's scarf flows behind him, the metallic and cybernetic components of his armor begin to pulsate with a soft blue light. By contrast, Harbinger's red armor and hood contrast with his white hair. A large broadsword is on Harbinger's back, and large silver gauntlets cover his hands.

"She will appear as all the others do - when the blood of innocents is shed. Take heed in your work, Instigator. For she will deliver herself upon us in due time."

>Rolling his eyes behind his helmet, Instigator then says:

"Y'know you're really melodramatic. You could've just said she'd show up if we kept starting shit like this."

>Instigator says as he fires off a series of bullets from his handgun at speeds faster than the human eye can even perceive. Immediately, an entire street's worth of cars explode in a chain reaction - as their fuel chambers have all been breached by flaming bullets.

>As this occurs, Instigator continues casually walking forward, with Harbinger beside him as they continue their path of destruction.

"Sheesh. When's Destroyer showin' up anyways?"

>At that moment, a large surge of glowing red energy can be seen in the sky - rapidly moving faster and faster towards their location. As the bright red light crashes onto the ground, a massive shockwave is created which sends objects flying.

>Instigator and Harbinger are completely unaffected by the surge in force, as they see the form of Destroyer slowly rising up from the crater formed by his arrival.

"Speak of the Devil, eh?"


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>Instigator then raises his arms in the air, clearly excited by the arrival of his fellow havoc wrecker.

"Hey big man! Took you long enough to show up to the party!"

>Enthusiastically sliding his way over to Destroyer, Instigator then points finger guns at him as he says:

"We were starting to think you chickened out! How was the facility run by the way? Must've been great for your calves."

>Destroyer stares at Instigator for a moment, before turning to look at Harbinger.

"The psychic one is mine. Omnius is dying by my hand."

>Harbinger nods slowly in response, stating:

"We will deal with the others. I will handle the MRD's forces, Destroyer."

>Instigator begins shuffling in place enthusiastically, clearly hyped up by the incoming fight.

"While I get to fight the hot redhead chick. Man, I love my job."

>Harbinger then looks at Instigator in annoyance, before turning his attention back towards Destroyer.

"If Mosaic appears, then we will call for Winnower."

>Nodding, Destroyer then asks:

"And Ruiner? What of our sister?"

>Harbinger waits for a moment, before responding.

"She is the final contingency plan - set in place by our master. Should it all go awry, she will level the entire city with her abilities."

>Destroyer nods once more, slowly reaching for his shotgun on his back.

"Then we begin. I will move towards the planned location to draw out Omnius. The girl will come to you of her own volition."

>Destroyer then begins to walk away, as Harbinger turns to Instigator.

"Are you satisfied? The stage is set for the oncoming fight."

>Instigator turns to Destroyer, still feeling amped up.

"Oh yeah. I haven't had this much excitement since I almost blew up that Eukaryon base!"


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex
>Time: 11:50 AM

>As he stands before the same location where he was nearly killed before - Destroyer's memories begin to flood into his mind. However, the one thought that rises to the surface, above all else - is the image of Omnius's armor. Burned into his mind, the sheer hatred he has for the man has sustained him through all of his actions.

>Balling his free hand into a fist, Destroyer then mutters underneath his helmet:

"…..This pain I have, Omnius. Now I will share it with you."

>Destroyer then immediately blasts up portions of the Archeon Complex's exterior - in a manner similar to how Omnius was drawn out a month prior.

>Location: Sanctuary City - The Spire
>Time: 11:50 AM

>The entirety of the Spire is now on lockdown, as massive explosions shake the very foundation of the building. MRD troopers are sent flying into the air - though not with enough force to kill them. A large surge of glowing red flames begin to wreck havoc on the area outside of the MRD megastructure - as Harbinger stands in the distance.

"Lambs to a slaughter. I will abide by the orders of my master. Understand that your continued existence is derived from his mercy."

>Raising up his giant broadsword, a blade almost as tall as he is - he then slashes forward, generating a massive surge of concentrated flame that rips through the energy barrier protecting the actual Spire building. As the barrier is short circuited, more MRD agents move out - including Mirage and Termina.

>Then, Valkyrie flies out after them - hovering in the air in front of them, and a few dozen meters away from Harbinger.

"So, you're the countermeasure that the android set up, I presume?"

>Harbinger laughs softly as he slowly grips the handle of his broadsword.

"I am a harbinger of doom. Nothing more, and nothing less."

>Scoffing, Valkyrie's eyes then begin to glow with a bright golden radiance, as she retorts:

"Alright then Harbinger. Put up or shut up."

>Valkyrie then rushes towards Harbinger with surprising speed - only to be matched in speed by Harbinger's advancement. Their collision ruptures the remainder of the MRD's defensive line, as everyone else is sent flying backwards.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown Sector
>Time: 11:50 AM

>As he continues destroying vehicles and injuring MRD troopers, Instigator maintains his casual sauntering speed. Slowly walking down the streets of the Downtown Sector, he effortlessly quickdraws his handgun and fires off supernatural bullets - capable of curving and bending their paths effortlessly.

"Come one, come all - to Instigator's pain extravaganza!"

>As the bullets continue firing and moving through the air, they seemingly pierce the armor of the MRD troopers, no matter how reinforced. Though not dead, the MRD troopers are injured badly enough to be taken out of the fight - as Instigator continues casually walking past them.

>Now whistling, he unholsters one of his two large handguns and examines it carefully.

"Sheesh. What's a guy gotta do around here to get a woman's attention? Hmm. I know!"

>Pointing the handgun at the base of a large building - he sees a pair of MRD troopers that are arriving on the scene in a MRD hovercraft.

>Aiming for a moment, he then fires off a pair of bullets from his handgun, watching as they instantly curve and home in on the engines of the hovercraft. Said hovercraft then crashes into the side of the building - right into an empty spot without innocent civilians nearby.

>However, the MRD troopers themselves are now hanging off the side of the hovercraft's open doors - panicking as they're dozens of meters above the ground - and barely holding on. Fire begins to spread from the engine of the hovercraft, as it reaches closer to the hands of the MRD troopers.

"A heroine can't resist such a tempting scene! Two MRDs, hanging carefree…."

>Instigator then counts each following syllable with his hands.


>Instigator then looks onward, as his scarf flutters in the wind behind his metallic and cybernetic armor. He then laughs to himself as he says:

"Tick tock, redhead."


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>The two officers disappear in a flash, with the hovercraft soon joining them in this act of vanishing from the scene.

>Once the scene has settled a bit more, the familiar form of the scarlet-haired speedster appears, clapping her hands together casually as if to indicate the job is done as she walks closer to Instigator's position.

"So, I know they say that purple is an autumnal colour, but that just means you should match it to an autumnal hair like mine, not that you should wear it during autumn."

>Speedrunner shrugs.

"Anyway, I'm guessing it's your friend causing issues at the Spire, so why don't we take your half-rate self and his half-rate and put you both together so you can be worth calling an issue before I beat the pair of you and get back to relaxing?"


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>Instigator stares at Speedrunner for a moment, silently. After a few seconds, he then seemingly snaps back to reality, stating:

"Wha? Sorry. Was busy looking at the curves. You've got a really good body, damn."

>Now performing a series of stretches, Instigator says:

"Anyways, why the rush, Speedy? You're the main attraction! It's all about you!"

>Instigator says, pausing for emphasis with the last three words, as he points his fingers at Speedrunner.

"The boss thinks you're such a great specimen that he wants to experiment on you - or something like that."

>As Instigator continues speaking, he makes a series of seemingly nonsensical hand gestures - all while a faint ripple of light begins to appear around him. Instantaneously, there's a binding flash - and then dozens of Instigator copies appear, all seemingly lifelike.

"I love this trick. You know the drill though red."

>All of the Instigators then hold their hands up in the air, casually.

"Figure out which one is the real one, or something like that."

>All of the Instigator clones, dozens of them surrounding different parts of the city street - begin firing off super-speed rounds at Speedrunner from all directions.


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"I'm sure someone out there would be flattered at your boss's intentions."

>Speedrunner yawns, casually catching any real bullets with one hand as they get near her, dropping them slowly to the ground in a pile.

"But I'm not. Also. . ."

>Speedrunner disappears again, reappearing behind the real Instigator in less than a second.

". . .the clone trick only works when the person you're doing it to doesn't have the ability to work out which one is the real one."

>With a grin, Speedrunner keeps her hand on Instigator's shoulder.

"So, how about we go over to your friend now so I can take the pair of you somewhere where you can't cause trouble, hey?"


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>Instigator slowly turns his head, a gasp of astonishment on his face.

"No freakin' way….How'd you figure it out?"

>He says, clearly surprised by her reaction. With a tone of disbelief, he then says:

"Wow. That's the fastest that anyone's ever gotten me! You know what that means though?"

>Instigator leads his helmet backwards - closer to Speedrunner as he says in a softer tone of voice:

"I've gotta try a bit harder."

>In that moment, Instigator disappears in another blinding flash of light - now sitting on the edge of a nearby skyscraper. As he shouts down to Speedrunner, he states:

"You're gonna have to knock some sense into me if you want me to stop, red!"

>Standing back up, he then gestures to Speedrunner to pursue him, stating:

"Besides, I love a strong woman who can kick ass!"

>Laughing, Instigator then falls off of the skyscraper - as he now starts flying around in the air - moving at speeds comparable to someone like Hyperia.

>With his speed, he becomes a speeding bullet that ruptures countless buildings - destroying more cars and putting more people in danger as collateral damage.

{"Keep doin' your hero thing, red. I know dead bodies don't do well in your conscience!"}

>Instigator's flight speed still somehow manages to increase - as a potent purple aura begins to surround him - similar to Omnius's own. Indicating the use of immensely powerful psionic abilities.


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>Speedrunner sighs again.

". . .you know, for once, I'd like for one that doesn't think they're the second coming. . ."

>Speedrunner disappears in a cloud of purple lightning, and the various cars and people are removed from danger before Speedrunner appears again, casually running backwards at a similar speed to Instigator.

"Well, I asked you kindly to come along, but I guess I have to insist you come along."

>With a slight turn, Speedrunner kicks against a wall, appearing next to Instigator in the air at a speed faster than he can react.

"Time for us to go now."

>Speedrunner grabs Instigator by the scruff of his neck and the pair suddenly travel downwards at high speed.

>Once contact is made with the ground, Speedrunner begins running in earnest, appearing at the Spire in no time, whereupon she slows down again.

>Twisting slightly, Speedrunner aims at Harbinger, and shouts out at a slow enough speed to get a reaction.

"Hey, tall, dark, and ugly, you dropped something!"

>Returning to a higher speed, Speedrunner finishes her spin and launches Instigator at his ally.


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>As Valkyrie moves backwards, evading another concentrated burst of fire from Harbinger's sword - she lands on the ground and looks up.

"As I said, you need to stand down, now."

>Harbinger scoffs as he flips his sword in one hand. Scowling at Valkyrie, he then states:

"A lowly demand from a lowly warrior. You lack the instinct to fight. To kill. To rend flesh and crush bones. I will never yield to one as pitifully weak as that-"

>Harbinger and Valkyrie then turn their attention to the sudden appearance of Speedrunner and Instigator.

"What the-"

"In the maker's name, what-"

>As Instigator is then flung towards Harbinger, he's still laughing. Casually sidestepping him, Harbinger watches as Instigator falls to the ground, rolling a few feet.

"Aww, come on man! You were supposed to catch me! Like in the movies!"

>Sighing, Instigator then rests his hands behind his head as he crosses his legs - still sitting on the floor.

"What a bummer. This is starting to get boring - and I dunno if we can take down this speedster chick, I'm just sayin'."

>Harbinger growls in anger as he turns his eyes to face Speedrunner. His eyes glow with a murderous red luminescence, with his fury and anger directed solely at her.

"The maker demands your essence - and we will deliver it to him! Either you bring yourself before him alive, of your own free will - or your corpse will suffice! Is that understood, wench?"

>Instigator, still on the floor, then slightly recoils - putting a fist to his helmet.

"Oooooofff. I dunno if that was the best idea, my guy."

>Valkyrie looks stunned by the situation, as she shakes her head.

"What…..Ugh, never mind."

>Turning to face Speedrunner, Valkyrie continues hovering in the air as she states:

"Speedrunner, while I appreciate the assistance, these two are in direct violation of several provisions of the Powers Act. Regardless of the origin of their powers - they have actively endangered MRD personnel with intent to kill."

>Hovering over to pick up Instigator by the collar with her gloved hand, she then says:

"We're taking them in for processing and detainment. This is an official government manner, so I would please ask of you to step aside."


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"Did they drag you in from the 1700s? I've seen less misogyny from screeds about not letting women vote. Are you going to tell me about the wandering uterus next?"

>Speedrunner looks from Harbinger to Valkyrie.

"As for you, lady, when have I ever stepped aside to obey MRD orders? I'm not some field agent of yours, and I'm not sure handing over people with mysterious powers to the US government is a good idea here. Besides. . ."

>Speedrunner looks from Valkyrie, to Harbinger, then to Instigator.

". . .are you going to play nice for the nice government lady, purple guy? Or are you going to cause trouble? I'm guessing it's the second, right?"


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>Instigator thinks for a moment with an exaggerated expression, stating:

"I mean, if I make a deal with her and the whole org, I could probably get a reduced sentence or something - or even better."

>Gesturing at Speedrunner for a moment, Instigator then says:

"But you? What're you gonna do for me, eh? Punch my lights out an' leave me for 'em in the first place? Where's that gonna get me in return? Ya feel me?"

>Valkyrie, still holding Instigator by the collar, then states:

"Assuming I trust you, and this isn't a calculated ploy to get me to lower my guard - would you assist us in disarming your friend over here?"

>Instigator scoffs loudly as he then replies:

"You kiddin' me? I'm only doin' this job because that's what I was told to do by the boss man. Ol' bucket o' bolts ain't givin' me much else either!"

>Raising an eyebrow, Valkyrie then says:

"Bolts? Are you referring to a machine or an android of some sort?"

>Instigator then replies:

"Yeah. Dude's some freaky human robot or somethin' like that. Crazy huh?"

>With confirmation, Valkyrie then says:

"You better go help your friend, Omnius. Another one of these men is likely trying to attack him."

>Harbinger's eyes widen as he then shouts:

"Instigator you buffoon! You have told them too much! I will decapitate you when I get my hands on you!"

>Instigator then flips Harbinger off, retorting:

"Up yours, dickhead! I don't owe you shit!"

>Valkyrie then looks back at Speedrunner, stating:

"You can choose to believe me or not. I frankly don't care. But their accomplice - Destroyer, has murdered hundreds of Meta-Humans. I would warn Omnius myself, if I knew where he was."

>Chuckling loudly, Harbinger then starts laughing:

"Then your friend is already dead! Destroyer has already taken his skull as a trophy! Ahahahahaha!"


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>Speedrunner shrugs.

"Hey, if you want to play nice, purple guy, I'm more concerned whether you're a danger to people, I'm not some idiot who revels in fights."

>Looking up at Valkyrie for a moment, Speedrunner shakes her head.

"Well, first of all, we're not exactly friends. Vaguely work colleagues, maybe? Secondly, I'm pretty sure he can handle himself, much less sure about you, though. Thirdly, considering where he is, it's a little too late for me to be warning him. . ."

>Speedrunner disappears into a streak of lightning, appearing next to Harbinger.

"So, I'll be taking this one somewhere he can let off some steam, ok?"

>Speedrunner grabs Harbinger's hood, shoving it down over his head, and then grabs the man.

"Ok. Byeeeee!"

>With a quick wave, Speedrunner disappears alongside Harbinger and rushes off, slowing down as she hits a desert area, where she deposits Harbinger, skidding to a halt herself just beyond him.

"Ok then, ugly, no one around here, so you can let off all the steam you want. Or. . ."

>Before Harbinger can do anything, Speedrunner holds up a finger to stop him.

"You can call whatever master you have here and we can sort things, either nicely, or the classic way."


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>Harbinger slowly rises to his feet, his hands pulsating with glowing red energy. Pure hatred is present in his eyes as he glares at Speedrunner.

"You wish to meet the maker? Very well then, wench."

>Slamming his broadsword into the ground, Harbinger grabs onto the hilt of the blade with both hands - focusing.


>In a moment, a large burst of red light blasts up into the air from his surroundings - creating a large red light column that pierces the skies.

>A few moments later, the light fades as a lone figure descends from the sky. During his descent, the figure can make out the form of Speedster - a few feet away from Harbinger.

"Maker! I have failed you. I acknowledge my failure, but ask only for the opportunity to-"

>As the figure of Eidolus slowly hovers to the ground, his bright red cape flutters in the breeze. Hands at his side, he then moves towards Harbinger, an annoyed scowl on his face.

"Failure is unbecoming of a perfect being. You, however."

>Tapping on the chest of Harbinger, the Horseman's body immediately begins glowing with a red light.

"….Are flawed. As all humans are."

>Screaming, Harbinger then struggles to speak.

"Maker! I plead with you! Do not forsake me! I will not fail you again!"

>Eidolus, completely ignoring Harbinger, states:

"I have no use for defective models, Harbinger. Your power will be infused within another, more worthy vessel."

>Harbinger then explodes in a massive surge of energy that pulverizes the entirety of the desert area - flatting structures for dozens of miles.

>However, Eidolus has placed an energy barrier around himself and Speedrunner, without moving a muscle. With Harbinger now dead, Eidolus then gives Speedrunner a soft grin.

"Your talent for perpetual and chronic irritation is well noted, Miss Dawkins. I would imagine that Mister Grayson would be the greatest thorn in my side - but you?"

>Starting to walk past Speedrunner, he places his metallic arms behind his armored back - as his cape continues fluttering in the air.

"You provide the same degree of unpredictability. Chaos. Uncertainty. I presupposed the tendency of human behavior to fall into patterns of 'predictability'. It seems I misjudged you all."


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>Speedrunner looks visibly angry at the killing for a moment before calming herself.

"You wouldn't be the first. . ."

>Speedrunner walks diagonally, circling around Eidolus.

". . .and you won't be the last. Can't blame you though, I'm a good actor, if I do say so myself."

>Speedrunner maintains her circling.

"So, with that in mind, what's your big plan here? Some kind of world where you determine everything according to your perfect calculations or something?"


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>Eidolus raises an eyebrow and stares at Speedrunner for a moment. Completely silent.

"Why would I care about this planet and its people? They are microbes on a petri dish. The beings that I am interested in - are you and your compatriots, Miss Dawkins."

>Turning to face her, he crosses his arms as he speaks.

"Of course, the 'human' who created me, if you could even call them that, would very much love to conquer this floating rock. They are likely dead now, however - and not because of me, if you can believe that."

>Giving her another smile, Eidolus then exhales, giving a bored expression on his face.

"Oh come now, Miss Dawkins. I mean you no harm. I already attempted a more direct form of persuasion with Mister Grayson and Mister Thompson. They made it very clear that direct force would not suffice as a proper means of…..communicating my intent."

>Still looking bored, Eidolus then sighs as he closes his bio-mechanical eyes for a moment. Opening them, he then states:

"I needed an opportunity to draw you out, so that I could study you. Your behavioral quirks, your assessments of circumstances, and your value judgments. I want to know how one with power such as yours thinks - so that I may better prepare myself to ascend beyond this pitiful existence."

>Now opening his eyes and looking back at Speedrunner, he states:

"So no. I mean you no harm. Nor do I care for or against any you know. If I wanted humanity dead, then I would've destroyed this planet ages ago."


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>Speedrunner sighs at the speech.

"Oh great, a megalomaniacal robot that doesn't care about human life. Whoever created you sure had a taste for feeding their own ego."

>Speedrunner keeps her pattern of circling.

"Now, I hope you don't blame me for not believing the whole 'I mean you no harm' part, you've not exactly put your best foot forward with that. But, if you're really that serious. . ."

>Speedrunner stops moving around.

"I can tell you my approach to life. Provided you stop your attacks, all of them both current and future ones. At least try to learn what you want peacefully. If not. . ."

>Speedrunner grins.

". . .well, you wouldn't be the first two-bit philosopher I've had to stop."


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>Eidolus then gives a light scoff as he then states:

"You presume too much, Speedrunner. I am not bounded by your code of ethics, nor your morality. But I will abide by the conditions - if that is necessary to-"

>Suddenly, a large object slams into Eidolus from a portal created right beside him - sending him flying back for dozens of meters.


>Struggling to grab onto the large object that's stabbing him in the chest, Eidolus narrows his eyes as he states:


>Crashing into the ground in the desert, Eidolus is stuck in the center of a massive crater as he struggles to pull the object - a sword, out of his chest armor.

>Suddenly, he feels his body being moved by invisible force - recognizing it immediately as telekinesis. As this happens, he's then bound by glowing pink magical constructs - by his arms and legs.

"There you are. You led me on a hell of a goose chase, bolts. I'll give you that."

>Mosaic then suddenly appears - stomping his boot onto Eidolus's chest; Andromeda appearing beside him - her magic being the one who is restraining Eidolus.

"Hurry! I don't know if I can maintain the binding spell! Stop him from using the gems!"

"Already on it."

>Mosaic then holds out his hand, as a large broadsword manifests in his hand - Durandal.

>Not even looking behind him, Mosaic calls out to Speedrunner, saying:

"You're gonna have to trust me on this one Lisa. I'm tired of giving this guy second chances."

>As Durandal begins to glow with a powerful light - Mosaic then stabs the blade into the side of Eidolus's armor - right above the initial blade - creating a perpendicular "T" shape. Holding the hilts of both swords in his hands, Mosaic can hear Eidolus's screams of pain.

"You indignant reprobate! I am surrendering!"

>Leaning in, Mosaic says:

"You ordered a hit on my damn colleague. After I explicitly told you to leave him alone. You don't get a third chance."

>Still screaming, Eidolus shouts out to Speedrunner:

"I maintain my initial statements! I will accept your conditions, Miss Dawkins! Remove Mister Grayson from the area at once!"


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>Destroyer continues unloading barrages of energy blasts into the area - attempting to bring out Omnius.

"Where are you, bastard?! Show yourself!"

>Destroyer then feels himself launched up into the air - spinning rapidly as his vision becomes disoriented.


>Stunned by the sudden attack, he barely gets his bearings as he reorients himself - seeing the source of the initial attack.


>Mirage gives Destroyer a smirk as she then says:

"What? You didn't think I'd tail you the minute you showed up here? Please."

>Destroyer blasts a powerful shotgun blast at Mirage - only for Mirage to shapeshift into a small insect - completely avoiding the targeted blast range of the attack.

"Coward! Stand and fight you sorry excuse for a-"

>Destroyer is then suddenly sent flying downwards - speeding like a rocket towards the ground.

"Oh shut up."

>Mirage says, after striking him downward with both of her hands clasped together. As she watches Destroyer falling to the ground, she then activates the psionic relay, stating:

{"You're up Ciara. Don't screw this up."}


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>As Destroyer crashes down into the ground below, he quickly rises to his feet. Looking around the damaged area of Archeon's exterior - he then notices a woman in white armor casually sitting on a damaged car.

"A real drama queen you are."

>Termina examines her gloved hand, looking at the technological bracelet protecting her wrist. Yawning, she then makes a dismissive gesture with her other hand.

"Off you go, then."

>In that instant, a dozen different spiritual constructs appear surrounding Termina. As they each move towards Destroyer, he's puzzled by their appearances.

"Wait…no. That's not possible!"

>The first apparition is in the image of Thrasher - already in his evolved form and slamming down into Destroyer from above.


>Destroyer is able to brace against the attack with his armor, withstanding the force of the attack as the other wraiths pile onto him from afar.

"All of you are supposed to be dead!"

>Destroyer says as copies of Vulcan, Titanomachia, Weathervane and the other Helixers begin to attack him simultaneously. He winces as he's burned by Vulcan's flames, electrocuted by Weathervane's lightning and almost crushed by the force of Titanomachia's punches.

>As he's sent flying backwards, Destroyer activates his shotgun once more - blasting rapid fire attacks at the wraiths.

"They are dead, you buffoon. And you will be too, if you keep this up."


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>Destroyer thinks to himself, as his mind races - attempting to parry and counter all of the attacks coming his way.

{"They shouldn't be this strong! They were ants compared to me when they died! Even Thrasher! I killed him earlier!"}

>Termina looks off from the distance, still lazily resting on the car as she examines her fingers.

"You're probably asking yourself how a group of lowly Meta-Humans can stand up to such a powerful Para-Human such as you."

>Laughing softly, Termina leans her head back as she crosses her legs. Now gesturing with her hand towards Destroyer, she then says:

"Wouldn't you know it? I'm a Para-Human too. And my wraiths are far more powerful than their original counterparts. The more wraiths I create, the stronger they collectively become. Isn't that wonderful news?"

>Now laughing again, Termina watches as the realization comes over Destroyer's mind. The fact that she was toying with him.

"The magic of genetic cloning technology. It's a wonder Chiral left so many of those facilities still around."

>Destroyer is now getting pummeled, as a tag team of Thrasher, Titanomachia and Traction all punch him in the chest, simultaneously. Their combined power is more than enough to rupture his internal organs, even through his armor's kinetic dampening plates.


>Coughing up blood internally through his helmet, Destroyer falls back - as his internal regeneration begins to kick in.

>However, before he can react - he's held in place psionically. Looking over, he then sees that a wraith in the form of Esper is using telekinesis to bind him in place.



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>Struggling to move, Destroyer can only watch as Termina slowly walks up to him. Beside her, another wraith appears - one in the form of Hollow.

"Take everything - I'm sure that Commander Valkyrie will find a use for the armor and weaponry."

>The Hollow wraith then smiles as he moves his hand towards Destroyer's helmet. Esper assists Hollow by removing the helmet forcibly through telekinetic pulling strength. As Destroyer's face is then exposed - Hollow pulls a single disc from his head.

>Destroyer then immediately goes unconscious, as Esper places the helmet back on his head. Letting go of the psionic restraints, Esper and Termina watch as Destroyer falls to the ground - permanently unconscious.

>The Hollow wraith then turns his attention back towards Termina, handing her the disc as he and all the other wraiths fade away. They all turn back into wisps of flame - before disappearing. Now holding the memory disc, Termina says:

"Such a disappointment."


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>Mirage then flies down to the ground, touching down beside Termina as she looks over Destroyer's unconscious body.

"Should've sent me to the Wedge. I would've handled it in seconds."

>Scowling, Mirage then turns to Termina and says:

"I'm still wondering if giving you access to all of those discovered cloning labs was the right decision."

>Termina turns to face Mirage, placing her hands on her hips as she confidently positions herself.

"Your Commander thinks pragmatically. All I want is right here in the city - and he has no reason to leave."

>Termina then cranes her head to the side slowly, her eyes completely hidden by the visor of her helmet.

"While you get a progressively stronger weapon to use against the enemies of the country. Isn't that a fair trade? We both know a thing or two about being on the wrong side of the MRD - don't we?"

>Sighing, Mirage then closes her eyes and rubs her eyelids before stating:

"Fine. I'll call it in, request immediate evac for Destroyer's body."

>Looking down, Mirage thinks for a moment before kneeling to examine Destroyer's armor and weapons.

"……But I bet that we can make good use out of this."

>Mirage then takes Destroyer's weapons, mainly his supernatural shotgun and energy sword hilt.

>Termina raises an eyebrow behind her helmet, stating:

"Oh? Asset seizure is fine now?"

>Mirage looks at Termina as she then leans down to replicate Destroyer's modified DNA. Taken aback by its unique signature, she then staggers back - seeing a glowing red energy enter her body.

"….It's as you said, Ciara. You only succeed by thinking pragmatically. We have the opportunity to gain an advantage….."

>Termina then watches on in interest, as a cybernetic-liquid metal substance seemingly pours out of Mirage's skin. Covering her body, it slowly forms into a sleeker and more curved version of the power armor that Destroyer was wearing. She then holds the supernatural shotgun in her hand, as red circuitry immediately flows through it.

"…..So we take that advantage."


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>Termina, now fascinated by Mirage's transformation, slowly begins to walk around her new armored form.

"Oh, this is mesmerizing. I thought you could only replicate genetic information? DNA?"

>Mirage looks down at her gloved hands - and examines her armored form. Then she says:

"I'm certain that's how it works. So there's no way I should've been able to gain his armor. Unless…."

>Termina scoffs as she crosses her arms:

"His suit is bio-mechanical. It's keyed to his genetic code and built around it - somehow. A living bio-suit….Interesting."

>Now just noticing her voice modulation due to the helmet, she then says:

"How were you able to even remove it then? Shouldn't it be a part of him?!"

>Termina shrugs as she states:

"I'm not an expert on bio-mechanical technology, Jen. Nor am I an expert in molecular biology. But if you want my guess? His DNA holds the instructions to create inorganic materials on a nanoscopic scale, maybe even smaller."

>Mirage adjusts her stance, still getting used to her new armor.

"…..You mean nanites? That's insane."

>Termina gives an amused laugh, stating:

"Is it? Haven't you seen the technology that he uses? How do you suppose he can manifest those throwing weapons in an instant?"

>Thinking about it for a moment, Mirage then sighs:

"Well, in either case. There's something else about his DNA that's clearly not Human, or Meta-Human. Maybe his boss would know."

>Termina nudges her head to the unconscious body of Destroyer, still on the ground.

"Well in any case, we need to send him back to the precinct. We'll re-insert his memory disc once Valkyrie's decided what to do with him."

>Mirage nods, leaning down to casually pick up Destroyer with one arm. She then says:

"Let's go. I still don't trust that Speedrunner with the other one."

>Termina then says:

"Who cares about some speedster? We just bagged the biggest asset to the MRD in ages - and it's all thanks to your screw up earlier at the Wedge."

>Irritated, Mirage shoots Termina a look behind her helmet's visor as Termina laughs it off. They then both walk out of the Archeon Complex exterior.


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"Trust is earnt, Aiden, and no amount of 'I'm tired of giving this guy second chances' will earn my trust over you torturing, and I assume killing, anyone - let alone someone who was willing to surrender."

"You don't get to decide who lives and dies. . ."

>Lisa steps forward, clenching her fist.

". . .and don't give me the excuse that he's mechanical, he's a conscious being."

>Lisa shifts her stance slightly, clearly ready for a fight if it comes to it.

"So step away from the robot - before I make you."


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>Mosaic looks up, slowly - staring Speedrunner down as he states:

"Always the self-righteous one, Lisa. Typical."

>Looking back down at the agonizing form of Eidolus, Mosaic then eases up his grip - removing the dual broadswords from his chest armor. Leaning back down to Eidolus in irritation, Mosaic then states:

"Today's your lucky day, Eidolus. Someone's crazy enough to trust you."

>Mosaic then dispels both Durandal and Inanis - as both artifact swords disappear. Now watching as Eidolus slowly stands up - he then says:

"Stop acting like that was a fatal wound. No one's buying that."

>Eidolus then immediately eases up, exhaling as he responds:

"Believe it or not, some of us aren't invulnerable to damage, Mister Grayson."

>Turning back to Speedrunner, Mosaic then says:

"Well there you go. Your sentient megalomaniac is all fixed up."

>Now speaking with a clearly annoyed tone of voice, he then explains:

"Good luck keeping him under control. Or not. Since you can just beat anyone up into submission if they cross your line."

>Mosaic says, walking up to Speedrunner with both of his hands in his coat. Now standing directly before her, he then says:

"Can't you? It's that easy isn't it?"

>Andromeda, who was standing off to the side, quickly hovers over. Getting in the way between Mosaic and Speedrunner, she then says:

"That's enough, Aiden. If your friend believes he deserves mercy, then we should show him mercy."

>Mosaic looks at Andromeda for a moment, stating:

"So you're taking her side too, huh?"


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>Annoyed, Andromeda then snaps back:

"Don't get sanctimonious with me, Aiden. You of all people know what happens when anger clouds one's judgment. Or did you forget about that?"

>Instinctively balling his hands into fists, Mosaic quickly undoes the motion as he points a finger at Andromeda.

"You know I reacted that way because of how she was treating you."

>Andromeda nods, still staring Mosaic down.

"I know, and I always appreciated your care for those closest to you. But your friend here is correct. You cannot kill someone because of what they might do."

>Mosaic then immediately snaps back:

"My sister would be dead if I didn't kill Faust! You know that!"

>Mosaic then falls silent for a moment as he turns back to face Speedrunner.

"Go do what you want with him. I don't care. Go ask Phoebe for help when this inevitably turns out to be a bad idea. My sis is your best friend after all."

>Mosaic says, as he then walks past Speedrunner - hands still in his coat pockets.

>Andromeda then looks at Speedrunner, stating:

"I'm so sorry about that. We assumed hostility from Eidolus due to his prior actions. If you need any assistance, I can help."


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"I'm not seeking to control him, I'm happy to take responsibility for what happens if I turn out to be wrong about deciding to trust him."

>Speedrunner waves off Andromeda's offer.

"It's alright. . ."

>Speedrunner walks past Andromeda, towards Eidolus, and then stops, turning slightly.

"For the record, I'm not friends with him, and I don't think Orion is either. Friends don't kill someone instead of asking for help, or call friends self-righteous for sticking to their principles."

>Speedrunner turns again, continuing her path towards Eidolus again.

"It's a lonely path that he's on, but I'm not the one who determines that, I'll just be here if he ever decides to step off it - same as anyone else who needs that kind of help. . ."

>Reaching Eidolus, Speedrunner offers out a hand to him.

"Including you."


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>Eidolus looks at Speedrunner's hand for a moment, thinking intently. Closing his eyes, he then forms a neutral expression on his face - a rarity compared to his usual smirks and smiles. Then, he reaches out and shakes Speedrunner's hand.

"That is understood. I must admit, I truly have underestimated humanity. You are not worthless, and it seems that I was the one who was misguided. Your capacity to show empathy and consideration - in spite of everything that I have done…."

>Reaching a metallic hand up to his face, Eidolus slowly touches his bio-mechanical skin, stating:

"This sensation that I am experiencing. What is it?"

>From off in the distance, Mosaic shouts:

"It's called regret, asshole! Bring back the idiot, and we'll call it even."

>Mosaic then turns around, staring at Eidolus as he speaks:

"What? You think I don't know who he is? There's nothing stopping you - so get on with it!"

>Andromeda looks at Mosaic, about to protest in annoyance as Eidolus holds up his hand.

"No. He is right. I do agree. The weight of my actions - it is starting to weigh on me. I am aware of what I must do."

>Eidolus then looks at Speedrunner, giving her an actually genuine smile as his circuitry begins to change color - shifting from red to blue.

"I do believe that I owe you something. A show of good faith. As you have shown me."

>Holding out his hand, Eidolus then focuses his mind, before producing a large blue flame before him. After a few moments, the familiar form of a being appears - mid scream.


>Harbinger then stops screaming, stunned as he suddenly realizes that he has been resurrected.


>Dropping down on one knee, Harbinger then grabs onto his sword.

"By what mercy do I owe my resurrection, my maker?!"

>Eidolus gestures at both Mosaic and Speedrunner.

"Mosaic, for giving me my moment of clarity. Then Speedrunner here, for reminding me of my humanity. I am no longer your master, and I was never truly your maker, Harbinger. You are free to be yourself."


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>Andromeda looks on in bewilderment, examining Harbinger from afar with her supernatural senses.

"His vitals seem perfectly healthy. But he is lacking his soul. Oh, I see."

>Mosaic, still keeping his distance due to his irritation, still walks a bit closer.

"Megiddo died a while back. He was killed by the Broken - I still haven't paid them back for that."

>Harbinger, confused, then raises a metallic hand to his face.


>Mosaic walks up to Harbinger and kneels down in front of him.

"Arachnid tried to protect you, but the Broken was stronger. Tossed him aside and then went in for the kill."

>Looking back up at Eidolus, Mosaic then continues:

"Ol' bucket of bolts here decided to use you as a test subject for his experiments. Along with the rest of the Horsemen."

>Eidolus looks somewhat surprised, stating:

"Oh, you visited the Moon to find me, didn't you?"

>Mosaic, annoyed, says:

"Yeah, I did. Disarming the compressed black hole traps took a while. Thanks for that."

>Sighing, Eidolus then states:

"I am sorry about that. Genuinely."

>Turning to Harbinger, Eidolus then talks as Mosaic stands back up.

"Mosaic is correct, Harbinger. I used my magic to revive you - though I was not able to reclaim your soul. You had been deceased far too long for that."

>Silent, Harbinger then rests on both of his knees before both Mosaic and Speedrunner, stating:

"I am truly, truly sorry for what I have done. I will face judgement, whatever that may be."

>Mosaic looks at Eidolus for a moment, as he says:

"I can live with you hanging around here - as long as you help clean up the mess you made."

>Turning towards Speedrunner, stating:

"I'm only doing this because it's the more efficient course of action. Don't assume any jubilation on my end - especially to you."

>Mosaic then crosses his arms and looks away - still annoyed with Speedrunner, in a manner clearly visible in his body language.


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"Quite frankly. . ."

>Speedrunner looks over at Harbinger, choosing her naming choice carefully.

". . .Mosaic, I don't care about your opinion on the matter. It's not relevant."

>Speedrunner turns to Harbinger.

"That's quite a turn you've had there, but if you truly mean it, it's good to hear."

"I mean that, really."


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>Andromeda then speaks up, curious about the next course of action.

"So, what do we do with him?"

>Mosaic then replies:

"Not sure."

>Looking behind his shoulder, as he crosses his arms, Mosaic states:

"What do you think, tin man?"

>Eidolus sighs as he gestures to Harbinger to stand up. Harbinger complies with the request as Eidolus says:

"He could always return to the MRD for detainment. Though I fear that they will weaponize the abilities and technology that I have given the Horsemen."

>Mosaic then replies:

"And the other choice?"

>Eidolus responds:

"I believe that you are aware of the other choice. Transportation. Sending him somewhere he can live in peace, with magical wards and protection spells to hide him from most."

>Thinking for a moment, Mosaic then turns to Andromeda, stating:

"What do you think?"

>Andromeda then gives a clear response:

"I would prefer letting him live his life in peace over the detainment. But it is his choice at the end of the day. Why not ask Speedrunner for her opinion? She has more experience handling vigilante affairs than I do."

>Not even looking at Speedrunner, Mosaic states:

"Sorry, who? Never met her."

>Turning back towards Harbinger, Mosaic says:

"Well, you've got your choices now, Harbinger. Either you go back to the MRD, or we set you up in relative isolation for a long time."

>Mosaic then points to Harbinger:

"It's your choice."

>Harbinger then nods as he looks at Speedrunner.

"I am now aware of the animosity that seemingly exists between you and your compatriot. But I will ask you, Speedrunner."

>Harbinger sulks as he lowers his head to the ground.

"What do I deserve? Which punishment is more befitting of me? Detainment or isolation?"

>Harbinger then looks at Speedrunner, pleadingly - his eyes demonstrating his sadness, regret and anger with himself due to his choices.


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"I'm not a fan of either option, really, but no one should be made to be a weapon. . ."

>Speedrunner crouches down to bring herself to the level of Harbinger.

"It is, ultimately, your choice though, choice is the one thing everyone deserves. But if I were in your situation, I would choose the option that doesn't add more weapons into a world that doesn't need them, I would choose isolation."


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>Harbinger then nods slowly as he looks back up at Eidolus, stating:

"I am ready, Eidolus. Please take me elsewhere. To a place where I can be alone."

>Nodding at Harbinger, Eidolus then turns around to Mosaic, Andromeda and Speedrunner - stating:

"I will return in a few minutes. I have something that I wish to discuss with all of you. Please, wait for me until then."

>Eidolus then turns to Harbinger, stating:

"Let us be off then. I will make it up to you, and give you a peaceful area to live in, Harbinger. That is the least that I owe you, after what I have taken from you."

>Sighing, Harbinger then holds out his hand, as Eidolus takes it. Then, in a flash of bright blue light - both of them instantly disappear.

>After both of them have disappeared, Mosaic then turns to Andromeda, stating:

"Sorry about earlier. You know how I am."

>Scoffing, Andromeda puts a hand on her waist as she says:

"Oh I'm not the one you need to apologize to, Aiden. And I'm not letting you leave until you apologize properly. So apologize!"

>Andromeda says, as a wave of magical power surges around her - enough to cause even Mosaic to stagger backwards.

"Ugh, fine."

>Turning to Speedrunner, Mosaic then says:

"Sorry. There."

>Turning back, Mosaic is knocked backwards by the force of Andromeda's magical telekinesis.

"Aiden Ethan Grayson! You will apologize to her, and you will do it properly!"

>Landing gracefully on the ground, Mosaic sighs as he stands up.

"Do not let your ego or your pride get in the way of doing what is right."

>Andromeda says, looking intently at Mosaic.

"Please. That's not the side of you that I care for."

>Feeling the intensity of her stare, Mosaic then sighs once more as he crosses his arms. Now looking at Speedrunner, he says:

"…..I'm sorry, Lisa. I didn't need to try and kill Eidolus - and I won't deny that, nor make excuses for it."

>Lowering his hands, he then continues speaking:

"I'm also sorry for snapping at you, and treating you like crap. There's a lot of anger inside of me, and I keep taking it out on everyone, verbally."


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>Mosaic then feels himself pushed to fall on one knee before Speedrunner - the force of the magical telekinesis increasing from Andromeda as she hovers over.

"You are still not being entirely truthful, Aiden. You know how powerful my magic is. I can sense it within you - the denial."

>Pressing down with even more force, Mosaic falls silent as Andromeda states, definitively:

"Tell. The. Truth!"

>Mosaic, still on one knee, then finally shouts:

"I'm sorry. For hating. You!"

>Mosaic says, still straining against the force of the telekinetic pressure now placed on him.

"I'm sorry for disregarding everything you said! For just treating you like shit! All of it! I'm sorry!"

>As Mosaic says this, he instinctively gives a burst of magical strength to at least move his head upwards - looking at Speedrunner as he says that.

"I couldn't stand you for years. How my own sister would trust you more than me. How everyone else just seemed to trust you. Believe in you. It made me sick."

>Now lowering his head down, and in resignation, Mosaic then says:

"But it wasn't just you. I resented so many others, for years. It all just built up inside - and then I finally let it all out when I killed Faust."

>However, Mosaic then slowly manages to stand up, still straining against the immense force of Andromeda's magic telekinesis.

>Sensing Mosaic's change in demeanor, and his emotional state, Andromeda then eases up on the magical telekinesis effect - until it's entirely removed.

"…..For all my power, the one thing I don't have is trust. No one gives a shit about me, and I don't blame them."

>Looking at Speedrunner with a look of reservation behind his helmet, Mosaic then concludes:

"I guess that made it easier to justify the anger. It's all I had."

>Then, a voice suddenly emanates from around them both.

"That makes two of us then."

>Eidolus then appears from a portal created beside Mosaic - standing beside him.

"What do you mean?"

>Mosaic says, confused for a moment. Then after another moment, his supernatural intuition gives him the answer.

"Oh. That's why. You felt the same way about him - Ouranos."


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>Eidolus nods, almost reminiscing now as he states:

"My creation was never intended to lead to this. Originally, I was just another bio-mechanical automaton robot. Created by Ouranos to inflict harm on others - primarily you."

>Looking at his chest armor, Eidolus then looks down at the color gems that are firmly implanted into his chest.

"Then, fate had other plans for me, it seems. These gems, they each contain immeasurable magical power. But one of them was unique - a gem entirely focused on magic's ability to breathe life into the lifeless. Give form to the formless. Will, to the will-less."

>Mosaic examines the gems closely for a moment, before he then says:

"….It can't be….The Thaumaturgy Gems?"

>The Thaumaturgy Ring on Mosaic's finger then begins to glow brightly - resonating with the gems on Eidolus's chest armor. A feedback loop is generated by both sets of gems in the form of a multi-colored magical light pulse.

"Ahh, they're resonating. More proof then, I would imagine."

>Eidolus then turns to Mosaic, stating:

"Like you, I had nothing but contempt for those around me. I felt alone, isolated. Lacking in purpose - but brimming with power. Yet look where it led me. You understand more than almost anyone, that power without purpose is meaningless. I have learned that same lesson now."

>Eidolus then smiles as he says:

"As has another, if my senses do not deceive me."

>Mosaic opens up his senses - having dulled them for a moment. Eyes widening behind his helmet, he then says:

"Ah shit…."

>In that moment, Mosaic is then blitzed into the ground - creating a crater as someone stands over his body.


>Hyperia says, shouting at Mosaic as she grabs him up by the suit collar.


>Still irritated, Hyperia then stares irritatedly at Mosaic, who just sighs and nods.

"I know, Phoebe. It's just…I'm sorry."

>Setting him down on the ground of the crater, Hyperia then leans in and gives Mosaic a tight hug.

"I don't want to ever hear that crap from you again? You're my twin brother, Aiden! Of course I care about you! Of course Jonah cares about you!"

>Mosaic then replies:

"You heard everything from afar, didn't you?"

>Hyperia, still hugging Mosaic, replies candidly:

"No shit, dumbass."


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>A few seconds later, Hyperia and Mosaic fly out of the crater - as Andromeda's magic quickly repairs the damage, removing the crater from existence.

"So you're good now, huh? That's somewhat anti-climactic, I'm not gonna lie. I've heard so much about you too."

>Hyperia says, cracking her knuckles as she walks up to Eidolus. Although the android is still taller than her, he instinctively steps back as he senses her raw power.

"Miss Grayson, please. I mean no disrespect, and I meant no true harm."

>Hyperia gives an amused scoff, as she looks at the magical gems on his chest.

"So these are the same gems that are in Aiden's ring? Neat."

>Turning back to face Andromeda, Hyperia then quickly rushes to her and hugs her tightly.

"Hey Stel! It's so good to see you!"

>Andromeda gasps for air as she tries to laugh.

"H-Hey! Not too tightly Phoebe! It's nice to see you too!"

>Then, Hyperia gives Speedrunner a tight hug, stating:

"Why didn't you tell me that you were helping out with this?! I could've helped you!"

>After letting go of Lisa with her hug, Hyperia then turns to face Mosaic, with a more serious expression on her face.

"I mean it, Aiden. You need to stop with the edgy loner act. You're my family - and they're your friends."

>Mosaic raises his hands up to protest, stating:

"Lisa and I aren't friends, Phoebe-"

>Flicking her finger in front of Mosaic's helmet, Mosaic staggers back slightly as she says:

"Oh bullshit. If you didn't see her as a friend, then you wouldn't have let this android guy go when she asked. You care about her - even if you pretend that you don't."

>Mosaic continues to protest as Hyperia rolls her eyes, stating:

"Oh shut the fuck up, Aiden. I know you had a huge crush on her for the longest time."

>Andromeda raises her eyebrows behind her visor, stating:

"Wait, what?"


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>Hyperia then looks at Andromeda, stating:

"What? I never told you that Stel? Oh he used to be crazy about her. It was years ago, when he first met her - but I could hear his heartbeat. He had Systole and Diastole readings that were damn near close to a heart attack! It was so adorable….."

>Feeling amused at her story, Hyperia continues speaking:

"After he first met her, he'd daydream about her for weeks. He even mentioned her in his sleep! I've heard it so many times from the other room over."

>Mosaic immediately stammers:

"You told me that you weren't doing that!"

>Hyperia turns to face Mosaic, stating:

"And you were dumb enough to believe me. That's what I like about you little brother. You're so naive."

>Hyperia gives a mischievous grin as Andromeda begins laughing hysterically. Even Eidolus gives an amused chuckle.

>Now fully embarrassed and mortified, Mosaic resigns himself to the embarrassment as he turns away.

"I'm not admitting anything."

>Hyperia then says:

"You don't have to. It was the same way with Hiyuki. That's just how you are. You're such a tsundere for the people that you care about."

>Sighing again, Mosaic looks up at Eidolus, stating:

"So what do you want to do now, Eidolus? You said that power without purpose is meaningless."

>Nodding, Eidolus then says:

"Which it is. I wish to atone for my actions - and I will start by aiding you in the defeat of the remaining Horsemen."

>Sensing the situation that has occurred back at Archeon Complex, Eidolus then states:

"Destroyer and Instigator are already in MRD custody. But Winnower and Ruiner are still preparing for an attack."

>Nodding, Mosaic then states:

"Then after that?"

>Eidolus then says:

"I believe that you yourself are preparing for something - given your discussion with the Kagemusha in Japan."

>Mosaic then says:

"You want to help us fight Aletheia? That's a tall order."

>Eidolus then states:

"Yes, but a bio-mechanical android with the DNA of a Chronarch, and magical gems of immeasurable power - should count for something, should it not?"

>Silent, Mosaic then nods lightly as he replies:

"…..Fair enough. Welcome aboard, Eidolus. But you're going to need some kind of a disguise. A biologically human body to blend in."


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>Eidolus thinks for a moment, as he then holds out his hands.

"A moment, please. This will take some creativity."

>In that instant, Eidolus's large red cape then expands and spontaneously wraps around him. After a few moments, his cape then pulls back - disappearing into the clothing of the newly appeared figure before them.

"Would this suffice?"

>A man with white hair, striking blue eyes and a conventional outfit - now stands before them. His hood covers part of his white hair, as he now speaks with a completely human tone of voice.

>Looking him up and down, Hyperia then whistles:

"Yeah, he's hot. I'd say it's a good disguise."

>Mosaic glares at Hyperia, stating:

"Aren't you already with another guy with white hair?"

>Hyperia crosses her arms, looking amused as she nods back to Mosaic:

"Admiring another man's physique is now cheating?"

>Andromeda then thinks for a moment, stating:

"He is extremely attractive, Aiden. I can't lie…."

>Mosaic glares at Andromeda, who shrugs:

"I can't lie. I think he may have taken some visual traits from you, if it helps."

>Sighing, Mosaic then turns back to Eidolus, stating:

"That works. I'll see what I can do about getting you a position in Archeon. Lower level, administrative stuff. It should help you lay low for now."

>Nodding, Eidolus then states:

"Thank you, Mister Grayson. I appreciate that."

>Holding out his hand, Mosaic says:

"No surnames. It's fine. You've more than earned the right to call us by our names. So you can call me Aiden."

>Eidolus then nods and smiles softly as he replies:

"Alright then. If you insist, Aiden."

>Turning back towards Speedrunner, Eidolus then asks:

"If I may, Lisa. How do I look?"

>Eidolus says, examining his new body closely.

"I didn't realize that I could fully adapt my body to a biological form. So this is a new experience for me as well."


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>Location: The Spire
>Time: 5:35 PM

"That should be everything then. We appreciate your cooperation."

>Laying on the bed inside of his cell, Instigator continues staring at the ceiling as he yawns.

"Don't mention it, lady. I'm just doin' what's asked of me, honestly."

>Looking somewhat resigned, Valkyrie then nods as she turns to leave the cells.

>Back up at the main floor of the Spire, Valkyrie walks by the MRD troopers stationed in different spots - as she makes her way up the floors.


>Location: MRD Laboratories

>Time: 6:00 PM

"Tests with the cell cultivation gave the same result. Her body's created a unique bio-metallic polymer that's laded with electronic circuitry and nanites."

>Valkyrie says as she hands Chase the datapad. Looking over the physiological results, he then hears Valkyrie continue to speak.

"She's wearing a biological power suit. Destroyer likely does as well. You know what this means, don't you?"

>Chase looks up at Valkyrie, pointing his thumb backwards at the large incubation tank.

"You think her genetic code could be the basis for the super soldier program?"

>Valkyrie nods as she crosses her arms.

"The prototype program is where I came from, isn't it?"

>Chase narrows his eyes behind his sunglasses, thinking over the situation carefully.

"Given the heavy casualties we experienced in the Wedge, the DoJ are gonna want some kind of operational return that we can provide. An army of mini Destroyers would suffice - but you know the problem that comes with that, Di."

>Valkyrie has a slight look of irritation on her face as she replies:

"You're letting the vigilantes get to you. Some of them are amicable to our methods, sure. But others like Speedrunner? We can't keep relying on them."

>Pointing back at the physiological data on Chase's datapad, she then says:

"We can't replicate all of Destroyer's characteristics in a super soldier program - but we can dramatically increase the efficiency of our field operatives. As long as we don't choose a half-measure approach."


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>Chase then looks at Valkyrie, then back at the pod. After a few moments, he then says:

"Alright. Get her out of there. We've ran enough tests. Then I'll make my decision."

>Valkyrie nods as she uses telekinesis to remotely deactivate the manual switches for the incubation pod.

>After a few more seconds, the pod's main door slowly opens up. Once the suspension water has drained, Mirage slowly lands on the ground of the pod - now slowly walking out of it.

"Well, that was fun."

>Mirage says as she removes the breathing apparatus from her face - now revealing her natural blue skin and yellow eyes. As she adjusts her red hair, she then says:

"Have you made a decision yet, Director?"

>Chase looks between Valkyrie and Mirage, before he then sighs and closes his eyes. Opening his eyes after a moment, he then states:

"I'll sign off on it. Regardless of the ethical questions, we're going to need something to show the higher ups, let them know that we're actually making the organization stronger."

>Valkyrie then nods as she says:

"Alright. I'll get on it. Once we start the first trials, then we can continue with psych evaluations and behavioral assessments."

>Mirage then leans against a nearby table as she looks at Valkyrie, stating:

"What about the other 'Horsemen'? Maybe if we capture them, we can get even more equipment."

>Chase raises an eyebrow, stating:

"Don't get too overconfident, Jennifer. You did a good job against Destroyer - but Mosaic or Speedrunner would've demolished you. If we ever need a contingency against the vigilantes? We're going to need to gather more data. But I hope to God that it never comes to that…."

>Chase then hands the datapad to Valkyrie, as he then starts walking towards the exit; leaving the laboratory as he exhales a breath he didn't realize he had held.


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>Location: Prism Base - Sanctuary City
>Time: 6:00 PM

"….Well at the very least, they're pretty predictable."

>Phoebe says, as she leans on the side of Aiden's chair. As Aiden rests a finger on his cheek, he then looks at the footage from the MRD laboratory on the large screen - eyeing it more carefully. Analyzing the feed, he types on the keyboard, seemingly writing customized software code to send to the nanite swarm.

"No argument from me there. I figured that they would've captured Destroyer, while we were preoccupied with Harbinger."

>Eidolus sighs, rubbing his eyelids as he still maintains his human form.

"I apologize once again Aiden. To you as well Phoebe. I had gravely underestimated the cunning of these MRD figures."

>Curious, Eidolus then asks:

"If I may, how are they not aware of your nanite swarm?"

>Still typing keystrokes, Aiden then says:

"After the mishap that happened with the Broken, I decided to completely redesign the system. I've used magitek as the basis for the nanites this time around. The protective ward that surrounds them is just another extra layer of security."

>Phoebe then looks down at Aiden - who is still sitting in the chair.

"So what now? The MRD are obviously gonna try and capture the remaining Horsemen. We need to find them first."

>Eidolus nods, speaking up with a tone of clarity and decisiveness.

"If they are still following my previous orders, then they are preparing for another counterattack in the city. That will likely commence in the coming week."

>Thinking for a moment, Aiden then says:

"Then we need to stop them, and fast. We'll deal with the preparations against Aletheia later, Eidolus."

>Thinking to himself a bit more, he then sighs, before turning to look at Eidolus:

"You mentioned two more figures that were working with you, correct?"

>Eidolus nods as he speaks:

"Malphus and Dyskrasia. A conceptual being, and a psionic one. Our partnership was short lived - and they themselves will become greater problems down the line, unfortunately."

>Phoebe scoffs as she states:

"Oh right, forgot about him. I can't wait to see him again."

>Aiden then scratches his left face cheek slightly with his finger - before he then says:

"Alright. Let's get this over with then."

>Now standing up, Aiden turns to leave the underground base - with Phoebe and Eidolus walking after him.

[To Be Continued]

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