/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: October 6th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City

>In a dark alleyway, a lone shadow drops down from a fire escape and looks around for a moment, before unclipping a spray can from their belt, and starts spraying something onto the wall.

>After a few moments of spraying, the figure stops, nods to themself, and puts the can back on their belt, taking out another one and shaking it. The figure brings it up to ready to spray, only to be interrupted by a voice coming from the end of the alleyway.

“Hey! You can’t be doing that!”

>A light shines down the alleyway, revealing some of the figure’s details - a young woman with pink hair in street fashion, her look finished by a horned cap.

>Keeping the can in her hand, the woman brings her hands up to indicate a surrender.

“Sorry about that. . .”

>The woman leans slightly, trying to look around the light, and makes out some of the details of the one questioning her.

“. . .officer.”

>The woman brings her hands down.

“You’re not allowed to just arrest me or anything though, you’re MRD, not police. . .”

>The MRD Officer starts to move in closer.

“I’m not arresting you, just giving you a warning, this is private property, you can’t just-”

>Before the officer can finish his sentence, the woman drops the can in her hand, twisting around to kick it in his direction, where it explodes just before his face, blocking out the light for a moment.

“Yeah yeah, I can’t just do this either.”

>The woman touches the wall she sprayed, and the paint from it travels up her arm and to her other arm, which she points in the direction of the officer with her fingers in a mock gun position.

>As the paint reaches the end of her arm, it fires out, hitting the briefly distracted officer before he switches the vision in his helmet.

“That’s it, I’m-.”

>Once again interrupting his sentence, the woman jumps forward, flipping and ending up on his shoulders, the officer stumbling with the sudden shift in weight.

“Going to sleep now, right?”

>The woman reaches down and jabs the officer in the neck, causing him to collapse as she jumps off him.

“Good boy.”


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>Date: October 5th, 2017
>Location: Somewhere in the English Countryside.

>One of the studies within Madeleine’s home has been converted into an impromptu meeting room of sorts. Several people are contained within it, including Madeleine herself, and the familiar faces of Theia and Valeria.

“. . .and your source on this is something you can trust?”

“When have I ever given you information I can’t trust?”

>Madeleine sighs, sitting down in a chair and rubbing her eyes.

“It’s an idiotic idea, even by their standards, don’t they realise the escalation this will cause?”

“I don’t think they care, that would just get them more funding, besides, they’ve got support from higher up as well.”

>Madeleine groans in frustration.

“Is it complete yet?”

“Not yet, they were waiting to get samples from several other individuals. Not to say I told you so but-”

“Theia. Just. Please.”

>The third member of the meeting, having kept her tongue, speaks up for the first time.

“So what’s the plan? We can’t just sit around bickering.”

“Valeria’s right, and as much as I hate to admit it, we’re going to have to rely on your tactics here.”

“Simple then, we just get your boyfriend to-”

>Madeleine waves the suggestion off.

“We can’t involve him in this, it’s too risky - and he has an established relationship with them. Besides, it’s treason for him, for us it’s just espionage.”

“Fine, me and Valeria can break in, but you need to make up for his gap there.”

“Trust me, I will, besides, I know a few people in the city. . .”


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>Date: October 6th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City

>The woman hooks her arms around the unconscious MRD officer, and starts to drag him further into the alleyway, stopping for a moment to wipe her forehead.

“Christ, man, what’re they feeding you? How can you even walk around with all this weight?”

>After moving the man further into the alleyway, the woman struggles with his helmet, pulling it off with a great amount of effort.

>With this task done, the woman reaches up to her ear.

“Hey, got the guy ready. . .”

>The officer suddenly sits up, looking at the woman, and then speaks in a voice that’s clearly not quite his own.

“Thank you. The money has been transferred to your account.”

“Hey, no prob bob.”

>The officer picks himself up, and offers a hand out for the woman to shake.

“Of course, for the benefit of both of us, we won’t be sharing what happened tonight.”

>The woman doesn’t take the hand, instead turning around and walking away with her hands behind her head.

“Yeah yeah, you’ve paid me enough that my mouth’s gonna stay shut forever. . .”

>Walking past a fire escape, the woman moves her hands up to grab it, and then flips around so she ends up on top of the escape, disappearing into the darkness soon after.

“Hopefully the rest of the plan goes this smoothly. . .”


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>The MRD Officer stands up, and starts making his way to the discarded helmet, kneeling down, he goes to pick it up, only to find another hand touching it.

>Looking up, the officer, or whoever is controlling him, sees that he’s now joined by several other figures - including Theia and Valeria. Another individual, a short woman resting a giant hammer across her shoulders, calls out to the officer.

“Hey, you got his keys in there?”

>The MRD officer searches for a moment, and then finds the keys to his vehicle, which he throws to the woman.

“Neat, let’s get comfy. . .”

>Meanwhile, the person who touched the helmet before the officer, a silent man with dark brown hair, quietly hands the helmet to the officer, nodding to indicate he should put it back on.

“Thank you. . .”

>The officer places the helmet off his head, and a message appears on the HUD.

[I configured this to connect to the network, and disabled any psychic defences. You should be able to communicate with us easily now.]

“Thank you. . .”

>With this job done, the man begins to make his way to the vehicle, and Theia looks the officer up and down.

“So, how are you getting used to your new body?”

“Honestly, I hate this, it feels so violating. . .”


>Outside the alleyway, the MRD vehicle honks its horn.

“Hey, we’ve not got all night, get in quick!”


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>Date: October 5th, 2017
>Somewhere in the English countryside.

“The first part is easy for us, the research is contained within the Sanctuary City MRD Spire, which means we’ll need to ensure biometric access, so. . .”

>Madeleine sighs.

“I could likely puppet any member of the force, but it’ll be easier if their helmet is taken off. Also, considering everything, we’ll need one with a vehicle. . .”

“Easily arranged. MRD patrols are regular, we can easily find one with a large enough vehicle.”

“What next then?”

>Theia leans forward, placing a few objects on the table to represent various people and checkpoints.

“It should be easy enough to sneak in who we need into the building, especially if we stage it as prisoner processing.”

“Won’t a single MRD officer with our numbers be suspicious?”

“Not with a combination of confidence and plausible stories: a few drunk idiots, Humor jockeys, arrests made over the night. . .”

>Madeleine waves her hand to indicate she gets the idea.

“Perfect, once we’re in, it’s just a matter of rushing for the labs and sabotaging the data. . .”

>Valeria speaks up again.

“That solves the problem for now, but not for the future, we need a method of preventing them from filling in the gaps.”

“I can handle that, plant a psionic ‘virus’ of sorts, one that propagates itself through the people it enters. Just a subtle suggestion that confuses thoughts on developing the program, it should be untraceable enough that even someone like me wouldn’t be able to detect it without a full scan of things - and secure enough that they wouldn’t be able to remove it. . .”


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>Date: October 6th, 2017
>Sanctuary City - MRD Spire, Vehicle Entrance

>The commandeered vehicle pulls up to the entrance gate, getting through the external checkpoint easily.

>As the vehicle pulls up to its bay spot and idles for a few moments, until a new message flashes up in the MRD Officer’s helmet.

[Security systems are disabled, we shouldn’t run into any issues unless we run into someone.]

>With a sigh of relief, the “MRD Officer” breathes out a sigh of relief and turns the engine off, signalling to the rest of the vehicle that the coast is clear.

>With a shove, the small woman with the hammer opens the back doors, causing everyone inside to spill out. One of the occupants, a young woman with selachian features, cracks her neck as her feet touch the ground.

“I hate cars. . .”

“Yeah, I know, you can’t move about in them.”

“They’re really slow.”

“Yeah yeah, stop complaining, we’ll have some stuff for you to smash soon.”

“Good. . .”

>The woman yawns.

“I’m tired. Maybe that’ll help me stay up.”

>Looking over the pair for a moment, the “MRD Officer” sighs, and gets out of the vehicle, walking over to Theia.

“Are you sure these are worth the price here?”

“Trust me, they’ll come through when they need to.”

“Fine. . .”

>With everyone out of the car, the group starts heading further into the building. . .


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>The group travels further into the building, heading in a controlled fashion towards the research labs, taking the occasional detour to avoid larger patrols.

>After a decent amount of time, the group ends up just outside of the labs, the area sealed shut completely thanks to being empty.

>Moving over to a panel, the “MRD Officer” begins to look at it, only to be interrupted as someone comes around the corner.

“That you, Dinkly? Didn’t realise you were on the night shift this week. . .”

>The “MRD Officer” moves away from the panel quickly, turning to address the individual, a woman in an MRD Uniform duty uniform, the sparse amount of panelling indicating the woman is not currently heading out to the field.

“A-ah, yeah, just came back from patrol captain. . .”

“Skeleton shift sucks, right? Would rather be back with the family. . .”

>The woman trails off as she notices the others in the hallway.

“Dinkly, what’s happening here. . .”

>Before the “MRD Officer” can respond, the woman freezes in place, briefly fighting against her paralysis, and the “Officer” turns his head to see Theia standing behind him, holding her hand out. Understanding the situation, the “Officer” turns back to the captain.

“Sorry. . . but I’m going to need you to sleep now. . .”

>The “Officer” pauses for a few seconds, and then the captain’s eyes go blank, indicating that she’s no longer conscious.

“You can let go of her now, Theia. . .”

>The woman collapses to the ground, and the “Officer” walks over to her.

“We’ll need to make this look a bit more believable. . . I don’t want to implicate this man.”

“We don’t have time.”

“We don’t need it, besides, he’s achieved his role, it’s not like he has access to the labs, is it?”


>The man collapses alongside the captain, and a telepathic voice begins speaking inside the heads of the others, starting with Theia.

{“Thank you, Theia. . . Now, let’s get this door down, shall we?”}

>With the last part of the message, the shark-like woman yawns and stretches out, walking towards the door, and casually rips it off from its position, carrying on forward to the next door. Despite the disturbance, no alarm is set off, indicating that the previous message from the quiet man was correct.


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>Location: MRD Laboratories

>The group makes their way into the laboratories, fanning out slightly before the lights turn on.

>Being able to see the various stations and research projects causes the small woman’s eyes to light up, and she hops over to one the projects, excitedly looking it up and down, with the shark woman following her casually.

>While the pair is distracted, the others make their way over to a computer terminal, with the man touching the side of the terminal, the terminal itself coming to life and displaying what the man is looking over while he focuses.

>After a few minutes of the man looking through the computer, Theia touches his shoulder to indicate he should stop, and leans in to more carefully read through the file displayed on the screen. As she does so, she remains silent, but across the room, several liquids begin to become active.

>Twitching as she hears the liquids, Valeria carefully reaches out to Theia, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Calm down. . . we can’t afford to-”

“They knew. . .”

“Knew what?”

“That innocent Meta-Humans were being experimented on. They knew and they did nothing.”

>Valeria tenses up slightly, but stands her ground.

“I can believe that, but now’s not the time to-”

>A new voice interrupts Valeria.

“You’re right, now’s not the time at all.”


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>The activity of the liquids calms down as the focus of the room centres on the source of the voice, an emaciated man standing in front of a dark, shifting void, his hair drained of colour and rough.

>With the attention on him, the man brings up a hand, revealing his boney, almost sharp fingers, and brings it to his mouth as he coughs for a second.

“Sorry for interrupting your little gathering here, let me introduce myself, my name is-”

>Theia stands up, shoving her chair to the side.

“Trepan. Fuck off, MHA scum.”

>Closing her fist, Theia “punches” in Trepan’s direction, causing several blades of water to condense out of the air, flying in his direction.

>Just before the blades hit him, the void behind him shifts, and several shadows fly out from it, blocking the path of the blades and dissolving them. After a few more moments, the shadows take a more physical form, constructing an inhuman looking creature that silently looks over Trepan, ensuring that he’s unharmed before stepping aside for him to talk.

“Looks like my reputation precedes me, and not in a positive fashion. Such a shame. . .”

>Trepan takes a step closer towards Theia, stopping when he sees her preparing another attack.

“. . .I’m such a big fan of your work, Theia Cassel. Also, I came here with an offer.”

>The creature behind Trepan moves to the side slightly, ready to defend him while also clearing a path to the void.

“Don’t destroy the super soldier research, the war it will bring will mark the dawn of the new age - the age of the Meta-Human.”

>Theia thinks for a moment on his offer, and then a voice speaks up in her head.

{“Don’t take it, Theia, we both know the world they’re after.”}

>Theia scoffs.

“I was never going to take it, you don’t need to tell me.”

>Condensing more water out of the air, Theia brings it around her hand.

“We’re killing a Meta-Human Alliance leader tonight.”


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>Processing Theia’s response, Trepan sighs.

“I tried to be peaceful. . . kill them.”

>The creature suddenly springs into action, screeching as it sends out streams of shadow towards everyone hostile to it in the room.

>As the creature attacks, another three creatures burst from the void. One of them, large and bulky. Another, a small creature that climbs up the larger one before jumping down. The final one looking like a lizard of some kind, with its back set on fire.

>Seeing the larger creature, the shark woman sighs and cracks her neck, moving towards it with a surprising amount of speed and tackling it, the pair tumbling through a wall with a crash.

>Meanwhile, the shadow creature surges toward Theia and Valeria, only to be interrupted as it somehow finds a hammer in the core of its mass, which sparks with lightning, shocking the creature. The hammer then flies back to the small woman, who slings it over her shoulder, a smug grin on her face as she beckons to the creature, taunting it.

“Hey, spooky, over here!”

>Shifting focus, the creature surges towards the woman.

>Faced with the final two creatures, Valeria closes her fist, a set of hardened scales bursting out of her hand. Hoping that a proper link is being maintained, she thinks:

{“I’ll take the small one, you take the one on fire.”}

>Nodding, Theia “thinks back”.

{“Got it.”}

>With a “plan” in place, Theia and Valeria spring into action.


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>In the side room, both the bulky creature and the “shark” pick themselves up from the ground, shaking off debris. Having been more prepared for the collision, the woman strikes first, charging towards the creature again and grabbing onto it, using the leverage to get an angle to bite into it, her teeth piercing through flesh and sinew.

>With a screech of pain, the creature grabs onto the woman and pulls her off, its flesh tearing off in the process of her being removed. Having firmly taken hold of her, the creature swings her around, letting go at the last moment and sending her flying through a wall.

>Off to the side, the small woman brings her hammer back down, taking a more defensive stance as the shadows surge towards her. Keeping both hands on her hammer, she carefully bides her time, waiting until the shadow is just in range of the hammer, and brings it down suddenly, still somehow managing to hit the creature and shocking it once again.

>Howling, the creature retreats, reforming into its solid form once again. Looking over the small woman, the creature looks her over with its blank eyes, evaluating her with an inhuman intelligence. Coming to a conclusion of some kind, the creature “dives” down, merging in with the shadows of the room, and starts silently making its way to the woman. . .

>Shaking herself off from the throw, the shark woman looks over at the brute creature, then stomps on the ground, causing both the room she’s in and the creature itself to shake.

>As the creature regains its balance, it turns to find the woman is no longer there, having fallen through the floor, and it begins to walk over to the hole created by her descent.

>Just before it reaches the hole, the woman bursts through from below it, grabbing it by the legs and pulling it halfway through the floor.

>With a roar, the creature attempts to pull itself free, only to stop as the woman moves to grab its head, and delivers a killing bite to it, causing the creature to go limp and fall through the floor fully, lifeless.

>Unable to see her opponent, the small woman keeps a tight grip on her hammer, turning around and scanning her surroundings for any sign of the creature.

>Her efforts a failure, the woman stumbles slightly as a shadow shoves into her leg, bringing her down to one knee, and she almost loses the hammer as she’s forced to regain her balance. Looking annoyed, she begins to call out to the creature.

“Come out you little. . .”

{“Behind you.”}

>Heeding the voice in her head, the woman twists around, slamming the hammer into a mass of shadow heading towards her, and then lights it up once again, this time maintaining the stream long enough to cause the creature to reappear and collapse to the ground, unmoving.

“Thanks boss.”


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>In the centre of the room, the lizard-like spits out a fireball in the direction of the man and the computer terminal, the ball of flame being stopped by a wall of water that suddenly appears.

“You, keep looking for those files, we’re not leaving here without stopping that project.”

>Tilting its head, the creature charges forward at Theia, leaping in the air to attack her from above, only to have its path changed as a pillar of water slams into it from the side, sending it tumbling into several desks.

>Reaching out to it, Theia attempts the same trick from earlier, only to find no response.

“No blood, that’s odd. . .”
>With one of her hands transformed into a bulky claw, Valeria jumps and swipes at the smaller creature, narrowly missing it as it jumps itself, ending up on the ceiling, where it chatters in a way that almost sounds like laughing.

>Transforming her other hand, Valeria looks up at the creature.

“So you’re one of those ones. . . Well, you need to dodge every attack I make. . .”

>The creature swings and moves to another spot, moving its head as it listens to Valeria’s words.

“I just need to hit you once!”

>Valeria jumps towards the creature again.


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>Recovering from its fall, the lizard-like creature turns to face Theia, screeching at her in a primal fashion, and then sets itself alight again.

>With another screech, the flames build up, and it spits out another fireball, this time repeating the action.

>Sighing, Theia brings up another wall of water, blocking the projectiles, and lowers it again, stopping briefly as she notices something in the remnants of the projectiles.

“Napalm. . .”

>With a tired chuckle, Theia snaps her finger, and the flames on the creature’s back begin to move under her control.

“Let’s see how well you can manage those flames when they’re cooking you from the inside.”

>Beckoning towards the flames, Theia causes them to fly forward before “pushing” them back, sending them right into the creature’s mouth.

>After a few moments of keeping them inside of the creature, Theia waves her hand and the flames burst out of it, leaving a charred corpse behind.

>Still pursuing the creature, Valeria slashes in its direction, missing it and carving through the ceiling, exposing several wires.

>Stuck in one place for a moment, Valeria pulls against her claws, and shoots the creature a look of rage, which is soon joined by a plume of flame, which it also dodges.

>Freeing herself, Valeria charges in the direction of the creature once more, causing it to start moving away from her, maintaining eye contact to taunt her. As the creature does this, however, it fails to pay attention to what is in the direction it’s heading in.

“Batter up!”

>Suddenly, the creature finds itself hitting the hammer of the small woman, and rapidly changing direction, flying right towards Valeria.

“Can’t move so well when you’re in the air, huh?”

>With a vicious grin, Valeria brings one of her claws down on the creature, bisecting in the air.


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>As the two parts of the last creatures tumble to the ground, Trepan coughs again, and assesses the situation.

“Well, we have more of those. . .”

>Trepan’s body stiffens up as Theia holds a hand out and starts approaching him.

“I’m going to have so much fun tearing every secret I can from you before making this world a better place without your presence. . .”

>Theia takes several more steps towards Trepan, stopping just before him as she feels something change, and looks down at her hand.

>As Theia looks confused, Trepan lets out a sigh of relief and awkwardly scrambles back closer towards the portal, pulling himself up as straight as he can.

“C-consider yourselves blessed. . . for He has decided to grace you with his presence tonight. . .”

>Seeing Theia’s confusion and Trepan’s newfound freedom, both Valeria and the small woman start charging towards him, only to find themselves forced down by an unknown force.

>From the void, a man steps through silently, his red eyes carefully and calmly evaluating the situation. Long, straight black hair falls down across his body, obscuring some of his features.

>Once the man has fully stepped through, the shark woman rushes towards him, aiming to slam through his body, but insteads finds herself coming into contact with his hand as he casually puts it to his side. Not even looking in her direction, the man drops her to the ground, unconscious.

>As the man finishes accessing the situation, Trepan steps in front of him, addressing Theia.

“Now, Miss Cassel, bow before the god of the new world. . .”

>The man looks down at Theia, her whole body freezing in place as an oppressive aura washes over her and she feels the familiar psionic touch of Madeleine disappearing from her mind, being forced out by something else.

“Bow before our lord. Bow before Anomaly.”


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>Silence hangs over the room for a few moments, and then the man, Anomaly, speaks up, his voice oddly calming.

“You have fought well, but I cannot allow you to disrupt my plans any further.”

>Anomaly casually walks past Theia and to the man at the computer, placing a hand on his shoulder. Pausing for a moment as he looks him over, noticing something.

“You. . . I will bring you no harm, but I must insist you leave.”

>The man disappears as Anomaly removes his hand.

>Turning back to Theia, Anomaly walks over to her again, waving his hand as he does and reversing all of the damage to the room, leaving it in a perfect state - as if no one had even been in since it was sealed.

“There will be no records of what happened here tonight, none besides us will know. . .”

>As he reaches Theia, Anomaly leans slightly to whisper into her ear.

“. . .and those who you decide to inform of this night.”

>Standing back up fully, Anomaly steps around Theia so that he is in front of her, and addresses everyone in the room.

“Spread word of me, or not, the decision is yours. Just know. . .”

>The room begins to fade away for all those besides Anomaly and Trepan.

“. . .this project will be completed, even if I must personally ensure it myself.”
>Somewhere in the English countryside.

>Theia shudders as reality rebuilds itself around her, depositing her in Madeleine’s home, right in front of the homeowner herself.

>Somewhat shocked at the arrival, Madeleine blinks and rubs her eyes, and then gives Theia a look of concern.

“What happened in there. . .”

[The End]

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