/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: October 8th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - The Prism
>Time: 5:30 PM

"Careful, you don't want to lose your focus."

>Aiden continues coaching Damian as he continues fighting against the Omnikron android. The combat android continues firing off bursts of particle beams from its arm cannon - continuing to pile on pressure.

"I'm trying! But it's not easy outmaneuvering a supercomputer!"

>Damian then jumps up into the air, onto a metal railing above the combat arena of the base. The waters below contrast with the shiny metallic silver of the platform.

["Am I providing a sufficient level of challenge during this combat encounter, Mister Desmond?"]

>Omnikron asks this question to Damian with a monotone, but still inquisitive tone of voice.

"Yes! One hundred percent!"

>Damian replies, somewhat annoyed as he continues jumping around from railing to railing. He narrowly avoids more energy blasts from Omnikron's arm cannon as he shouts:

"Why exactly do I have to do combat training without any weapons or equipment?!"

>Aiden crosses his arms as he continues speaking.

"Because we're trying to test the limits of your new adaptations. Remember what I said yesterday? Your body is now automatically and passively adapting to situations."

>Damian then instantly leans backwards - narrowly avoiding a wide plasma beam in the form of a wave.

"The more we push you - the sooner we can figure out your current limits."


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>Damian continues leaping out of the way, instinctively activating his camouflage mode as he hides amongst the stalagtites and rocks in the cavern base.


>Keeping himself entirely silent, Damian watches as Omnikron slowly turns its helmet around - attempting to detect him.

>After a few seconds, Omnikron then says:

"Mister Desmond, you are aware that I can still detect your thermal signature, correct?"

>Widening his eyes, Damian then watches as Omnikron turns its attention directly towards him.

"Hello, Mister Desmond."

>Damian then mutters to himself:


>A few seconds later, Damian barely dodges a powerful plasma beam blast - as the force of the explosion is powerful enough to knock him back into the combat arena.

>Rolling around on the floor a bit, Damian then quickly rises up to his feet - just in time for the Omnikron robot to immediately rush towards him.

"Hey! You're way too fast-"

>Using his ESP warning sense and pure instinct, Damian is able to weave through most of Omnikron's attacks - using the opportunity to fire off his organic webbing at the android. While the webbing is able to incapacitate the android briefly - it slowly starts tearing through the webbing with an energy blade created from its arm cannon.

"Oh come on! I'm supposed to deal with a walking utility belt?!"

>Aiden then perks up from the side, stating:

"Well, in the worst case scenario - yes. That's the hope, at least. The idea that you'll be prepared for almost anything."


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>Damian then looks at Aiden, starting to shout in exasperation.

"Hey! That's your job! Not mine!"

>Aiden shrugs, stating:

"Well, I'm not always going to be here, depending on the situation. So I want to ensure that you're as capable as you can possibly be."

>At that moment, Omnikron fires another series of beams at Damian - who begins weaving through them at a faster speed.

{"Alright. If that's the case - then there's no use in being afraid. I can do this."}

>Focusing internally and solely on the target in front of him, Damian's movement speed increases drastically. His coordination, reflexes and muscle movements seem to improve as well.

>He begins weaving through the energy blasts with much greater speed and efficiency - holding out his hands in order to fire compressed spheres of dense webbing. As the webbing spheres connect with Omnikron, the android then states:

"Excessive adhesive materials detected. External plating has been compromised. Preparing countermeasures."

>Omnikron then starts glowing with a soft red light - beginning to rapidly melt the webbing that's been placed on it.

>However, Damian doesn't let up with the webbing barrage - as he rushes off to the side, picking up a series of spare metallic rods off in the distance. Webbing them to him, he then holds both of them in his hands as he begins leaping towards Omnikron.

"An interesting strategy, Mister Desmond."

>Damian then webs up the entirety of the metallic rods - reinforcing them with his own webbing for both protection and increased mass. Then he starts attacking - hitting the advanced android with everything that he has.

"I've got few options here! Clearly!"


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>As Damian continues piling on the pressure with his strikes - he starts throwing the metallic rods at Omnikron.

"Unconventional tactics. I acknowledge your change in approach, Mister Desmond."

>Omnikron responds by firing a full power blast at one of the webbed up metallic rods - vaporizing it entirely. However, it's not made aware of the second metallic rod.

"Might wanna turn around!"

>As Damian says this, Omnikron barely has enough time to turn its head - only to see the second metallic pipe being slung back towards Omnikron via Damian's webbing.

"Ah, well done."

>Omnikron says, casually - as its body is skewered by the sheer force of the metallic pipe. As Damian put all of his immediate strength into the yanking motion - it turned the metallic rod into a miniature missile, rupturing part of the ground that they were both standing on.


>Damian winces as the force of the collision even sends him back a few feet. Landing on the ground, he instinctively rolls back onto his feet - looking up to see Omnikron impaled on the metallic rod.

"Shit! Hey Omnikron! You alright?!"

>Damian immediately stands up and rushes over to the android, which slowly nods its helmet.

"Apologies, Mister Desmond. It seems my core has been damaged by the strike."

>Immediately, the metallic rod disappears as Omnikron's body begins to rapidly heal itself.

"Thanks for the practice test, Omnikron. You can return to standard patrol duties now."

>Having been the one to remove the metallic rod from Omnikron's chest, Aiden watches as the android bows slowly.

"At once, Mister Grayson."

>Omnikron then waves to both Aiden and Damian, before turning around to walk off - patrolling the entirety of the Prism Base.


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>Aiden then turns to Damian, giving him a nod as he speaks.

"Good job with the combat training. Like I said, I just wanted to get a sense for how good your combat intuition was. That's all."

>Lightly exhaling, Damian then sighs as he states:

"Yeah I get that. But why did it have to be Omnikron? Punching him is like punching a diamond."

>Aiden nods in response, turning around to look at the damaged combat arena. He then answers the question.

"Because Omnikron is one of the few options in the base that could actually withstand your full strength."

>Aiden then gestures for Damian to walk with him, as Aiden himself mentally repairs the damaged combat area with his psionics.

>As Aiden and Damian then reach the upper level of the Prism Base - Aiden moves to the large work station that he's been building technology with.

"Also Aiden, I've got a question."

>Aiden nods as he then asks:

"Ask away."

>Hesitant, Damian then sighs before outright saying it.

"I don't think Bella's going to be thrilled with me wearing a power armor - especially something as complex as the Gear System."

>Nodding again, Aiden then reaches the workbench at the center of the Prism Base - taking a seat as he continues working on something.

"I already figured as much. Based on what you've described about her - she doesn't seem particularly trusting. Not to say that I blame her."

>Aiden then takes a series of components and lays them out on the table. Seemingly from nowhere, he also pulls out his quantum tuner.

"Trust is earned, and it's very easily destroyed."

>Using the quantum tuner, Aiden then mechanically fuses the components together on a molecular level - before condensing them into the object that he's working on.

"Fortunately for you though."

>Aiden then hands Damian a very familiar item - a black and white futuristic looking watch with red buttons and lights.

"I trust you."


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>Damian slowly takes the watch, as Aiden hands it over to him. After picking it up, Damian decides to look over it for a moment - before saying:

"Is this the Gear Unit?"

>Nodding, Aiden then gestures for Damian to wear it, as he explains further.

"It recalibrated, remember? It's not going to retain its original appearance. I temporarily negated the neuromuscular connection it formed with your body. I had to in order to run some diagnostic data."

>As Damian puts the watch back on his wrist - he then feels the same burning sensation that he did before. Almost instinctively, he can feel the machine technology integrating itself into his body through that point of contact on his skin.

>A few minutes later, Damian sits in a chair directly across from Aiden at the workbench. Still looking at the hologram display on the watch - he then asks Aiden:

"How long does it take for a recalibration to fully take effect?"

>Making a so-and-so hand gesture with his hand, Aiden then replies.

"Around twenty four hours, give or take. The system's taking extra long because it's having to deal with your body's natural adaptation. It's part of the reason why it was so easy to remove it from you."

>Then, the hologram above the watch shows a completion message, as the physiological projection of Damian's body then disappears.

"I think it's done."

>Aiden nods as he then says:

"Good. Now let's test the integration - see if we can iron out all of the bugs."


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>A few minutes later, Damian is doing basic movement and stamina drills - moving around the Prism Base as Aiden watches him.

"Do you feel any different? Any physical pain anywhere in your body? Mental strain? Fatigue?"

>As Damian effortlessly moves through the winding maze of natural structures, vehicles and machines - he turns back to look at Aiden. Landing on one hand, and directly on top of a prototype vehicle - he then says:

"Surprisingly, no. I actually feel….really energized?!"

>In a state of disbelief himself, Damian then leaps off from the prototype vehicle - halfway across the base. As he lands a few feet away from Aiden, he rises up to his feet - still energized.

"It's like I'm wearing the armor…."

>Aiden then interjects, stating:

"Then the Gear's neuromuscular enhancements were permanent. You don't need to actually wear the armor - not unless you need a specific function."

>Gesturing to Damian with his hand, Aiden then further elaborates:

"If you don't need to use the actual power armor - then Bella likely shouldn't have a problem."

>Walking up to Damian, Aiden then taps a specific red button on the black-and-white watch - then steps back and watches.

"Instead, I found another use for an old hand-me-down."

>Gesturing once more at Damian with his hand, Aiden watches as Damian is then suddenly covered with black picomachine material. The material then changes its form - turning into a familiar black fabric material.

"Oh, this old design…."

>Looking down at his gloved hands, Damian then realizes that he's now wearing a copy of Aiden's old costume.


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>Damian takes a moment to walk around in the new costume - taking a particular liking to the cloak, neatly draped over his shoulders.

"I've never actually had a cape before - so I appreciate the change. But….I'm not sure how this fits the bug aesthetic…."

>Aiden gives Damian an amused scoff, before responding.

"You're moving fast beyond the limits of an arachnid. So a more generalized name is more appropriate."

>Turning around to think for a moment, Aiden then snaps his fingers as he decides on a name.

"Phantom. It's simple and straightforward. Besides, everyone'll figure out that it's Arachnid behind the mask soon enough."

>Sighing, Damian then shrugs as he states:

"I suppose that works. So what about the armor then?"

>Looking down at his gloved wrist - he notices the lack of a watch where it used to be.

"That's only for emergencies. As I said, you don't want Bella to become concerned - or possibly see you as 'compromised' by alien technology. She's paranoid, but it's understandable."

>Looking down at his suit, Phantom gives himself a moment to become familiar with the material.

"So do I just not tell her about the armor then?"

>Aiden nods his head, stating:

"Don't use it when she's around. I have the feeling she won't be happy if you do."


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>Phantom then begins testing out his physical traits once more. With everything from air strikes to quick spins and flips - he even sticks to nearby walls and ceilings.

"Adhesion seems a lot easier. Let me guess, electromagnetism?"

>Aiden nods as Phantom starts swinging around the base - by habit.

"Webbing's still being produced synthetically by the suit. That's good."

>As he front flips onto the ground in front of Aiden, he then looks up.

"Am I still directly connected to both the Manifold and the Aurora?"

>Aiden nods once more, replying:

"Same remote connection to both vehicles. There are some nanite capsules in the storage trunks that contain spare suits - should you need them."

>Intrigued, Phantom then says:

"Huh, I might have to try that later then."

>Suddenly, the monitors in the Prism Base begin to warn of a situation. Suddenly, a local CCTV camera feed of Sanctuary City is shown.

"Perfect timing, I'd say."

>Phantom says, as it showcases a bunch of Brigadiers causing trouble - attempting to hold up people at the Sanctuary City Central Park.

"You're free to go test out the suit. I'll observe from here."

>Phantom is initially confused until Aiden finishes his statements.

"The monitoring nanites - I also gave them some upgrades. If you need any assistance, I'll be observing the whole thing."

>Tapping the side of Phantom's full-face cowl, Aiden then says:

"Encrypted two-way communication between the suit and Prism Base. So you're good."

>Nodding, Phantom immediately leaps across the base - reaching the Aurora in its suspended hovering state.

>Flipping into the aerial vehicle from the bottom hatch - he then begins accessing the synaptic flight controls as the engine roars to life.

>Phantom then activates the Aurora's engines - causing the hovercraft to blast out of the cave in a straight line. As the hovercraft flies at hypersonic speeds - it quickly leaves the underground cavern network of Sanctuary City - and flies up into the larger city as a whole.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Central Park
>Time: 5:40 PM

"Get the hell out of here! Move!"

>A Brigadier thug shouts at a group of passersby - firing gunshots into the air. The screams of the various people fleeing for their lives fills the air.

>Annoyed, the Brigadier then turns around, putting his hood up as he starts walking towards the center of the actual park. Dozens of Brigadiers are engaged in combat against the MRD - as one of them talks into an analog receiver device.

"The fuck do you mean circumstances have changed? We're out here bustin' our asses to get you some fucking cover! You know how many of my guys I lost just to get the fuckin' MRD here?!"

>A few seconds pass before the Brigadier with the receiver then shouts:

"Fuck your stupid 'plan'! I don't give a shit! Either you pay us what we deserve, or we're burning your whole fuckin' operation down!"

>As the angry Brigadier keeps ranting - they don't pay attention to the outside part of their makeshift fortification. Various Brigadiers suddenly start getting picked off - webbed to nearby lamps, shrubberies and other objects.

>A few seconds later, the Brigadier with the receiver then stops shouting - suddenly feeling a presence from behind them.

"….Fuck. It's one of you fuckin' vigilantes ain't it? Alright, who the hell took us out this ti-"

>Turning around, the Brigadier is face to face with Phantom, the sight of the masked vigilante naturally causing confusion.

"Mosaic?! Fuck!"

>Phantom sighs as he then webs the Brigadier by the chest - yanking him forward before punching him out cold.

"That's going to take a while to clarify."


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>As the Brigadier is knocked out, Phantom points a gloved finger at the falling transceiver. Webbing it up - he immediately brings it to the side of his cowl.

"I'm guessing you're the mastermind of this esteemed operation."

>There's silence from the other side of the line as Phantom then says:

"Don't worry. If you're shy about divulging specifics of your criminal mastermind plan - I get it. Fortunately for us both, I've got integrated circuitry in my suit that can triangulate radio signals in real time."

>The line then immediately hangs up, as Phantom turns back to see the MRD finally having the clear signal to advance in.

"Well, now's my cue to leave."

>As the MRD arrive, they too are confused by the appearance of 'Mosaic' - in a familiar old costume.

"Wait, is that Mosaic? I thought he changed his costume?"

"These vigilantes and their revolving door wardrobes, I swear."

"Is that actually him? Maybe it's an impostor?"

"Doesn't matter, our orders are technically applicable to vigilantes. We need to bring him in."

>Looking around, the MRD agents then see the knocked out forms of the Brigadiers around them.

"….However, I suppose we could make an exception this one time."

>As the MRD agents are speaking, they then look up to see that 'Mosaic' has already disappeared - seemingly into thin air.

"What the-"

"I hate it when he used to do that. Christ."

"Whatever, let's just get the Brigs into custody and haul 'em over to the Precinct for booking."

>As the MRD agents start to do their jobs by containing the scene - an invisible Phantom continues grappling slowly up into the air, and towards the cloaked Aurora vehicle.


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>As Phantom moves to flip back into the Aurora - he moves towards the driver's seat and immediately integrates his gloves with the synaptic neural controls. With the pilot's chamber now flaring up with red screens, he begins flying the Aurora away from the scene of the Central Park standoff.

["You're definitely starting to have some fun with this, aren't you?"]

>Aiden says, remotely communicating to Phantom from back at Prism Base.

>Phantom shrugs as he uses his hands to steer the ship with neural controls - making hairpin turns at surprising speeds.

"I'm not gonna lie, being Phantom is a lot more fun than being Arachnid. Plus driving an aerial vehicle definitely beats swinging through a city."]''

>Back at Prism Base, Aiden sits back in his chair and crosses his arms - looking as the supercomputer already finishes triangulating the radio signal.

["The signal's a piggyback chain. There's a loss of quality with each attempted boost - and I've already calculated the anchor points for the amplifiers."]

>As he continues steering the Aurora through high altitude skies in Sanctuary City, Phantom then asks:

"So you've basically already tracked the signal?"

>Aiden nods in his chair back in the base.

["Naturally. Our mystery broadcaster is at the old rundown movie theatre building at the corner of Edgestone and Bullwark. You'll find them there. Assume they've set up a welcome party for you."]


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Rundown Theater Entrance
>Time: 6:00 PM

>More Brigadiers are hanging around outside of the entrance to the worn down movie theater. The derelict building has been cordoned off for years after the original owners sold the property and left for greener pastures.

"So when's the pipsqueak gonna pay us? We've been guarding the place for weeks now?!"

>One Brigadier casually kicks around scraps of old plastic - cups that used to be served at the theater. Practicing his best soccer kick - the Brigadier punts the old plastic cup into the air - watching as it knocks one of the large letters off of the old movie theater.

"Hah! Nice one dude!"

"Both of you shut up and listen to me! Why the hell are we guardin' a guy who ain't got cash to pay us with?!"

>The other Brigadier shrugs, stating:

"I dunno. He says we're gonna get a great score if we just stick with the plan, right?"

>The first Brigadier shoots him a look as he then says:

"Yeah, he says that shit all the time. But then he's gone for days on end. Or, he shows up halfway at midnight with a bunch of food, but no cash! I wonder if this dude even has a plan. Like shit, man. What are we doing here?!"

>At that moment, one of the Brigadiers feels their leg suddenly get dragged up by a seemingly invisible force. Shouting for help, the other Brigadiers panic for a moment - before they realize what's happened.

"What the shit?!"

"Huh? Where'd the fuck did that rope come from?!"

>A carbon nanoweave and reinforced cable wire has strung up the Brigadier by the foot - as he now aimlessly hangs from the side of the movie theater entrance.

>Then, a somewhat familiar voice speaks to the Brigadiers from the top of the theater.

"It would literally be less effort to go find a temp agency, honestly."

>The Brigadiers then all turn around, to see the visage of Phantom standing at the top of the movie theater. His arms are crossed as his cloak flutters in the wind.

"Besides - none of you have experience handling money. Real money that is."


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>The Brigadiers all shout in panic as they start opening fire on Phantom with their guns.

"Fuck! It's that Gradient dude! Shoot him!"

"Wait, I thought he changed his name to Mosaic?"

"Who gives a fuck what his name is?! Waste him!"

>Phantom then quickly backflips out of the way - tossing down a series of very small smoke pellets.


"Oh shi-"


>The Brigadiers are then suddenly flashbanged by an exceedingly powerful light - causing them all to reel backwards in pain. Stumbling to the ground, most of them are then swiftly knocked out by Phantom - through calculated palm strikes to the face.

>Once they're all knocked down, Phantom then radios to Aiden through his comms link.

"I've got them all dealt with, boss. Give me a sec."

>Using his lenses, Phantom activates a sonar based vision mode. Using a combination of X-Rays and sound mapping, Phantom is able to produce a complex 3-D scan of the building's interior.

"Around twenty more hostiles inside. Probably Brigadiers as well, given how many of them that this guy's surrounded himself with. There's one guy in his own room though. I'm assuming that's our mark."

>Aiden then responds from his side of the comms link.

["Either direct frontal assault or secondary flank from the side. Your choice."]

>Phantom then thinks to himself as he then states:

"Yeah, I've got it."


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>Inside of the abandoned movie theater, the remaining Brigadiers are on high alert - having heard the gunshots outside.

"Protect the client you dumbfucks! We're not getting paid if he gets taken!"

>Confused, the Brigadiers then state:

"Wait. I thought we were already paid upfront?"

>The first Brigadier hesitates and then changes his wording.

"…..We're not getting the next payment if he gets taken - you fuckin' morons! Now focus!"

>All of the Brigadiers then train their weapons on the front doors of the abandoned movie theater - expecting the unknown assailant to appear from that direction.

>Then, a soft rumbling sound can be heard from the walls of the interior. The rumbling gets louder and louder until the Brigadiers realize what's happening.

"Oh fuck, it's one of those sonic grenad-"

>Suddenly, the front doors blast wide open - as a massive surge of raw concussive force destroys the doors.

>At that same moment, a figure crashes down from the rooftop of the theater - crashing down into the room below.

"Shit! It's Mosaic!"

"I thought that was Gradient?!?!"

"Oh just shut the fuck up and shoot him! SHOOT HIM!"

>The Brigadiers all begin to open fire on the figure - only to realize that their bullets aren't even fazing him.

"He's bulletproof?! Fuck!"

"How'd we not know that!"

>The Brigadiers then begin rushing towards Phantom, unaware of the identity of the figure under the cowl.

>As one of the Brigadiers begins winding a punch back to strike at Phantom - the silent vigilante then easily catches the punch with his gloved hand, pulling in the Brigadier as he says:

"Because I never let you get a bullet off to even know."

>Panic and fear grip the eyes of the Brigadier as he's then kicked effortlessly into another group of Brigadiers at the edge of the room.


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>Without missing a beat, Phantom flicks his wrist at an imperceptibly fast speed - manifesting one of his shuriken discs. The blades of the discs vibrate at a high frequency as Phantom holds the middle spine.

>Demonstrating superhuman precision and strength, Phantom effortlessly disarms all of the Brigadiers in the room with a single throw - that same shuriken disc cutting through the gun of each Brigadier.


>Now cracking his knuckles underneath his gloves, Phantom then states:

"It helps that you all were nice enough to stand in a near perfect circle. You wouldn't believe how good my curved throws are."

>In that instant, Phantom then immediately throws down another flashbang - incapacitating the remainder of the Brigadiers. Jumping forward, he then immediately takes them down, one after another in a systematic fashion.

>After taking down the last of the Brigadiers - Phantom grabs the remaining Brigadier by the neck. Slowly rising him up above eye level, Phantom then asks the pertinent question.

"Boss location - now."

>The nervous Brigadier then points in the direction of the boss's room, as Phantom states:

"Thank you."

>He then swiftly knocks out the remaining Brigadier with a quick palm strike before he then presses a button on the side of his cowl.

["-Pursuing hostiles around the edge of the Downtown Sector! We still can't find them. All units be advised for more Brigadier units-"]

>Phantom then interrupts the MRD frequency to deliver a pertinent message.

["Oh hey, nice frequency. Anyways, your suspects are in a movie theater here at the intersection of Edgestone and Bullwark. I'd get to it before they start waking up again."]

>Before even allowing the MRD time to respond, Phantom then ends the frequency interruption, now walking towards the door. After looking over it for a while - he then kicks down the door to the room where the mastermind is holed up.

>After taking one look at the perpetrator, Phantom then facepalms into his cowl as he mutters to himself:

"You have got to be kidding me. Seriously? You?"


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>Location: Sanctuary City - MRD Precinct
>Time: 6:00 PM

"We still don't have any leads on those break-ins at those graphic design companies?"

>Valkyrie asks a group of MRD investigative agents, who are giving her a report on the open case.

"No ma'am. We're still questioning witnesses about what happened at Obscura Entertainment."

>Another MRD agent then chimes in, a female agent wearing the standard MRD issued armor.

"From what we understand, ma'am. Obscura Entertainment was contracted out by Fantasian Enterprises to construct a proof of concept project before potentially being given the actual project."

>Valkyrie then continues thinking for a moment, before she then asks her question.

"This was before the attack on Obscura Entertainment, correct?"

>Nodding, the female MRD agent then replies:

"It was a very new partnership agreement that they had entered into ma'am - but yes. It was mere weeks before the reported attack on their premises."

>Valkyrie then walks over to her desk, taking a picture of a mysterious man with a black glass helmet obscuring his face. Picking up the picture, she then looks at it intently.

"If I may, ma'am."

>Valkyrie looks over her shoulder at the female MRD agent, nodding at her to proceed.

"I believe that the perpetrator of the attack was the main suspect of our open case regarding the attacks in the Narrows. The nature of the attacks is consistent with the damage and weapon marks found at both locations."

>Valkyrie sighs as she then nods and looks at the photo more intently.

{"The one guy I wasn't able to take down - before I got my powers."}

>Out loud, Valkyrie then says the mysterious figure's name.


>Now looking at all of the assembled MRD agents, Valkyrie then points her finger up at them, stating:

"I'm going to need a copy of all transcribed interviews with both the Fantasian and Obscura staff and personnel. CCTV camera footage. Anything within our jurisdiction to investigate."

>The female MRD agent then steps forward, wanting to say something.

"Yes, corporal?"

>Valkyrie says, expectantly.

>The female MRD agent then coughs into her hand as she then looks at the Commander, stating:

"There was one personnel member in particular who appeared somewhat agitated and troubled. He was interviewed multiple times, mainly regarding his involvement with Obscura. I believe he was the most recent hire - was hired around a month before the attacks. He's an undergraduate at Sanctuary City studying art design I believe."

>Valkyrie then asks:

"His name?"

>The female MRD agent then states:

"Darius Stone."


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Abandoned Movie Theater
>Time: 6:05 PM

"Well shit. Darius Stone."

>Phantom says, crossing his arms as he sees the hunched over form of Oneiros - the Meta-Human with illusory abilities. As his spectral blue flame head continues to obscure most of his facial features, Oneiros continues sitting in his chair - staring at the floor.

"So you know who I am then, huh? Fuck. I guess the cat's out of the bag."

>Still crossing his arms, Phantom then says:

"I thought Demiurge told you to stay out of trouble after the Dreamstone incident? Did you get yourself mixed in with the Brigadiers again?"

>Oneiros shakes his head, now looking up at Phantom as he states:

"No, I hired them to protect me."

>Narrowing the lenses of his cowl, Phantom then asks:

"Protect you? From what?"

>Oneiros falls silent for a moment, as Phantom then starts to think.

"OK, wait a minute. Yeah, I remember, while I was 'reading up' on you - I learned about your little stint at Obscura Entertainment. A guy showed up who trashed the place."

>Oneiros scoffs as Phantom turns his attention to Oneiros after looking around the room for a bit.

"Synapse. The contract killer. Someone's put a hit on you, and if Synapse is after you? Then it's easily seven figures."

>Shaking his head, Phantom then sounds frustrated as he then asks Oneiros again:

"What the hell did you do, Darius? Someone well connected wants you put six feet under - and that makes you a danger to pretty much anyone around you. That includes your classmates at Sanctuary City University, doesn't it?"

>Oneiros then stands up rubbing his eyelids behind the spectral fire of his head.

"Fuck! This all went to shit! I knew I shouldn't have taken that job from him!"

>Confused, Phantom then asks:

"….Who, Darius? Who did you take a job from?"

>Oneiros then sighs and regains his composure - turning around to face Phantom.


>Blinking, Phantom then says:

"Johnny Hildenbrandt? The media tycoon? Why would he-"

>Lenses widening, Phantom then groans to himself as he then says:

"Of course. More corporate subterfuge. He wanted you to sabotage Fantasian through the studio that they contracted on a project."

>Oneiros nods slowly as Phantom then presses a button to his cowl.

"You get all this?"


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>Back at Prism Base, Aiden already has information brought up on the large monitor screens.

"Don't act surprised if I tell you that I know who he is. Or better yet…."

>Aiden types a few keys on his large keyboard at his desk - as he begins to sift through more information.

"…..If I've beaten him up before."

>Back at the abandoned movie theater, Phantom then says:

"….What? When was that?"

>Aiden, back at Prism Base, then replies:

"Years before I ever met you. It was half a decade ago - around the time I was just starting out as Gradient."

>Sighing, Aiden then recollects his memories as he vividly remembers every moment in his mind - clear as day.

"Johnny Hildebrandt is a psionic criminal. He's a former lawyer who gained his psionic powers through an experimental procedure that he paid for. A humour based experiment."

>As Aiden continues typing, he explains further - while Phantom is still in the abandoned movie theater with Oneiros.

"He first used his powers to trick wealthy people into committing crimes - then charged them exorbitant fees to represent them in court."

>Phantom then asks the obvious question:

"How'd you get mixed up with him then?"

>Aiden stops typing for a moment as he goes dead silent.

"It wasn't anything that I did. It was who he decided to target."

>Still confused, Phantom then asks for specifics.

"Who specifically?"

>Aiden then answers bluntly.

"My sister, Phoebe."


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>The blood immediately drains from Phantom's face as his muscles reflexively stiffen up.

"If I find him, I'm breaking every fucking bone in his body-"

>Aiden then cuts him off.

"It never got to that point. Mainly because I had my suspicions about him and his interest in my family. I think my father and I immediately became suspicious because of our psionic powers - but Phoebe obviously doesn't have any."

>Aiden then continues speaking, bringing up more information regarding Hildebrandt's previous dealings and history.

"He was planning to fabricate a crime where Phoebe would've accidentally killed innocent people - knowing the guilt of that would've turned her into a mental wreck. Easily manipulated."

>Phantom is silent still, hearing Aiden continue to speak.

"That was the first time I ever put on that costume that you're wearing right now. I had already found the Thulcandran pod about a year prior. But I didn't know what to do with the materials inside."

>Pausing for a moment, Aiden lets out a heavy sigh.

"Then Hildebrandt gave me more than enough motivation to do something."

>Silent for a moment, Aiden then continues speaking:

"I broke into his office and recorded everything. I had already tailed him for weeks prior - mainly because of my suspicions about him being a psion after Phoebe introduced him to us."

>Exhaling a breath that he wasn't initially aware of, Aiden then says:

"Of course, I was inexperienced at the time. The information that I had gotten wasn't acquired by law enforcement, so the MRD couldn't actually do anything. So then I decided to take matters into my own hands."

>Silent once more, Aiden then speaks bluntly.

"In costume, I ambushed him and beat him within an inch of his life. Then I swore to him that if he ever went close to my sister again, I'd end his life."

>Phantom is still remaining completely silent, feeling his fist reflexively tighten. Then he hears Aiden speak one final time.

"I never told Phoebe what happened, and to this day she's still confused as to why Hildebrandt cut off all contact with us."

>Phantom shakes his head and then finally responds:

"You didn't do anything wrong. The guy was bad news, and even if he hadn't done anything to her yet - it was clear that he was slowly manipulating her mind."


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>Silent for another few moments, Aiden then shakes his head as he taps the final key on his keyboard - showcasing a massive series of digital newspaper reports involving Johnny Hildebrandt.

"No, it's my responsibility for not properly assessing the threat in the first place."

>Muttering to himself, Phantom then says:

"…..Now I know why you're so hell-bent on having a plan for everything. Jesus."

>Aiden then replies through his comms link.

"….'Johnny Hildebrandt' isn't even his real name. It was just the name that Phoebe introduced him to us with. The actual news reports involving the man's name never actually gave his actual name. Hell, I don't actually remember his name."

>Aiden rubs his forehead lightly as he continues remembering.

"It's like that portion of my memory had been….wiped….out."

>Aiden's eyes widen as a realization creeps into his mind - for the first time in his life, he feels a sense of uneasiness and dread.

"……From what I can understand, after I had beaten him up - his behavior just…changed. It was sudden and completely inexplicable to authorities."

>Thinking carefully, Aiden then says:

"So it doesn't make sense for him to relapse into that behavior years later. Not when he knew that I was around this entire time as Gradient, and later Mosaic. He knows that I'm out there."

>Phantom starts walking around the room, still keeping track of Oneiros from his peripheral vision as he keeps conversing with his boss.

"…..So you think that this Hildebrandt guy was just a decoy?"

>Aiden shakes his head as he stands up.

"Worse. He was a remote dummy. Whatever intended to get my sister was also psionically possessing his body. That, or it had wormed its way into the man's mind enough for him to start calling himself Johnny Hildebrandt."

>Thinking back to a conversation he had with Miranda - a reminder of Miranda's own statements about the behavior of her stepfather start to come back to the periphery of his mind. Eyes now widening as the realization hits him, Aiden then audibly shouts:

"Shit! I knew it. It is him! Damian! You need to get Darius out of there and lay low!


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>Confused and now concerned, Phantom quickly grabs Oneiros by the jacket collar, starting him.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

>Turning to face him, Phantom then says:

"Just shut up and keep quiet. This is way bigger than you now, Darius."

>Now talking to Aiden again, Phantom then asks:

"If you want me to lay low, then at least explain to me what is going on!"

>Taking a deep breath, Aiden then gets straight to the point.

"Damian, the person who hired Synapse to kill Darius - it's a different man from the one that I confronted! That name itself, 'Johnny Hildebrandt' - it's just a pseudonym! It's the name used by the person who's currently being possessed by the perpetrator!"

>Still confused, Phantom then asks:

"So then who's the perpetrator?!"

>Aiden then shouts the name in a combination of irritation and concern.

"Dyskrasia! The psychic monster that I warned you about! The one who ruined my cousin's lives! He's not after Darius at all! He's after my family! No, he's after me!"

>Confused, Aiden's mind then starts racing quickly as his brain works in overtime.

"But whose body is he inhabiting now? It can't be someone I'm familiar with - otherwise I would've detected his psychic signature. But it has to be someone who's had close enough proximity to both me and Miranda. But who-"

>Then suddenly, it hits Aiden. In that moment, he then tells Damian:

"Just get yourself and Darius out of there! Do not allow the MRD to capture either of you! They'll lead you straight to him!"

>At that moment, a bullet strikes into the wall of the abandoned movie theater - but Phantom is able to pull Oneiros out of harm's way. His ESP warning him of the danger beforehand.

"Sniper! I think it's Synapse! I'll try and keep Oneiros safe! But you need to find Dyskrasia then!"

>From the other side, Aiden then says:

"I know who he's possessing - and I'm kicking myself for having not seen it earlier. I'll deal with this Damian, I promise."


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>Location: New York State - Grayson Manor
>Time: 6:00 PM

>As Miranda sits in the shotgun seat of the car - she looks over the vast expanse of land. The parallax effect of the car's movement distracts her for a moment, before her phone rings.

>Picking it up, she then says:


>Aiden's voice is on the other side of the line as he says:

"Telepathy, now."

>Instinctually, Miranda then establishes a telepathic connection with her cousin - as they both begin to immediately convey information at a rapid rate.


>Inside of the Astral Real connection bridge that Aiden has established, his psionic form talks to Miranda's own inside of his own mindscape. In the span of mere moments of real time - Miranda now has a full understanding of the situation.

"…Oh My God."

>Miranda's Astral Form begins panicking and hyperventilating.

"It's been in him the whole time?"

>Aiden shakes his head.

"No, it likely only happened after you poured into William's mind. If you hadn't done that, he would've likely remained there, rotting."

>Confused, Miranda then says:

"You think that William somehow contained Dyskrasia in his own mind? He's not even psionic!"

>Aiden then states:

"Miranda, everyone is psionic - just to different degrees. You know this. The immense guilt William felt over what happened to Uncle Eli is probably what formed a strong enough memory cage around the monster."

>Miranda then rubs her eyes, tears streaming down her Astral Form as the fear begins to grow in her mind.

"….Then when I burst open into his mind…I…"

>Aiden exhales as he states:

"You transferred his psionic signature into someone else. Someone who was nearby in that same MRD site. Someone who didn't have Thulcandran armor or immense psionic power actively defending them."

>Looking up at Aiden for a moment, Miranda then says weakly:

"….Help me Aiden, please. Because he's the one driving the car right now - and I just realized why he personally wanted to drive me back to the manor."

>Aiden then says in response:

"I'm already there. See you in a few seconds."


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>As Miranda comes to in the passenger's seat of the car - her body immediately begins to feel goosebumps. As she stares straight ahead, she can no longer drown out the voice of the man driving the car.

"Hmmm. I was wondering when you'd figure it out."

>It takes all of Miranda's mental strength to slowly turn her head to the left - and she immediately regrets it.

"Hello, dear. I've missed you, ahahahaha!"

>Chase's face is twisted into an almost inhuman grin - as the sclera of his eyes are black, and his pupils are purple.

>In that moment, Miranda screams as loud as she can, instinctively pushing through the car's door as she rolls on the ground towards the entrance of the gates to the manor. Still hurt from the speed of the collision - Miranda weakly presses her face up - and sees Chase slowly walking towards her.

"Where's the rush, Miranda? I said that we were going to have a special evening together. You know that I'm a man of my word."

>Chase then begins laughing with an inhuman cadence to his voice - as Miranda reflexively screams in anger.

"Fuck you! You malicious piece of shit!"

>Miranda's eyes then fully glow with purple energy - as she fires off psionic bolts at Chase. While he's pushed back initially by the assault, he soon regains his ground - and continues moving towards Miranda with a twisted smile on his face.

"Aww, I'm hurt, honey. What'd Johnny do to you to deserve such cruelty? Such animosity?"

>'Johnny' then begins firing off more psionic surges towards Miranda knocking her back into the Manor and past the gates. As Miranda's bloodied and bruised face slowly rises up, she realizes that she isn't healing anymore.

"What the…"

>Whistling from behind her, Miranda spins around to see Chase still walking towards her. With the twisted smile still on his face, he then says:

"The brain's a funny thing, ain't it sweetheart? It controls all important functions."

>'Johnny' then begins exerting telekinetic force on Miranda, restraining her and slowly lifting her up into the air.

"Like those pesky superpowers that you Meta-Humans have. It's why I manipulated that weak little shit you called a stepfather."

>Grabbing onto Miranda's face with his hand, 'Johnny' then turns her face to look at him as he says:

"I need the Metas wiped out if I want to lower the chances of any pesky psions popping up to oppose me. But you Miranda?"

>Sizing up the figure and physique of the woman, 'Johnny' then looks her dead in the eyes, stating:

"You'll do just fine for me. I have other plans for you."

>Suddenly, there's an explosion of force that appears between 'Johnny' and Miranda - not harming Miranda, but sending 'Johnny' flying backwards.

"The fuck?!?!"


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>The dust and debris of the explosion clears immediately, as Aiden's visage is easily recognizable. The sight of Aiden's arrival immediately makes Miranda tear up.

>Even as she's released from her restraints by Aiden's own psionic power, Miranda immediately curls up into a ball, tearing up due to the immediate stress and trauma of the situation.


>Without saying a word, Aiden hugs Miranda as he whispers something to her. Afterwards, he then stands up and turns his eyes within his peripheral vision towards 'Johnny'.

>At the immediate sight of Aiden, 'Johnny' scoffs and then crosses his arms.

"Look at you, little white knight - riding in to save the day. Caught me red handed - MRD Director and all-"

>Aiden then immediately cuts him off.

"Cut the bullshit, 'Johnny'. I know it's you."

>Confused and then falling silent for a moment, 'Johnny' immediately narrows his eyes as his voice grows entirely serious.

"…..What did you just call me?"

>Aiden then takes off his sunglasses for a moment as he stares 'Johnny' directly in the eyes. The fury and anger concentrated in his irises is palpable, as he then directly tells 'Johnny'.

"I told you five years ago - that if you ever went near Phoebe ever again? I would kill you with my bare hands."

>Looking back down at Miranda for a moment, Aiden then says:

"That goes double for my cousin - whose life you ruined."

>Turning his gaze back towards 'Johnny', Aiden then states:

"I'll give you one chance Dyskrasia. Remove yourself from Chase's body willingly - or I will subject you to eternal torture on the Astral Plane."


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>At that moment, 'Johnny' places a hand to his head as he begins to laugh hysterically. He laughs with such force that he causes a pressure shockwave to emanate from the area around him - stretching on for miles on end.

>Miranda instinctively curls up into a ball in fear, still sobbing though her experience. Aiden looks back at her, and for the first time in years - begins to feel an uncontrollable rage curdling up inside of his body.

"Just remember, dipshit. I gave you a chance."

>Ignoring Aiden's threat, 'Johnny' then snaps at Aiden, speaking with a dual voice of both Chase and the inhuman psionic monster possessing his body - Dyskrasia.

"A chance to do what, you runt? I was never interested in you, just her. It was always about her. That power she has - can't you sense it? If I gained control of it, then I could control this entire world!"

>Completely ignoring 'Johnny' and his speech, Aiden then flatly states:

"You're a psionic cancer that's been spreading for decades. Possibly even longer."

>Taking off his sunglasses slowly and seemingly calmly, Aiden's behavior entirely betrays the sea of rage building inside of him. As he pockets his sunglasses into a pocket dimension, he then says.

"And like any malignant cancer, you've undergone metastasis - to spread yourself beyond the threshold by attacking my family. For that alone? I am going to make you suffer."

>Upon hearing that, 'Johnny' then laughs again - far more hysterically this time as he shouts:

"Ahahahaha! You and what fucking army?! Once I'm done grinding you into meat, I'm gonna give your cousin over there the time of her life!"

>Silent, Aiden then raises up one hand and makes a single hand gesture. No audible words, no incantations and no chants. Just a single hand gesture combined with the full force of his psionic rage and power. Then, in a distorted voice that appears somehow more imposing and intimidating than even what 'Johnny' displayed, Aiden says a single word:


>In that instant, Aiden's full psionic power is no longer restrained. In a passage of time that can only be comparable to a single planck second - the entirety of the manor and its surrounding area is enveloped in a perfect sphere of raw psionic power. Although initially purple in color, the psionic energy very quickly becomes a blood red in color.


>To ensure his own survival, 'Johnny' attempts to protect himself with a purple psionic barrier of his own - strengthening it with his millennia of experience. However, the barrier is too strong, even for him. As he screams, his body is entirely overwhelmed and enveloped by the bright radiance of the blood red psionic sphere.



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>Location: Astral Mindscape
>Time: N/A

>As 'Johnny' is plunged deep into the psionic space created by Aiden's raw psionic power - he realizes that his physical body has been separated from normal space and time. Having been removed from the universe and placed into another plane of existence entirely, he quickly scrambles to his feet.

"You think you're being funny, dipshit?! Huh?! You think this is some game?!"

>A disembodied voice from within the larger mindscape then retorts.

"Your entire existence is a game, one whose sole purpose is now to convince me to spare you."

>Before 'Johnny' can react, he's then bombarded by psionic attacks from various figures inside of the mindscape.

"So you're the new fresh meat? Delicious. I can't wait to rip you apart with my bare hands."

>A familiar figure inside of Aiden's mindscape then steps forward.

"So, I wonder how you'll be - once you're psionic food."

>Ethan casually has his hands in his pockets - looking down at 'Johnny' from a structure above.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't know. Aiden's head isn't exactly screwed on straight, as far as I'm concerned."

>Shrugging, he then holds out his hand, firing another immensely powerful psionic blast at 'Johnny' - which damages him and binds him in place. The pain of the attacks is indescribable to 'Johnny' enough for him to scream as loud as his voice will allow him to.

>At that same time, he's stabbed from behind by another figure - a psionic alter state that is also entirely independent within Aiden's mindscape.

"Oh, don't mind Siphon. He doesn't see you as anything other than meat. In that regard, he's nicer than I am."

>Now coughing up blood, 'Johnny' is then tossed to the floor - feeling the blood seeping out of his body.

>Then 'Johnny' looks up - seeing hundreds, if not thousands of alter states in the distance - all staring down at him from above, and laughing while they do so.

"I told you, didn't I?"

>Ethan then slams his boot down on 'Johnny' - mainly on his hands, causing him to scream even louder in pain.

"You're fresh meat. Get used to it."


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>After an indeterminate amount of time - potentially eons within a mindscape, Aiden then descends down from above. As he lands on the mindscape, his alter states all stand to the side - allowing him to walk towards the bloodied and beaten form of 'Johnny'.

"No. Please….Stay away from me!"

>Aiden continues walking forward, his eyes glowing red as his anger continues to boil over.

"I wonder how many people you've said that exact statement to? Especially women."

>Reaching down and grabbing 'Johnny' by the neck, Aiden then slowly picks him up and says:

"I told you. I would make you suffer for the rest of eternity. Your nightmare's just starting."

>Taking his other hand Aiden then rips 'Johnny' apart, splitting Chase from the psionic monster that had fully possessed him - Dyskrasia. After doing so, Aiden dispels Chase from his mindscape - leaving Dyskrasia alone, surrounded by hostiles.

"You won't kill me! You don't have the guts to do it! You're not ruthless enough to kill sentient beings! Even me!"

>Aiden looks at the psionic monster dead in the eyes before saying coldly.

"I can easily kill trash - such as yourself."

>Grabbing Dyskrasia once more, Aiden watches as the monster struggles to escape his grip - screaming with all of its might.

"You know what happens to the psyches of all of those who die around me?"

>Knowing that Dyskrasia can't respond, Aiden then watches as another alter state slowly walks up to him.

"Including those I've killed?"

>Then, the alter that Aiden is referring to slowly walks up beside him - an alter in the appearance of Faust.

"I recreate them in my mind, down to the last detail. That's what happens when you have the power to mimic the traits of others. Even the dead don't keep secrets from me."

>Faust then translates as he says:

"It means - you're royally fucked."


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>Aiden then pulls Dyskrasia in close as he stares the psionic creature down. While doing so, he then says:

"You've got centuries' worth of knowledge, correct? If not millennia. All the minds you've invaded and possessed - and all of the people whose lives you've ruined."

>Holding out his other hand as it begins to glow red, Aiden's voice remains hostile and full of pure hatred as he speaks with venom in his words.

"You will give everything to me, and then whatever's left of you will live the rest of your pitiful fucking existence in a rotting psionic jail cell."

>Before Dyskrasia can protest, Aiden's core power then activates. For the first time in his life, the anger and sheer hatred in his emotions turns his mimicry into raw absorption. Right before his very eyes, Dykrasia's form is rapidly breaking apart beyond repair - as his psionic power and knowledge is absorbed into Aiden.

>The screams of pain emanating from the psionic monster go unnoticed by Aiden and the thousands of alter states around him.

>Then in a massive burst of blue light - Dyskrasia is then entirely destroyed.


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>In that exact instance, a figure in a regal armored form stands in the place of where Aiden was. Once the blue light has disappeared, the alter states are made aware of the newcomer's presence.

"So who the hell are you supposed to be?"

>The armored figure slowly turns his head towards Ethan, craning his head to the side slightly as he responds.

"You know the answer to that, as do I. That is my function within this psionic mindscape - to know."

>The armored figure then bows, stating:

"I am his capacity to know. You may ordain me as Gnosis, for I am the central edifice of his knowledge."

>Crossing his arms behind his back, the new alter state then says:

"I am his state of mind, when the full power of our psionic potential is accessed - as is the case now."


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>Location: Grayson Manor
>Time: 6:01 PM

>Miranda slowly opens her eyes as she sees an armored figure standing before her. While her vision is still hazy, she can barely make out the silhouette of the man. Weakly, she then utters:

"A-Aiden? Is that you?"

>As her vision clears up, she sees the armored figure cross his arms behind his back as he leans down to speak to her.

"In a manner of speaking, yes. Though experiencing a rare moment of psionic reintegration."

>Still trying to get her bearings, she then notices the unconscious body of Chase.

"Is he…"

>Shaking his head, the figure then states:

"No. He was spared ego death within the mindscape. His possessor however, was not given a similar fate."

>Surprised, Miranda then turns to look at the figure and asks:

"….Aiden? Are you sure that's you?"

>The figure then responds by stating:

"I am not 'Aiden' as you know him currently. As of this moment, you are conversing with Gnosis - the culmination of all his latent psionic potential. His knowledge as a sentient being."

>Miranda slowly nods as she then wipes away her dried tear marks. Then, she says:

"….But I want to see him - if that's alright."

>Gnosis thinks for a moment, before nodding.

"Very well then. I will relinquish this brief moment I have in possession of our shared form. Though know this, Miranda Grayson."

>Gnosis hovers in the air slightly as Gnosis seemingly provides her with a spiritual omen. A warning of sorts.

"Heavy is the heart which wears down the soul. Do not stray from the path of your humanity again - or the transgression brought upon Dyskrasia will soon fall upon you as well."

>In that instant, Gnosis then begins to dissolve into nothingness - as a bright flash of light replaces him with Aiden's body.

>As Aiden then levitates to the ground, he holds his hand to his face - zoning out for a moment.

"Was that…me?"

>Looking back at Miranda, Aiden then says:

"Are you alright?"

>Miranda shakes her head slowly as she then leans forward to hug Aiden tightly - now sobbing uncontrollably.

"….I don't think I'll ever be alright again…."

>Miranda says through sobs as Aiden continues hugging her closely.

[End of Part 1]

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