/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Location: Sanctuary City - Abandoned Movie Theater
>Time: 6:00 PM

>As Phantom continues remaining crouched on the floor - he ensures that Oneiros is crouched on alongside him.

"Don't make too much noise. If it really is Synapse - then he's tracking your movements via echolocation."

>Oneiros remains entirely silent, only slightly nodding before he then whispers:

["How are we gonna get out of here? You said he can track us, so if we move - we're screwed."]

>Phantom shakes his head slowly, as he quickly jettisons a shuriken disc from his wrist bracelet.

["Can you create a mass illusion? It doesn't have to be perfect - just good enough."]

>Nodding, Oneiros then says:

["Yeah, what do you need?"]

>Phantom thinks for a moment, then replies:

["Something predictable."]


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>Outside of the movie theater, a man in an advanced suit of armor remains stationed on a nearby building. Aiming a powered sniper rifle at the rundown movie complex - he narrows his eyes behind his helmet.


>After a few more seconds, the man then gets a call from his comms link.

["Is it done, Synapse?"]

>Silent for a moment, Synapse then states:

["If you cease needless updates and allow me to perform the operation as I see fit - then you'll get your desired result."]

>A loud and irritated sigh then comes from the other side of the comms link - now sounding more annoyed than prior.

["The vigilante you mentioned has likely already alerted the MRD. At best, you have five minutes to execute the contract before I decide to terminate it."]

>Synapse falls silent as he replaces another round in the sniper rifle.

>A few seconds later, he then sees something strange.

"……..What in the…"

>A large group of Brigadiers then start leaving the front of the movie theater - casually eating popcorn and drinking soda. They seem to be conversing with each other as they do so.

"Is this a joke? What could-"

>Then it hits him, as he starts cursing under his breath.

"….Diversion. They're not real."


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>Suddenly, the Brigadiers are then taken down, one by one. As they drop to the floor like flies - Synapse's suspicions are confirmed.

{"Are these energy constructs? They're reacting too realistically to bullets; they can't be purely optical illusions."}

>However, what Synapse doesn't notice, is the shuriken disc that quickly flies in from the side - slicing his sniper rifle clean in half. The disruption of the electrical equipment in his customized rifle then reacts - exploding and knocking him backwards.


>As he lands on the ground, rolling away, Synapse then quickly rises to his feet - looking around the rooftop.

{"Damnit, I took the bait! The vigilante was never coming through the front entrance! Why didn't I notice his approach though?}

>Seemingly reading the assassin's thoughts, Phantom speaks up from behind him, stating:

"Because it's hard to anticipate someone when they can turn invisible."

>Spinning around, Synapse then sees the visage of Phantom as he quickly deactivates his cloaking material.

{"He has a cloaking function?!"}

>Quickly taking out a knife from his pouch, Synapse attempts to strike at Phantom - who casually parries the knife strikes with the reinforced exterior of his costume. Sparks fly as Phantom uses his arms to continue parrying the knife strikes - before disarming him with a guided set of hand movements.

"I've got only one question."

>As the knife is slammed into the ground by the deflection tactic, Phantom then palm strikes Synapse - sending him skidding to the floor once more.

"Who hired you? Was it Hildebrandt?"

>Reflexively hesitating for a microsecond - Phantom easily notices the sudden movement, replying:

"I thought as much."


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>Not to be outdone, Synapse then brandishes his sword and rushes at Phantom.

"You're not getting any information out of me!"

>Synapse shouts as he then attempts to attack Phantom with more sword strikes. Although his proficiency with a sword is exceptional, Phantom still manages to remain one step ahead of him. With a combination of skillful parries and strikes - Phantom then manages to shatter the sword with one single strike.


>Stunned by the destroyed weapon in his hands, the assassin then reaches down - attempting to pull out his holstered handgun - only for his hand to be webbed to his side by Phantom.

"Webbing?! Don't tell me…."

>Looking straight up at Phantom, the assassin then groans.

"You're the arachnid, aren't you?"

>Shrugging, Phantom then responds.

"Who can say? There's no real way of knowing now is there?"

>Phantom then webs up the remainder of Synapse's body to the floor, now walking over and crouching beside him.

"So Hildebrandt hired you to kill Mister Stone, I presume? In the off chance that he decided to back out from the deal they made?"

>Struggling against the strength of the webbing that binds him, Synapse remains silent.

"Then I would also guess that Hildebrandt is worried about Darius testifying against him in an investigation? In that case, I can only imagine what must be going through his mind right now."

>Looking down at Synapse's suit, Phantom then begins activating the analysis mode in the cowl. Immediately, he begins to see various electronic circuits - focusing particularly on a unique chip in the back of Synapse's helmet.

"I'll be using that, thanks."

>Pressing his finger to the side of Synapse's helmet - Phantom watches as it slowly creates a small micro-chip structure at the edge of his gloved finger. The chip then inserts into a small open port in Synapse's helmet - rapidly cloning the data of the comms link.

>Removing his finger from the side of Synapse's helmet, Phantom then stands up and says:

"I appreciate the help."

>Phantom then knocks Synapse out cold with a single palm strike to the helmet - before standing back up.


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>Phantom then takes the information that he's acquired from Synapse and converts it into a small microchip that is processed in his suit's nanotech structure. Reaching down to the integrated utility belt, he then removes two devices from it.

>The first device is the small microchip with the same processor unit that was cloned from Synapse's comms link in his helmet. The second device is an external communicator - a more advanced version of a two way radio receiver.

>After placing the microchip inside of the receiver, Phantom then holds the receiver up to his cowl like a smartphone - activating the comms link. He immediately hears a voice on the line snapping at him.

["Synapse! I called you minutes ago! What has happened with the target?! Is the contract completed?!"]

>Phantom then says a single sentence in response.

"Have fun on your way to lockup."

>The man, presumably Hildebrandt, then immediately hangs up the connection.

"I thought as much."

>Phantom then picks up Synapse's knocked out body and begins gliding with his cape down to the movie theater below.

>Once he lands, he then lowers Synapse's body to the ground along with the other Brigadiers while he then turns to Oneiros, stating:

"As much as I hate to tell you this - you're probably better off at the MRD. Until Hildebrandt is stopped and taken in - you're going to continue being a target."

>Sighing, Oneiros mutters to himself, stating:

"….My cover's completely blown then. They're gonna figure out who I am."

>Shaking his head, Phantom then says:

"Dude, they probably already know who you are - and just kept quiet about it since you decided to lay low. But now? You're going to be a person of interest since Synapse is tied to you."

>Gesturing to the knocked out bodies of Synapse and the Brigadiers, Phantom then states:

"At least stay there until we can figure out where Hildebrandt is. I've already cloned the data about their conversations that was stored in memory."

>Phantom says, holding up the transceiver device. He also briefly shows a glowing red fingerprint design on two of his gloved fingers - before that also disappears.

"I already recorded most of Synapse's last words - assuming that I wouldn't be able to get the comms chip. Hell, Synapse probably had the chip itself as a backup plan, just in case Hildebrandt ever tried to double cross him. Or in case he ever left him for the authorities to pick up."

>Gesturing once more to Synapse's knocked out body, Phantom concludes:

"Like he has been - right now."


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>A few minutes later, the MRD hovercraft arrive and take charge of the scene. As the MRD troops begin interviewing Oneiros - Phantom looks off from the back - perched on a lamp post.

"Good job tonight, bug boy."

>Turning his attention to the voice coming from below the lamp post, Phantom then sees Mirage leaning against it - crossing her arms. The woman has an amused smirk on her face as she continues:

"What? You think I wouldn't notice that perching position? You're the only one who does it."

>Sighing, Phantom then shakes his head as he tosses the transceiver device to Mirage.

"Here. The microchip inside is a clone of Synapse's comms link. All their recorded conversations are there - which should be more than enough to charge Hildebrandt."

>Mirage catches the transceiver device effortlessly with one hand as she still looks at Phantom, stating:

"So what do you think, then? Is Hildebrandt actually behind this?"

>Carefully considering his words, Phantom then says:

"He's definitely the one behind the contract assassination. Given the target, I'd say there's a connection to his business dealings in the entertainment industry."

>Now moving to lower himself down on a web line from the lamp post - he reaches eye level with Mirage.

>Mirage notices his cloak remaining fixed to his body, and not falling down along with him.

"Very fancy suit that you have. A hand me down from your mentor I assume?"

>Phantom then narrows his lenses, stating:

"If you're still mad about losing the tech from yesterday? Sorry, my answer's still no."

>Giving an exasperated sigh, Mirage then states:

"It can't be helped. But it was worth a shot."

>Then, Mirage slowly raises her hand to Phantom's cowl - seemingly wanting to pull it off, at least partially.

"Hey, hold on there."

>Phantom states as he grabs her wrist with his hand.

"You're moving a bit too fast-"

>Suddenly, Phantom's hand begins to glow with a bright red light, as Mirage's arm glows bright blue. The two lights seemingly interact with each other, causing a feedback mechanism to build before both of them are knocked back.


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>Mirage is sent skidding backwards - as Phantom flips in mid-air, landing on the ground with a graceful maneuver.

"I told you, you're moving a bit too fast."

>Mirage looks at her hand, seeing the remnants of the bright sparks of light - as they fade from existence.

"You….My powers didn't work on you?"

>Bewildered, Mirage then looks back up at Phantom, whose body is still glowing red.

"Uh oh….."

>The red light builds up more and more in his body - before he discharges it. Falling on one knee, Phantom places a pair of fingers to his cowl, groaning lightly.

"I feel a bit strange after that…..Thanks…."

>Suddenly, Phantom's body shifts appearance - turning into an identical copy of Mirage. The original Mirage's eyes grow wide as a result.

"Are you shapeshifting?! I thought your powers were arachnid based?!"

>As brief as the transformation occurred, Phantom's body then immediately shifts back to his original appearance - costume and all.

"No you don't understand. It's not that simple. It's…."

>Phantom then slowly regains his senses, as his body slowly dispels the glowing red light.

"…Alright, that's better."

>Still stunned, Mirage then mutters to herself under her breath.

"….You're a power shifter. Likely reactive in nature. Clearly automatic and not controlled - but there's no mistaking it."

>Glaring at Phantom, Mirage then says:

"Which means your powers are probably the result of interacting with a spider of some sort."

>Eyes widening once more, Mirage then states:

"….Wait a minute. Now I remember. You remind me of Arachne. Chiral did similar experiments on her - which means that you must be someone who got exposed to a genetically engineered spider!"

>Mirage then points at Phantom, stating:

"You're someone from Archeon! Which means that Mosaic and the others must be too!"


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>Groaning, Phantom then facepalms as he mutters to himself:

"Great, now I've given it away. What do I do now?"

>Still thinking about the implications, Mirage then says:

"….Termina knew, didn't she? This entire time. That must be the reason why she's so fixated on you! Her power doesn't work on you, and that's what she's been looking for all this time….."

>Cursing to herself, Mirage then states:

"Shit, it all makes sense now! How you were able to get all your resources and technology. Why you're always near the scene of the crime, even before we are. You're working with someone in Archeon!"

>Carefully weighing his options, Phantom then states:

"….Commander Valkyrie already knows. She's known the entire time."

>Reflexively gritting her teeth, Mirage then exhales as she says:

"I suspected as much. As I said, it all makes sense. I always assumed that she was deliberately looking the other way when it came to you vigilantes."

>Crossing his arms, Phantom then states:

"Well now you know. So what do you want?"

>Mirage gives an amused scoff, saying:

"Do I look like someone who you can bribe into complicity?"

>Phantom narrows his lenses in his cowl as he retorts:

"You look like someone who wouldn't pass up on a good opportunity if you were given the chance."

>Looking around, Mirage ensures that the rest of the MRD are still preoccupied back at the crime scene - before stating:

"….Alright then. What do you propose?"

>Phantom then walks forward, taking out a small chip from his nanite utility belt. As he places it in Mirage's hand, he then says:

"The data chip that our perpetrators from yesterday were using. It's got access to valuable information. Locations of abandoned cash reserves. Mineral deposits. Unique weapon caches. Everything low level that they were planning to use during their mission."

>Mirage is somewhat confused for a moment as she looks at the data chip.

"….All of that's on this?"

>Phantom then says:

"Worth a few hundred million dollars."

>That last statement immediately catches Mirage's attention.


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>Mirage then looks at Phantom with intent, her old instincts as a professional thief slowly breaking through her exterior.

"….You've got more of these?"

>Nodding slowly, Phantom then holds out a few more data chips between his gloved fingers.

"A lot more. These guys came prepared, and you wouldn't believe me if I told you who they really were."

>Scoffing, Mirage then states:

"Try me."

>Shaking his head, Phantom then replies:

"No need. This should be good enough"

>Looking down at the chip in her hand, Mirage then states:

"So you essentially want me to become a mole for you inside of the MRD."

>Phantom crosses his arms again as he responds:

"What you do is up to you? I'm just giving you a strong incentive to not make things more complicated than they have to be."

>Scowling, Mirage then puts the chip in her waist pocket as she states:

"Fine. You've got yourself a deal. I'll do what you need me to do from within the MRD, in exchange for not revealing your identities. But there is one thing that I personally want."

>Phantom narrows his lenses as he says:

"The power armor that the criminals had yesterday, I presume?"

>Mirage nods slowly, stating:

"Just the one. I'm sure that you and Mosaic can spare that from your collection."

>Thinking for a moment, Phantom then says:

"Fine. I'll talk to Mosaic and see what we can do. But you're not revealing that to the MRD."

>Mirage nods slowly as she then holds out her hand to shake.

"Glad to be on board then, webs. Thanks."

>Reluctantly, Phantom shakes Mirage's hand - with no reaction occurring this time.


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>Phantom then contacts Aiden through his comms link, getting a connected signal.

"Hey, boss. I'm guessing you were busy but-"

>Aiden responds in a distinct manner, stating:

"No, I heard everything. The choice is yours Damian. As I said, I trust you."

>Aiden is currently inside of Miranda's manor - sitting across from Chase's unconscious body. As he continues talking on the phone through the encrypted communication, he then states:

"As for the armor? If that's what it'll take to keep Mirage quiet? Then do it. You're strong enough to handle her if she gets out of line."

>Nodding, Phantom then says:

"You alright though boss? Did you stop the monster that you were tracking?"

>Aiden then gives another simple and short answer.

"Fortunately, yes. But it left some mental scarring on someone I know. I'm going to keep them company for the rest of the night. Already explained everything to the others. So I'll let you handle things back in Sanctuary City."

>Understanding the situation, Phantom then states:

"Alright. I'll do it."

>Ending the conversation with Aiden, Phantom then turns back to face Mirage.

"You're off duty I assume? Since you're not doing the interrogation and field report of the movie theater incident."

>Mirage nods as she places her hands on her hips.

"So what if I am?"

>Phantom then turns around and gestures behind himself with his gloved hand - stating:

"Come on. There's something you need to see."


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>Location: Sanctuary City - The Prism
>Time: 6:30 PM

>As the Aurora flies into the large underground base - it slowly lowers itself onto its landing pad. The front plate of the aerial hovercraft then quickly retracts as a glowing red light is now visible from the interior of the machine.

"Here we are."

>Jumping out of the Aurora - Phantom flips into the air as he lands on his feet. Mirage then slowly exits the vehicle by comparison - as her expression is once again dumbfounded.

"Oh My God…."

>The sheer size and scale of the base takes Mirage by surprise - as she realizes that the cavernous network stretches on for miles.

"How in the world did no one find this place?"

>Phantom walks over towards the Aurora, examining it for a moment as he explains.

"Mosaic did some dimensional engineering work with technology that is far more advanced than you'd think. The base is essentially in its own pocket space now - and the Aurora is one of the few vehicles that can bypass the barrier automatically. It's like that by design."

>Mirage then continues looking over the area, still astounded as she states:

"You must have ingress points to almost every major sector in the city. Explains why you're all so efficient in your movements."

>Looking back at Phantom, Mirage then gives him an amused look, saying:

"It would also explain why we could never actually catch you in vehicle pursuits."

>Phantom sighs as he then walks forward.

"Come on. What you're looking for is in here."


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>As Phantom continues walking forward, he then presses a button on his left glove - causing a bright red light to flash.


>In an instant, Phantom's costume is replaced with a more familiar power suit - the armor that Mirage saw him wearing yesterday.

"So it's a multi-purpose device that you're using? Interesting…"

>As Mirage walks towards a central platform, Phantom continue walking past her, saying:

"Bring out that bio-mechanical suit that you got from Destroyer."

>Somewhat confused, Mirage stops for a moment, before doing so. As a nanomaterial begins to slowly cover her body, Mirage then says:

"Alright, done. Why did you need to see this?"

>Phantom then takes the phone terminal out of the center of his utility belt and flips it open, Dialing a 3-digit combination, he then turns around, saying:

"To make something very apparent."

>Phantom then holds out his hand, aiming the phone blaster at Mirage and pressing the trigger. Immediately, a concentrated burst of red light jettisons from the barrel of the improvised blaster weapon - completely covering Mirage's body and lighting up the lower levels of the Prism Base.


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>As the red energy blast slowly dissipates into nothingness, Phantom then lowers his arm. Standing across from Phantom is Mirage as she was before - no armor whatsoever.

"How did you do that?!"

>Examining her own body, Mirage is in disbelief at the loss of her biomechanical armor.

"This was supposed to be fused to my body structure!"

>Turning around to keep walking forward, Phantom then says:

"Like I said, I wanted to make something very apparent. The level of technology that we're handling is extremely dangerous. Because of that, there are certain safeguards that are in place."

>As Mirage quickly walks after Phantom, they both eventually reach the higher levels of the Prism Base. Now walking towards the workbench, Phantom then opens a case and then examines one of the devices.

"There are multiple killswitches and safeguards built into the devices. Don't bother attempting to sabotage them either - or you'll cause the armor to self destruct."

>Taking the sapphire beetle looking device, he then turns around and hands it to Mirage, stating.

"The one you were looking for. My boss and I made a few modifications to them yesterday."

>Mirage then takes the small device in her hand as Phantom then says:

"The other weapons too."

>Muttering, Mirage then hands over Destroyer's shotgun and sword hilt - which she had previously hid within her shapeshifting biomass.

"Was wondering if you'd figure that out."

>Mirage now holds up the small sapphire beetle device as she then states:

"I always wondered how your tech works. I'll admit - I've always been jealous of it."

>Mirage then looks at Phantom, who then slowly nods at her. Then she places the beetle like device on her waist - watching as a blue light quickly spreads over her body.

>After a few seconds, Mirage is completely covered in a different version of Stag's battle armor. Complete with a different helmet and seeming shoulder cannons.


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>Looking down at her gloved hand, Mirage opens and closes it. Although the armor itself is unisex, Mirage feels that it automatically conforms to her body shape internally.

"I feel very energized. Unbelievable."

>Instinctively, Mirage begins striking the air in front of her at relativistic speeds, taken aback by her colossal increase in both striking speed and precision.

>Crossing his arms, Phantom then looks at Mirage as she continues testing her new power suit. Noticing her form and precision of strikes - he realizes that she's extensively trained in combat.

"Good, you're adjusting to it. When you're ready, I'm going to need your help in taking down the guy behind this."

>Mirage then turns to face Phantom, responding.

"You've tracked him down already?"

>Tapping the side of his helmet, Phantom reiterates:

"The cloned chip, remember? It's how I was able to find Oneiros in the first place."

>Stretching her arms, Mirage then says:

"I'm ready when you are. After all, I'm following your lead now, aren't I?"

>After a few more seconds of preparation, Phantom and Mirage then move back towards the Aurora - as they jump back inside. After closing the top hood of the vehicle - Phantom then begins driving it out of Prism base.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Underground Safehouse
>Time: 7:00 PM

>Turning off the small monitor in his room, Johnny Hildebrandt then groans as he rubs the base of his forehead. A black mark stretches across the front of his forehead - and it pulsates with psionic energy.

"Of all the times…."

>An ex-Eukaryon agent then walks into the room, flanked by other former agents.

"Mister Hildebrandt, we're detecting two unidentified hostiles breaching the entrance to the base - topside."

>Hildebrandt raises an eyebrow as he begins to panic.

"Curses….They've tracked the signal already. Prepare to evac!"

>The agents nod as they begin rushing out of the saferoom - and into the larger underground bunker. Other agents begin carrying around valuable monitoring equipment and other devices, as they now hurry to pack their resources.

>A man looking eerily similar to Centurion then walks up to Hildebrandt, nodding at him.

"Sir. I'll hold off the intruders while you evacuate."

>Nodding, Hildebrandt then turns to leave - only for two blurs of motion to rush into the room. In an instant, the entirety of the supply base is destroyed. Broken machinery and technology parts are sent flying, as miniature explosions occur.


>The Centurion clone then uses his superhuman speed to protect Hildebrandt from the explosion, shielding him effortlessly.

>The rest of the agents are already knocked out - as the blurs become visible by slowing down.


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>Phantom and Mirage then appear, fully visible. Both of them are in a dashing position - ready to blitz forward as need be.

"More Champion clones? I thought they were all destroyed?"

>Squinting behind his helmet lenses for a moment, Phantom looks a bit more closely at the man. Noticing the differences in his build.

"Much sleeker and thinner frame. Clear and coherent sentences too. Huh, you must be the upgraded model."

>Not saying a word, the Centurion clone then fires off bursts of energy from his eyes - at a speed comparable to that of his armored opponents. As that catches them by surprise - they dodge out of the way, while Hildebrandt then mutters to himself.

"I need to get out of here!"

>As he quickly turns and begins to run out of the base - the Centurion clone rushes forward, beginning to punch at Phantom and Mirage.

"Ack! Definitely stronger than the last models!"

>Phantom holds his hands up, bracing himself as he withstands the onslaught of punches from his new opponent. Although the punches are immensely strong, he's able to withstand then surprisingly well.

"Keep him preoccupied! I'll handle him!"

>Mirage then rushes in from behind, delivering charged punches of kinetic force to the Centurion clone's knees and waist. The strength of Mirage's upgraded armor is made apparent - as the Centurion clone instinctively falls to one knee.

"Nrgh! Bitch!"

>Snarling, the Centurion clone then grabs at Mirage's neck - attempting to choke her out. Although her armor is holding out, Mirage does have to strain herself to resist the force being exerted on her body.

"Hey! I'm still here!"

>Phantom shouts as he delivers a swift roundhouse kick to the Centurion clone with maximum strength - sending him flying backwards into the walls - right next to Hildebrandt's exit.


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>Panicked, Hildebrandt then quickly turns to look at the damaged wall - before looking back at the armored vigilantes.

"No, not you damned vigilantes again!"

>Now starting to run away, he feels a strong force grab him by the back of his jacket's collar. Pulling him up, he's then turned to see the helmet lenses of Mirage looking back at him.

"Where do you think you're going? We're not done with you yet."

>Hildebrandt then attempts to blast Mirage with a burst of psionic energy - only for Mirage to look bored and uninterested in the result.

"That's the best you can do? Oh right, you don't know that the armor helps against that."

>Tossing Hildebrandt to the ground, Mirage then leans down and punches him in the face - knocking him out.


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>Meanwhile, Phantom is still fighting against the upgraded Centurion clone - trading blows with it at a surprising rate. As they continue exchanging fists, Phantom webs the Centurion clone's face - surprising him for an extra second.


>In that split second, Phantom then performs an overhead flip kick - slamming the Centurion clone into the ground. As this occurs, Centurion slowly rises up to his feet - now coughing up a bit of blood.

"Pieces of shit-"

>Before he can react, he's then punched in the face by Mirage, who then knocks the Centurion clone over to Phantom. Taking full advantage of the situation, Phantom then hits the Centurion clone with a spinning roundhouse kick to the face - blasting him up into the air.


>Mirage nods and then jumps into the air, placing her hands on the sides of her armor's shoulder cannons as they fire up powerful particle beam attacks.


>Mirage then fires off a powerful surge of particle beams and energy - causing the Centurion clone to become overloaded as it falls to the ground, badly burned and unconscious.

>As Mirage lands on the ground, she then turns to see the results of her handiwork. The entire place has been completely demolished - and most of the valuable equipment has been destroyed. Server machines, cables and other electronics equipment are all split apart and burned to crisps as the smell of charred electronic equipment fills the air.

"You already called in the response teams?"

>Mirage says to Phantom as he nods.

"Place the transceiver device on Hildebrandt and the MRD will do the rest."

>Nodding, Mirage takes out the transceiver device that Phantom had given her on the flight over. Pulling it out of the pocket space provided by the armor - it appears from the space in front of her belt in a flash of blue light.

>Then after tossing the transceiver device on Hildebrandt's unconscious body, she turns to Phantom and says:

"Job well done then? Now do you trust me?"

>Phantom crosses his arms and says:

"It's a start. Though something's a bit off."

>Mirage then inquires, placing a hand on her waist.

"What is it?"

>Phantom then says:

"This guy may just be part of a larger problem - given what we just found here."

>Phantom and Mirage then look down at the unconscious form of Hildebrandt once more - before dashing out of the underground facility at blinding speeds.


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>Date: October 9th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - MRD Precinct
>Time: 5:00 PM

>As Johnny Hildebrandt is kept in a power dampening cell - Valkyrie watches over the figure from the monitoring room. Arms crossed, she then thinks to herself:

{"How was he captured so quickly? How did anyone even know where to look for him? We were only able to interrogate Stone and learn that Hildebrandt was behind the attacks but…"}

>Clearly bothered by something, Valkyrie then sighs as she turns to Mirage, stating:

"You're right, Jennifer. Something isn't adding up."

>Mirage then assumes a thinking position as she says:

"It's possible that Hildebrandt may be used as a scapegoat - by whatever group he could be working for. The MRD agents that arrived on the scene did find a recording and traces of a larger altercation. Maybe there was infighting?"

>Sighing, Valkyrie then rubs the base of her forehead as she mutters to herself:

"An entire underground infrastructure network that was right under our noses this entire time. Completely separate from Chiral's cloning labs as well. This is unbelievable."

>Closing her hands into fists, Valkyrie then says:

"We need to gain more control over the situation. If these scenarios keep happening, then the public is going to lose faith in our ability to govern - and we can't let that happen."

>Against her better judgment, Valkyrie then states:

"I'm giving the go ahead on the acceleration of research and development. We'll need better recon units and threat assessment tools ourselves."

>Turning to leave the Monitor room, Valkyrie then states:

"We're done for the day, Mirage. You're off duty now, unless there's an emergency."

>Valkyrie then leaves the Monitor room - exhaling in annoyance as she preoccupies her mind with other thoughts.

>Meanwhile, Mirage slowly turns back to the main control panel in the Monitor room and covertly takes out a small nano chip from the biomass of her clothing.

>Inserting the chip into the MRD's systems, Mirage watches as it begins opening a direct backdoor relay to Prism Base - completely circumventing the MRD's internal security systems. Muttering to herself, Mirage then says:

"I appreciate the easy access, Commander…."


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>After finishing the remote server uplink - Mirage then takes the nano chip out of the slot and places it back in her suit's biomass. Looking around to make sure that no one is present, she then presses in the front of her suit's belt buckle - changing its appearance to reveal that it's the beetle device.

>In an instant, a blue light envelops her and Mirage appears in her new armor. Then, moving at relativistic speeds - Mirage is instantly out of the MRD Precinct and already nearing the entrance to the Prism Base.

>Location: Prism Base
>Time: 5:05 PM

"Here. Did the job as requested."

>Mirage then takes the nanochip out of her armor's utility belt and hands it over to Phantom - who looks at it carefully.

"Thanks. We'll send you instructions on what to do next in a few days. Your armor's got an encrypted comms link, so we'll notify you when anything comes up."

>Nodding, Mirage then crosses her arms as she looks up at the base's interior once more - taking in the sight of the structure.

"There's one more thing that you and your boss should probably know."

>Phantom then turns his attention back towards Mirage, stating:

"Yes? What is it?"

>Mirage then says:

"Commander Valkyrie's restarting the experimentation on Meta-Gene modification. I think she's at the point where she can't risk relying on you all to fix the MRD's mishaps. She thinks she's reforming the system but - I know better. This is more about pressure from up top if anything."

>Phantom then sighs as he states:

"Yeah, Mosaic's probably not going to be thrilled to hear that. Still, thanks for telling us Mirage. Is there anything else you need?"

>Mirage shakes her head, saying:

"No. Just keep your end of the bargain. Keep sending the data chips my way, and I'll keep being your eyes and ears inside of the MRD."

>Phantom nods as he states:

"Alright then, I'll hold you to that promise."

>Mirage then nods and then instantly leaves Prism Base with her light speed movement - leaving Phantom on his own to go back to his examination of electronic equipment in the base.

"Today's gonna be a long day, I can already tell."

>Phantom then goes to his chair at the supercomputer and gets back to work; doing more research into the MRD's actions with the new backdoor access that he's gained.

[The End]

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