>>3933>Location: TTC - Interior >Time: Indeterminate"The mana particles reacted with the TYN-1 antigen binding receptors on the surface of the residual Genophage material. Making it a Tertiary form Genophage."
>Aiden, still in his Mosaic armor, but with his helmet removed, continues writing mathematical equations on the board. The interior of the TTC's laboratory rooms have provided him with the necessary equipment to draw his diagrams and write out the complex biochemical protein bonding reactions that make up genophage assimilation."….You're absolutely certain then, Azrael?"
>Rafael Thaumiel leans against a nearby table inside of the TTC's laboratory room - carefully examining Aiden's holoboard diagrams. Beside her, sits Samael Thaumiel - otherwise known as Mechanicus. The younger Chronarch scientist looks on, concerned."Have you already done a mana-infused scan of the planet to detect any other genophage insertions into different countries?"
>Finishing up the complex protein folding diagrams and equations, Aiden then turns to face both Thaumiel scientists, stating:"Of course. I couldn't take the risk once I knew for certain that it
was genophages. The scan showed no other instances of genophage activity - for now."
>Jack, in his Paladin armor, has his hood down as he ruffles the back of his hair. Confused, he then speaks up, stating:"Nothing about Minerva's wisdom is giving me any information on these 'genophages' that you're referring to. I assume that they're a creation of the Thulcandrans then?"
>Aiden nods as he then moves over to the research bench of the laboratory. Carefully examining the residual data he acquired from the water refinement facility, he then states:"The Genophages are an experimental bioweapon created by Ramiel. He was a Chronarch, like me and the others."
>As he continues typing away at the control panel interface before him, Aiden continues elaborating:"Originally, they were a test for gene extraction, created as a way of punishing rogue Thulcandrans by removing their genetic capacity for reconstruction. The power that lets them heal from nearly any wound, and shapeshift."
>Rafael continues where Aiden left off, stating:"As Azrael said, the Genophages were Ramiel's greatest invention. Although initially sanctioned by the High Council, the project that led to their creation was eventually scrapped, due to its ability of spontaneous mutation. A virulent enough strain of the Genophages, if left unchecked, could annihilate the entire biosphere of a habited planet in mere hours."
>Eyes widening, Jack then turns to see Mechanicus speak up, finishing the explanation with a somber tone in his voice."That's where they get their name from. They're gene destroying macrophages - biological killing machines that can wipe out an entire genome, provided that they aren't stopped. Their creation was banned after 12 cosmic cycles back home."
>Aiden speaks up as he walks back to the holoboard - continuing to draw complex equations with lightning speed. He then adjusts his sunglasses as he continues to draw equations and diagrams with extreme machine-like precision."That's about 4 billion years, give or take."