/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: October 20th. 2017
>Time: 9:00 AM
>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Complex

>As he flips a coin up into the air, Aiden looks around the room, his gaze aimlessly drifting from one bookcase to the next. His mind is a flurry of interspersed and interconnected thoughts, all sporadic and parallel to each other in time.

{"You're not feeling confident, are you? Despite everything you've done."}

{"Failure. Complete and utter failure. No recourse for your mistakes."}

{"Murderer. Attempted or not, you know what you are."}

{"Come on. Do it. Let it all go, and let us out!"}

>Catching the coin with one hand, Aiden looks at his clenched fist - seeing the muscle strain in his wrist. As he opens his hand, the coin is completely gone - atomized into nothingness as dust slowly flutters out of his palm, carried by the air of the room.


>Turning his attention back towards the TV, he watches the news - taking note of the growing Meta-Human criminal presence in the Downtown Sector. The news anchor continues her report as he now pays attention.

["Eyewitness reports mention a man in black clothing with a skull mask and a black hood - the alleged perpetrator of the attacks inside of the water refinery plant. MRD troops have already been called to the premises…."]

>Raising an eyebrow, Aiden pays attention to the description of the man in question, then his eyes widen as the realization hits him.

"….Oh no."


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>As Aiden leaves his desk and quickly walks to the bookcase nearby - he gets a call on his phone. Answering the call, Aiden pulls back a book on the bookcase. A small mechanical whirring sound can be heard, as the bookcase slowly pulls itself down.

>Taking his phone out of his pocket and answering the call without even looking at it, Aiden says:

"I know, Jack. It's him. I'm not sure how that's possible, but the description only has one match."

>As he begins walking down the staircase, Aiden can hear Jack's somewhat shocked voice on the other side of the phone call.

["I'm coming over there to help you. If he's anything like how…..like how…..it was before? Then you'll need all the help that you can get."]

>As Aiden goes down the elevator towards the Prism Base, he continues talking with Jack over the encrypted line.

"He's not after you, Jack. If he's anything like before? Then he's after me. We both know that."

>Jack is silent over the phone for a moment, before he sighs and grimaces in annoyance.

["It's a trap, Aiden. We both know that. It's what I would do."]

>Nodding, Aiden then replies:

"I know, Jack. But I've got no choice but to spring the trap, before he hurts anyone else. He's my responsibility, remember?"]

>Ending the phone call, Aiden places his phone back in his jeans pocket as he sighs. Closing his eyes behind his sunglasses, he then opens them up, muttering to himself:

"Power and responsibility, right Aiden?"

>As he reaches the Prism Base interior - Aiden then looks up at the large computer monitors near the monitor desk. His nanite swarm collective has already obtained surveillance footage of the area in question - a water storage facility off the coast of the Downtown Sector's water refinery plant.

"….Well, better not keep him waiting then."

>Taking off his sunglasses with his hand, Aiden then disappears in an instant.


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>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown Sector
>Time: 9:00 AM

"Take cover!"

>A MRD trooper quickly dives out of the way, avoiding a damaged car as it crashes into the gates leading outside of the facility. The gates are blown open with a massive explosion as multiple MRD personnel duck and cover.

"Shit! Take cover!"

"Where's reinforcements?!"

"Is the perimeter secured?! We don't want civilians getting involved!"

>Suddenly, a pair of black tentacles sprout out of the ground - binding the MRD agents to the floor, and shocking them with red electricity. As the MRD agents scream in pain, they fall to the ground - unconscious.

>Then an amorphous black fluid slowly rises up from the ground - seemingly appearing through the cracks of the pavement. As the black goo coalesces into a human form, it begins slowly cackling and laughing to itself.

"Ohhh, nothing like a little shock therapy to juice up the nerves, eh? Ahahaha!"

>Faust's form then slowly appears, dusting itself off as he looks around at his handiwork. As he does so, he senses the arrival of a group of MRD hovercraft - all quickly converging on the refinery plant's location.

"Oh, more piñatas? Fantastic!"

>Making a gesture with his hand, Faust casually flicks his wrist at the hovercraft vehicles - causing them to suddenly crash into each other with telekinetic force.

>As the hovercraft quickly fall towards the ground - a blur of black and red appears in the area - seemingly moving past the hovercraft as they crash to the ground. Through the resulting explosion - a figure walks through the flames - shielding the MRD agents with a bubble of telekinetic force.

"Ahh, there you are, prick."

>Faust says, rubbing his gloved hands together in anticipation. He then produces another distorted snarl of laughter, as Mosaic slowly stops walking - planting his feet a dozen meters away from his enemy.

>Looking at his target for a moment, Mosaic then says:

"I only have one question."

>Lowering his hand, after having it placed out in front of him, he senses the alive MRD agents quickly retreating from the area - after having been saved by Mosaic from the hovercraft crash.

"….How exactly are you here? You're definitely not…..him. Not exactly. I can sense it."


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>Casually starting to walk around back and forth, Faust begins wagging his finger as he continues to laugh once more. The distorted and hoarse nature of his voice remains all too familiar to Mosaic, who remains entirely unresponsive to the gesture.

"Aren't you supposed to be the detective, Grayson? Figure it out!"

>Laughing hysterically, Faust then fires a barrage of pure black mass from his body, tentacle structures that home in on their target with extreme speed and precision.


>Without uttering a word, Mosaic begins immediately dodging the attacks, weaving with the precise amount of movement needed for evasion. Not skipping a beat, Mosaic then quickly weaves his way into the attacks, using charged palm strikes, precision kicks and air pressure strikes to push back the tentacles - causing Faust a substantial amount of pain, due to the nerve connection.

"ARGH! Hold still you little shithead!"

>Faust then fires more tentacles at Mosaic, only for the latter to bring his hands together, producing a series of glowing magical strings from his gloved fingertips.


>Before Faust can even respond, Mosaic quickly makes a gesture with his hands, whipsawing the glowing strands around his fingertips as the tentacles are all chopped up into bits. As Faust looks on in anger, he can barely keep himself from getting further enraged.


>Suddenly, Faust then feels something - as he slowly looks down. A bright red flash moved past him in an instant, shocking him as he slowly looks down to see the left side of his body completely sliced off.


>Then, black goo immediately gushes from the open wound of his dismembered left shoulder - causing him to scream in pain as he falls to the floor. Clutching his wound with his hand, Faust looks up at Mosaic, with hatred behind his skull mask.


>Slowly walking up towards the injured Faust, Mosaic then stands a few feet away from his enemy, before leaning down on his knees to meet him at eye level.

"I learned that one from another enemy I made. The only difference being that he didn't harm innocent people."

>Silent for a moment, Mosaic then states:

"….You are the original Faust, somehow. Even though the original was changed."

>Faust then laughs as he then slowly looks down, stating:

"I remember what you did to me, back at the manufacturing plant. The chain around my neck. The searing of the metal. The pain…..So much pain…."

>Mosaic then looks at Faust, stating:

"….I am sorry for that, Faust. I genuinely am. I had a choice to make, and I made the wrong choice."

>Faust then laughs to himself, hysterically, stating:

"You don't get it, do you Grayson? I'm not back from the dead! I'm something else….entirely!"

>He then generates a massive amount of energy, causing Mosaic to instinctively jump backwards.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

>As Faust slowly hovers back up into the air, a surge of biomass suddenly sprouts from his stub - rapidly healing his body and repairing his arm and clothing. At the same time, the dismembered arm quickly grows into an entirely separate copy of Faust.

>As both versions of Faust slowly stand up, they begin laughing as more biomass surrounds them.

"It's as I said, I'm something else entirely now!"

>The new Faust clone looks at the original Faust, nodding as they both begin to walk towards Mosaic.

"We're something that's part of a bigger whole now - and soon all of you will be too!"

>Then, from Faust's chest - both of them immediately discharge a massive amount of the same biomass as before.

>Mosaic flicks his fingers again, causing more red slashes of the Fissure technique to appear in thin air - cutting through the biomass and flaying it into extremely thin pieces that move off to the side.

"Some kind of parasite then. Assimilative? Virulent? No…."

>Focusing, Mosaic uses his supernatural and magic eyes to examine the structure of both Faust clones more carefully. His magical sight, combined with his other abilities and knowledge lead him to widen his eyes.

"….Genophages?! Here?!"


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>As Mosaic continues weaving his body through the incoming tendril attacks, his mind immediately activates his telepathy - as he beams a message specifically to two people he knows.

{"Mechanicus, Rafael. You both need to hear this. There are Genophages on Earth and they've somehow assimilated DNA from Faust! This isn't conjecture! There are Genophages on the planet!"}

>Knowing the immediate response that he'll get in return from them, Mosaic then diverts his focus back towards the Faust copies. Redoubling his efforts, Mosaic dashes around at superhuman speeds, faster than even the Faust clones can react.

"Wha? Where'd you go Grayson!"

"We're not done with you yet!"

>The Faust clones then begin flying up into the air, thinking that Mosaic has tried to escape into the skies above. However, they're soon caught by surprise, as they see an after-image of Mosaic slowly shimmering and falling away into nothingness.


"Shit! Move!"

>However, both of them are too late, as a large glowing orange beam of energy appears from the side - originating from a nearby rooftop. The glowing energy beam is powerful enough to rip the Faust copies apart - causing them to melt into nothingness, with only the flames remaining.

>Looking at his outstretched hand, and the magical artifact gun that he's holding, Mosaic takes a long look at the area before him, before flipping the Sol gun around his finger. Then he dissipates the weapon back into his pocket storage before moving to land near the entrance to the facility once more.


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>As Mosaic crouches down, he takes out the Quantum Tuner that he usually carries with him, using it to scan the area for unique energy properties. After filtering through the data coming from the area for specific genetic structures, and infusing the device with mana - he suddenly gets a reading.

"Residual traces of recombinant biomass….consistent with genophage assimilation."

>After a moment, Mosaic then presses a button on the side of the quantum tuner - causing it to produce a bright green pulse of energy - infused with magic. The magical energy pulse then radiates through the area, destroying whatever remnants of the genophage material that may remain undetected to the naked eye.

"Faust is dealt with, but that still raises the question. Who on Earth gained access to his DNA?"

>Tapping his finger against the side of the Quantum Tuner, Mosaic then mutters to himself, as his mind rapidly goes through all of the possible options.

"It'd have to be someone with enough knowledge of the situation to know who Faust was. Then also someone capable of knowing what Genophages are, and handling them too…..But with magic infused as well? Who in the world could've-"

>Mosaic then goes silent as the realization hits him - the obvious conclusion. Groaning, he then shakes his head, before facepalming.

"Oh no, he's back. Of course it's him. Who else could it have been?"

>Concerned, Mosaic then teleports away in an instant - certain of the identity of the mastermind behind the genophage attack.


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>Location: TTC - Interior
>Time: Indeterminate

"The mana particles reacted with the TYN-1 antigen binding receptors on the surface of the residual Genophage material. Making it a Tertiary form Genophage."

>Aiden, still in his Mosaic armor, but with his helmet removed, continues writing mathematical equations on the board. The interior of the TTC's laboratory rooms have provided him with the necessary equipment to draw his diagrams and write out the complex biochemical protein bonding reactions that make up genophage assimilation.

"….You're absolutely certain then, Azrael?"

>Rafael Thaumiel leans against a nearby table inside of the TTC's laboratory room - carefully examining Aiden's holoboard diagrams. Beside her, sits Samael Thaumiel - otherwise known as Mechanicus. The younger Chronarch scientist looks on, concerned.

"Have you already done a mana-infused scan of the planet to detect any other genophage insertions into different countries?"

>Finishing up the complex protein folding diagrams and equations, Aiden then turns to face both Thaumiel scientists, stating:

"Of course. I couldn't take the risk once I knew for certain that it was genophages. The scan showed no other instances of genophage activity - for now."

>Jack, in his Paladin armor, has his hood down as he ruffles the back of his hair. Confused, he then speaks up, stating:

"Nothing about Minerva's wisdom is giving me any information on these 'genophages' that you're referring to. I assume that they're a creation of the Thulcandrans then?"

>Aiden nods as he then moves over to the research bench of the laboratory. Carefully examining the residual data he acquired from the water refinement facility, he then states:

"The Genophages are an experimental bioweapon created by Ramiel. He was a Chronarch, like me and the others."

>As he continues typing away at the control panel interface before him, Aiden continues elaborating:

"Originally, they were a test for gene extraction, created as a way of punishing rogue Thulcandrans by removing their genetic capacity for reconstruction. The power that lets them heal from nearly any wound, and shapeshift."

>Rafael continues where Aiden left off, stating:

"As Azrael said, the Genophages were Ramiel's greatest invention. Although initially sanctioned by the High Council, the project that led to their creation was eventually scrapped, due to its ability of spontaneous mutation. A virulent enough strain of the Genophages, if left unchecked, could annihilate the entire biosphere of a habited planet in mere hours."

>Eyes widening, Jack then turns to see Mechanicus speak up, finishing the explanation with a somber tone in his voice.

"That's where they get their name from. They're gene destroying macrophages - biological killing machines that can wipe out an entire genome, provided that they aren't stopped. Their creation was banned after 12 cosmic cycles back home."

>Aiden speaks up as he walks back to the holoboard - continuing to draw complex equations with lightning speed. He then adjusts his sunglasses as he continues to draw equations and diagrams with extreme machine-like precision.

"That's about 4 billion years, give or take."


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>Taking in all of the information, Jack then turns his attention back towards Aiden, stating:

"So these Faust clones that you encountered….They were me? Like, legitimately?"

>As he continues writing more equations and drawing more diagrams on the further-expanding holoboard, Aiden nods slightly as he continues speaking.

"Unfortunately, yes. I don't know, but the perpetrator behind the genophage attacks gained a sample of your DNA, and allowed a genophage to assimilate it. The mana infused genophage material that I scanned just further reinforced the identity of the culprit in my mind."

>Finishing up his diagram and equation work, Aiden then turns around to face the others, saying:

"There's only one person that I know of who has both the Chronarch knowledge and the Sorcery skill to pull this off."

>Mechanicus sighs as he rubs his eyelids together, after closing them briefly.

"Selathiel. He's back isn't he?"

>Jack looks somewhat confused, responding:

"Selathiel? Who was that again?"

>Aiden looks at Jack as he then takes out his Quantum Tuner and examines the data being beamed into it on the side of its handle. A small data screen appears, giving Aiden the information that he's looking for. As he's doing the examination of the data, he then replies to Jack clearly and succinctly.

"Ouranos. The one who took over Eukaryon, before Akito kicked him out. It makes sense too, given how he acquired DNA samples of both my uncle Elias and Hollow. Somehow he got your DNA too, from when you were Faust."

>Jack looks at Aiden for a moment, then sighs, stating:

"Does he know?"

>Aiden shakes his head, saying:

"Probably not. Your face was too disfigured when you were Faust for Ouranos to identify you. That, and your new abilities also changed your appearance, didn't they?"

>Jack crosses his arms as he nods at Aiden, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Good. If he doesn't know who I am, then he doesn't know my identity - which means he doesn't know yours either. We have the advantage of surprise for now then, right?"


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>Rafael walks over to a nearby table, beginning to look for specific equipment and gadgets of her own, stating:

"Not for long. Selathiel is likely aware of our presence now - given that Azrael destroyed the trap that he had left for him."

>Aiden thinks to himself for a moment, stating:

"….Wait a minute. Ouranos is doing the same thing he did before. Back when he was controlling Eukaryon, he sent a contingent of troops to ambush Hiyuki and I during a visit to a manufacturing plant. Of course we planned the whole thing since I knew that he was trying to capture us….."

>Jack's eyes widen as he states:

"You think he might be trying to attack you both again? You and Hiyuki?"

>Aiden shakes his head, responding:

"I can't say for certain - but it's likely that he's far more preoccupied this time around. Given the circumstances that is."

>Mechanicus then perks up, saying:

"Which would be….?"

>Aiden then turns to face all three of his friends, giving a deep sigh as he then closes his eyes - then he opens his eyes again to state:

"…..The fact that somebody forced him off of Earth in the first place and forced him to escape somewhere to regroup. Again, given the circumstances, he'll probably want to get revenge against the ones who did that to him first. Which means he's probably going after-"

>Jack then immediately interjects, pointing out:

"Tasogare. He's going after Kagemusha and his family for what they did to him! Meaning there's probably a genophage attack about to hit him in Kyoto! We need to warn Ryozo and his family!"

>Aiden thinks carefully for a moment, before sighing and stating:

"No, Hiyuki's likely fine. He's not after her. Back then the only reason that we were targets was for strategic leverage. We just happened to be obstructions when it came to Eukaryon's more above-ground operations. This time, he's likely just out for personal revenge against the ones who screwed him over. Occam's Razor in action, and it makes the most sense, based on what we know."

>Checking his Quantum Tuner device in his hand once more, Aiden then says:

"We're going straight to Kyoto to help Tasogare out. You and me Jack. We'll call Ryozo to meet us on the way there."

>Turning back towards Rafael and Mechanicus, Aiden then states:

"Raf, Sam. I'm going to need both of you to run a sequestered analysis of the different biomod substrate packages; the mutagenic protein information that was integrated into the genophages' codon structure. If we reverse engineer that? Then it's possible for us to synthesize an antidote to genophage infection at a quick pace."

>Aiden then turns to quickly move towards the exit of the TTC's interior laboratory, as Jack walks quickly behind him.

"The tuner's picked up the general data, but I'll need you both to make sense of the combinatorial reconfigurations while Jack and I are busy helping them out!"

>Quickly shouting his last requests to his friends, Aiden then leaves the room with Jack moving right behind him - a sense of urgency in both of their movements and footsteps. Soon, they've moved towards the central navigation room of the TTC, preparing a course for Kyoto, Japan as soon as possible.


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>Location: Kyoto, Japan - Tasogare Castle Grounds
>Time: 1:35 PM [Relative to Japan]

>A group of Shinobi carefully watch over the gates towards the castle's external grounds. Standing at attention, they remain completely silent - vigilant in their objective.


>Speaking in Japanese, one of the shinobi then makes a gesture towards the bridge separating the castle from the rest of the land.

["Did you sense that? There is an intruder."]

>More of the shinobi then start to tense up, with their supernatural senses beginning to detect the same phenomenon.

["Multiple entities. They are converging on the bridge. Warn the master!"]

>Most of the shinobi nod in agreement, as they quickly leap over the castle gate - moving to warn the Kagemusha.

["The rest of you, prepare for a possible altercation."]

>The remaining shinobi, led by their field commander, slowly draw their knives and katanas from their robes and sheathes. As they approach the bridge and begin walking on it, they each take a position alongside the other.

["……I still sense more entities arriving. Though the direction is now scattered."]

>Silent once more, the shinobi turn to eye one another from the periphery of their masks, as a collective realization pierces their minds.


>Slowly, the shinobi all turn around, now realizing that they've been surrounded by cloaked figures in the air - all circling around them in unison. They operate in a coordinated formation, which takes the shinobi by surprise.

["Engage the enemy! Now!"]

>The shinobi field commander shouts, as they all then rush into the air - using their senses to detect changes in air pressure. This allows them the ability to partially "see" their opponents, though not entirely.


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>As the shinobi begin to engage the unknown assailants in combat, flashbang sparks are sent flying as the invisible figures deploy grenades.

["Ngh! Interlopers! Reveal yourselves at once!"]

>The shinobi fight back, using their bestowed magic to imbue their swords and knifes with elemental power. Flaming katanas, iced daggers and ethereal wind naginatas appear in abundance - causing the cloaked figures to move backwards.

["Are they retreating?"]

["No, they are regrouping. Redoubling their efforts! Prepare yourselves!"]

>As the cloaked figures now fly towards the shinobi with increased fervor, the shinobi realize something about their attackers.

["I cannot sense any vital signs. No heartbeat, nor heat. Our assailants are not human!"]

>Realizing this, the shinobi field commander then removes any inhibitions that he had prior - now willing to use more lethal means to dispatch of his newfound foes.

["Good. This will allow for more effective methods of attack."]

>Quickly drawing a pair of shuriken between his gloved fingers, the field commander charges them with electricity - before flinging them with all of his strength at the cloaked figure in the air.

>A loud shattering noise can be heard, as a pulse of energy bursts out from the point of impact. Then a loud cracking noise follows suit - as the cloaking field deactivates.

["Autonomic Optical Dispersion Field deactivated. Reengaging. Deploying Offensive Parameters."]

>As the cloaking field drops, the field commander bears witness to an unruly sight. A large jagged wedge is formed in the shape of a fissure in a metallic helmet. Glowing eyes contrast with a sleek silver metallic finish, in the form of armor plating.

>Before the shinobi stands a large, humanoid android - with a set of shuriken lodged in its helmet. As it slowly raises a hand to pull out the shuriken, it then crushes them in its hands.

{"Target, Tasogare Compound remains the core objective. Finalizing attack strategies…..Completed. Performing operation."}

>Behind the machine, more humanoid androids suddenly appear from nowhere - having been cloaked prior.


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>The battle then forces its way into the Tasogare Castle grounds, as dozens of metallic androids begin swarming the area - flying through a combination of jet propulsion soles and magnetic field generation.

["Look out! Run!"]

>A shinobi crashes into the ground, breaking various pillars as he's knocked out by the force of the ground collision and resulting slide. Beside him, various other shinobi assume defensive positions - beginning to cast basic magic spells in an attempt to fight back.

{"Assessing……..Not the primary objective."}

>Recognizing that the shinobi themselves are not the main priority of the attack, the recon androids simply fly off into the air, scanning the area for their core target. After failing to find them, they instead blast downward to ground level once more - landing and beginning to grab shinobi by the necks.

{"Where is the target? Primary designation, Kagemusha."}

>The shinobi struggle against the mechanically augmented grip of the humanoid androids - attempting to stab at their "eyes" with their swords and knives. However, the attacks only leave small scratches - as they are not augmented with elemental power.

>Immediately, the androids begin throwing the shinobi off to the side, as they easily withstand the volley of arrows and shuriken that are bombarding them from all sides.

{"Preliminary examination of the area yields negative results. Switching to further reconnaissance operations-"}

>Suddenly, one of the drones is flash frozen from the side - with their entire body turning to ice, before getting shattered into pieces from behind.

["Fucking tin cans. I can't go one day without some invasion in my family's ancestral home?"]

>Turning around, the androids are met by the arrival of Hanabi Tasogare - casually adjusting her hat and her jacket. As she then checks her wrists and her gloves, she skeptically looks up and down at the androids, before speaking again.

["So the meatbags weren't enough the last time? You've resorted to metal men instead? Good. I won't have any qualms about dismemberment this time around!"]


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>Hanabi immediately rushes forward, blasting herself at the androids with speed far greater than that of the standard shinobi. Reorienting herself in mid-air, she delivers an ice-infused kick straight to the mid-section of the nearest android, instantly freezing it and causing it to split in half.

["One down, a few dozen more to go!"]

>Now performing a handstand, Hanabi takes her built up momentum and channels it into her feet - allowing her to spin in a helicopter motion, using her changing hand movements on the ground to aid in her speed building.

>At the same time, her boots turn into a maelstrom of ice - as shards immediately begin jettisoning from said boots - piercing various androids in the chest, legs and arms. The immediate effect of the magical energy-draining ice is apparent, as most of the androids begin to shut down, falling to the floor as they begin short-circuiting from exposed internal parts.

["Good. Hopefully more waves are on their way! I was starting to get bored."]

>Flipping back onto her feet, Hanabi dusts herself off and takes off her hat - revealing her short, but well-maintained brunette hair.

["Where the hell are you, Akito? We can't have all the fun here, now can we?"]

>Hanabi says out loud, as she continues dusting herself off - very aware of the person arriving beside her.

["Aki does what is necessary for the security of our family. You know this, Hanabi."]

>As Hitomi, Hanabi's twin sister arrives, she begins warmup movements, slowly breathing out fire as she does so.

>Hanabi rolls her eyes as she places her hat back on her head, stating:

["Yes, I'm certain that our esteemed leader is performing extremely grueling work at the moment. Same as his father and grandfather before him."]

>Hanabi, by contrast, casually holds up one gloved hand - looking as a large ice structure instantly forms around her arm, immediately cooling down the relative temperature of the area.

["Let's just get this over with. I need to get back to my training when this is done."]


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>As the androids continue to swarm into the area, Hanabi and Hitomi press on the assault - doing their best to hold back the greater and greater numbers of hostile automatons.

["So what about Isamu? Where's his scaly hide been during all of this?"]

>Hanabi says as she produces a large ice staff - using it to strike at core structural points in the androids' armor. Beside her, Hitomi performs a spinning somersault kick - surrounded by high-intensity magical flames. As the kick ultimately connects with the head of an android, it creates a powerful shockwave of force that begins rapidly melting the androids behind it.

["Supposedly something came up in Hokkaido."]

["That far north? Good for him then. His wings need the practice."]

>Moving in synchronicity, Hanabi and Hitomi then perform a two-pronged attack, using their hands in an arching fashion to deliver a dual fist strike towards nearby androids - shattering their chest components and entirely rupturing them into pieces.

>After a few moments, a large weather storm appears in the air, as the clouds suddenly turn dark. Ear-shattering thunder bellows from the skies above, serving as an omen of potentially biblical fury.

["Machine pests. Remove yourselves from our home!"]

>A voice shouts out from above in Japanese. Then a large surge of electricity shoots down from above - piercing the ground with precision accuracy and electrocuting every single android in the vicinity. However, Hanabi and Hitomi themselves are perfectly fine, as the lightning manages to completely avoid them.

>Looking up, Hanabi has a grin on her face as rain begins pouring down from above.

["Thanks mom! Appreciate it!"]

>Hitomi nods up at the sky, giving a "peace" sign with two fingers.

["Much obliged, mother! We will handle the rest!"]

>A large gust of wind them forms a tunnel of air pressure from the clouds above - as a woman slowly lowers herself down to the ground - hovering a few feet in front of Hanabi and Hitomi.

>Her eyes completely white and glowing with energy, Hifumi Tasogare raises out a hand, speaking:

["My daughters, we will handle this together. I spare no expense to provide aid when my own children are in harm's way."]

>Hifumi then produces a massive wind funnel - generating a level of air pressure comparable to a maximum force hurricane or tornado. Though concentrated in direction and focus, the sheer force of the air pressure blast is enough to shake parts of the isolated castle itself.

>The androids are then sent flying backwards by the dozens - with even more of the swarm arriving, only to be crushed and pulverized by the resulting force.

>Shinobi quickly take cover within the interior areas of the castle grounds, or create makeshift grounding points with their katanas and other bladed weapons. Two of the shinobi speak on as they witness the weather phenomenon before them.

["You once asked me why I would willingly pledge my autonomy to the Tasogare family."]

>Struggling to point at Hifumi against the sheer pressure of the attack, he then shouts:

["This is the reason why! Their strength cannot be denied by mortal men such as ourselves! Better to work in service of the blade, rather than in opposition of the razor's edge!"]


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>As the air pressure storm slowly dies down, Hifumi takes a moment to remove the excess water from Hanabi and Hitomi's clothes - seemingly willing it into a sphere of water. Hifumi herself remains completely dry of water, having not been affected by her own weather storm.

["I sense more intruders on the horizon. The wind currents are carrying them closer."]

>Hanabi slams her boot down on an android's head, ensuring that it's destroyed. After doing so, she looks up at her mother Hifumi and asks the pertinent question:

["Are they more of these android attackers, mom?"]

>Hifumi grimaces and shakes her head slowly.

["No. They have vital signs. Be prepared, Hanabi. You as well, Hitomi. These new attackers may prove to be more dangerous."]

>As Hifumi speaks, she then notices the appearance of two figures - each of them draped in unique clothing.

>Narrowing her eyes, Hifumi crosses her arms as she gets a clearer visual of the two arriving figures. One of them is a man cloaked in a black outfit, with a skull mask and a hood. The other is a man with a visor and long blond hair - wearing black clothing as well.

"Well look what we've got here? Some hot Japanese broads."

>As Faust slowly hovers into view - he stays in place, a few dozen meters above the Tasogares who are standing down below. Beside him, Hollow scowls as he states:

"Pay attention you buffoon. We're not here for them. Only him. He's the one that the boss wants."

>Easily hearing both of their dialogue, Hifumi narrows her eyes in irritation as she then speaks in English:

"Both of you, turn around and leave this place. The castle is our ancestral home, and you are both trespassers."

>Seeing them both remain still, hovering in the air, Hifumi then lowers her arms to her side, as she begins to rapidly build up electricity in her hands - reiterating her threat.

"You will leave this area, if you value your lives. I will not repeat this again."


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>Looking at each other, Faust and Hollow are silent for a moment, before they both turn back to face the Tasogare women.

>Faust is the first to speak up, placing his hands at his suit's waist as he speaks.

"Sure thing, bitch. Just make sure to service me first, and maybe I'll do it."

>Backhanding Faust in the mask, Hollow then speaks up, with a much more polite tone to his voice.

"What my revolting excuse for a colleague means to say - is that our priority is acquire the one you call Kagemusha. Your 'Shadow Warrior', so to speak. Once we have him in our custody, we will leave you be."

>Hanabi's eyes widen in anger at Faust's remark, whereas Hitomi looks more disgusted than enraged. Hifumi however maintains an entirely neutral expression, as she speaks up in response.

"The Kagemusha is not required to curtail to the demands of unknown assailants. It is by his mercy that you are still breathing. If you wish to keep the gift of life - then I would suggest that you turn and leave this place, immediately."

>Faust then starts laughing hysterically, causing Hollow to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Wait, seriously? This bitch thinks we're scared of some samurai with magic tricks? Hilarious."

>Faust then immediately appears in front of Hifumi - immediately backhanding her to the side and causing her to skid away across the ground.



>Both Hanabi and Hitomi shout in unison, as they instinctively move to attack Faust. However, they're both far too slow to even perceive him - and before they know it, they're pummeled to the ground.

>Both of them cough up blood as their vision turns hazy - their bodies reeling from the immense force of Faust's strikes. As they struggle to sit up - they find that an invisible force is pinning them to the ground.

>Pointing two fingers at both of the women, Faust then casually yawns as he says:

"Well, that was boring. I'll have fun with you two when I'm done with the weather chick."

>The implication crosses both of their minds immediately. Enraged, Hanabi and Hitomi then both push their powers to their limits - generating a combination flash freeze and conflagration storm of both magic fire and magic ice.

>The resulting fusion of elemental power is able to stumble Faust backwards - and partially flash freeze him while partially burning him as well.

"Ack! You stupid whores! Now I'm gonna make sure this hurts you far more than this is gonna hurt me."


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>Hollow immediately appears nearby Faust, attempting to help him.

"Stay still you moron! I can't help you with these burns and freezing injuries if you're running around like a headless chicken!"

>Suddenly, Hollow then feels himself being stabbed from behind by a katana. Looking down and seeing the blood beginning to pour, he realizes that his aorta has been cut through - and the resulting shock forces him to cough up blood.


>Before he can move, his body is cleanly cut in half by a figure from behind. As the bisected halves of Hollow then fall to the floor - Asami can be seen in her samurai outfit. Lowering her katana, she then says:

"A shame that the mannered one fell first. He deserved more mercy than you will receive - pig."

>Aiming the bloody katana directly at Faust, Asami watches as Faust just laughs loudly.

"What exactly is funny to you about this situation?"

>Asami says, not noticing the slight twitch movements from Hollow's bisected halves.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that you thought a little metal stick was gonna put either of us down."

>Suddenly, both sides of Hollow then generate a black biomass - rapidly regenerating the damage and producing two new versions of Hollow instead. As both of them rise to their feet, they exhale and state:

"We are not necessarily human beings - well, not anymore."

>Suddenly, both copies of Hollow rush to attack Asami - who narrowly escapes by covering herself with a mass of shadows, disappearing from view.

"Hmm….Umbrakinetic abilities? Fascinating."

>Faust at the same time, begins healing from his burns and frost injuries - albeit at a slower rate than Hollow's own injuries.

"Told ya. Now where were we, bitch?"

>Faust says, turning back to Hifumi - who is slowly rising back to her feet.


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>Hifumi immediately activates her powers - generating a maelstrom of powerful magical lightning around her body, just as Faust moves in to grab her. The lightning barrier successfully pushes Faust back, burning his hand and causing smoke to appear. However, Faust regenerates the damage almost instantly.

"It's gonna take more than that to keep me away, cupcake. Better start praying to those Shinto Gods of yours."

>Faust says, followed up by a sickening distorted laugh as he begins moving at superhuman speeds - faster than even Hifumi herself can react to. Hifumi attempts to repel the attack by launching an omni-directional wave of air pressure around herself, which succeeds at pushing Faust back.

>Both Hollow clones however, decide to take the opportunity to grab a pair of nearby shinobi. As the shinobi scream in anger, they attempt to fight back by stabbing Hollow - only for his body to morph into an amorphous black substance, essentially absorbing their weapons.

"Now, that isn't necessary. We're not here for you, as I've stated multiple times by now."

>Pressing his hands against their necks more firmly, he then states:

"But you can aid us in other ways."

>Hollow then begins draining them of their energy, as bright lights appear around them. After a few moments, the shinobi are dropped to the floor, unconscious.

"Excellent. This will suffice."


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>At that moment, however, Hollow 1 is attacked by a mass of shadows - spontaneously appearing beside him to reveal Asami.


>Before he can react, Asami is already in a crouching position - having slashed through his legs, this time having charged her katana with her innate magical power. The mass of impossibly dark shadows which contorted themselves around her katana's blade - were sufficient to significantly harm Hollow.

>Reeling back in pain, Hollow feels himself stumble to the ground - having been dismembered at his legs. This time, however, his body is unable to instantaneously grow his legs back - as the remainder of his body parts are further engulfed by shadow flames.

"I took note of your regeneration. While you are able to seemingly regenerate from conventional attacks…"

>Asami then automatically teleports away in a mass of black shadows once more - narrowly avoiding the grasp of Hollow 2. In an instant, Asami reappears, teleporting behind the attacker and sheathing her sword - only to release it with a precision slash in an instant.

>Having completely decapitated Hollow 2, Asami watches as his head rolls onto the ground, burning up in her shadow flames as she speaks.

"….You seemingly cannot regenerate from magic-infused attacks."

>Asami then watches as both Hollow copies entirely burn away into nothingness due to her magic shadow abilities. The midnight black flames seemingly removing their biomass from existence.

>Sheathing her katana, Asami then turns to face Hifumi as she attempts to further protect herself from Faust's attack.


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>Faust continues wearing down Hifumi's elemental barrier with the strength and speed of his strikes - laughing hysterically all the while.

"What's the matter, bitch? Getting second thoughts? Good. It's the fear that excites me the most!"

>As the maniac continues laughing, a blur of black mass continues to consolidate around Hifumi - pushing her barrier closer and closer towards its breaking point.

>However, Asami then takes her chance - teleporting into a mass of black smoke and flames, and appearing off to the side - instantly striking Faust in the back while mid-flight, causing him to spiral towards the ground.

"What the fuck?!?!"

>Quickly moving to his feet, Faust turns his attention towards Asami - his eyes blood red behind his skull mask.

"Change of plans. I'm caving your head in first, you Japanese cun-"

>Before he can finish his statement, Faust then feels another pair of swords stabbing him through his body - his kneecaps, his legs, his back, his torso and the rest of his lower body are immediately inundated with a mass of black spikes - causing him to fall to one knee, screaming in pain.


>Not realizing where the attacks are coming from, Faust then raises his fist up, aiming an energy blast at Asami - only for his hand to get dismembered from his body.

"Impudent and incompetent. A fitting combination."

>Faust then immediately turns to see Asami standing behind him - leaving him even more confused.

"What….How did you.."

>Then suddenly, Asami's blade appears from behind Faust - stabbing him through the mask as his entire body explodes in black flames. He then collapses to the floor, still burning up in black flames.

"Not once did you seemingly pay attention to the nature of my power."

>As Asami sheathes her sword and slowly walks up to the dying Faust clone, she then kneels down to look at him, as he's screaming in pain in a prone position on the floor.

"Wherever a shadow is cast on this planet, my presence is felt - and through that shadow, I may appear."

>Rising up to her feet, Asami turns around and makes a dismissive gesture towards the figure, stating:

"Take that knowledge to your grave, gaijin."

>Asami then watches as Faust's body entirely burns apart into flames - disappearing without the ability to regenerate.


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>As Faust's body then disappears, she turns to see the arrival of Mosaic and Paladin - both surprised by the outcome of the situation.

"….Hello, Mosaic."

>Asami says in a clearly annoyed tone of voice. Crossing her arms, she then states:

"I assume you are here to inform us of our parting intruders."

>She says, nodding to the burning shadows where Faust and Hollow once were.

>Looking at Paladin for a moment, he then turns back to Asami, stating:

"….That's correct, Asami. Where's your older brother? He's the one they were after."

>Raising an eyebrow, Asami then says:

"I am not my brother's keeper. You Americans desire his presence? Then retrieve him yourself."

>Asami then walks up to Mosaic, standing a few feet before him and staring daggers into his eyes.

"Were you not the one who bound him to your terms? Or am I speaking out of turn, sensei?"

>Asami says, in a clearly mocking and aggressive tone of voice.

>Mosaic takes a minute to formulate a response in his mind, before a disembodied voice can be heard.

"Your hostility towards our guests is noticed, but not appreciated - little sister."

>In an instant, the fabric of space-time itself seemingly warps, ever so slightly. Kagemusha then appears in an instant, with only Mosaic being fast enough to even register his presence before he visibly appears.

"There you are, Tasogare. Where were you?"

>Mosaic says as he and Paladin move past Asami - walking towards him. The rest of the Tasogare family that are present, immediately bow and then rest on one knee in his presence.

>Mosaic and Paladin look around, seeing Asami and the others kneeling in silence - and then look at each other.


>Kagemusha rolls his eyes behind his helmet as he places one hand on his waist.

"It's traditional and customary for them. Pay it no attention."


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>As the rest of his family stands back up, Kagemusha reiterates the question:

"Were you looking for me, just to warn me about them?"

>Kagemusha says, gesturing a hand to the black shadow flames where Faust and Hollow once were.

"No. It's about who sent them. It's Ouranos."

>Raising an eyebrow, Kagemusha then says:

"I thought he would've been too scared to return. Ever since I sent him running in fear, with his proverbial tail between his legs."

>Paladin looks at Mosaic before turning back to Kagemusha - with an urgent tone in his voice.

"We don't have time for full context here, but we're pretty certain that he's back - and he's after you specifically."

>Assuming a thinking position for a moment, Kagemusha then says:

"If the fool wishes to perish with absolute certainty this time around, then I say let him. I care not for his life in either regard."

>Sighing in annoyance, Mosaic then states:

"Akito, we're not here because we think you can just thrash him without effort. That's the whole reason we showed up here to warn you ahead of time. He's likely more dangerous this time around. So much so that we can't take the risk of assuming the best case scenario."

>Amused, Kagemusha then instantaneously warps everyone present to the interior of the castle - into the throne room. As he now sits on his throne, Kagemusha then asks:

"If what you say is true, then I am clearly not the only target of your megalomaniac's design. Have you informed my cousin of this scheme?"

>Mosaic, having allowed himself to be warped along with the rest of the others, answers in an irritated tone of voice.

"Obviously. You think I'd warn you before him?"

>Kagemusha rests his head on his hand, giving an amused posture to his sitting as he continues speaking.

"And what of his family? Surely the great and all powerful Hoyokazi family must be made aware of such a dangerous threat?"

>Asami looks on in annoyance as well, raising an eyebrow at her brother's questioning tactics.

"What manner of mental warfare are you waging on them now, brother?"

>She says in a half joking manner.


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>Silent for a moment, Mosaic then scoffs loudly as he realizes what he's doing.

"You know, don't you?"

>Kagemusha feigns ignorance, as he speaks with an amused tone of voice.

"Oh? What have you divined with your grand wisdom?"

>Pointing a thumb back behind him at Asami, Mosaic states:

"They're still in the dark, but you figured it out. Using one of those magic techniques of yours."

>Now silent himself for a moment, Kagemusha then leans back in his chair and laughs - before stating:

"Quite right. I am very much aware of your identity, Grayson."

>Confusion appears on Asami's face and behind Paladin's mask and hood.

"Wait, what? He figured it out?! When?!"

>Mosaic remains silent for a moment, as he then finally speaks up:

"Back when we made the magic vow. The binding pact. The conditions of the effect were so strong, that echoes of ourselves would appear in each other over time."

>Pointing at Kagemusha, Aiden then says:

"Including memories - like my identity."

>Kagemusha nods slowly, as he now leans forward in his throne. His words have a hint of fascination in them as he speaks.

"Oh what I would give for your true ability. A measure of power that I could only fathom."

>Now leaning back, Kagemusha then states:

"It is of no surprise that you mimicked all of my abilities. Including those unknown to my family."

>Asami raises her eyebrow at the statement, responding with immediate resolute intent:

"Explain yourself, Akito. What is the outsider referring to?"

>Kagemusha's glowing eyes hide his pupils - yet nonetheless, Asami can feel the piercing stare of her brother's gaze.

"Concern yourself with what applies to your circumstances, little sister. Nothing more."


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>Mosaic then turns back to Kagemusha, pointing a finger at him as he states:

"I'm warning you once, Tasogare. Back off, or you'll see just how much power I'm holding back."

>Raising his hand up in the air, Kagemusha then brings his hands together, interlocking his gloved fingers as he leans forward.

"There is no need for hostility, Mr. Grayson. I mean you no harm. I could not act against you even if I wished to - as per the terms of the binding magic."

>Still annoyed, Mosaic then asks Kagemusha:

"So what exactly do you want from me, so that I can guarantee that you don't become a pain in the ass."

>Thinking for a moment, Kagemusha then asks:

"The redheaded woman with immense speed. Who is she? You seem to associate yourself with her quite frequently."

>Dumbfounded, Mosaic then says:

"What, are you asking for an autograph?"

>Kagemusha shakes his head.

"I am asking because I intend to insulate my family from the affairs of your vigilante associates. Leverage of any kind makes that easier."

>Scoffing, Mosaic then snaps his fingers - causing a sudden surge of psionic energy to appear, completely rupturing the area and sending everyone but Paladin into a brief state of psychic shock.

>Regaining his composure, Kagemusha then immediately teleports off of his throne, now standing directly in front of Mosaic.

"Disrespect of that caliber within my ancestral home will 'not' be tolerated…….."

>Silent for a moment, Kagemusha thinks to himself.

"……Your name. I cannot….."

>Crossing his arms, Mosaic then says:

"Yeah, that's kind of the point. You don't remember it after that little psychic prodding I did. You're not going to remember it either."


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>Angered, Kagemusha then immediately slows down time around himself - with only Mosaic and Paladin being able to move, unaffected by the event.


>Before Paladin can fully finish his sentence, Mosaic has already summoned his sword, Durandal - slashing at the Eien No Yoru blade that Kagemusha has manifested. As the swords connect, a powerful surge of magical energy is released - nearly leveling the entire castle.

>Time then resumes, as Asami and co. quickly spiral towards the floor, taken aback by the force of the near instantaneous clash of swords.

"Akito what are you doing?!"

>Still focused squarely on Mosaic, Kagemusha presses down further on the hilt of his magic katana.

"You may be my equal in strength, but you are not my superior in stature! You will respect and acknowledge my strength!"

>As they both begin to trade sword strikes, Kagemusha focuses entirely on Mosaic as he says:

"You will be held accountable for the dishonorable state that you placed me in!"

>Mosaic carefully flips Durandal's hilt over his palm - spinning the blade to catch the flurry of targeted stabbing motions that Kagemusha makes. Grabbing the hilt proper afterwards, Mosaic then states:

"You're the one who tried to leverage information out of me. I'm not screwing over Speedrunner, and I'm definitely not doing it for your sake either!"

>As they clash swords a third time, Kagemusha then leans in, beginning to laugh softly.

"Good. Then I gained what I truly sought."

>Realizing the real goal of the attempted blackmail, Mosaic then groans.

"You idiot, you just wanted a fight?! Seriously?!"


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>Now laughing, Kagemusha jumps back, as the sparks from their sword clashes nearly ignite the building.

"What else could I ever want? All of these people are fragile twigs compared to you and I."

>Lowering his katana with one hand as he points towards Mosaic with the other hand, he then states:

"Don't you see it yet? All of this immense power is meaningless without something to challenge you!"

>Rushing forward, Kagemusha clashes swords with Mosaic once more, as they rocket out of the castle, and into the skies above the land and sea.

"Something to push you further! Past whatever limitations you had before! That is what we both want, Mosaic!"

>As both of them immediately begin flying towards the Moon - they land on the lunar surface. As both of them are magically empowered beings, they can freely speak in space - despite the lack of oxygen.

"I don't give a damn about the billions of gnats on that marble you call a planet! Outside of my family, they're all meaningless to me!"

>Kagemusha then makes a slashing motion with his katana, the force of which would've cut the moon in half, had it been aimed downwards.

>Mosaic, catching the katana's strike with his own sword - clashes with it once again as Kagemusha begins laughing.

"Finally! The rush! The thrill! It's exhilarating!"

>Scowling, Mosaic then knocks Kagemusha backwards - causing him to skid on his feet across the lunar surface.

"You knew that I'd be more likely to fight you, if you found an excuse to be angry at me."

>Kagemusha then rushes back in at incomprehensible speeds - meeting Mosaic's blade with his own as they begin blasting off of the Moon once more - rushing deeper into the solar system.

>The two figures are rushing around at speeds that are beyond the ability of physics to comprehend - a testament to their reality breaking abilities. After reaching the orbit of Jupiter, both of them continue fighting as Mosaic says:

"You're willing to disregard the situation at hand with Ouranos, just so you can have a fight with me?"

>Making a spinning motion, Mosaic lands an overhead strike on Kagemusha - who barely blocks it with his own katana.

"What's wrong with that?! You think I don't notice your muscle movements? So stiff before, but now? Now you're at ease!"

>Kagemusha then rushes towards Mosaic once more, as they land on the moon of Io - bringing up prior memories in Mosaic's head.

"Idiot! Not here! There are structures that-"

>Kagemusha then rushes into the Jovian moon, without a care in the world as he replies:

"It doesn't matter! All of it is beneath you! Beneath me!"

>The resulting collision is enough to rupture the surface of the moon, partially - forcing Mosaic to use his telekinesis to reconfigure the moon's surface stability while fighting Kagemusha.


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>Still focused entirely on the battle, Kagemusha continues goading Mosaic on, laughing all the while - showing a level of exuberance and jubilation that Mosaic has never before witnessed.

"Don't give me that nonsense about wanting to fight just to protect others, either! There are more than enough gullible buffoons on our planet for that! You just want an excuse to keep fighting!"

>Mosaic dodges another sword strike, easily flipping into the air to avoid it. As he lands, Kagemusha is right there to rush him down again, as they both begin rushing all over the entirety of Io's surface.

"We could reshape this entire universe with a single drawn out fight! Distance and time mean nothing to beings like us!"

>Kagemusha then slashes forward, generating a concentrated shockwave powerful enough to destroy the entirety of Io. However, Mosaic is able to redirect the force of the magic strike with Durandal's Primacy ability - shooting it up into space, where it explodes harmlessly.

"The difference between us, is that I actually acknowledge my true nature. I do what I want, and I take what I want. As that is my purpose."

>Moving forward, he then slashes at Mosaic once more, repeatedly striking his blade with enough force to shatter continents. However once again, Mosaic is able to absorb the force of the strikes - slashing back with the blunt end of his sword. The force of the surprise attack launches Kagemusha backwards once again.

"You're still holding back?! Incredible! You really are exactly what I was looking for!"

>Kagemusha then instantaneously duplicates himself, several dozens of times - one of his ancestor's abilities which he inherited.

"You figured out what the others didn't. My true power allows me to stockpile the magical abilities of all of my forefathers. Whenever they perish, their power is carried into the Kagemusha of their time."

>Kagemusha then sends the duplicates at Mosaic - who begins releasing more of his actual power, moving much faster and hitting much harder. He begins tearing through the Kagemusha copies like a knife slicing through butter - effortlessly destroying them as he lands on the ground in front of the real Kagemusha.


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>Kagemusha himself now begins ramping up his strength. Both of them are still suppressing the vast majority of their power - but ever so slightly, are they scaling up their true strength.

>As they continue to clash across the surface of Io, Kagemusha continues to challenge Mosaic's notions of identity.

"You can hear it, can't you? The inner voice inside you. The 'monster' that is screaming, demanding that you let it free! That is your core instinct! Your true nature!"

>Kagemusha then performs a complex aerial maneuver, spinning around in the air to perform a series of complicated spatial slice attacks, firing them off the tip of his blade like machine gun fire.

>As Mosaic moves to block the attacks and weave around them, he once again connects his sword against Kagemusha's own, stating:

"I know what that voice is, and the bloodlust you're looking for? That's not the remedy for your problem!"

>Straining further in his confrontation with Kagemusha, Mosaic begins applying even more pressure on him.

"It's not enough, Akito. It's never enough! That's the problem with being so powerful! It is never going to be enough power!"

>Before Kagemusha can even react, Mosaic immediately moves past him, slamming him with sword strikes from behind, above, below and the side - simultaneously.

>Caught completely off guard, Kagemusha attempts to warp the fabric of space around him in order to appear in multiple places simultaneously. However, through sheer speed alone, Mosaic is matching his spatial duplicates.

{"He's doing this without even teleporting? Through raw speed? Impossible?!"}

>After a final push, Mosaic simultaneously slashes Kagemusha with enough force to rupture the entirety of Io - destabilizing the Jovian moon at its core, and causing the planetoid to begin imploding.

>As he lands on the surface of the moon, Mosaic stabs the Eien no Yoru blade into the ground - away from Kagemusha's grasp. As Kagemusha gives the lightest of pants - Mosaic remains completely silent.

"….Didn't even break a sweat against me? Unbelievable."

>Turning to see the sword, just out of his reach, Kagemusha then asks:

"….Are the rest of your vigilante friends this strong?"

>Thinking silent for a moment, Mosaic then replies:

"Speedrunner is - and that's all the information you're getting on her."

>Sighing, Kagemusha then finally relents, stating:

"….You and your ilk are truly extraordinary then."


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>As Mosaic begins mentally reconfiguring Io's structure, he reshapes the Jovian moon in order to restabilize it. After finishing that task, he then steps back and rests Durandal's blunt side on his shoulder.

"Are you finished now?"

>Kagemusha slowly nods, laughing weakly as he rises to his feet. Holding out his hand, the Eien no Yoru blade immediately flies over towards him, as he grabs it - with the sheathe automatically forming over the blade.

>Now lowering his hand, Kagemusha looks up and down at Mosaic - examining him more closely.


>Mosaic looks at him with a surprised look on his face.

"….Why what?"

>Kagemusha then looks down at his gloved palm, intently focusing on the creases on his palms that exist beneath the fabric.

"Why can't I get some kind of reaction out of you? Throughout this entire battle, I felt exhilarated. I felt alive. Moreso than I've ever been. But you?"

>Pointing at Mosaic, Kagemusha then says:

"You felt nothing - merely a combination of annoyance and irritation. Is the gap in power between us so strong, that even compared to you, I am a mere gnat?"

>Mosaic then adjusts the position of Durandal on his shoulder, stating:

"Nothing good comes from that way of thinking. I know that firsthand."

>Kagemusha then turns off to the side, staring at the distance of Io's surface.

"No, I just need more power. I'm so close to realizing my evolution. Once I have it, then I'll transcend this emptiness that I feel."

>Shaking his head, Mosaic then states:

"I've already been there, and nothing changed."

>Silent, Kagemusha then turns back to Mosaic, asking:

"So then what is the purpose of having all this power, if the emptiness never fades? Are we doomed to this mental torture?"

>Mosaic takes a moment to think long about his answer, before finally saying:

"The remedy to a feeling of emptiness caused by immense power - isn't more power. It's a self-ascribed purpose that solves the issue."

>Pointing to himself, Mosaic then says:

"My purpose took me my entire life to figure out, but I know it now. My purpose is to help people, to the best of my ability."

>Feeling a sense of pride in himself for the first time, Mosaic then says it out loud once more.

"….My purpose is to help people, no matter what. That's my responsibility with all this power - and that's what it means to be powerful."

>Kagemusha nods slowly as he looks down at his hand once more, asking his final question.

"….Then what is my purpose? If the acquisition of power is itself a fleeting and meaningless endeavor….then what am I to do with my own measure of immense power?"

>Mosaic then lowers Durandal, flipping its hilt across his gloved palm before grabbing it and stabbing it into the ground.

"Simple. Your purpose is whatever you decide it to be. But my only suggestion would be to focus on what really matters in the end."

>Turning around, Mosaic then picks up Durandal and walks over to place a hand on Kagemusha's shoulder.

"Think about that for a bit."

>Then, Mosaic teleports himself and Kagemusha way from Jupiter's moon of Io - and back towards Tasogare Castle on Earth, in an instant.


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>Location: Kyoto, Japan - Tasogare Castle Exterior
>Time: 1:36 PM [Relative to Japan]

>Appearing immediately outside of the castle exterior, Mosaic and Kagemusha then stand in place - with Kagemusha looking aimlessly in the distance.

"…..So that's how it happened. How you managed to make this all work."

>Mosaic then dissipates Durandal, returning it to his pocketspace as he turns to look at the large castle before them.

"You know, for the longest time, I would always hold things against people. I've made so many mistakes over the course of my life. Some of them I could take back - but most of them that I couldn't."

>Placing his hands in his coat's jacket pockets, he then continues:

"I would spiral myself into a path of self-loathing and genuine hatred for everyone and everything around me. The nihilism started to run deep, and it would only get worse and worse….until it culminated with me almost taking a life - twice."

>Listening silently, Kagemusha then sighs as he turns to face Mosaic directly, asking:

"What changed you?"

>Mosaic is silent for a moment, as he smiles behind his mask.

"…Not so much what, but rather who."

>Immediately understanding, Kagemusha then says:

"The weakness of men strikes yet again - a beautiful woman."

>Mosaic then speaks up:

"You've already met her. It's Andromeda."

>Nodding in understanding, Kagemusha then puts his hands behind his back as he turns to face his castle once more.

"She changed you then, I presume?"

>Mosaic nods slowly in return as he looks back up at the castle.

"I don't know how to explain it, but there's a certain strength to human emotions. Love, and I mean genuine love, is a particularly powerful emotion. Whether it's romantic, platonic or even unconditional love. It's powerful enough to change a person at their core."

>Kagemusha remains silent as Mosaic then continues speaking:

"….It can even make a person strive towards forgiveness - the forgiveness of others."


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>As Mosaic and Kagemusha continue discussing their circumstances, both of them can see the approach of Paladin and the others.

"I noticed during the battle, your movements were precise, extremely efficient. I've never met someone who had that degree of instinctual movement besides myself."

>Mosaic then looks at Kagemusha, stating:

"Well that shouldn't be too surprising - since I have your same Spirit Eyes. I mimicked them from you."

>Silent for a moment, Kagemusha then laughs.

"….Mosaic. Of course. Now the name makes sense. You mimic the abilities of others."

>Mosaic nods and then clarifies:

"Not just abilities, but yes. I chose the name for a reason."

>As Paladin and the others get closer to their location, Mosaic then turns to Kagemusha and says:

"….I know from your cousin how much those eyes mean to you. Though he never said it, I figured that your mother……she……"

>Kagemusha nods slowly in response, reflexively causing a single tear to fall through the glowing eye slot of his helmet.

"….Yes, I now understand the meaning of your words. The love of another must be immensely powerful - if she was willing to give up her own life for mine."

>Keeping silent for another moment, Mosaic then says:

"So it's up to you to find a purpose in your life that she'd find pride in. Don't do it for anyone else - just for yourself. That's what it means to be alive, and to live life to the fullest."

>Giving Kagemusha a pat on the back, Mosaic then places both of his hands inside of his coat pockets as he slowly walks towards Paladin - who flies over to land beside him.

"Hey, are you alright man? What happened?!"


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>Mosaic looks at Paladin for a moment, and then quickly leans in to give him a tight bear hug.

"Hey! What's wrong? Seriously are you alright?!"

>Slightly startled, Paladin watches as Mosaic gives him a big hug, lightly tapping his back, stating:

"I am so happy that I was able to patch things up with you. I mean that. Genuinely."

>Pulling back from the hug, Mosaic turns to Kagemusha once more, saying:

"Remember, all that matters in life is what you choose to ascribe meaning towards. It's your choice, and regardless of your power - you exist for whatever purpose you choose to serve."

>Giving Kagemusha a two finger salute as he walks past him, Mosaic then says:

"Make it count, Akito Tasogare. There's more to life than having power and making enemies. Take it from someone who's been there."

>Mosaic and Paladin then rise into the air, with Paladin waving behind him as well.

"Thanks for not destroying the solar system! I'm serious! Thanks!"

>Paladin says, as he and Mosaic then immediately fly off into the distance, generating a pressure wave so powerful that only Kagemusha is unflinching in its wake.

>As Asami arrives beside Kagemusha, she then looks at her older brother, stating:

"….Akito? Are you….."

>Shaking his head, Kagemusha then surprises his younger sister by giving her a strong hug.

"Remember that I care about you as your older brother - and I'll protect you the way that mother protected us both. No matter what."

>Completely taken aback, Asami starts tearing up as Kagemusha continues hugging her. Only after a few more seconds does he pull back from the hug, now looking back up into the sky.

"I suppose I should say thank you then - and I'll help you deal with Ouranos when he shows himself once more. Count on that."

>As Kagemusha watches the trail of air pressure created by Mosaic and Paladin's flight - the two then disappear into the distance, turning into bright specs of light before no longer being visible to human sight.

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