/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: February 14th, 2017
>Anchorage, Alaska

>T-Minus: 8 Days

>An advanced submarine sits in the harbour of Anchorage, the trim identifying it as the RV Nautilus, the pageantry around it indicating that the vessel hasn't been launched yet.

>Around the ship, operations crew members shift the last of the supplies for its maiden voyage, their movements slightly hampered by the light snow falling all around them. Various dignitaries and other VIPs mull about in the crowd.

>Out of sight of the press and onlookers, a crew member with short brown hair, his uniform identifying him as a member of the engineering department, holds his phone in front of him, talking to someone over video chat.

"I know it's Valentine's Day sweetie, but we're heading out today, and we've put too much into this for me to bail at the last minute. . ."

". . .I'll make it back to you when we get back, it's going to be a couple of weeks at most, ok? See you then, love you. . ."

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>Tsundue stops, and takes a moment to collect himself. He then looks directly at the captain.

"Captain. I'm sorry to bother you, but this is important. Midshipman Brown had just locked Lieutenant Parker and I in my quarters to try and force us to… engage with each other."

>Tsundue looks embarrassed for a moment, before clearing his throat.

"He must be reprimanded at once. This is unacceptable behavior."


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>The Captain narrows her eyes.

"Is this true, Lieutenant Parker?"

>Heather nods.

"Yes captain."

>The Captain sighs.

"This is a serious and. . ."

>She looks at Tsundue again.

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>After taking a seat, Tsundue immediately begins the explanation.

"For this entire trip Midshipman Brown has been attempting to set up Lieutenant Parker and I together, despite our disinterest."

>He pauses for a moment, debating on elaborating on why he's disinterested. Ultimately he decides not to.

"Today it culminated in him lying to Lieutenant Parker and I in order to lure her to my quarters, before leaving the room and locking it from the outside in some attempt to get us to… well… I'm sure you can imagine what he wanted."

>Tsundue looks extremely upset.

"This is a professional environment, and such juvenile behavior should not be tolerated."


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>The Captain looks at Heather, who nods.

"What Lieutenant Trengwa says is correct, captain."

>The Captain sighs.

"You are quiet correct in your assessment, Lieutenant Trengwa, and I assure you that I will not take these allegations lightly. . ."

"Of course, Midshipman Brown must be given an opportunity to defend himself, but given some of his prior behavior, I have little doubt that your story is mostly correct. For now. . ."

>The Captain looks at Tsundue.

"Lieutenant Trengwa, do you require a temporary room transfer while the investigation is pending?"


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"Yes Captain. I would appreciate that greatly."

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>Date: April 21st, 2017
>Location: S.C. - Residential District - Grayson Residence
>Time: 8:00 AM

>Muttering to herself, Phoebe slowly opens her eyes as she sits up in her bed. Rubbing her eyelids, she then checks the time from the periphery of her vision.

{"Eight o'clock. Ugh. Great."}

>Getting up, she then goes through her usual routine of getting herself ready for the day. After doing everything necessary - she then finishes getting her outfit ready before turning around to look at her phone.


>The phone screen reads:

["No New Messages"]
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>Aiden blinks again, confused at Lisa.

"…..What? Sorry, I think I miscommunicated there, Lisa."

>Pointing his thumb in a sideways fashion towards Phoebe to his left, Aiden clarifies:

"Phoebe always finds a reason to take my car out for a drive, even when she's made it clear that she thinks my taste in cars is terrible."

>Looking at Phoebe, Aiden then says:

"If that's not spite, then I don't know what is. Then again, this is coming from the person who locked be inside of a broom closet when I was six as a prank."

>Phoebe shrugs as she replies:

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>Lisa sighs.

"I'm not taking sides in your siblings' feud, Aiden."

>Lisa checks her phone as it buzzes.

"That's not my area to comment."


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>Shaking his head, Aiden says:

"If there's nothing left, then I've got a multi-trillion dollar corporation to run."

>Aiden turns around and moves to walk away, as Phoebe goes around to the car's left door. As she opens it, she then says to Aiden:

"Hey, if you get this done? I'm not gonna complain. Just make sure this is actually in the best interests of the company!"

>Jonah then looks at Lisa as Phoebe gets into the driver's seat of the car. Sighing, he then says to Lisa:

"I am sorry about the behavior of my brother and my sister. Phoebe is….very confrontational, but it stems from good intentions. She likes pressing people on their convictions - ensuring that they are genuine."

>Looking back at his brother as he enters the building again, Jonah then says:

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"Jonah. . ."

>Lisa sighs and smiles.

"You're a good egg, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ok?"

>Pulling on the door handle, Lisa opens it, heading into the car.

"I'll be in touch when I'm available."

>Sitting down in the car, Lisa closes the door and blows out some air, slumping down slightly.

"Your siblings can be exhausting to handle, even in small bursts."


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>Phoebe scoffs as she then says:

"Yeah well, my brothers are tougher now because of my masterful teaching."

>Turning on the engine of the car, Phoebe waves to Jonah for a moment before turning to Lisa, stating:

"I don't have much else that I need to do. Well, besides deciding on the final designs for Eros's next fashion show. You interested in seeing the designs or…."

>Phoebe then blinks before saying:

"Oh right. Too feminine."

>As she begins backing the car up and away from the parking lot, Phoebe then asks Lisa:

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>Date: April 21st, 2017
>Location: S.C. - The Spire
>Time: 8:00 AM

>Flipping through the pages in his dossier file, Chase narrows his eyes behind his sunglasses. Adjusting the position of the papers in his hands, he then carefully examines the marked on map - guiding his eyes across the brush marks towards a large X symbol.

"…..Someone's been busy….."

>Looking through more papers, Chase then thinks to himself:

{Am I looking at the same thief here? Nobody's this good at breaking and entering into facilities. There must be some mistake."}

>Chase then picks up the phone on his desk and begins dialing a number. After doing so, he continues examining the papers and making markings with his pen as he carefully examines the diagram of the map before him.

>As the phone picks up the call, a voice can be heard on the other side.

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>Date: April 21st, 2017
>Location: S.C. - Archeon Complex
>Time: 8:00 AM

>As he taps his fingers against the desk, Aiden thinks to himself:

{"…..Well, the process can't take too long? Right?"}

>After a few seconds, Amber walks into the room with a set of papers in her hands. Placing them on Aiden's desk, she then says:

"Alright. Legal's back with the first draft of the proposed joint venture. You sure you want to go through with this, Aiden?"

>Closing his eyes as he goes deep into thought for a moment, Aiden then states:

"We're going to need to expand into new markets, like I said before. Hoyokazi's infrastructure and distribution networks in Japan and mainland Asia are our best bet. Besides, they know their way around local and regional laws and regulations there. We don't have any experience with that."
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>Date: April 20th, 2017
>Location: S.C. - Archeon Complex
>Time: 9:00 AM

>Directing his hands as the large vehicle lands on the helipad outside - Aiden looks on in anticipation.

{"Finally, they're here. Can't wait to see how they turned out."}

>He looks on at the large metallic containers that are magnetically attached to the vehicle; the lower side carrying a set of large, metallic containers.

"Steady…..A few degrees towards the hangar bay….."

>The large aircraft carrier then moves slightly to the right - just enough before Aiden gives a confirmation gesture with his hand. As the carrier lands on the ground with the cargo, Aiden then steps forward, stating:

"Great job. Thanks for carrying the cargo for us last-mile. I know it's been a long trip, but thanks for covering for us."
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>Miranda and Jacqueline immediately look at each other and take a few steps back - as Aiden and Phoebe begin going after each other verbally.

"Can you see beyond your own biases for five seconds, Phoebe?!"

"Can you? Giving away some of the most advanced technology on Earth to a bunch of sociopaths from an archaic and clandestine family - including the woman who almost ruined dad's life?! That's somehow supposed to be OK with me? OK with Kira? OK with Mom?"

>Jabbing a finger into Aiden's chest, Phoebe continues berating her triplet brother:

"You're predictable as shit, Aiden. She already told you that she wasn't interested. So let it go, and find a woman actually deserving of our family's name!"

>Now irate, Aiden then snaps back in an angry tone of voice:

"Will you just fuck off, Phoebe?! You keep babying me like I'm some coddled little boy! How many times do I keep having to say that she's not like the others?!?!"

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>Shoving her finger even deeper into Aiden's clothes on his chest to further accentuate the point, she continues shouting.

"But here you are, still running towards the oasis like a fucking parched donkey! How many times do you need to hear this before you fucking understand, Aiden? Some people in this world are just not good!"

>Finally having had enough, Aiden shoves Phoebe's hand away as his eyes begin glowing red. His voice distorts in a supernatural cadence as he says:

"I am so fucking tired of you and your holier than thou bullshit!"

>Scoffing, Phoebe then shouts:

"Then put up or shut the fuck up!"

>Phoebe then punches Aiden into the air and through the ceiling - completely rupturing it open. Immediately transforming into Hyperia in a flash of light - she then launches up into the air - causing a mess to form in the kitchen while doing so.


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>Another bright red light appears in the night sky above the residential district - as Mosaic moves towards Hyperia. Slamming into her with enough force to rupture the clouds in the sky - he begins grappling his gloved fingers in-between her own. As they both begin to grind their teeth in irritation, Mosaic then shouts:

"All you ever do is doubt me and ridicule me! You've been doing this shit for years and I'm fucking tired of it!'

>Scoffing, Hyperia then shouts back:

"Maybe if you weren't such a timid little bitch then I wouldn't need to push you further!"

>Hyperia's emotions then activate - massively ramping up her power. With surprising speed, she then punches Mosaic in the helmet - sending a reverberation of force powerful enough to shatter normal bone. Mosaic takes the punch easily - which surprises Hyperia.

"…….Stronger than I thoug-"

>Before Hyperia can respond, Mosaic punches her in the gut - creating even more force - enough to shatter steel into pieces.

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>Mosaic then remains hovering in mid-air. Looking over at his sister carefully, he watches as she still brings a hand to her chest - panting slightly.

"….You know what your problem is, Phoebe?"

>Hyperia looks up at Mosaic, daggers in her eyes as she says:

"That I didn't toss you around hard enough in the past?"

>Mosaic remains entirely still, as he states:

"You don't have any friends, and you don't have anyone who actually likes you for who you are. It's just the same stupid tough girl act with you all this time."

>Hyperia then rushes towards Mosaic with superhuman speeds, her emotions charging up her strength as well….

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>Getting up quickly, Hyperia turns around, still attempting to fight her triplet sibling.

"Shut the fuck up! Just stay….still!"

>Effortlessly weaving through the flurry of punches, Mosaic then grabs Hyperia and flips her onto the island counter in the middle of the kitchen. As Hyperia coughs - she feels a sharp pain in her abdomen.

>Still grabbing hold of Hyperia's arm with both of his - Mosaic then says:

"I can break it like a twig - just like you did to Jake in fifth grade. Just like you do to everyone who so much as looks at you the wrong way."

>Now finally falling silent, Hyperia then turns her head away, gritting her teeth. Tears start falling down her cheeks as she shouts:

"She's not a fucking good person! She's a God damned liar like the rest of her family! Fuck her!"

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>Date: February 28th, 2017
>Location: Coventry, England

>The 28th of February is an official flag day in Finland, a day to celebrate the culture of the Finnish people. Unfortunately for the people of the Motor City, European flag days are of little concern for people trying to cause a nuisance.

>For the record, UK holidays are of little concern too.

>A group of people bursts out from the central rail station of Coventry, their eyes glazed over as they run around wildly, several of them running into various obstacles - including each other.

>From behind the crowd, a man jumps over the ticket barriers, using them as leverage for the jump. Straightening his jacket out, he looks over the crowd.

"Oi oi what's 'is? I only gave 'em a lil' push and t'ere runnin' aroun' like a bleedin' pack o' nonces."

>The man is joined by a woman who also jumps over the barriers, her own clothing matching the man's.

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>The woman grins, pointing at another drone that flies into the building, blowing it up with her own bolt of energy.

"Oh ay! We got t' run o' t' place!"

>The pair begin laughing, with the man grabbing a passerby and kicking him away, causing the passerby to start running around chaotically, running outside and tripping over. . .

>Only to disappear and reappear sitting down safely across the courtyard, his facial expression still clearly showing his confusion.

"Wa. . ."

>The source of man's sudden moving is revealed after the other panicking people are moved from where they are to various safer points outside, a trail of lightning appearing around the room.

"Oi. . ."

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>Dasher kicks Speedrunner in the leg, causing her to trip over.

"Oi oi what, the bint's not shakin' it like last time!"

"Think i's t' bloke's stuff?"

"Gotta be, wha' a bloke!"

>Speedrunner groans from having hit the ground.

"About that. . ."

"Oi shu' up bint!"

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>A few blocks away. . .

>What was once a peaceful small office has been thrown into disarray as Dasher and Dazzler continue their rampage, having selected an easily accessible building without having to cross through traffic.

>Dasher stands above a man in a suit, one hand pointed at him menacingly, with one foot on an upturned desk.

"'and over t' money, fancypants, or els' I'll go all Galaxy War on y' ass. . ."

>The man in the suit blinks, confused.


>Dazzler fires off her own blast from the other side of the room, narrowly missing the man.

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>Date: April 16th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City
>Time: 9:00 AM

>Dark clouds begin to form around Sanctuary City - forming a large mass of amorphous black fluid. The fluid then quickly begins dripping to the ground - like liquid tar. The substance, cold to the touch, begins to rapidly absorb matter nearby - increasing its size and general coldness. As the amorphous black chunks continue to increase in size, large monsters begin appearing from them.

>The monsters, large with black rocky bodies and a singular eye each - start blasting at nearby structures with bright red energy beams. The beams then begin to increase in their general intensity - as the large black blobs continue to spread.

>Panicked people start running for their lives, praying and crying in fear. As MRD troops arrive and attempt to push back against the black blobs - they find that their attacks and abilities are useless in the face of the black blobs.

"What the?! Stay back! Everyone move!"

>The MRD agents begin evacuating innocent civilians to their cars, while doing their best to push back against the amorphous black blobs. The blobs themselves are still only on the surface and on the streets - but have succeeded in converting massive portions of the nearby populace into those black rocky monsters.
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>Location: The Axiom - Nexus of Magic
>Time: Indeterminate

>The pocket dimension of Thaumia rests in a large spherical orb - sitting on a table. Inside of the living quarters of the Axiom, Mosaic crosses his arms as he stares at the orb intently.

{"…..An entire ancient civilization."}

>Looking up at Doctor, Mosaic then says:

"What changed your mind? Since you originally wanted Sun to handle this."

>Doctor looks at the orb himself as he states:

"Perspective. I realized that pretending that I was above these matters didn't do anything to help resolve them."
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>Stephanie's face suddenly lights up as she remembers something.

"Oh! I just remembered! That Speedrunner girl you occasionally talk to! If you're ever going to be near her, do not let any Mana leak from your body. It reacts negatively with the energies she generates, and causes both to annihilate each other. You don't want caught in that."


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>Surprised, Mosaic then says:

"….Lisa? Interesting….."

>Placing three fingers on his helmet, Mosaic then thinks for a moment, before replying by saying:

"Well, that hopefully shouldn't be an issue. I can suppress the majority of my mana - and I can funnel the rest through the ring with a dimensional funnel."

>Looking down at his boots for a moment, Mosaic then lowers himself down - watching as he sees golden and ruby red sparks of electricity spontaneously flashing into existence. As he watches the electricity arcing over himself briefly, he then consciously wills the electricity to stop moving.

"…..I'll have to keep that in mind."

>Standing back up, Mosaic adjusts his cuffs on his robed armor as he states:

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"You should be fine. Just keep what I told you in mind if you ever start casting near your brother or Lisa."


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>Nodding, Mosaic then looks at Doctor and Crepido for a moment, before he then says:

"….Thank you, Sorcerers Supreme. Both of you. Again, I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, and all of the guidance that I've been given now."

>Looking at his hands once more, he then says:

"If anything ever comes to Earth again? I should be able to handle it. I'll do everything within the best of my ability to set things right."

>Thinking for a moment, he then also states:

"…..Actually. There's someone I might need to see about something. There are Anti Meta-Human Machines being built, and they're utilizing Meta-Gene signatures as part of the blueprint designs to track them. I need to be able to create some sort of power signature dampener that people can use. I'm going to have to visit an old friend of mine for that reason. Hopefully they can help me out there."

>Tapping two fingers with his right hand to his helmet, Mosaic then waves at Doctor and Crepido with his left hand.

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>Date: April 15th, 2017
>Location: Paradise City
>Time: 9:00 AM

>A large structure, made entirely of what seems to be glass - continues lumbering across Paradise City - wreaking havoc on the large archipelago-like structure as it does so. Entire city blocks are shaken by the force of its large, titanic steps. The rupturing of power cables and integrated circuitry begins to turn the downtown area of the city into a large hazard zone.

>Naturally, the city's local MRD contingent are attempting to stop the monster - but are having difficulties doing so. A few of them radio to each other, from different points in the city.

["Visual on the underside of the monster. See any openings?"]

["Negative. There's nothing to indicate points of potential breakage. Solid casing of glass by the looks of it."]

["So why aren't conventional weapons working? Glass shatters without much effort with projectile weapons."]

["Unknown. Potentially being reinforced by a Meta-Human's ability."]
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>Location: S.C. - Archeon Complex
>Time: 3:30 PM

>Mosaic and Omnius then reappear on the rooftop of the Archeon Complex. Taking a step back, Mosaic then looks over Omnius as he says:

"How are you feeling? I noticed you straining against the force of the sword attack from Julian."

>Examining him, Mosaic assumes a thinking position with his arms perpendicular to each other. He touches the edge of his helmet - waiting for Omnius to respond with his thoughts and opinions.


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"The armor took most of the force, so I'm alright."

>Omnius peeks over the edge of the roof looking down at the city below.


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>Mosaic then nods at Omnius as he thinks for a moment. Looking over the city skyline as well, he then pauses for a moment before saying:

"….Orion? I am so sorry I wasn't focusing helping you out. The past few weeks have been just…."

>Slowly moving forward, he then just leans on the railing at the edge of the rooftop. Hands straining, he tries not to remember the situation most irritating him.

"…It's just. There are times where I just ask myself…'what if I died that day?'…..I know someone else would've stepped in but…"

>Silent for another moment, he then says:

"It's just. All of this. The company. The city. The Meta-Humans. The chaos. The fighting…..And the near death experiences….Even for me - I think I'm starting to crack."

>Lowering his head down, he thinks for a moment before saying again:

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>Omnius just stands there awkwardly, looking down at the city. Not used to talking to someone in this kind of conversation.

"Er… hey… I'm sure it's fine. You can turn things around with that… what was her name again? Yuki?"

>He pauses for a second to think.

"Oh. Hiyuki. Anyway. I'm sure you can turn things around with her. And I'm fine."

>Orion goes silent, not really sure of what else he should say.


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>Staring down at the city below with his arms still crossed, Mosaic then says:

"You're likely correct. I just feel like an awkward teenager again. Christ."

>Sighing, he then shakes his head and says:

"I'm supposed to be the one giving you advice. I'm your boss."

>He then looks up at the higher skyline of the city once more as he says:

"Though you're right. I'm going to have to go see her and actually clarify what I meant."

>Feeling a sense of awkwardness crossing over his body, he then sighs and groans once more, before stating:

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>Date: August 25th, 2019
>Location: Metro City
>Time: 5:30am

>A pickup pulls up to a junkyard in the city, the driver winding down the window slowly, and manually, to talk to the man on the gate.

"Hey Gus, here for the usual. . ."

>The voice startles the man, causing him to jolt up, shaking his head.

"Oh hey Hiyuki, didn't see you there. . ."

"Sleeping on the job again?"

". . .just resting my eyes! Here for the usual?"
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>Stephanie instinctively jerks her head back to avoid being hit by Hiyuki's arms. Beneath her helmet she smiles.

"Yeah, it was awesome. Wasn't it? I was kind of scared but everything turned out alright…"

>Stephanie stands up from her crouching position, still holding Hiyuki.

"You did really good Hiyuki. I don't think it would've gone as smoothly if I were out here by myself."


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"Haha yeah, we made a great team! And I would be flattened on the concrete if you hadn't. . ."

>Hiyuki looks at where she is, and quickly jumps out of Stephanie's arms, brushing herself off.

"Caught me! Thanks for that by the way!"

>Hiyuki looks around from the top of the lion.

"S-so! How do we get down from here?"


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>Stephanie shrugs.

"Jump, I guess. I jumped real high to catch you and I turned out fine."

>Stephanie holds out her hand towards Hiyuki.

"But if you're scared we can do it together."


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>Hiyuki thinks for a moment, looking at the city below, then at Stephanie again.

"I. . ."

>Hiyuki goes to look at the city, considering jumping by herself.

"I think I'll take your help. . ."

>Hiyuki takes Stephanie's hand to jump together.


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>Somewhere else. . .

>In a dark, abandoned room somewhere, a mysterious lone TV, not plugged into anything, replays the fight between the two Drivers and the Shade, looping between each move.

"Interesting. . ."

>A single dark red eye flashes, then glows in the dark, soon accompanied by a plume of sickly white fire.

"These new Drivers will disturb our plans. . . Driver Shadow. . ."

>A Driver steps out of the shadows, her armour coated in silver, purple, and black, with gold highlights and spikes throughout.

>Stepping in front of the eye and fire, the Driver kneels down

"Yes, my liege?"
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>Date: April 10th, 2017
>Location: S.C. - Downtown Area
>Time: 10:00 AM

>Large plumes of flames continue arcing and crackling across the streets of the Sanctuary City Downtown hub. Large cars are burnt to cinders - electronic billboards are entirely fried. Swathes of metallic chain link fences, busses and other large structures are completely melted into molten substances. The level of damage done to this part of the city is substantial.

>However, the majority of the flames are bright blue in color - larger and more intense in terms of power. More of the blue flames emerge from the area as the damaged form of Vulcan skids to the ground. Collapsing in a heap of molten rock and magma, he slowly rises up on one knee to catch his breath. Panting - he exhales bursts of flame from his molten mouth as he does so.

"Son of a bitch….You weren't…kidding about being the better……model….."

>Vulcan then collapses from the blue flame burns all over his body - landing on the floor as he does so. In a prone position, a set of footsteps get closer to the downed Meta-Human criminal.

"You definitely put up a fight - I can say that much."

>Matrix, in his Thermodynamic energy form, then moves to kneel on both knees beside Vulcan - examining the Meta-Human carefully.

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>Location: MRD Spire - Rooftop
>Time: 11:30 AM

"So what did you need my help with again?'

>Dynamo tosses a set of files on the table. Standing across from him on the edge of the Spire's rooftop - is Mosaic. The latter figure is casually stretching and cartwheeling across the stone edifice of the rooftop edge, with perfect equilibrium and balance.

"What else? A dangerous Meta-Human, and that's what you're good at handling."

>Chase sits in the chair adjacent to Dynamo, as he states:

"Besides, you're probably the only one who can effectively track them."

"They got a name?"
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>Location: S.C. - Rooftops

"So you're gonna go find this 'criminal killer' dude then?"

>Arachnid says, continuing their practice swinging and movement improvement. The vigilante continues flipping through the rooftops, front flipping multiple times as he lands - then vaults into the air once again.

"I might. It depends on how much of a mess they decide to make."

>Floating in the air at a similar speed to Arachnid in the air - Mosaic watches over his crime-fighting assistant as he continues his practice maneuvers.

"Well, in that case…."

>Arachnid then shoots out a silk line and webs it to a nearby wall - giving him enough leverage to pull himself higher into the air.

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>Location: ????
>Time: Indeterminate

>A bright red light appears as a woman falls down into a large expanse of meadows and fields. The woman, the same one from before in the laboratory - only remembers being blasted with a bright red light from Mosaic.


>As she opens her eyes, she then looks around - confused.


>Staring out into the open void of open valleys and plains, she then says:

"….Did I miss something?! Where am I?!"
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>Location: Axiom - Nexus of Magic
>Time: Indeterminate


>Mosaic takes the glowing sphere of purple and yellow - tossing it into Magister's hands. Looking at the sphere, he says:

"You managed to construct a pocket dimension? Impressive."

>Doctor has his arms crossed, now intrigue. He then assumes a thinking position as he states:

"You're getting more familiar with the mystic arts than I anticipated. Likely the result of the Thaumaturgy Ring's help."

>Looking over to Magister, Doctor then says:

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>Looking back at Mosaic again, Magister then stares at him for a moment. Without even performing a gesture or casting a spell, he states:

"You mimicked Sun Wukong's abilities."

>Mosaic nods, putting a hand on his hip.

"Not intentionally, just ran into the guy. I can see why you trusted him with the job though."

>Doctor then examines Mosaic up and down, stating:

"Forgive my initial skepticism, Aiden. I'm legitimately impressed by how much you've progressed."

>Taking the spherical world from Magister, Doctor then says:

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