/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: February 25th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown
>Time: 9:00 AM

>Smoke flares up from a series of skyscrapers - with panicked civilians running away in terror. Chunks of debris fall to the floor as the UP Building continues to burn thanks to a ferocious and raging fire.

"Someone call the MRD!"

"It's the Breakers again! Everybody run!"

>As panicked workers mix into the mass of evacuating civilians - the figures of armored Meta-Humans jump into a modified Hovercraft - and begin flying away.

>The Breakers - the hired gun Meta-Human mercenaries of the city, carry a set of briefcases with them. In the front seat. Fracture tries to open one of the briefcases and scowls. A bright shock surges from the numerical lock - stunning him briefly. As he yelps in pain, he then says:

"Shit! The case is fit with security measures! We're gonna have to drop it off for the client to open instead!"
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>Mosaic's shadow thickens behind him, forming into a smoke which grows and coalesces into a humanoid figure, the same masked one as a few days before.

>Looking at Mosaic, they tilt their head to indicate they're listening to what he has to say.


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>Mosaic holds up a thumb drive with two fingers. Looking out ahead, he then says to the figure:

"Use this on an isolated computer system if you don't trust me, but this is all of the data on Chiral that I found in the MRD's databases. Names and general information of shell companies. Financial connections with the MRD and other important elements."

>Still looking out over the horizon, he then says:

"Problem is, I can't find the connections to these shell companies. Information was scrubbed, likely to protect the MRD from potential liability claims in the future. So if Hiyuki figures out who's behind these companies, they can possible figure out who's involved with Chiral - since the MRD's using their old resources as their own."

>Mosaic then waits for the figure to take the black data drive from his fingers, as he considers his next move carefully. Still not looking at the masked figure, he waits for them to respond.


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>The figure takes the thumb drive and carefully turns it over in their hand, looking over it before putting it in a pouch on their belt.

>With the thumb drive sorted, they look at Mosaic, seeing if he has anything else to add.


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>Mosaic then turns to look at the figure, stating:

"Not much else to say Kaiyo. Just hope your sister can crack the code. Chiral needs to be stopped before he destroys the city."

>Mosaic rubs the back of his gloves, continuing:

"…Because something tells me he's got a bone to pick with someone, or something here, honestly. The Breakers are just one vector he's using to get what he's after. He's probably got more proxies, and we need to find them - as soon as possible."

>Standing up, he then looks at Kaiyo one more time, before turning around; quickly jumping off of Hoyokazi Tower - then gliding through the city below with his reinforced cloak.


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>The figure shrugs, watching Mosaic fly off, leans on the wall for a moment.

>The voice of Hiyuki comes from around the corner, speaking in Japanese.

"<I assumed he would try to convince us to leave once more, I suppose there's at least some wisdom in there. . .>"

>The figure takes off her mask with another shrug and takes the drive out, throwing it around the corner to Hiyuki.

"<Of course I can 'crack the code', when have I ever failed to do that? It would be an embarrassment if I couldn't, their secrets are our secrets, after all.>"

>Hiyuki comes around the corner, watching Mosaic's path away from the tower.

"<It would be best if you took us back to the safe house, a foolish general keeps his head out in the open on the battlefield, particularly not dealing with an enemy with such a choleric temperament.>"

>With a small sigh, Kaiyo offers her hand out for Hiyuki to take, and the shadows begin to rise once more. . .

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>Date: June 1st, 2000
>Location: Unknown
>Time: 11:30 AM

>The sounds of clicking and tapping fill the room, bouncing and echoing off the sterile, colorless floors and walls of the room. Being a lab, the room is full of various equipment and computers, most of which appearing ahead of their time for one reason or another.

>Near-by, a pair of young children - one a blonde boy and the other a reddish-brown haired girl sit next to each other on a mostly cleared off counter top.

"Can we get up now?"

>The boy looks at a tall, blonde man in a lab coat typing away at a computer. Without giving the children so much of a glance, he sternly replies:


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>Stephanie begins blinking rapidly. She stares at Isaac, while letting out a nervous laugh. Near-by, the lights begin to flicker violently, corresponding with her laughter.

>After a few moments she manages to calm herself, and takes Isaac's hand.


>Stephanie begins shaking Isaac's hand just a little faster and harder than would be expected. Still nervous, she says:

"I'm Stephanie."

>She continues shaking Isaac's hand, while staring at him just long enough for it to be come a bit awkward. Realizing this, she releases her grip and turns her attention away from him - coughing into her fist.

>Afterwards she looks at Thoth, asking:

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>Thoth nods slowly as he redirects a set of tomes in the air with his hand.

"Of course. You were chosen by the Empyrean - the Crystal. As such, you are the inheritor of this domain, along with Isaac here."

>Putting a hand on Stephanie's shoulder, Thoth continues to speak:

"Do not disparage yourself, Sorceress. Your past actions have no bearing on your future choices - and you were not given the power to make your own decisions in the past."

>Thoth then looks up at the libraries in the distance, taking his hand off of Stephanie's shoulder as he continues:

"I would've intervened sooner, if not for the decision of the Empyrean. For whatever reason, it chose this moment, right now, to send for aid with your situation. I do not pretend to know why that is - but I will not question the will of the Crystal, nor its power."

>Turning around, Thoth then says:

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>Stephanie stares at Thoth in silence, thinking about the situation. After almost a minute, she finally says:

"Well… okay then."

>She lets out a sigh.

"If I have to."


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>Thoth nods as he makes another incantation, snapping his fingers as a few golden sparks fly from said fingers.

"I've just transported Orion to Sanctuary City. He's in one of the properties that Isaac owns in Wiseman Faults. Speaking of which…"

>Thoth then speaks to Isaac.

"Isaac, the quarterly reports are due in a few days. I trust you've managed your assets carefully?"

>Isaac sighs as he rubs the back of his neck, stating:

"Year over year margins are up, Thoth. I'm not a new investor here."

>Thoth then nods and smiles.

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>A few hours later…

>Stephanie stands before Orion, surrounded by tall stalks of grass. Having just spent the past several minutes explaining what had happened, she says:

"So… I've decided that I'm going to accept it. It's… strange. And It doesn't sound like I had much of a choice in the first place… but at least I can do some actual good with it."

>Orion stares at his sister, mouth hung open in disbelief.

"You're really going to just go live with some stranger? And leave me?"

"No! Orion!"

>Stephanie immediately throws herself into her brother, hugging him.

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>Date: February 20th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown
>Time: 12:00 PM

>A dozen or so cars barrel down the streets of Sanctuary City's highway, loose change and dollar bills flying from the open windows. Casings of metal bullets litter the road - in the wake of the various cars, while MRD Hovercraft vehicles chase after them. The city's downtown region is barricaded, with various major streets blocked off to passers by - as well as segmented off to civilians.

>The lead MRD Hovercraft then activates its speakers, the voice of the platoon speaking through:

["Brigadiers! You are violating Sanctuary City law through armed robbery and attempted retreat! Pull over or we'll be forced to open fire on your vehicles!"]

>The Brigadiers in the cars seemingly respond by firing more bullets into the air - attempting to divert the MRD from their path.

>Inside of one of the Brigadier cars, a Brigadier Meta-Human turns their hooded head towards the backseat - looking at the cash piles in the back.

"Man, Phobos is gonna kick our asses for this!"
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"I see. . ."

>Hiyuki adjusts her glasses.

"Thank you for the information, it shall hopefully prove to be helpful, but we should likely be leaving, seeing as we have no further business."

>With a small bow, Hiyuki turns to leave, Kaiyo moving to flank her.

"When both parties can agree to mutual benefit, these dealings end up going much more smoothly, don't you think? I am pleased that you were willing to work with us in this matter. . ."

"But we will no longer require your services, any future collaboration will be purely incidental."


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>Mosaic scratches the bottom of his mask as he sighs, shaking his head.

"If you want my advice, you should take the first plane out of the city. Now that you're actually here, you're even more of a target for this guy."

>Mosaic then points at Kaiyo, saying:

"I know exactly what you're thinking. Well, not exactly since I don't just read minds without permission. But you get my point."

>Silent for moment, he then states:

"I've been trying to find the guy for weeks now, but he's masking his presence. Even I can't find him - and I can find basically anyone in this city without too much effort. So what does that tell you?"

>Mosaic stares directly at Hiyuki, with a level of seriousness not seen before.


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"It tells me that you don't have a method of tracking him, Mr Grayson, and while I am sure that you are perfectly competent. . ."

>Hiyuki looks over her shoulder at Mosaic.

"You are not omniscient. So I will note your advice, and continue down my own path."

>With that, Hiyuki begins walking out of the room.


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>As Hiyuki and Kaiyo leave the room, Mosaic shakes his head and sighs.

{"Yeah she's gonna be in trouble if she stays here. I need to find out what Chiral's up to - and fast."}

>Mosaic then jumps up - phasing through the ceiling of the office and flies towards the top of the Archeon Complex.

>After he reaches the top, Mosaic phases through the floor and lands on the ground, tapping the side of his mask to activate his comms unit.

"Arachnid. Meet me here in a few minutes. Top of the Archeon building."

>After a few minutes - a series of web strands wrap around the top of the Archeon Complex - as a figure in a black and red bodysuit, jacket and futuristic outfit lands on the rooftop behind Mosaic - in the middle of his talk.

"…..Alright Jonah. I'll see what I can do about the activity in Haven City for you."

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>Mosaic then looks around for a moment before saying:

"So, how's your friend doing? Bella."

>Arachnid stares at Mosaic for a moment, his digital lenses on his mask narrowing.

"She's barely my friend. More like my second boss - given how much she asks. But I guess she's alright. We stopped a Meta-Human who tried to steal money using illusion powers. So that was neat."

>Mosaic nods again slowly in approval.

"You're doing a good job. Just remember, if she tries doing anything out of the ordinary, you might need to let me know."

>Arachnid shrugs then says:

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>Date: February 10th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Outskirts
>Time: 11:00 PM

>Faint rays of light slowly illuminate patches of grass, stretching out across the edges of Sanctuary City's borders. Far away from the core metropolitan structures of the city - are miles of abandoned cars and working machinery. As vines, grass and other forms of vegetation move throughout the area, a pulse of bright orange heat appears from the sky - burning a large patch of grass all the way to the ground.

>As more plumes of fire drop down from the sky, a Meta-Human with a humanoid molten form rises from the largest plume of fire. Stepping out from his own incendiary work, Vulcan stretches his arms as he yawns with a distorted cadence in his voice - a byproduct of his molten and magma body.

"More chores and shit. Great."

>Holding his hand out, Vulcan generates a massive plume of fire, scorching other areas of the nearby vegetation - and generating massive discharges of smoke which rapidly float into the air.

"This better be worth it."

>As Vulcan continues doing his work, he then hears a series of light rumbling sounds. Turning his inflamed head, he squints his flame eyes, saying:

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>Albert nods at the question.

>Ashley nods as well.

"No problems there."


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"Then, I'll be right back."

>Standing up, Leo heads out of the room, and walks back in to the observation room, keeping close to the door.

"Clever kids, they remind me a little of an old friend of mine. . ."

>Leo crosses his arms.

"But me reminiscing isn't why you asked me to talk again, there's another issue, isn't there?"


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>Chase nods as he gestures to the Daemon twins in the other room.

"Even if they're cleared of all wrong doing with a not guilty verdict, they're still going to be destitute. They seem like genuinely good mannered kids, and they were given the worst situation imaginable."

>Looking at their file on the table beside him, he then continues:

"The city government could put them in public housing if they're acquitted of all charges - but even then that wouldn't help their situation. These two need guidance and a stronger upbringing."

>Hesitating for a moment, Chase then sighs.

"…..I'm asking if you could adopt them, legally. If not? I'd have to call up Miranda Grayson to see if her manor is taking any new patients."

>Chase looks back up at Leo, genuinely concerned.

"I obviously can't take them in as my own for ethical reasons - but it's either you or Doctor Grayson. Please think it over."


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"I can't. . ."

>Leo sighs, shifting his arms slightly.

"Ethically speaking, anyway, but. . ."

>The blonde man gives Chase one of those warm, characteristic smiles of his.

"I know someone who could, with whom it would have the same effect as me adopting them, practically speaking - we live in the same building after all. She's reputable, and as well off as me."

>Leo's smile changes to an almost melancholic one.

". . .and, I think the kids would be a good addition to our group, we've gotten lethargic, lately, spending too much time in our own minds - that includes Alfred. A 'project', for lack of a better word, like helping make sure they're all set for the rest of their lives is just what's needed, I think."

"Do you think that could work, Mr Director? If so, I can have her visit them before the end of the day, most likely, after sorting the legal briefs."


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>Chase nods and says:

"Of course. But there would be regular checks from the city government's social worker program. Just frequent assessments to make sure they're in good condition."

>Looking back at the Daemon twins on the other side of the window, he then says:

"Besides that? You should be good to go, adopting them that is."

[The End]

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>Date: February 5th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - MRD Spire
>Time: 7:00 AM.

>The large mechanical apparatus towering over the Financial District of Sanctuary City is the Spire. A large command center which serves as the national headquarters of the MRD. Separate from the core MRD Precinct - the Spire is the true headquarters of the organization.

>Inside of his office, situated at the highest story of the building, sits the MRD Director. As he sips a cup of coffee, Chase moves through the MRD recordings once again.

"Might as well look through it one more time. See if there's any discrepancies I didn't notice the first time."

>Pressing a button on his computer, he loads up a video file, CCTV footage of the MRD operation held at Daedalus Industries - a front organization for a mercenary group that the MRD have been investigating for months.


>The footage is partially grainy as a young man with wavy brown hair quickly runs down the hallway of a Daedalus Industries manufacturing center. The sound of gunfire and bullets can be heard in the distance - as MRD officers engage with the mercenary agents in the front half of the building. After rounding the corner, the young man is approached by a man wearing a unique outfit - an MRD armor. The MRD agent then speaks to the young man, his words indecipherable due to the helmet and the lack of audio. In his hand, the MRD agent holds a glowing metallic sphere with a series of unique circuitboard patterns. Handing the sphere to the man, the MRD agent then pats him on the back and then walks away - calmly.

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>Location: MRD Spire
>Time: 6:30 PM

>Chase waits outside of the MRD's Spire entrance, as his puzzled MRD agents stand behind him.

"Sir? Why are we waiting outside? The convoy was trashed and Sacrament's whereabouts are unknown."

>Shaking his head, Chase taps at his watch, saying:

"Probability powers at work. They'll be here."


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>Chase motions at Matrix with his hand, from across the street. As Matrix begins to walk towards Chase - he's suddenly knocked back by a volley of blasts. As Sacrament is knocked out of his arms, Matrix rolls to the floor - looking up to see Fracture aiming a blaster at him from across the street.

"Been looking for you chrome head."

>Flanked on either side of Fracture are CopyCat and Capgras - with Aquarius hovering in the air, surrounded by a surge of water.

"We'll be taking the girl now, and sending her to the Helixers - like we promised."

>Capgras grabs Sacrament with her arm, looking smug.

"Told you we'd get you back, runt."

>Sacrament remains uncharacteristically silent, looking away.

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>As the massive surge of water rushes away, the MRD all look dejected and frustrated. They also look angry at themselves as Chase looks to them all, saying:

"It's not your fault. They tricked us, and waited for this 'Matrix' to bring Sacrament right to us. But now they've made themselves public enemy number one of the MRD."

>Adjusting his sunglasses, Chase then says:

"Effective immediately, I'm requisitioning most of the MRD's available resources towards search and rescue operations. Reconnaissance, tactical information gathering and infiltration protocols are all fair game now. Our main priority is the safety of Sacrament, and the defeat of the Breakers now!"

>The MRD all cheer with renewed motivation, immediately getting to work and beginning to scatter with their new resource allocations.

>As the MRD agents all run away with renewed energy, Chase slowly turns around and walks towards Matrix, his hands in his pocket.

"You're the new kid, Jericho."

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>Location: Breaker HQ
>Time: 7:00 PM

>Looking at the broken holographic disc on the floor, Fracture shouts in frustration as he hits himself on the head multiple times.

"So that's why she finally shut up for once! I knew it was too good to be true!"

>Capgras is seething with anger, as well as general embarrassment.

"We've been made fools of! And now the MRD think we're the ones who took her!!!!"

"They're gonna be here man! We've gotta move!"

>Muttering, Fracture looks down at the broken disc, sighing in an exasperated tone of voice as he says:

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>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential Area
>Time: 7:30 PM
>A few minutes later MRD Hovercraft flies over the residential area of Sanctuary City. As it hovers, cloaked over the residential housing purchased for management personnel at Archeon, it remains pulsating with electricity and blue energy - ever so faintly.

>Inside of the main pilot's seat, Matrix presses a few buttons as a bunch of wires from his suit are roughly integrated into the dashboard.

"It's a work in progress, but I think I managed to get cloaking for this hovercraft."

>In the other seat, Sacrament shrugs as she says:

"Meh, not as cool as Mosaic's Aurora. It's way sleeker than this pile of junk."

>Matrix gives an annoyed sigh as Sacrament laughs:

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>Date: January 30th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Downtown
>Time: 8:00 PM

>Faint roaring diffuses through the city streets as a large armored vehicle swerves by cars. Astonished pedestrians and MRD agents watch as the vehicle barrels down the street, blaring with a set of large flames. The embers illuminate the neatly paved roads of Sanctuary City - contrasting with the metallic and rigid design of the vehicle itself.

>The Manifold, Mosaic's personal ground vehicle transport, intersects with an entry road onto the highway of Sanctuary City's upper structure. As the vehicle rushes onto the higher levels of the city with the structural overpass, faint pulsing emanate from the front head lights of the Manifold.

>Inside of the Manifold's interior and in the driver's seat, Mosaic looks at his dashboard carefully. Lenses narrowing at the report shown at his side:

["3rd Brigadier attack since Phobos's arrest."]

>Sighing, he then flips his finger across the screen - disabling the news report function of the system's UI.

"Soon it'll be the 4th, unless I figure out what they're after."
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>Date: January 31st, 2017
>Location: Archeon Complex
>Time: 2:00 PM

>After greeting everyone in the conference room, exchanging formalities and finishing up preparations, Aiden goes to the main briefing room of the Complex, preparing to give the Earnings Call presentation for Archeon Incorporated.

{"Here goes nothing…"}

>Confident in his performance, Aiden relays the good news to investors.

"We've beat expectations by around $4.00 EPS, exacerbated by better than expected supply chain establishment for our products. We've also seen substantial year over year growth in our core energy production business, with more companies signing onto our clean energy initiative."

>Aiden continues the call, outlining Archeon's financial situation.

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>Everyone in the lobby immediately recognizes what happened, with Aiden himself jumping backwards, gaining his composure quickly. As people in the lobby record the scene - they can see the form of Mosaic, restraining the silver clad ninja with both hands, while saying:

"I get that you hate big business, but trying to kill a guy in broad daylight? That's just messed up man!"

>Mosaic then flips the silver clad warrior around and kick flips him into the ceiling with both feet - from a laying down position.

>The cameras in people's cell phones also capture this maneuver, as Mosaic jumps up and walks to everyone.

"You alright? Ma'am are you OK? Sir? Everyone?"

>People in the Archeon lobby nod quickly as Mosaic gestures for them to evacuate the premises.

"And you? Mister Grayson? Not your biggest fan, but still wanted to know if you were OK."

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>Annoyed, Shirai then closes his eyes for a moment behind his mask, opening them to reveal unique, red pupils with a set of black markings on them.

>Confused for a moment, Mosaic then detects the release of an immense amount of energy in the surrounding area. Not exactly knowing what it is, he then braces himself:

"Are you prepared, insect?"

"Stop calling me that. Seriously. It's not as imposing as you think-"

>Shirai then rushes Mosaic with a flurry of sword strikes, fast enough to cut through air. Mosaic dodges most of the attacks with blindly fast speed of his own, but winces as one of the attacks scrapes his leg - grazing his skin.

>Surprised, he then looks as the nanite structure of his suit immediately repairs the damage.

"….It is."

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>Slowly looking upward at Mosaic from the ruins of the bench, Shirai's eyes glow with a faint red light. The markings on his eyes grow more complex as more intricate designs are manifested by the red glow. The black markings from before are more numerous and granular, and far more sophisticated as well.

"It is true. You are powerful enough to further develop my replicant eyes. The Chakra flow, its sheer quantity….it is overflowing….."

>Slowly standing up, Shirai basks in the newfound energies he seems to be manifesting, before turning his attention towards Mosaic. Still feeling considerably sore from the battle so far, Shirai winces behind his mask as he states:

"….Well done….Mosaic. I will concede our battle on this day. However, I will return within a few days, to conclude our battle. The Grayson man is safe - until our battle concludes. That you have my word on now."

>Pressing his hands together, Shirai then surprises Mosaic by bowing and lowering his head - before slowly rising back up to a standing position, and disappearing in a flash of particles and energy.

>Left standing in the parking lot alone, Mosaic groans and rubs his lenses.

"Was going to tell him that I figured out his weakness, but I guess that can wait until the final fight then, I suppose."

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>Across the world. . .

>Steam rises from a hot spring, the hot air from it making it particularly thick as it hits the chilled air created by the thick snow from the mountains around it.

>Inside the water, a lone silhouetted woman sits, bathing in the water, positioned to watch the sun rise over the mountains that the onsen overlooks. Behind her, a wall banner of black and red slowly sways in the wind, the charge of the banner taken up by a single red kanji - the symbol for an owl.

>As the woman rests in the water, her shoulders drop, the source of which is soon revealed as the presence of another person, their body covered from head to toe in combat armour, and their face covered by a featureless mask. Shifting slightly to the one side, she lets out a sigh.

"[I know. . .]"

>The figure says nothing in reply.

"[Prepare a plane, it needs to be dealt with. . .]"

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>Date: January 20th, 2016
>Location: Sanctuary City - Residential District
>Time: 10:00 PM

>A figure in a dark suit, cape and sophisticated cowl glides through the air. The cold breeze of the air presses against the figure's suit as they glide across air currents. Situated against the backdrop of Sanctuary City, the capital city of Meta-Humanity, bright lights from large metropolitan skyscrapers remain in the distance.

{"Reports of a psychic Meta-Human. He seems stronger than most."}

>The figure then lands on a nearby rooftop - gracefully gliding as he comes to a standstill at the edge of a high-rise mansion. Overlooking the neighborhood, he focuses his lenses on a series of force bursts across the street. Recognizing the description of the psychic Meta-Human, he then says to himself:

"Well what do you know? He's exactly what the reports said. Powerful."

>The figure then jumps into the air, extending his cape again as the nanomesh material begins to glide - carrying him forward once again.
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>Mosaic looks at Dynamo directly in the lenses, calmly responding:

"Because I don't operate within the purview of the Meta-Human Response Division. If I did, I'd be more in the dark about situations that clearly require an informed response."

>Silent for a moment, Dynamo sighs and then shakes his head.

"There's no point hounding you over this. I'll assume you found out about the name on your own."

>Mosaic makes a gesture with his hand, conveying a sense of obvious thought.

"You didn't name it, so of course I didn't breach your systems. Still, Doctor Weber can still help us."

>Looking past Dynamo, Mosaic walks towards Doctor Weber, picking up the canister along the way and activating a small nanite burst - neutralizing a backup mechanism in the dispersal system. Then handing the safely disarmed canister to Doctor Weber, he says:

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>Dr Weber nods.

"I can do that easily, immediate response takes priority over my research."

>After Mosaic whispers in her ear, the doctor narrows her eyes and looks at Dynamo.

"Apologies, I need to clarify something with this man here. . ."

>Turning away from the others so they can't eavesdrop, she lowers her voice.

{"He had not, and I can imagine why he had not. What are you thinking, doing something so dangerous? I know we see each other rarely, but do you think I do not worry about you. . . I suppose that makes your sister Hyperia as well? Of course it does. . ."}

>With a sigh, Dr Weber shifts her stance a little.

{"If you're anything like your father, I won't be able to convince you otherwise, just keep safe, ok?"}


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>Mosaic nods, coughing into his fist in an embarrassed gesture.

{"Sorry Mom. I figured that Dad didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry about me or Phoebe. But now that you know…..thank you."}

>Nodding at her, he then says with a low voice:

{"And yes, I'll keep safe. You have my word there Mom. I promise."}

>Turning around, Mosaic walks back at Omnius, who's just reappeared with a pack of candy bars for Speedrunner.

"Thanks for that. Like I said, Hyperia will be very happy to hear that. Also….."

>Pointing at the MRD, Mosaic then elaborates:

"Can you track down their leader? Any kind of psychic signature they're giving off? I know there's not much to go with, but we don't have many leads."


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>Omnius drops the candy on the ground next to Speedrunner.

"It shouldn't be a problem."

>Omnius remains still for several moments, appearing focused despite his face being hidden by his helmet.

"Found them."

>Omnius looks at Mosaic.

"They keep moving all over the place really quickly. But they aren't hard to follow along, since they're pretty much broadcasting their presence to the world."


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>Mosaic thinks for a moment, placing his hand to his mask as he considers his options.

"….Alright. He's likely keeping his presence open out of carelessness. I doubt he knows you're…."

>Mosaic looks at the MRD performing repair operations in the distance, then leans in to Omnius to say:

"…..Telepathic. The less they know about that, the better."

>Leaning backwards, he then says:

"Well, our work here is done. We'll regroup and figure out what to do later. For now, let's get you both something to eat. Actual food."

>Helping Speedrunner to her feet, Mosaic helps her walk with Omnius as he states:

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