/simu/ - Simulacrum

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>Date: April 10th, 2017
>Location: S.C. - Downtown Metro Area
>Time: 8:25 AM

"Get the civilians out of here! NOW!"

>An MRD platoon trooper says to his regiment, as dozens of MRD hovercraft form a makeshift barricade around the open plaza. Downtown looks similar to Times Square in New York City - a large interconnecting network of streets, billboards, signs and various stands in-between.

"We're pinned down! Too much heavy fire!"

"Your armor's designed to withstand most firearms! What's the issue?!"

"It's not the gunfire! It's the literal fire!"

>As the MRD trooper continues to communicate with his commanding officer - another massive fireball rains down from above, around the size of a bus. The resulting immolation and pressurization of the air begins to rapidly burn away at the metal casing of the hovercraft vehicles. The smell of burning alloys slowly fills the air.

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>Paramour and the rest of the Meta-Humans look on in astonishment - before turning their attention back to Valkyrie.

"So…do we get her?"

>Laughing slowly, Thrasher cracks his enormous knuckles as he then says:

"Don't see why not? Boss didn't say no, so-"

>In a split second, Valkyrie moves at speeds that she hasn't demonstrated before. Surprised, Thrasher can barely react as he's knocked back hundreds of feet - and driven into the ground material of the road - causing it to stagger and break apart.


>Before Paramour can even blink - she's punched unconscious with a strong fist strike. The same occurs to Whipsaw, Micron and Imperia. As the Meta-Humans are knocked out, Valkyrie then says:

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>High above the Spire - Aisha and Derelict continue flying around rapidly, firing blasts of concentrated matter at each other. Aisha is firing caustic metals which begin to combust in the air - with significant force and energy. The shockwave of the explosions is enough to partially weaken Derelict's air shield - but not enough to deter her.

"Nhgghhh! I'm not done yet!"

>Holding out her hand, Derelict herself moves to generate acidified solutions - creating a massive surge of acid rain that begins to fall on Aisha's own air barrier. Careful to maintain the structural integrity of her air barrier - Aisha knows that if she loses concentration for even a second - even she could be in serious trouble.

{"She's more cunning than I thought - and acid? She's willing to kill me at this point. That's dangerous, and I need to disarm her."}

>Before she can react though, Derelict rushes towards Aisha - breaking both of their barriers as they begin flying towards the ground below under their own power. As they both slam into the ground - the road beside them seemingly evaporates and dissolves into nothingness, as their bodies aren't affected in any way.

"Gyah! Damn you!'

>Aisha kicks Derelict off with a charged blast of condensed air - knocking her high into the air and sending her flying backwards.

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>In a brief blink of space-time, Mosaic appears in-between Aisha and Derelict, the cause of their immediate disarmament.


"Unbind me right now, Mosaic! Aisha is mine to fight!"

>Ignoring both of them, Mosaic turns to Valkyrie and says:

"You did a phenomenal job taking down Thrasher just now."

>Muttering to herself, Valkyrie feels her face flush red suddenly - likely out of embarrassment at the compliment.

"….Shut up. I did my job."

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>Mosaic then looks out in the distance, stating:

"There's one more situation to deal with."

>Nodding, Valkyrie adjusts her arm slightly with her hand - as her body continues to heal. She then says:

"The flying Meta-Human around the highway. Apparently he looks a lot like Centurion? But Centurion's in containment currently. MRD headquarters just checked that."

>Nodding, Mosaic then makes a gesture with his hand - creating a bright white light that manifests a being in front of them.

>The being, seemingly bewildered by their sudden displacement, looks at Mosaic with anger in their eyes.


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>Immediately beginning to panic, Valkyrie then places her hands to her head as she says:

"Oh no. Nonononononono. No! Not again! Not him! Fucking shit! God damnit!"

>Mosaic then waves her down as he says:

"I don't know what her name is - but I can sense her. She's got an energy signature that's similar to Chiral's but is also different. Almost like…."

>Irritated, Valkyrie turns her attention back towards Mosaic, as she states:

"Almost like what, Mosaic?! You just told me that the worst problem that this city has ever had - is back, but as a woman now!"

>Sighing, Mosaic then says:

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>Date: April 5th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City - Financial District
>Time: 10:00 PM

>Blaring alarms go off in the middle of the Sanctuary City banking square. A centralized location for various local, regional and federal banking agencies. As footsteps get louder, the cause of the noises quickly barrels across the street. Running away from a bank vault and bank entrance, a group of Brigadiers continue moving quickly in the direction of their getaway van.

"Hurry the fuck up! The MRD's gonna catch us if you don't haul ass!"

"You think I don't fucking know that dipshit? Shut the fuck up and move!"

"Guys! It's already on the news! Fuckin' helicopter's tailin' us!"

>One of the Brigadiers points upward, diverting their collective attention towards the eavesdropping news helicopter. As the news crew continues covering the scene, they detail their report.

"….nd there are five members of the infamous 'Brigadier' Meta-Human gang, quickly moving away from the scene of the bank heist! They appear to be convening on a narrow street corner on the intersection of Maine and Rogers street. Potentially a getaway vehicle waiting for them! Channel 5 SCTV is continuing to pursue the criminals and will continue to provide eyewitness commentary of the situation!"
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>Location: Sanctuary City - Business District
>Time: 5:30 PM

>Arachnid carefully flips in-between attacks from a humanoid robot in armor, wielding a blaster and firing energy beams at him. As he continues avoiding attacks, doing everything he can to avoid being overpowered by the pressure of the robot - he then shouts:

"When you said that we were going to be doing more training today, this is not what I had in mind!"

>Barreling towards the nearby door to the floors below, Arachnid narrowly misses another energy beam blast. Keeping his composure, he then says:

"Well shit. I guess it's working! The training I mean!"

>Noticing his increased reaction times, Arachnid then dives back out from under cover - firing concentrated silk bursts at the robot - specifically at weak spots designed to stiffen up its inner workings. As the robot starts to slow down, Arachnid continues firing webbing at it rapidly - causing it to completely stop moving as well.

"Not bad. Your fastest work yet."
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>Looking at the robot more carefully, Arachnid then says:

"….So it's an adaptational android? An adaptoi-"

"Already considered that nickname - not bothering."

>Arachnid then walks back to Mosaic, asking him more questions:

"So why'd you make it?"

>Crossing his arms for a moment, Mosaic then says:


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>Arachnid looks clearly freaked out, as Mosaic commands Omnikron to return to its default appearance.

"Holy shit….Glad the android's on our side."

>Nodding, Mosaic then taps his ring against the chest armor of the Omnikron android - converting it into energy and absorbing said glowing energy into his ring. Looking back at Arachnid, he then says:

"I've got a few more contingencies planned. Omnikron is just the first. I've got to be ready, just in case anything ever happens to us."

>Nodding, Arachnid then looks down at the mobile terminal in his jacket. After taking it out, he flips it open and begins typing on it.

>Then he scans the skies above the rooftop with a bright red light - that stretches out seemingly for miles. After a few moments, the light dies down and he looks at the results.

"…..No interference. Comms will work long range."

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>Nodding, Arachnid then prepares to swing away on a silk strand - before turning to Mosaic to state:

"I also thought about what you said the other day. About Bella."

>Mosaic looks at Arachnid, making a gesture with his hand as he says:

"I've only met Blake a few times, but I'll just say she's definitely…..'unique'. I won't ask you to do anything on my behalf regarding her business. We're rivals, and that's that. If you truly do love her though, and you're willing to handle the struggles of a relationship? Then go tell her how you feel - but only after you've spent enough time with her."

>Arachnid nods, but then asks:

"You say that from experience?"

>Mosaic nods as he responds:

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>Location: Sanctuary City - Archeon Incorporated - The Prism
>Time: 10:00 PM

>Mosaic finishes preparing the nanite architecture equipment that he's designed, in preparation for all the potential Meta-Humans that he could face in the coming days. After finishing the preparations, he then walks away from the work bench and slowly makes his way up - towards the large supercomputer on the upper level of the Prism.

>Once he reaches the supercomputer, he sits down in his chair and slowly removes his helmet. Shaking his head quickly, he fixes his hair somewhat, before running his hand through it - to properly style it. He then looks down at the ring on his gloved finger - faintly glowing now that he's focusing on it. The ring pulsates with a mixture of unique magical energies, as he reminisces about the past.

"…..I've come this far. There's no reason to stop now, Aiden. Don't let it all be in vain. Ever."

>Initially considering another fly through of the city to patrol it directly, Mosaic then decides against that approach. Instead, he presses a few keys on his keyboard with one of his hands - as his other hand still wraps around his helmet. Bringing up a feed, he can see thousands of small nanite "insect" drones - indistinguishable from actual insects at a glance.

"….When was the last time I just gave myself a rest? Just one night of rest…."

>Looking over the live feeds of the miniature insects, he then says:

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>Date: August 25th, 2019
>Location: Metro City - Financial District
>Time: 7:00 AM

>A motorcycle quickly drives down the streets of the metropolitan city, narrowing a nearby turn as the vehicle continues chugging light fumes.


>The motorcycle continues weaving its way down the street as it goes faster and faster. After a few minutes, it reaches its destination - a large hospital building.

"Perfect. Right on time."

>Parking the bike, the figure gets off of it and take off their helmet - revealing a mane of midnight black hair. Yawning, the man then carries his helmet as he walks inside the building.

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>Aiden then sees a woman being cornered by a bunch of figures - humanoid but clearly monstrous.

{"What the? Are those monsters?! Ohhh that's not good!"}

>Instinctively running towards the woman, cornered, he then hears her start to shout.

"Someone please! Help me!"

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

>Aiden jumps onto one of the figures - immediately feeling a chill going down his spine.


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>Being knocked down and blown far back - Aiden skids on the floor again, coughing. As he rubs his eyes, he then looks up.

{"Hopefully that did it! Not much of a fighter anymore, but I've still got my instincts!"}

>Slowly rising to his feet, Aiden winces for a moment before he then stands up straight. Placing a hand to his shoulder, he breathes slowly, thinking:

{"OK. I think I have them down - whatever they are!"}

>To his dismay, the very same figures slowly start walking out of the fire - in flames, but still walking.

"Uh oh…."

>Steeling his nerves, Aiden then thinks:

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>Starting to pace around the large area near the edge of the street, Aiden then continues speaking to the seemingly sentient program.

"Alright. So how do I become a Driver?"

>The program responds in his ear buds.

"Authenticate through the phrase "Transformation". Once bestowed with the Driver Belt, state the phrase: "Driver, Engage"."

>Nodding, Aiden puts the phone away back in his jacket - as he instinctively begins to move without thinking. Assuming a combat stance, Aiden then stretches out his hand - slowly moving it across the air as he speaks:


>In that moment, a black mass with red and gold light forms around his waist - with a futuristic belt appearing. Not even noticing the belt, Aiden then says:

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>The Shades instinctively recoil at the energies that emanate from the masked warrior - causing them to scream in an unnatural cadence.

>One of the Shades rushes Black, attempting to lunge at him. While this happens, Black immediately leaps forward - somersaulting. Evading the strike, he then lands behind the Shade and strikes them in the back.

>The Shade then screams loudly once more, as Black grabs it from behind and flips it over. As it lands on the ground, he then jumps into the sky - somersaulting again. His right boot then immediately catches fire - burning with a supernatural red and black flame as he shouts:


>Slamming into the Shade, it immediately catches into flames and burns - disintegrating into ash. The remaining 4 Shades look on in surprise and astonishment, recoiling as Black lands on his feet, kneeling.

"The instrument of divine retribution!"

>Posing once more, Black continues:

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>As the flames continue to burn, Black then thinks for a moment, before shaking his head.

"Ngghh. What happened…."

>Looking around, Black's memories begin to return as he states:

"Did I….do that? Huh."

>Turning his gaze to the damaged and burning form of his motorcycle, Black sighs as he then states:

"Well, I'm gonna need to save up for a new one then."

>In the back of his mind, the same program speaks to Black, seemingly from a disembodied voice.

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>Date: April 4th, 2017
>Location: Archeon Midwestern Manufacturing Facility
>Time: 2:30 PM

>Mosaic touches down in the manufacturing facility - looking around. As he sees the partial wreckage of the place in question, he stares in disbelief for a moment. Large fires explode in plumes as workers rush to evacuate the scene - not paying attention to Mosaic's sudden presence. At the same time, he then looks around for any sign of the cause - only to then realize:


>Looking at the distorted figure of a being slowly walking through the fires and towards him, Mosaic quickly makes out his form and appearance. As the figure of the costumed Meta-Human becomes more pronounced, Mosaic then scoffs as he says:

"I figured as much. The Champion clones looked a bit too much like you. Moved a like you too."

>Scratching his chin, Mosaic then says:

"Hit harder though. So I'd say they were an upgrade overall-"
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>A few minutes later, Hyperia Scalar and Omnius all arrive, as Aiden finishes recounting his story to all of them - with Miranda using her telepathy to provide context from Aiden's point of view regarding his past memories.

"…Then after that, the other Aiden - or Magisterus, he just completely destroyed Faust's essence. I couldn't feel it then - but it looked like Faust was getting completely destroyed on a fundamental level. Not just physically but also mentally, spiritually and more."

>Hyperia, still focused on Faust's threats towards her, her sister, Miranda and her mother - finds herself enveloped with a quiet, but almost uncontrollable rage.

"He's lucky enough to no longer exist. That's the only thing I can say about that murderous piece of trash."

>Almost feeling his neck being crushed by her own outstretched hands, Hyperia says:

"I'd almost wish I could do the honors myself, and beat Faust to a pulp - again and again…."

>Chimera nods slowly, a similar rage building inside of him.

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>Aiden gives Chimera a blank stare, going:

"Is that really necessary?"

>Chimera shrugs:

"Maybe I'm just proud of my little cousin - seeing how much he's grown. Visual signifiers and all that."

>Scowling, Aiden then looks down at the ring and closes his eyes to focus. A wall of bright red light then envelops him - revealing his new outfit as Mosaic.

>Almost serving as a red constrast to Chimera's blue design, the more arcane and magic-oriented design of the armor contrasts neatly against Chimera's own futuristic armor set.

"About what I expected, not bad. You look better than you did in that grim reaper reject design."

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>Nodding, Mosaic then says:

"Well. You guys can go back now. Magisterus, or I guess Magister, took care of the situation for us. I'll take the long way home - since I need time to think…."

>Miranda studies Aiden for a moment, saying:

"….If you don't mind? I'll go with him. I know you brought the Aurora to come here Aiden - and I know it seats two."

>Groaning, Mosaic then relents as he looks at Chimera.

"Hey, I know better than to get between my sister and her toy."

>Chimera salutes to Mosaic and the rest before disappearing in a flash of light.

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>Thinking for a moment, Mosaic then makes a swirling gesture with his hands - causing a red light to appear. The form of the Aurora then appears above - having been transported to their location. Taking Miranda's hand, Mosaic then slowly hovers them both inside of the machine from below.

>Once inside the cockpit, Mosaic checks to make sure that Miranda is sitting comfortably in the back seat - before placing his hand on the synaptic controls.


>To his surprise, the controls immediately respond - confirming to him that his old suit has been integrated into the current one.

"Well, that's good to know."

>He then charts a course back to Sanctuary City - taking the long way, for Miranda to talk to him.


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>Location: Swiss Alps
>Time: 10:00 [Relative to Sanctuary City]

>Mosaic appears outside of a large, elaborate house, situated on the edges of the Swiss Alps. Remote, and far removed from most areas of the country - Mosaic then knocks on the door. Having teleported here under his own magical power, Mosaic then waits for the door to open.

"Hello, sorry I was busy taking a call-"

>Confused for a moment, Silas takes a step back, surprised by the imposing armored figure before him.

"Well, um sir if this is about something involving the United Nations-"

"Dad, it's me."

>Mosaic takes his helmet off and shakes his hair around, revealing the face of Aiden Grayson underneath.

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>Date: April 4th, 2017
>Location: Unknown
>Time: 6:00 AM

>A series of lights flicker on inside of a dark and decrepit structure - deep underground. A subterranean labyrinth of crossed wires and metallic plating. Loud foot steps echo across the walls as a single figure slowly walks down the hall. As the hooded figure arrives at the nearest door, they then say:

"About fucking time I found this place."

>The figure then kicks the door down - sending it flying with immeasurable force. As they slowly walk into the large, open room, they witness a large number of pods in the room - with figures slowly hovering inside of them. Without even flinching, the figure then waves his hand - generating a massive surge of force, which is enough to rupture the containment seals and blast them open as the bodies fall out.

>Walking past the bodies, the hooded figure makes its way to single, larger pod in the back center of the room. Ripping it open, he then watches as a costumed figure falls out of the pod - coughing in pain.


>The costumed being continues rapidly coughing in air as they slowly recollect themselves.

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>Chase then holds up his hand, making a gesture to Mosaic to hold himself back.

"Hey. Hey! Grayson!"

>Mosaic then falls silent, giving Chase enough time to breathe and sigh. After recollecting himself for a few moments, he then says:

"….After what you did, he was arrested and processed. As far as I can tell, he was subjected to the same experiment they'd later do to me."

>Mosaic raises a lens on his mask.

"….The Metanium experiments. I thought the government destroyed all the remaining trace elements?!"

>Chase averts his eyes, a mixture of embarrassment and shame on his face as Mosaic slowly points a finger at Chase, oscillating his finger back and forth as he understands the implication.

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>Location: The Prism - Subterranean Base
>Time: 2:00 PM

"OK but I still don't understand why you have to do this."

>Arachnid says, protesting as Mosaic continues structuring the cultivation of nanites on his workbench.

"He's my problem, Damian. Not yours. Bastard never could help himself."

>Arachnid then webs over to the other side of the bench - hanging upside down in a "yo-yo" fashion.

"Yeah but who is this guy? He's just one dude! I don't know if that's enough to just leave the city, going on a chase for him-"

>Mosaic immediately cuts him off, as he continues tuning nanite structures and fabricates more items for his utility belt.

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>Location: Skies above the United States - hundreds of miles from Sanctuary City
>Time: 2:30 PM

>The Aurora continues flying through the air at supersonic speeds - gradually generating a massive current of air around it as the advanced vehicle maintains its trajectory and altitude. Inside of the cockpit of the vehicle, Mosaic takes his hand off of one of the tactile synaptic controls. Using that free hand, he taps a message on the dashboard of the Aurora, recording an audio message.

"Hyperia. Scalar. I'm making a trip to the Midwest. The region around Oklahoma. It's likely that Faust is going to attack the largest manufacturing facility that Archeon has - the core Complex megastructure that's used for central distribution of core infrastructure and components."

>As the Aurora continues flying in the air, he continues speaking in the recording.

"Get Omnius out here if you can, Hyperia. I know you're not on the greatest terms with him - but we're going to need the strongest psion we have to take Faust down. Rendezvous with my coordinates when I land. We'll need to hit him with everything we've got, and put him down for good this time."

>Ending the recording and sending the message through an encrypted feed, he then leans back in his seat as he sighs.

"…..He couldn't just let it go. Typical."
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>Location: ???
>Time: 2:30 PM

>In a large expanse of empty plains, two figures stand in place - across from each other. One of the figures is a woman with long, flowing black hair. Her body is adorned in elaborate combat garb, medieval knight inspired with reinforced plating. She is alone, yet standing tall and commanding an aura of strength to her form.

>The other figure, is the hooded figure from before. A long, elaborate garb covers his armored body, with his armor being more modern reinforced plating and material. A bright golden mask with skull elements covers his face - hiding his identity effectively.

"As you said, 'Faust'. The deal is made. You will continue to bring me potential servants in the form of those destitute MRD prisoners - and I will continue to utilize these….'Champions' as you have called them - to attack the Archeon corporation. Your motives elude me, but I care not for your inadequacies and resentments towards this business."

>Faust then snorts as he says in a somewhat mocking tone of voice.

"Sure thing, princess Maeve. Besides, my catch is almost here…..I can sense him."

>Giving a loud and exasperated sigh, Faust then chuckles to himself, stating:

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>Location: The Prism - Subterranean Base
>Time: 2:30 PM

>Hyperia and Scalar have returned to the Prism to listen to Mosaic's last recorded message. After doing so, they look at each other for a moment with Hyperia stating:

"Ugh. I'm going to have to call Orion."

>Scalar blinks for a moment, stating:

"Wait. Don't you have him on speed dial since-"

"Not another word, Jonah."

>Scalar shrugs sheepishly, saying:

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>Date: March 30th, 2017
>Location: ????
>Time: Indeterminate

"This is untenable."

>A pair of small rocks tumble to the ground, near the edge of the beach sands. The large archipelago like structure - reminiscent of an island, stretches on for infinity in various directions. The blue open skies are accentuated by a cool breeze carried by the wind. The waters of the surrounding ocean seemingly push their way closer and closer to the edges of the beach sands.

>Iblis slowly picks up another rock and tosses it across the ocean. As he does so, his mind wanders back - flashes of memories rising to the mental periphery of his thoughts. Wincing, he can envision the large, grand structures of the floating lands - Thaumia in all of its architectural glory.

"Infernal saboteurs, the lot of them. I should've rendered them non-existent when I had the chance."

>Shaking his head, Iblis then flicks a large portion of his flowing black hair out of his eyes as he turns his attention back towards the small den on the edge of the beach. Thinking to himself for a moment, he then says:

{"To hell with it. I won't be a burden to my people any longer. They deserve their vengeance, even if I have to rely on humans to achieve it."}
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"…She did what?"

>Doctor says, spinning around and quickly moving to run towards Magister - catching up with him and standing in front of him.

"How in the actual fuck is that even considered teaching?"

>Magister gives Doctor a look of equal annoyance, as he makes a sarcastic gesture with his gloved hands - bringing them out from underneath his cloak.

"Imagine what I was thinking at the time. A 16 year old boy thrown into a massive, cosmic responsibility that he couldn't even hope to comprehend. Yet my "teacher" decided the best course of action for remedying my 'problematic characteristics' - was doing exactly what you're thinking right now. Yeah, she did all of it."

>Magister then starts walking past Doctor, moving towards the Observatory Deck which will allow him easy access back to his universe. All the while, Doctor is walking sideways - keeping pace with him while asking him questions.

"You didn't tell anyone about it? Thoth. Pasithea. Odin. Prometheus? No one?"

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>Location: Sanctum (Earth-1) - "Locus Scientia" - Room of Knowledge
>Time: Hours Later

"No, this isn't what I need. Where's the Astral reconfiguration matrix tome?"

>Magister tosses a tome aside - not watching as it remotely flies away back towards its place on a bookshelf. As he continues looking for what he needs, he hears a voice from down the hall.

"Tough day, Sorcerer Supreme?"

>Looking up, Magister sighs as he looks at the man leaning on the side of a bookcase - at the end of the aisle.

"What are you doing here, Prometheus?"

>The mythological being leans off the bookshelf and begins walking towards Magister. Sporting midnight black hair and deep blood red eyes similar to his former pupil's - the Titan then stands before Magister, looking him straight in the eyes.

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>Prometheus, completely unphased by his former pupil's rage, simply shrugs nonchalantly again at the accusation.

"Of course I knew, Aiden. You were, and frankly still are, my pupil. My responsibility. I would've been a terrible judge of character had I not been able to discern the change in disposition of a mere sixteen year old."

>Shaking his head again, Magister pushes himself away from the table in anger as he puts a gloved hand to his head - still reeling from the weight of the revelation.

"Then all this time….You could've said something - but you didn't. You saw me there just….grappling with my feelings. My emotions. Why didn't you say something? Anything…..Why didn't you-"

"Because it made you stronger."

>Silent again, Magister slowly turns his attention back towards Prometheus, stating:

"….You sound like her. As careless and reckless and borderline sociopathic as her. She doesn't even care about you as a person! All she sees is a collection of structural components. Cogs in a cognitive machine. She doesn't respect you. She doesn't acknowledge you. So why in the hell would you ever take her side?"

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>Magister is silent for a moment, not responding to any statements by Prometheus.

"For the past year or two after having graduated from your training, I have seen the manner in which you carry yourself, Aiden. The formality, the almost regal nature of your appearance and body language. Your eclectic capacity for sophisticated wording. A tendency very clearly inspired by my own vernacular."

>The Titan of Knowledge and Fire then looks directly at Magister through his sunglasses.

"Much like you are with Odin - you are very clearly mirroring my behavioral patterns and appearance - in an attempt to reinvent yourself as a logician. An erudite being driven only by logic and consequence. Structure, knowledge and rationality. That is commendable - but you have been limiting yourself by the very same emotional quandary that has driven Sorceress Igestis to take…..drastic actions as you would call them."

>Magister then finally speaks.

"My connection to my emotions, and my past. Sentiment."

>Prometheus nods.

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>Magister nods, slowly as he responds:

"That I am more than willing to concede. Whether that's because of egocentrism or a vainglorious desire for self-validation, I can't say. What I can say though - is that I achieve the intended results of my actions."

>Prometheus nods again, approvingly.

"That you do, Sorcerer Supreme. You do not require any more guidance from me, as I feel you are no longer the vulnerable teenage boy you once were - when the Crystal brought you before us. Instead, I only see a capable young man, willing to forego his own emotional sentimentality for the greater good."

>Magister nods and slowly bows his head in recognition of his teacher.

"Thank you, Prometheus."

>Rising back up, Magister takes a moment to focus - with single-minded determination on his goal. At that moment, a flurry of tomes fill the air. Hundreds, if not thousands of tomes are remotely flying around the library in a perfect configuration sequence - without any issues. As the tomes begin to form definitive flight patters in the large open room - Magister remotely wills one particular tome into his hand in the blink of an eye; grabbing it effortlessly as he looks at the title.

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>Date: March 30th 2017,
>Location: Sanctuary City, MRD Precinct
>Time: 8 PM

>Darkness covers the city like a blanket, with only the city lights illuminating anything. Despite this, the MRD Precinct is as busy as it is any other time of day.

>Various officers come and go, with the occasional criminal or civilian coming in and out of the main building. Inside, things are even more busy as the precinct's staff work hard to keep things moving as quick and smoothly as possible.

>Outside, a young man with brown hair covered nearly from head to toe in obscuring clothes squats behind a dumpster, having managed to get his way into one of the precinct's few security blind spots.

>He appears to be silently working himself up, taking a small ear-piece and putting it on. Afterwards he puts on a ski mask with a pair of sunglasses to hide his identity.

{"Let's do this."}

>The man steps out from behind the dumpster and begins quickly walking towards the building. The moment he steps into view an officer runs in front of him, and places their hand out to stop him.

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"Oh jolly good! Jolly-"

>Orion suddenly breaks the accent entirely while doing both a cough and a laugh.

"Okay. Okay I can't do it anymore. It sounds too ridiculous."

>Now back to his usual posture and way of speaking he takes a moment to think before saying:

"Well how about… tomorrow then? Today is Thursday."

>He stops for a second before correcting himself.

"Oh, right. Time zones. Today is Friday here isn't it? So I guess I mean later today? What time is it anyway?"


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"Roughly 2am, by my reckoning, which means. . ."

>Madeleine yawns.

"I'm quite sleepy. . . and I'd rather it be actually tomorrow, so Saturday, after all, there was an incident at my house last night and I need some time to recover. . ."


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>Orion shrugs.

"Fine by me."

>He takes a moment to look around, before looking back at Madeleine.

"Well I guess I should get out of your hair now. Too bad I can't teleport like your friend. Guess I'm taking the long way home."


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>Madeleine shrugs.

"I would call Blink, but they're very grouchy when they're woken up, so I wouldn't ask them for a trip back."

>Madeleine taps the side of her face to think.

"And I'm pretty certain I no longer have a private jet, from what I remember I sold that among other assets when my father died due to the wastefulness of it."

"But it sounds like you have it sorted, anyway."


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"Yeah, basically. Don't need a plane."

>Orion for a moment wonders if he should do something physical before leaving, like giving a hug. He decides against this and then starts to take a step back.

"Okay. I'll message you sometime later then. See you later Maddie."

>Just before he's reached the door he stops and turns to look at her one final time and says:

"Oh and your taste in anime still sucks. Don't think I'm changing my mind on that just because you were willing to have dinner with me."

>Orion smiles at her one last time before leaving.

>Just like that he's gone, having taken off into the sky like a rocket after leaving the building.

[The End]

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>Date: March 24th, 2017
>Time: 1:00 PM
>Location: Sanctuary City - Hydroponics Sector

"Come on boss….where are you?"

>Arachnid says as he continues hanging on a thin silk strand - above a large metallic pipe overlooking a refinery.

[The Hydroponics Sector of Sanctuary City was a green project originally commissioned to improve water retention and reuse throughout the city. As one of the most populated cities in the world, it was an easy candidate to test the efficacy of a large scale project.]

>Staring through his lenses, Arachnid magnifies the internal zoom - scanning and assessing the situation.

"….Oh no."

>Hostages. Around 10 of them. Refinery workers bound and gagged, and being held at gunpoint by Brigadiers.

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>Location: Sanctuary City - The Spire
>Time: 5:00 PM

>As Chase continues reading his mission reports in a manilla folder, he notices a knock on the door.

"Come in. Door's open."

>Miranda walks into Chase's office, staring directly at him.

"Well, Doctor Grayson, what is it? Is there a psych evaluation that I'm missing?"

>Looking up from his reports, Chase is surprised to see Miranda tearing up significantly. Her eyes are watering and red, as she completely breaks down into sobbing and tears.

"Miranda, I-."
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>Location: Archeon Complex - Skyline
>Time: 5:00 PM

>Mosaic and Arachnid sit on top of the edge of the Archeon incorporated building. As they do so, Arachnid says to Mosaic:

"So yeah, I have a feeling that Amber's not gonna be too happy about you skipping out for the rest of the day. Granted, your allibi is pretty insane honestly."

>Mosaic nods, then states:

"Damian, I'm sorry for keeping that from you. I know I said I had to make it look absolutely convincing, but I still should've told you. If anything else, you're supposed to be my protégé in this line of work. I should act like it and be a far better mentor to you now."

>Arachnid shrugs lightly as he says:

"I'll be honest, I was really scared for a moment. Thought you went off the deep end for whatever reason. I don't know what anybody would do if that was the case."
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>Location: Sanctuary City - Grayson Residence
>Time: 8:00 PM

>In the Residential Sector of Sanctuary City, various houses belonging to wealthy elites are situated throughout the large expanse of land. One of the largest buildings is the Grayson Residence - a large multi-story manor designed and created by Silas Grayson. As Silas lives in Europe currently - this house is now occupied by three of his children: Aiden, Phoebe and Jonah, whenever they choose to use it.

>As Aiden enters the front door using his key, he then locks the door behind him as he notices an aroma in the distance. Carefully tuning his senses to recognize the scent, he then states:


>In the distance, a woman's voice can be heard:

"It's not Penne if that's what you're wondering, mister vigilante."

>Sighing, Aiden then responds by saying:

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>Aiden hesitates for a moment before he then says:

"….She turned me down completely. Basically said that while I'm probably a good person, she doesn't really know me, and doesn't think she's the best fit either - at least not now."

>Phoebe makes a wincing motion as she closes her eyes.

"Oof….Sorry to hear that champ. Though credit to her for realizing that her family's a damn mess. You'll find someone else."

>Phoebe goes back to cooking as Jonah says:

"Well Aiden, you may have avoided a potentially problematic situation. Are you sure you don't want to reconsider your interest in her?"

>Aiden looks aghast at his two siblings, stating:

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>All 3 of them are silent for a moment, as Aiden then says:

"Yeah well, you're right Phoebe. Life does go on. We've saved the city - for good this time, and we've stopped the bad guys. Still got some cleanup to do, but we've made the world a better place - at least I think we did. But we're gonna need to have a talk with dad about the truth - the whole truth now. Book it for next week when he flies in to visit from Europe, Phoebe."

>Phoebe nods.

"Got it."

>Aiden then says to Jonah:

"As for the robot sightings around the country and the rest of the criminals in the city? Jonah, compile a list of records from the MRD's database that we can use to cross reference against material production projects created by Grayson Industries. I have a feeling a lot of bad stuff was happening before Marek took control of the company - including who may be behind our robot problem here."

>Jonah nods and states:

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>Date: March 24th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City, Industrial District - Archeon HQ
>Time: 12:00 PM

"I'll get back to you later. Good to hear about your promotion."

>Aiden puts down the phone as he shuffles a bunch of papers around his desk. Internal assessments, performance indicator reports and general financial documents are then placed neatly into a manilla folder. As he does so, he checks his watch - seemingly unassuming in appearance. After denoting the dual hands pointing straight up, he then thinks to himself:

{"Good. Right on time then."}

>He then slowly stands up and adjusts his shirt as he looks around the office. Moving around his desk carefully, he then picks up a pair of keys. After getting a buttoned jacket from a nearby rack, he puts it on and walks out of the room.

>Time: 12:10 PM
>Location: Sanctuary City Highway
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>Aiden blinks for a moment as he realizes what he's done. Sighing again, he then says:

"Oh no. I doubt I'd ever be that lucky to marry you."

>He says, as a matter of fact. Taking note of Kaiyo's amused response, he then says:

"I suppose that I am at least honest - maybe too honest for my own good."

>Aiden is silent for another moment as he then raises his head. The waitress then appears with food for Kaiyo before quickly leaving. Aiden then resumes his speech:

"….But yes, you do mean a lot to me. I'm not going to lie about that. I….I don't honestly know why, but you do."

>Aiden looks away, cursing under his breath as he feels his cheeks turn red.


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>Kaiyo chortles again.

"What Kaiyo means to say is, the honesty is appreciated, those who typically try to put themselves forward as suitors are not so forthcoming."

>Hiyuki shoots Kaiyo a glare, and she stands up to leave the room.

"But I am afraid your feelings are likely for a false image of me, we all must maintain public images - especially those of us with more to prove thanks to the circumstances of our birth."

>Hiyuki puts her fork down, giving Aiden another fake smile.

"I cannot be the strong woman to fill the hole in your life like you seemingly want, I barely have the strength to keep my family from tearing itself apart."

>Hiyuki takes her glasses off for a moment and wipes them with a cloth without really looking.

"I only tell you that because I know there is little you can do to exploit that, no matter how much your family may wish to do so. I do not have the unbridled ambition and strength of my mother that attracted your father - and you, I suspect."


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>Aiden looks genuinely surprised for a moment before he takes a moment to collect himself. Still sitting upright, he rests his hands on his elbows in a crossed fashion as he looks intently at Hiyuki. After a few more moments, he then says:

"You're stronger than you think, for getting this far in your life - on your own. Don't ever discount that, or sell yourself short, Hiyuki."

>He then looks Hiyuki in the eye more intently, as his demeanor becomes more encouraging in nature:

"I'm not here to get anything from you. I meant that when I said it earlier at your tower - I don't care what your family is like, because I'm only interested in you as a person."

>Then at the mention of her mother's name, Aiden instinctively feels his teeth grit ever so slightly as he slowly looks away.

"….I'll admit, a part of me wants to say that your mother did some really horrible things - and she broke my dad's heart."

>However, Aiden slowly brings his gaze back to Hiyuki, still looking at her intently.

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"I. . . see. . ."

>Hiyuki carefully puts her fork down and stands up.

"While the food was delicious and it was interesting to learn more of your cuisine. . ."

>Hiyuki indicates for Kaiyo to approach her.

"I am afraid I cannot answer your feelings currently, I am sure you are a wonderful man, but I simply do not know you."

>Hiyuki gives Aiden a forced smile.

"So as it is, my answer is no, but that it is not a complete denial, I do wish to speak to you again, and perhaps one day. . ."

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>Aiden looks down at the drive for a moment before sighing again.

{"Nice job, Grayson. Can already hear Phoebe laughing at that."}

>As he stares at the drive for a few more moments, his mind bounces between embarrassment and self-criticism. Afterwards, he takes the drive and begins flicking it between his fingers.

{"Some debonair man you are."}

>Now taking the time to look at his phone, he finally sees the messages sent through text, 3 different messages from 3 different people.

>Aiden reads the first message:

["Phoebe - 'Done wasting your time yet? Whenever you're done, we need to talk to Jonah about the plan to find the labs."]

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>Date: March 28th, 2017
>Location: Sanctuary City, Shopping District
>Time: 11:15 AM

>The ground rumbles, quaking as a man in a shoddily put together, sharp edged metal suit slams into the concrete. He tumbles and rolls, leaving behind a trail of cracks and holes with broken off pieces of metal everywhere.

>Having finally stopped, the man takes a moment to catch his breath - letting out an animalistic growl. He speaks to himself under his breath, as if he were talking to someone else entirely.

"Kill him. We'll kill him."

>The man spits out a bloodied tooth, and then his head jerks to the side. His tone of voice changes.

"My tooth! He made me lose a tooth!"

>Again, the man jerks his head to the side and continues conversion with himself.

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>Orion crashes into the ground, rolling and tumbling across it and through several more trees, causing them to break apart and topple.

>After a few moments of tumbling he finally slams into a large boulder, crashing into it and causing it to crack apart.


>Blood trickles down Orion's face, as he lays still, groaning. Smirking, Rick casually strolls towards him, with his hands in his pockets.

"Ouch. I've never seen someone nearly knock their own head off like that before. Heh."

>He moves closer towards Orion and crouches in front of him, looking him in the eyes. Orion silently stares back, giving a weak glare.

>Rick grabs Orion by chin, digging his fingernails into his skin.

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>Rick lets out another sigh as Orion's body is apparently pulled back, smashing his head back into the rock with a hard thud.


>Slowly, Rick begins to stand up, stretching his arms in front of him and cracking his fingers together.

"Alright. Well, that was fun. But I don't want to keep Mister Thompson waiting for too long."

>His eyes turn towards Orion.

"Now, why don't you be useful and tell me where your sister-"

>A leaf crunches. Ken immediately jerks his head towards it.

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"For fuck's sake…"

>The crunching continues, beginning to sound like something is moving towards him. Now annoyed, he ignores it, and grabs a hold of Orion's arm.

>Noticing a worried expression on Orion's face, Rick tilts his head.

"What the hell are you looking so afraid of? Don't tell me there's actually something here."

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>Rick lets out a scream, and suddenly vanishes - only to re-appear a few feet away, now surrounded by seemingly dozens of these identical monsters.


>In an instant he's knocked to the ground, having been hit in the head from behind.


>Orion stands over Rick, watching as he restlessly grumbles and rolls around in his sleep, complaining about the monsters getting him.

"Shouldn't of let yourself get distracted."

>He opens his palm, revealing the broken remains of the ear-piece. He empties his palm, letting them fall to the ground. Afterwards he grits his teeth, still seething.

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>A few hours later

>Omnius races across the sky in a hurry.

{"God damn piece of shit. Thinks he can just do this. Should've taken care of them when we had the chance."}

>Flying over a seemingly endless field of wheat, weeds and other grasses Omnius lands on the ground, his armored feet causing the ground to rumble.

>Immediately the Earth begins to rip open, as he flings massive chunks of soil out of his way and into the ground.

>This continues for only a few seconds, before he comes across a reinforced concrete exterior. Without hesitation Omnius tears through this as well, and then jumps into the newly made hole.


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